Okay, so it was bugging me who Vallory's voice actress was, because I thought that voice seemed very familiar and unique. I could have sworn… more I recognised it. And then I found out that Susan Silo, the voice of Vallory, was also the voice of;
Wuya from Xiaolin Showdown! One of the biggest parts of my childhood.
I was so happy when I found out
You know what would've been funny? If after picking the "romantic?" dialogue and giving Sasha the flower, they'd add in Fiona interrupting the story again and say, "Wait a minute, were you actually flirting with my sister?!" And Rhys would try to explain himself.
Just spent two days reading all comments of this thread. FINALLY SOMETHING THAT KEEPS ME FROM CHECKING MY FACEBOOK NOTIFICATIONS. And before you say i dont have a life - i do. Hehe.
In the intro, rhys follows an echo device to find fiona.
In the intro, when the scene goes to the campfire, Fiona is checking her pistol for a second. It's hard to see but the motion she takes is flicking da wrist and using her other hand to conceal it.
Welp, TT is doing subtle little retcons... Someone mentioned in another thread how Rhys' eye changed to yellow all the way back when Jack enhanced it in the desert, as opposed to only after he took control in the ep.2 ending. And it does... now. But I could have sworn it didn't before, and I was right - in an old let's play on YT it doesn't happen at all. So if we want to speculate over little details, I guess we must be prepared for them to change over the course of TFTB production.
Welp, TT is doing subtle little retcons... Someone mentioned in another thread how Rhys' eye changed to yellow all the way back when Jack en… morehanced it in the desert, as opposed to only after he took control in the ep.2 ending. And it does... now. But I could have sworn it didn't before, and I was right - in an old let's play on YT it doesn't happen at all. So if we want to speculate over little details, I guess we must be prepared for them to change over the course of TFTB production.
Idk... with how many playthroughs I've done - and watched - of this game, I'd say it's a recent-ish addition. Is there anyone who replayed ep.2 recently (after ep.3 and updates and all) and still had the blue eye?
Idk... with how many playthroughs I've done - and watched - of this game, I'd say it's a recent-ish addition. Is there anyone who replayed ep.2 recently (after ep.3 and updates and all) and still had the blue eye?
You know what would've been funny? If after picking the "romantic?" dialogue and giving Sasha the flower, they'd add in Fiona interrupting t… morehe story again and say, "Wait a minute, were you actually flirting with my sister?!" And Rhys would try to explain himself.
But, that doesn't happen. :P
I've seen this in one of the playthroughs on youtube. Btw this guy was playing right after the episode came out I think, so... no idea what it is. Btw, it still turns blue once you're about to scan Vasquez's toys.
Idk... with how many playthroughs I've done - and watched - of this game, I'd say it's a recent-ish addition. Is there anyone who replayed ep.2 recently (after ep.3 and updates and all) and still had the blue eye?
I've seen this in one of the playthroughs on youtube. Btw this guy was playing right after the episode came out I think, so... no idea what … moreit is. Btw, it still turns blue once you're about to scan Vasquez's toys.
You know what would've been funny? If after picking the "romantic?" dialogue and giving Sasha the flower, they'd add in Fiona interrupting t… morehe story again and say, "Wait a minute, were you actually flirting with my sister?!" And Rhys would try to explain himself.
But, that doesn't happen. :P
Welp, TT is doing subtle little retcons... Someone mentioned in another thread how Rhys' eye changed to yellow all the way back when Jack en… morehanced it in the desert, as opposed to only after he took control in the ep.2 ending. And it does... now. But I could have sworn it didn't before, and I was right - in an old let's play on YT it doesn't happen at all. So if we want to speculate over little details, I guess we must be prepared for them to change over the course of TFTB production.
Which one, the blue eye? Because it happened again and again, in all of my playthroughs (+/- 6) and literally all of the lp's I watched (ugh... about 5?) before ep.3 came out.
So I'm pretty sure atm it's something TT just changed - which is ok, it's a minor thing that I assume just fits the story better now - but still, it seems to be a change... or otherwise a really recurrent glitch. Well, unless it's directly tied to Jack choices, since I admit I have a strong preference for pro-Jack playthroughs. But that doesn't make much sense, as the scene happens regardless of what you choose.
Just as a side note, I'm not hung up on this or anything, it might be a glitch after all, I'm just somewhat curious, and kinda bored
1.) Trusting Jack, you'll get to interact with Dumpy in the area before opening the Atlas gate. Interacting with it 3 times will make it cir… morecle around Rhys with it's... creepy little sounds. Rhys will get kind of freaked out.
