The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Steven Bomb all week.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    yay another new steven universe episode tomorrow.

    edited July 2015

    I guess Proasheck's profile picture is Mia Khalifa..? lol

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    The pornstar? What am I missing here? Lol

  • I'm just one of the many weird people here. lol

    Btw welcome to the forums! ^^

    Proasheck posted: »

    LOL! You seem weird!! I like weird people!!

  • Yep, that's exactly what I was missing. Damn tiny phone screen. Lol

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I guess Proasheck's profile picture is Mia Khalifa..? lol

  • Well yes but if he isn't killing why are they even fighting to begin with?

    Plus David S. Goyer's Superman sucks since he doesn't much care for collateral damage and had no problem killing Zod, both are things that are stupidly out of character for Superman, why didn't they get rid of that piece of shit writer?

    As for Suicide Squad, I'm not sure what to think about that, could be interesting but Joker's design and laugh were pretty awful Harley's design wasn't particularly good either (Though neither is her current comic design), however Deadshot does look like Deadshot and Amanda Waller does seem like a good casting choice unlike the TV version, but then there are weird things like Katana being on the Suicide Squad which doesn't make much sense since I don't remember her being there in the comics and she's an anti-hero not a villain, eh.. I don't know I'll probably watch it I'm just not sure if I'll watch it in the Theater, unlike Batman V Superman which I won't bother with since I know it'll piss me off because I really like Superman and straight up good guys and the writers for this don't seem to understand that's one of Superman's key characteristics, I mean look at Marvel they left Captain America's personality intact and I absolutely love every second that he's on-screen.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    is if Superman held back, Probably because Superman usually won't directly kill someone and it seems like someone will use Kryptonit

  • Just recently got around to finishing Daredevil on Netflix. I really enjoyed the gritty, noir presentation in comparrison to typical Marvel movies. The wait for Season 2 is going to be unbearable.

  • whale cum to the forgums!

    Proasheck posted: »

    LOL! You seem weird!! I like weird people!!

  • Any idea what it's about?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    yay another new steven universe episode tomorrow.

  • Well yes but if he isn't killing why are they even fighting to begin with?

    For the sake of the audience

    As for Suicide Squad, I'm not sure what to think about that,

    I'm gonna be optimistic about Suicide Squad unless the second trailer really sucks or something.

    Joker's design and laugh were pretty awful Harley's design wasn't particularly good either (Though neither is her current comic design), however Deadshot does look like Deadshot and Amanda Waller does seem like a good casting choice unlike the TV version, but then there are weird things like Katana being on the Suicide Squad which doesn't make much sense since I don't remember her being there in the comics and she's an anti-hero not a villain, eh.. I don't know I'll probably watch it I'm just not sure if I'll watch it in the Theater, unlike Batman V Superman which I won't bother with since I know it'll piss me off because I really like Superman and straight up good guys and the writers for this don't seem to understand that's one of Superman's key characteristics, I mean look at Marvel they left Captain America's personality intact and I absolutely love every second that he's on-screen.

    I still don't like Jared Letos Joker that much but I love Margot Robbies Harley Quinn. When Will Smith named the team and then said "let's save the world" I was just like "God Dammit", other than that I don't know too much about the other members of Suicide Squad. And since you brought up Cap, do you think he'll die in Infinity War?

    kaleion posted: »

    Well yes but if he isn't killing why are they even fighting to begin with? Plus David S. Goyer's Superman sucks since he doesn't much car

  • For the sake of the audience is the worst reason, unless there's a legitimate reason that makes sense in the context of the setting it's going to piss me off, I think it'll probably be better if I don't watch that movie, I mean it's silly to get pissed off like that but I won't lie, Superman is one of the main reasons why I am the way I am and I like the way I am so it does bother me a lot when people get his character so wrong, specially since he's not exactly hard to understand.

