The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I know that feel.

    I don't know about everyone else but from me its really bad. I have depression since childhood but it only got recently really bad. it sucks I have panic attacks now. I hate being a lone.

  • Something to think about might be to just don't act like it's that big of a deal. Making too big a deal about it might draw some unwanted attention, so maybe look for an opportunity when it might be relevant in a conversation. That way, others might accept it as well. Just a theory, but it might be worth considering.

    This may be way too serious, but I uh... just needed to get it off my chest. After being confused for about 2 years, I've finally decided wi

  • thanks GoldenPaladin your a good friend

    I've had anxiety since birth, I got depression around the time of middle school. I have panic attack when it gets too bad. Don't worry, people on here are here for you if you get lonely.

  • It took awhile

    That triforce section, eh? :P

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    It took awhile, but I've beaten The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker at last! It's a very nice game. I played it on the Gamecube and it has a

  • Don't get me started on those fragmented bastards. But yes... that and not knowing you had to burn a curtain in the earth temple to shine light on the Dark ChuChus so you could progress further ;_;

    Green613 posted: »

    It took awhile That triforce section, eh? :P

  • I try, everyone needs at least one person they can go to no matter what.

    thanks GoldenPaladin your a good friend

  • edited July 2015

    that and not knowing you had to burn a curtain in the earth temple to

    Ha, I remember that part ^-^ The part that had me most stuck on was on puppet, Ganon aiming those light arrows was so hard back then now that I think about it :P

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Don't get me started on those fragmented bastards. But yes... that and not knowing you had to burn a curtain in the earth temple to shine light on the Dark ChuChus so you could progress further ;_;

  • Caterpillar Ganon was the worst of them all. Luckily I found out about throwing bombs in his path to stun him in an online guide, that made aiming the arrows significantly easier.

    Green613 posted: »

    that and not knowing you had to burn a curtain in the earth temple to Ha, I remember that part ^-^ The part that had me most stuck on was on puppet, Ganon aiming those light arrows was so hard back then now that I think about it :P

  • edited July 2015

    I actually was watching a 5 hour Wind Waker HD speedrun over the last few days and saw the runner do the bomb trick

    If only I had known that sooner V___V

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Caterpillar Ganon was the worst of them all. Luckily I found out about throwing bombs in his path to stun him in an online guide, that made aiming the arrows significantly easier.

  • edited July 2015

    Im back from da movies i wont spoil

    ok so inside out is a good movie 1 of pixars best in my personal opinion i loved it

    its emotional & funny & overall eye candy

    if u like pixar's previous work this is for u :')

  • edited July 2015

    Going to some social group soon hopefully to meet some new friends. thanks I always love talking my online friends over the love of video games and other things.

    I try, everyone needs at least one person they can go to no matter what.

  • I can't imagine doing that same boss fight over and over again. I only had to do it twice, but with the help of a guide. It must have seriously sucked though.

    On a side note, you seem to be pretty familiar with Zelda, do you have a favorite or any recommendations?

    Green613 posted: »

    I actually was watching a 5 hour Wind Waker HD speedrun over the last few days and saw the runner do the bomb trick If only I had known that sooner V___V

  • Well obviously I really enjoyed Wind Waker, but my favorites are Majoras Mask and Ocarina of Time, A Link to The Past is also very good, Minish Cap for the GBA was surprisingly amazing to me, Twilight Princess I've played a few hours of but it wasn't for me, and I haven't tried Skyward sword yet. I see though that you're moving on to 4 swords adventure which I have played, it's actually very good from what I remember (don't have the disk anymore for it ;___;) I hope you enjoy it ^-^.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I can't imagine doing that same boss fight over and over again. I only had to do it twice, but with the help of a guide. It must have seriou

  • I think my social friends are the only reason I'm not going insane by the loneliness of summer!

    Going to some social group soon hopefully to meet some new friends. thanks I always love talking my online friends over the love of video games and other things.

  • I've played just a tiny bit of Ocarina of Time on VC on the Wii. From what I remember, I didn't give it much of a chance before our Wii stopped working (the cords went missing so I haven't been able to try to fix it.) But I've made plans to get the 3DS versions of both it and Majora's Mask.

    The only other Zelda game I have played a good ways through was Twilight Princess. I liked it a lot then, but I'm not sure if I will now. I haven't been able to play it since I don't have the game anymore and the Wii's out of commission.