2.) Talking to Athena is not supposed to trigger the killer plant attack, as had happened to me several times. If you carefully approach her without auto-walking to the side of her near the plant, you can get dialogue about Athena's scarf being given to her by her sister.
3.) You do not have to use your eyeball on the retinal scanner and weird Athena out. Interact with the door you are trying to open twice, and Athena will pry it open with her sword. No screenshot for this one.
With the right choices, at the end of episode 3, Fiona can have 3 of Felix's grenades at the ready.
Jack can act 4 different ways towards you when you wake up , with the choice combinations of Trusting Jack-Making an Alliance : Trusting Jack-Refusing Alliance : Trusting Fiona-Making an Alliance : Trusting Fiona-Refusing Alliance
The dialogue also changes if you Trusted Jack or Trusted Fiona when you determine the alliance with Jack
With the right choices, at the end of episode 3, Fiona can have 3 of Felix's grenades at the ready.
Jack can act 4 different ways towards… more you when you wake up , with the choice combinations of Trusting Jack-Making an Alliance : Trusting Jack-Refusing Alliance : Trusting Fiona-Making an Alliance : Trusting Fiona-Refusing Alliance
The dialogue also changes if you Trusted Jack or Trusted Fiona when you determine the alliance with Jack
Well I know that if you trust Jack and refuse his alliance after he took control of Rhys' body he tells Rhys he was trying to find someone to bang that looked exactly like Rhys' mom.
I'm still leaning towards glitch. There's a lot of weird things that seem to happen with Rhys' eye
Another example is the beginning of episode 3 if you trusted Jack. Sometimes Rhys' eye will look like this
Other times like this (same as the first picture, except that it's blue)
Or like this
And other times like this (I'm pretty sure this one is how it's meant to look)
Given that Telltale's 'engine' is, in all honesty, a janky piece of crap, I wouldn't put it past the game to be loading something incorrectly, or be missing a scripted trigger to change his eye color or something.
Which one, the blue eye? Because it happened again and again, in all of my playthroughs (+/- 6) and literally all of the lp's I watched (ugh… more... about 5?) before ep.3 came out.
So I'm pretty sure atm it's something TT just changed - which is ok, it's a minor thing that I assume just fits the story better now - but still, it seems to be a change... or otherwise a really recurrent glitch. Well, unless it's directly tied to Jack choices, since I admit I have a strong preference for pro-Jack playthroughs. But that doesn't make much sense, as the scene happens regardless of what you choose.
Just as a side note, I'm not hung up on this or anything, it might be a glitch after all, I'm just somewhat curious, and kinda bored
I'm still leaning towards glitch. There's a lot of weird things that seem to happen with Rhys' eye
Another example is the beginning of ep… moreisode 3 if you trusted Jack. Sometimes Rhys' eye will look like this
Other times like this (same as the first picture, except that it's blue)
Or like this
And other times like this (I'm pretty sure this one is how it's meant to look)
Given that Telltale's 'engine' is, in all honesty, a janky piece of crap, I wouldn't put it past the game to be loading something incorrectly, or be missing a scripted trigger to change his eye color or something.
I'm still leaning towards glitch. There's a lot of weird things that seem to happen with Rhys' eye
Another example is the beginning of ep… moreisode 3 if you trusted Jack. Sometimes Rhys' eye will look like this
Other times like this (same as the first picture, except that it's blue)
Or like this
And other times like this (I'm pretty sure this one is how it's meant to look)
Given that Telltale's 'engine' is, in all honesty, a janky piece of crap, I wouldn't put it past the game to be loading something incorrectly, or be missing a scripted trigger to change his eye color or something.
After Gortys hides, I looked for where loaderbot went, and here he was :P
Interesting.. I never got to exploring after Gortys had her "oops" moment :I
Yeah, I figure its a glitch :P
And here was I thinking that Vallory was voiced by Kate Mulgrew!
I can't have been the only one haha, she sounds so much like Flemeth...
Jack breaks the fourth wall twice; first by noticing the remember notice and second in the Jack-apedia and the loot chart.

[waiting FOER backup] ????
Which language should that be? XD
You know what would've been funny? If after picking the "romantic?" dialogue and giving Sasha the flower, they'd add in Fiona interrupting the story again and say, "Wait a minute, were you actually flirting with my sister?!" And Rhys would try to explain himself.
But, that doesn't happen. :P
Just spent two days reading all comments of this thread. FINALLY SOMETHING THAT KEEPS ME FROM CHECKING MY FACEBOOK NOTIFICATIONS. And before you say i dont have a life - i do. Hehe.
In the intro, rhys follows an echo device to find fiona.
