The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • great day and GTA sounds so awesome I'm getting it

    btw Markd4547 is my gamertag add me bruh

    The other day my aunt wanted me to get my haircut and, can't believe I am going to say this, I actually agreed with her. My aunt picked me u

  • I will.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    great day and GTA sounds so awesome I'm getting it btw Markd4547 is my gamertag add me bruh

  • edited July 2015


    Batman v superman I can't wait wtf is up with Lex tho his so cringey apart from that I'm hyped

    Sucide Squad my most hyped film

    Because the person who is making this is the same person who made the film Fury the best army film ever made full of action and violence this is going to be awesome

    Again Joker is meh

    Deadpool(official is not released yet)

    Looks really funny I can't wait to see it

    What's your opinion on the trailers :)

  • edited July 2015

    Great :)

    papai46 posted: »

    I will.

  • Yeah, my grammar is pretty awful.

    DAISHI posted: »

    You need to learn to use commas and periods.

  • edited July 2015

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    got one...GOT ONE it's caught one the cringe this is thirteen seconds of torture on the bright side this is the most creepy Joker I ever seen

    AWESOMEO posted: »

  • lets see share the video :)

    That #ViolenceIsViolence: Domestic abuse advert Mankind video pissed me off right now. That was bullshit.

  • edited July 2015

    Didn't I tag you in those trailers like a week ago? :P

    Batman vs Superman- I'm excited for Batman vs Superman, and there's a ton of theories me and other people have...but I'm excited to see what THIS means....

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    It's obvious one of the Robins died (you can see the bullet hole) but he was probably tortured, and I think they took something from one of those animated movies where the Joker tortured Robin and he told him everything about Batman...So I think the Joker knows Bruce Wayne is Batman but like another comic, he doesn't really share it with anyone because he thinks it's irrelevant and "Bruce Wayne" is just a cover. Also, with the whole family thing, since this is an older Bruce, I wouldn't be surprised if the little girl he's hugging at the beginning is his daughter or maybe a relative of Alfreds.

    Suicide Squad- At first I wasn't sure how hyped I would be but after seeing the trailer....I'm pretty hyped, I'm still skeptical about Jared Me to as the Joker but I LOVE Margot Robbie as Harley, seems like she did a great job. And I did see Fury, great film but it is my 2ND favorite "war" movie, my first is We Were Soldiers, about the first "major" American battle in the Vietnam war featuring Mel Gibson (some people get turned off when they hear his name but this in my opinion was easily his best work and his portrayal of Hal Moore was amazing, true masterpiece if you ever have the chance). Back to Suicide Squad, it looks like we'll see Harleys transformation...

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    And Batmans definitely gonna have a scene so yeah, Right now it's my most hyped (Batman vs Superman being at 2 and Cap Civil War being 3)

    Deadpool- I'm not an expert or anything on Deadpool but that looks pretty good and I might see it.

    Good to see you back :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @saltlick123 Batman v superman I can't wait wtf is up with Lex tho his so cringey apart fr

  • Sorry never came up on my notifications

    I think ur spot on thanks for commenting on the trailers I enjoyed reading this and I will have to see we were soldiers :)

    Thanks great to be back and see my bro's and sistah's again :)

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    DAYUM nice details what did they do and what are u going to do?

  • are they annoying bitches cause there Ugly that's why u want revenge?

  • Sorry never came up on my notifications

    Didn't see this until I went through the meathead, maybe it a forum thing....

    I think ur spot on

    Saltlicks never miss.....

    Looks like the DC universe movies are gonna be better than people originally thought :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sorry never came up on my notifications I think ur spot on thanks for commenting on the trailers I enjoyed reading this and I will have to see we were soldiers Thanks great to be back and see my bro's and sistah's again

  • Jenner is a hero for Transgenders, no denying that...However, there are others who deserved the award more. Eh, who really cares though, what's done is done.

    Flog61 posted: »

  • Fun read though. Reading anything on this Forum is a fun time...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    650 new posts since I was last here so tired tho :I

  • Yes I'm loving a darker DC universe, marvel is more comedy and lighter heroe movies so it's nice to have a change once in a while

    DC and Marvel covering lighter and darker tones each in hero movies I can't complain this is going to be perfect :)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Sorry never came up on my notifications Didn't see this until I went through the meathead, maybe it a forum thing.... I think

  • "One of those animated movies?"

    The death of Jason Todd is like, one of the biggest events in the Batman comics XD If there's a dead Robin, that's why.

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  • There's nothing wrong with dark but when your heroes are gritty 24/7 it becomes tiring. Human beings don't act that way.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yes I'm loving a darker DC universe, marvel is more comedy and lighter heroe movies so it's nice to have a change once in a while DC and Marvel covering lighter and darker tones each in hero movies I can't complain this is going to be perfect

  • I think they took something from one of those animated movies where the Joker tortured Robin and he told him everything about Batman..

    I know about the Death of Jason Todd in the comics but there's an animated movie where the Joker captures Robin, and tortures him and Robin tells the Joker everything about Batman and his identity,(but he doesn't get killed.) sorry for confusion :P

    And speaking about Dead Robin, even though it is probably taken from the Jason Todd death, during filming there was a tombstone that said "Dick Grayson" on it.

    DAISHI posted: »

    "One of those animated movies?" The death of Jason Todd is like, one of the biggest events in the Batman comics XD If there's a dead Robin, that's why.