    I'll be looking into checking out some of the others; I've heard good things about them. And thanks! :D

    Green613 posted: »

    Well obviously I really enjoyed Wind Waker, but my favorites are Majoras Mask and Ocarina of Time, A Link to The Past is also very good, Min

  • same here being alone is horrible. Good luck GoldenPaladin

    I think my social friends are the only reason I'm not going insane by the loneliness of summer!

  • You too, and if you ever need to chat, my PM box is open.

    same here being alone is horrible. Good luck GoldenPaladin

  • thanks GoldenPaladin

    You too, and if you ever need to chat, my PM box is open.

  • Alt text

    I'm here if you want to talk :3

    Depression sucks, hello insomnia my only friend T_T I thought I got rid of you.......

  • thanks welcome-to-woodbury

    I'm here if you want to talk

  • My new profile pic doesn't look as good as I had hoped.

    :( :( :( :(

  • I don't like his videos because I don't like his style of humour and because I'm not very into let's plays but I have no problems with Félix or anything, can't say I would waste my breath talking smack about him or that there's anything to talk smack about, I mean he seems like a nice enough fella.

    Pewdiepie Responds To Haters. Fuck all the haters. I love PewDiePie but not some of his fans.

  • Alt text

    Waiting is always the hardest. Don't you think?

  • hullo

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    hi guys

    edited July 2015

    Listen, I might sound blunt, but this is the truth.

    There's no place to be indecisive about this kind of thing, you're either sexually attracted to someone or you're not. If you "decided with a degree of certainty that you're bisexual" - you are bisexual. You don't need to question yourself any longer.

    About coming out: your sexuality is not to be paraded or shared with others just for the hell of it, it's a private thing that is yours and only yours to share, you don't have to tell them your sexual preference if you don't want to, but once you start dating people of your sex and they see you together, they'll figure it out either way. Can't hide it forever. Which is why I think you should just do it now and be done with it.

    If you do decided to come out, the safest way to do this that I see is to, first of all, tell your sisters. They will be more accepting and probably react less dramatically. Afterwards tell the parent who will most likely be more accepting about it (for most it's mom, I know my mom wouldn't be as shocked as my dad if I came out,) and after you get his/her support, gather up the rest of the family with you and tell everyone.

    Good luck, don't be sad if someone takes it hard, or if your parents are "disappointed" in you for it, it's not your fault. We don't choose who we love.

    This may be way too serious, but I uh... just needed to get it off my chest. After being confused for about 2 years, I've finally decided wi

  • I like you. You share your opinion, and you are civil about it. There are not many people who can say the do the same.

    kaleion posted: »

    I don't like his videos because I don't like his style of humour and because I'm not very into let's plays but I have no problems with Félix

  • TalimancerTalimancer Banned
    edited July 2015

    fck the h8ers, pooheadpie is awoooosooooooome!!!

    Pewdiepie Responds To Haters. Fuck all the haters. I love PewDiePie but not some of his fans.

  • I agree Narutobi

    Waiting is always the hardest. Don't you think?

  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not intending to "parade" my sexuality, I just need to tell some people who I'm with a lot.

    I really appreciate everything you've said, thank you.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Listen, I might sound blunt, but this is the truth. There's no place to be indecisive about this kind of thing, you're either sexually at

    edited July 2015

    I know you're not, I just get sick and tired of seeing parades that revolve around sexuality, so I just want to make sure people understand why it's stupid to parade around something that is uncontrollable of you, like you'd parade being black or a female :P

    Anyway, no problem, if you'd like to share with us how it went, that would be nice :)

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not intending to "parade" my sexuality, I just need to tell some people who I'm with a lot. I really appreciate everything you've said, thank you.

  • edited July 2015

    Guys. Stay away from Heather. You will get cut up and your head blown did I just watch ._.

  • I thought white people were immune to those.

    Guys. Stay away from Heather. You will get cut up and your head blown did I just watch ._.

  • Fucking scumbags deserve no mercy. I hope they're all on the business end of an Apache gunship in the near future. wtf kind of article title is this.

  • There's so many issues with this...A few including them blowing up children, a church, and I doubt it's truly accidental. wtf kind of article title is this.

  • My opinion on Batman Arkham Origins has fully changed...I'm really not bitter towards it anymore aside from glitches and odd design choices.

  • They've been nearing Israel lately, so they're gonna get rekt soon enough.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fucking scumbags deserve no mercy. I hope they're all on the business end of an Apache gunship in the near future.

    edited July 2015
  • Alt text


    Alt text

    What the actual fuck?

  • American aesthetic like this makes me wish I was American, tbh.

    A great day for baseball.

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