People need to chill about season 3


Seriously, have you not realised how much work they've got to do to sort out all those 9 endings?

  1. Clem is alone and Kenny and Jane are dead.
  2. Clem is alone and Jane is dead.
  3. Clem is alone and Kenny is dead.
  4. Clem is alone and Kenny is alive.
  5. Clem is alone and Jane is alive.
  6. Clem is at Howes with Jane alone.
  7. Clem is at Howes with Jane and the family.
  8. Clem is at Wellington.
  9. Clem is with Kenny after turning away from Wellington.

That's a lot of things to tie up.


  • I wasn't panicking though .

  • I know. It's just I don't get why people are complaining we're not getting this series this year considering the 9 different endings that will probably need to be tied up by episode 3 by the latest. Unless when they say season 3 is considerably bigger they were talking about a different playthrough for every choice for the entire game, which would be nice but doubtful.

    They're not rushing it which is good, so they're obviously not going to force everything to come together in an odd and random way.

    longlivelee posted: »

    I wasn't panicking though .

  • Yeah I agree. People expect the game to be completed quickly, yet want to get mad when the game comes out as complete crap.

    Anthorn posted: »

    I know. It's just I don't get why people are complaining we're not getting this series this year considering the 9 different endings that wi

  • Job J Stauffer: We can do this, we can soooo do this. I mean it's not so bad, all we have to do is tie up nine different endings into a narrative without any slip ups. Just nine...n-nine...[whips out phone]

    Alt text

    Wait people really want Season 3 this year? Wasn't it two years until Season 2 came out or something?

  • edited July 2015

    I'm more worried about Telltale taking the easy way out and using yet another Time Skip to move on to the main plot in Season 3 immediately than not making much effort to tie up our endings we chose.

  • There are so many finals, I'm afraid that Telltale will start a "new" story...

    They should focus a DLC or the first episode on the evolution of our choices, and then return all the endings in one place, just like The Witcher 2.

  • o.o oh, felt longer than that. Well most games take a couple years and Season 3's mentioned to be big so a wait's expected.

  • Well we'll definitely will be getting it in 2016.

    Half Life 3?

  • Aren't 2&4 and 3&5 the same?

    If Jane is alive but Clem left her, Kenny has to be dead for that. Same with Kenny alive but ditched with Jane dead.

  • Honestly it's better hearing them complain about the wait rather then hearing about how much season 2 sucks every 2 seconds. Which, to this day hasn't stopped btw.

  • I don't think season 2 sucked, it just wasn't as good as season 1.

    Green613 posted: »

    Honestly it's better hearing them complain about the wait rather then hearing about how much season 2 sucks every 2 seconds. Which, to this day hasn't stopped btw.

  • I knew when those multiple endings came out that it be hard for them to branch of multiple endings. I honesty have no idea what they're going to do Besides a time frame skip which would a letdown because all those endings for nothing. Then the problem is what happens to Kenny or Jane? Seeing how they're determinant characters, will they be killed off screen or a cheap death like Other certain characters had? Confusing yet interesting.

  • Really? Because I've seen more people say they enjoyed it then hated it. Some even going as far as saying it was better then season 1.

    Green613 posted: »

    Honestly it's better hearing them complain about the wait rather then hearing about how much season 2 sucks every 2 seconds. Which, to this day hasn't stopped btw.

  • Some even going as far as saying it was better then season 1.

    Yeah I've seen people say these things too, but in the reality just a quick look through the forums will show you what the majority here actually think about the game.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Really? Because I've seen more people say they enjoyed it then hated it. Some even going as far as saying it was better then season 1.

  • Then they've never played season 1

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Really? Because I've seen more people say they enjoyed it then hated it. Some even going as far as saying it was better then season 1.

  • There is a lot to like about both seasons but Season 1 was by far the most consistently written with a beginning middle and end. It also had less things dropped from it.

    The only thing I can think of from season 1 was they dropped the whole Lee's wife thing.

    In season 2 they dropped Rebecca being suspicious of Clem, teaching Sarah how to shoot, (there was no point in it being there at all) Luke vs Kenny, Jane leaving (seriously, if you choose waiting for several days, in ATR, she's still no further than if you leave in the morning. She's a slow walker. And probably a lot more. Oh, and Nick

  • Ugh, another one of these threads?

  • Meh, I don't mind waiting. As long there is a DLC.

  • I don't care if I have to wait 2 or even 3 years as long as S3 is awesome.