    As for Cap, I love him in the movies and he's easily the hero I like the most out of the whole MCU but I'm honestly going to be very disappointed if he doesn't, let's be honest here he should die at the end of Civil War but for real not like in the comics, and the MCU has had some serious lack of balls in the killing off characters front almost all characters that have died have returned so it would be a nice change of pace if he did die, though like you said they'll probably delay it until Infinity Wars, I mean they're starting a new generation they have to start getting rid of some of the older heroes.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well yes but if he isn't killing why are they even fighting to begin with? For the sake of the audience As for Suicide Squad,

  • edited July 2015

    For the sake of the audience is the worst reason, unless there's a legitimate reason that makes sense in the context of the setting it's going to piss me off,

    Yup. I guess we'll find out if there's a reason but I've never been a Superman fan so I don't mind as much as you do.

    As for Cap, I love him in the movies and he's easily the hero I like the most out of the whole MCU but I'm honestly going to be very disappointed if he doesn't, let's be honest here he should die at the end of Civil War but for real not like in the comics, and the MCU has had some serious lack of balls in the killing off characters front almost all characters that have died have returned so it would be a nice change of pace if he did die, though like you said they'll probably delay it until Infinity Wars, I mean they're starting a new generation they have to start getting rid of some of the older heroes.

    I like Cap but still, he should be the major death and they don't have the balls to kill him in Civil War but probably in Infinity War Part 1 (I also think that might be Chris Evans last movie his contract covers) AND DEATH SPOILERS...............




    Just a rumor but I read that Cap, Thor, and Iron Man might all die in the events of Infinity War, I believe Cap, maybe Thor if they keep Loki or some other asguardian around but I don't think they'll kill off Robert Downey Jr. unless if they're tired of paying his big paycheck.

    Also, am I the only one who doesn't really care about most of the upcoming DC/Marvel cinematic universe movies? For DC all I'm looking forward to is Batman vs Superman (I'm giving it a chance) and Suicide Squad, then maybe the untitled Batman movie once more details are released. Then for Marvel all I'm looking forward to is Cap: Civil War, Avengers Infinity War, and maybe Guardians 2 and/or Black Panther. I hope I end up liking more than that but that's how I feel...

    kaleion posted: »

    For the sake of the audience is the worst reason, unless there's a legitimate reason that makes sense in the context of the setting it's goi

  • That it is.

    It is....


    I laughed harder at this than I should have

  • Ruby and Sapphire are in it.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Any idea what it's about?

  • Well, yeah that makes sense, I think he should die too even if I like him more than the others, he's too much of a good guy for his own good so I feel his death would have much more of an impact than the other ones, because even if he's not your favorite he was just so nice all around, plus it would make up for not killing Hawkeye in Avengers 2 who I like too but it was too annoying that Whedon dropped every single clichéd death flag possible just to kill off Quicksilver instead, and yeah I think they'll keep Stark as a mentor figure for the new heroes, Thor is unlikely, they'll probably wait a bit more and then they might replace him with a female Thor like in the comics, maybe? I'm not too sure about that.

    As for caring about movies, I find it hard to care for DCs stuff because I hated Man of Steel way too much and probably an unpopular opinion but I didn't like Nolan's Batman trilogy either, mostly due to how awful of a writer David S. Goyer is, seriously they should fire him, what was good about TDK trilogy was good in spite of his awful writing.

    As for Marvel, well I've liked almost every Marvel movie so far and I really want to see what they do with Dr. Strange, though for most stuff I'm not sure I care but since I can't follow comics because honestly it's too expensive to follow all of them with their interconnected storylines and I'm kinda broke the MCU is a good replacement for that since it's only 2 movies a year and it costs like 45MXN to go see them, so it's a way to get my need of completion in a not too expensive manner, I'll probably watch every single one of them, however I probably won't watch FOX and Sony's productions, well maybe Spider-man since he's now a part of the MCU so I kinda have to, bleh, I used to read a lot of comics OK, but they all burnt in a fire this is like the one thing I still follow besides Saga (A comic).

  • Hey, welcome to the forums.

    Proasheck posted: »

    LOL! You seem weird!! I like weird people!!

  • Here's the thing though; by using the term rape when it's not actually rape, you over-dramatize the issue. Hearing your mother call another girl a slut is not remotely related to rape.

    Cope49 posted: »

    When she says rape she doesn't mean the textbook term of rape . She means the disrespectful treatment of women.By women (being her mother ca

  • Was that last part really necessary?

  • Sadly, the immature fools of our generation make us all look bad.