  • Well, I guess they can do that. I suppose the idea of multiple Robins would be confusing to a casual movie audience.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I think they took something from one of those animated movies where the Joker tortured Robin and he told him everything about Batman..

  • edited July 2015

    I think a film can follow a dark or lighter tone but still not have one dimensional heroes that is just bad writing imo I agree.

    The best films find a balance of realism in their characters to add more depth and reliability whatever the tone of the movie :)

    DAISHI posted: »

    There's nothing wrong with dark but when your heroes are gritty 24/7 it becomes tiring. Human beings don't act that way.

  • Well....that means only one thing......Exposition filled dialogue to explain everything for the audience.

    DAISHI posted: »

    Well, I guess they can do that. I suppose the idea of multiple Robins would be confusing to a casual movie audience.

  • I like cheese it's yummy in my tummy

  • Walk away and do not turn back.

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    Just this whole debate I 100% agree thank you @Shubbalubbadingdong this whole section made my day XD

    I fucking hate modern day feminism

  • Me too but only if I really enjoyed them I did it for uncharted, tlou and killzone before

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    A few days ago I played through tlou for the third time and this was my feel ^

    I usually go back to games I own and complete them on the hardest difficulty. That said, I gave up on Resident Evil Revelations infernal mo

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited July 2015
  • Oh hey welcome back.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Me too but only if I really enjoyed them I did it for uncharted, tlou and killzone before A few days ago I played through tlou for the third time and this was my feel ^

  • I just read a cleaning lady in a federal penitentiary had sex with 6 different inmates that all ended up in the same prison. A few weeks later she found out she was having a baby. Can you guess the father's reaction?


    This was interesting to watch, especially the ending.

  • The whole topic is just annoying at this point. I'm completely 100% against what Jenner did to himself, but the numerous attacks are honestly just embarrassingly stupid and counterproductive. Instead of people debating about whether or not he was "courageous" for what he did, maybe they should address the actual problem.

    Jenner is a hero for Transgenders, no denying that...However, there are others who deserved the award more. Eh, who really cares though, what's done is done.

  • I agree.

    Belan posted: »

    The whole topic is just annoying at this point. I'm completely 100% against what Jenner did to himself, but the numerous attacks are honestl

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    9 more! Hopefully I can see it before I go to Boy Scout camp tomorrow till Saturday, so I'll be gone till then.

    By the way, earlier I described a traumatic event. Well, we were free climbing in our summer PE class. I was on of the rock face, and my friends and teacher were climbing down about ten feet from me. Well, one of them slipped and fell. I saw him slip. I backed away, knowing I couldn't see him fall, he was conscious and landed on his feet. I stayed on top while the people went down. Some Good Samaritans helped us and the fire department and Park Service did too. My friend fell like 15 feet, and thankfully he only went to hospital with relatively minor injuries. No broken bones, no bleeding, he only has to wear a back brace for a few weeks. My teacher felt awful though.

  • 9 more!

    Take another :)

    Boy Scout camp tomorrow

    Ah, good times.... What rank are you?

    By the way, earlier I described a traumatic event. Well, we were free climbing in our summer PE class. I was on of the rock face, and my friends and teacher were climbing down about ten feet from me. Well, one of them slipped and fell. I saw him slip. I backed away, knowing I couldn't see him fall, he was conscious and landed on his feet. I stayed on top while the people went down. Some Good Samaritans helped us and the fire department and Park Service did too. My friend fell like 15 feet, and thankfully he only went to hospital with relatively minor injuries. No broken bones, no bleeding, he only has to wear a back brace for a few weeks. My teacher felt awful though.

    Holy Shit....good to know that it wasn't worse...

    9 more! Hopefully I can see it before I go to Boy Scout camp tomorrow till Saturday, so I'll be gone till then. By the way, earlier I des

  • Yeah, I'm a Life Scout, and thank goodness it wasn't worse.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    9 more! Take another Boy Scout camp tomorrow Ah, good times.... What rank are you? By the way, earlier I descri

  • Nice, I'm Eagle :)

    Have fun at camp though, and are you member of the OA (the guy with white sashes)? I am and I'm going to NOAC this year and you can be in it till you're 21.

    But yeah, at least you're friends okay since it sounds like it could have been a lot worse.... Hope you make 10,000

    Yeah, I'm a Life Scout, and thank goodness it wasn't worse.

  • Nah, I'm not OA, damn nights spent camping.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Nice, I'm Eagle Have fun at camp though, and are you member of the OA (the guy with white sashes)? I am and I'm going to NOAC this year

  • Another Eagle? Cool!

    OA wasn't really my cup of tea though. Seemed less like scouting's honor society and more like a labor-for-free society. I got my Brotherhood sash and pretty much fell off.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Nice, I'm Eagle Have fun at camp though, and are you member of the OA (the guy with white sashes)? I am and I'm going to NOAC this year

  • Oh God its 12:22 at night we leave at 10 tomorrow and I wake up at 8 and I'm staying up just to screenshot the 10,000 likes. I want to sleep.

    9 more! Hopefully I can see it before I go to Boy Scout camp tomorrow till Saturday, so I'll be gone till then. By the way, earlier I des

  • You are free to sleep <3

    Oh God its 12:22 at night we leave at 10 tomorrow and I wake up at 8 and I'm staying up just to screenshot the 10,000 likes. I want to sleep.

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