  • edited July 2015

    This isn't a season 2 bashing thread. It's just a common thread saying that there is no need to rush Telltale into making Season 3 unless you want a rushed inconsistent product that is not their best.

    On a side note.
    Kenny: Fisherman.
    Lee: History Professor.
    Doug: Technician.
    Carly: Reporter.
    Lilly: Airforce pilot I think.
    Larry: retired army guy?
    Katjaa: Vet.
    Clem's dad: Engineer.
    Clem's mam: Doctor.
    Omid: ?
    Christa: ?
    Ben: School kid.
    Charles: ?
    The Stranger: Little league coach.
    Carlos: Questionable Doctor.
    Rebecca: ?
    Alvin: ?
    Jane: ?
    Nick: ?
    Pete: ?
    Luke: Former Student ?
    Sarah: kid.
    Arvo: ?
    Carver: Engineer.
    Walter: Teacher.
    Mathew: ?
    Sarita: ?
    Mike: ?
    Bonnie: ?
    Reggie: ?

    I think I've stumbled upon one of my problems with season 2. It's the characters. We knew so little about them that they basically existed just to provide Clem something to do.

  • The other recent TT games have been keeping a pretty good job at branching, or at the very least keeping a good illusion of the multiple choices/consequences. I'd say they are getting way better at this and learning from their previous games. S3 could have the different intros that most of us are expecting. S2 did something really cool with these endings and I hope it plays out nicely.

  • Really? Because I played Season 1, I loved it. I loved Season 2 even more though ^_^

    Anthorn posted: »

    Then they've never played season 1

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Nick did say he used to be in business with Luke. Arvo would have just been a teenager (and probably still is) since he doesn't look very old, and the apocalypse happened two years ago.

    Anthorn posted: »

    This isn't a season 2 bashing thread. It's just a common thread saying that there is no need to rush Telltale into making Season 3 unless yo

  • I thought season one was better but season two has a nice touch to it. I think had telltale had the same level of motivation and time like they had with season one, it could've been a lot better. But when you're making and promoting multiple games at once, it's always going to be challenging. They need to do just spend their time on one game series at a time .

    Green613 posted: »

    Some even going as far as saying it was better then season 1. Yeah I've seen people say these things too, but in the reality just a quick look through the forums will show you what the majority here actually think about the game.

  • If Telltale takes that much time for Season 3 and it will be better than S2, then I don't mind waiting 2 years for it to come out. BUT if it's finally done after so long and it turns out to be complete bs, I'm gonna flip every table I see. If the story, the graphics and gameplay will be on point but it has to take longer than when they made S2, I don't see the problem of waiting a bit longer. And btw, I'm happy that we're at least getting something of TWD to play this year.

  • edited July 2015

    Really? Because I've seen more people say they enjoyed it then hated it. Some even going as far as saying it was better then season 1.

    Yeah and some of those same people probably have never played Season 1.

    Nobody hates season 2, and I think it's criticism is deserved.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Really? Because I've seen more people say they enjoyed it then hated it. Some even going as far as saying it was better then season 1.

  • Hate is too harsh, more so disappointed. But I guess with the amount of success season one had, it was always going to be hard to top it. I feel the episodes did what they were made to do given the little amount of effort compared to season one (although no time left was pretty disappointing and rushed ) but like I said, you spend your time occupied on multiple games, more flaws will happen.

    longlivelee posted: »

    Really? Because I've seen more people say they enjoyed it then hated it. Some even going as far as saying it was better then season 1.

  • Hate is too harsh, more so disappointed. But I guess with the amount of success season one had, it was always going to be hard to top it. I feel the episodes did what they were made to do given the little amount of effort compared to season one (although no time left was pretty disappointing and rushed ) but like I said, you spend your time occupied on multiple games, more flaws will happen

    Never even thought about that. You are right, they were working on quite a lot of games while working with s2 weren't they? Hm.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Hate is too harsh, more so disappointed. But I guess with the amount of success season one had, it was always going to be hard to top it. I

  • Another potentially interesting sub-plot that was immediately dropped was Carver's friend George, who Alvin supposedly killed during the Cabin Group's escape.

    Anthorn posted: »

    There is a lot to like about both seasons but Season 1 was by far the most consistently written with a beginning middle and end. It also had

  • Honestly, the best thing to do in my opinion would be to have another S2 DLC after Michonne which ties up all the endings into one starting point for season 3.

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