    I'm a male...Also, Teenagers can know a lot...and obviously more than adults at times.

  • Well this has been an eventful day...

    And don't grammar nazi me when you have nothing else so say . Oh, I'm sorry, that's your thing...Well, that and insulting people. Also, there's those incorrect periods again. By Golden . *Bye

  • I kinda had a similar dream once. One in which I came across a Telltale game in a store called "Blind Sniper". :D

    Had a dream that Telltale was making a spongebob game and the forum had a section for the game. O_o

  • Sadly the immature fools of every generation make everyone look bad. Our generation isn't even bad, look at the past ones...Hell, you can see it with this argument.

    Sadly, the immature fools of our generation make us all look bad.

  • Honestly, the way the kids at my school act really make me wonder why I even bother defending teenagers at all.

    Sadly the immature fools of every generation make everyone look bad. Our generation isn't even bad, look at the past ones...Hell, you can see it with this argument.

  • I'm honestly sick of everyone else in my country acting like Australia is the greatest country in the world. If I told someone here that I was that interested in Australia, they'd lose their shit.

  • You started a flame war, Congrats :]

    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Wow, Daniel. I am proud of you truly. You started a flame war, Congrats :]

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned


    Was that last part really necessary?

  • No, I'm seriously asking why you felt the need to add "some random kid" to the end of that.

    Okay then. If Golden won't understand, then try me.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned


    Well if people could get past the whole she doesn't understand what rape means .You'll see this is just a video about the disrespectful treatment of women.In and outside of her home . At least that's what I took from it.

    No, I'm seriously asking why you felt the need to add "some random kid" to the end of that. Okay then. If Golden won't understand, then try me.

  • I'm not really a fan of Australia, but I'd still say it's the greatest country, at least compared to most other countries it is.

    I'm honestly sick of everyone else in my country acting like Australia is the greatest country in the world. If I told someone here that I was that interested in Australia, they'd lose their shit.

  • I just arrived im Athens :)

  • Thank you!!

    Ah, you're new. Welcome to the Forums.

  • Thank you!!

    I'm just one of the many weird people here. lol Btw welcome to the forums! ^^

  • LOL!!

    Talimancer posted: »

    whale cum to the forgums!

  • Thank you!!

    Hey, welcome to the forums.

  • I won't deny that Australia gets a few things right, but it's the mindset people here have that bothers me. My dad hasn't stopped talking about taking me on a holiday near the end of my school term, and now I can't help but feel pressured to go on this bloody trip around central Australia next year. Honestly, it's all people go on about here; how great the Outback is. I feel like I'm gonna get shit for not wanting to go. Australians love to boast about fighting racism, yet they love to ignore the 60 years in which Aboriginal children were removed from their families. The fact is, a lot of Australians are guilty of the same things that Americans get so much shit for: acting like they're saints while ignoring a tainted history and preaching a specific mindset while stomping out opposition (don't dare show a lack of interest in a fucking desert). The only thing can rightfully claim to be doing well is not trying to conquer the world.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm not really a fan of Australia, but I'd still say it's the greatest country, at least compared to most other countries it is.

  • So disrespecting women is someone a more important issue than disrespecting men? You do know that plenty of men have their own issues too. It's saddening that both men and women can't state their issues and work toward a solution together.

    Yes, I'm aware that women have issues that they constantly face, but I think the best way to push for equality is to address issues that both men and women face individually, giving an impression that both genders are on the same level. That sends a message of equality by showing both genders as equal.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Oh.. Well if people could get past the whole she doesn't understand what rape means .You'll see this is just a video about the disrespectful treatment of women.In and outside of her home . At least that's what I took from it.

  • A tainted past doesn't necessarily taint the present..

    Are they still taking aboriginal children from their families?

    I won't deny that Australia gets a few things right, but it's the mindset people here have that bothers me. My dad hasn't stopped talking ab

  • Be safe, place ain't what it used to be.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I just arrived im Athens

  • Funny. I'm an American who feels the same way about America.

    I'm honestly sick of everyone else in my country acting like Australia is the greatest country in the world. If I told someone here that I was that interested in Australia, they'd lose their shit.

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