On the topic of ECHO-eye scans, the make/model of Loader Bot changes based on what you equipped him with in episode 1 (riot shield or minigun)
If you chose the minigun, he's listed as a modified GUN-loader when you scan him
If you chose the riot shield, he's listed as a modified BUL-loader
Both Handsome Jack and Vallory have asked if Fiona is the brains or leader of the outfit.
Possibly an acronym, but it can always be a misspelling.
What the heck? How's that thing changed that much and why?
In the intro, when the scene goes to the campfire, Fiona is checking her pistol for a second. It's hard to see but the motion she takes is flicking da wrist and using her other hand to conceal it.
Welp, TT is doing subtle little retcons... Someone mentioned in another thread how Rhys' eye changed to yellow all the way back when Jack enhanced it in the desert, as opposed to only after he took control in the ep.2 ending. And it does... now. But I could have sworn it didn't before, and I was right - in an old let's play on YT it doesn't happen at all. So if we want to speculate over little details, I guess we must be prepared for them to change over the course of TFTB production.
In some playthroughs it was yellow, in others it wasnt. Maybe a choice, maybe a glitch.
Idk... with how many playthroughs I've done - and watched - of this game, I'd say it's a recent-ish addition. Is there anyone who replayed ep.2 recently (after ep.3 and updates and all) and still had the blue eye?
I can replay and get back to you in 4-6 hours xD
No, but really... I'm curious.
Oh pleaaaase let them do that for episode 4, pleaaase!
I've seen this in one of the playthroughs on youtube. Btw this guy was playing right after the episode came out I think, so... no idea what it is. Btw, it still turns blue once you're about to scan Vasquez's toys.
Ugh, this is so confusing... Idek anymore... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ahahaha, I'm going nuts... hurry up, ep.4...
There was once a player of Telltale
That wanted to know what all the details would entail
So she used all her saves
And she watched all let's plays
But the truth she could never quite nail
(she couldn't write poetry either)
Yeah I was wondering why she hadn't interuped him when he said romantic that would be hilarious...come on TT! make it happen!
It was probably just a glitch.
why would fiona be surprised? she probably knows they are togheter now lol
Which one, the blue eye? Because it happened again and again, in all of my playthroughs (+/- 6) and literally all of the lp's I watched (ugh... about 5?) before ep.3 came out.
So I'm pretty sure atm it's something TT just changed - which is ok, it's a minor thing that I assume just fits the story better now - but still, it seems to be a change... or otherwise a really recurrent glitch. Well, unless it's directly tied to Jack choices, since I admit I have a strong preference for pro-Jack playthroughs. But that doesn't make much sense, as the scene happens regardless of what you choose.
Just as a side note, I'm not hung up on this or anything, it might be a glitch after all, I'm just somewhat curious, and kinda bored
Hmm good point but She doesn't seem like the one to pass on othe opportunity to mock Rhys for his lack of flirting skills
she didn't mock because he succeeded
Hehe I like you, you should visit Rhysha thread more often
There was unused audio of Future Rhys telling Fiona that Sasha complimented him right off the bat
Can I hear that?
I got athena throwing a log at it. Weird.
Uh, if I can find it again
Although, It kinda sounds like he's trying to tell Fiona something like Sasha is nice to him but Fiona isnt
With the right choices, at the end of episode 3, Fiona can have 3 of Felix's grenades at the ready.
Jack can act 4 different ways towards you when you wake up , with the choice combinations of Trusting Jack-Making an Alliance : Trusting Jack-Refusing Alliance : Trusting Fiona-Making an Alliance : Trusting Fiona-Refusing Alliance
The dialogue also changes if you Trusted Jack or Trusted Fiona when you determine the alliance with Jack
Can you post all of the dialogue quotes? I only got the Anti- jack dialogue(Trusting Fiona-rejecting alliance)
Well I know that if you trust Jack and refuse his alliance after he took control of Rhys' body he tells Rhys he was trying to find someone to bang that looked exactly like Rhys' mom.
So I was looking up a few Loader Bot related scenes for something, when I noticed something I've never seen before
The playthrough I was watching had him evacuate, but instead of "Loader Bot will store that in memory" coming up...
This did.
Did anyone else ever get this?
I'm still leaning towards glitch. There's a lot of weird things that seem to happen with Rhys' eye
Another example is the beginning of episode 3 if you trusted Jack. Sometimes Rhys' eye will look like this
Other times like this (same as the first picture, except that it's blue)
Or like this
And other times like this (I'm pretty sure this one is how it's meant to look)
Given that Telltale's 'engine' is, in all honesty, a janky piece of crap, I wouldn't put it past the game to be loading something incorrectly, or be missing a scripted trigger to change his eye color or something.
2nd and 4th look badass xD
3rd and 4th look brilliant