Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • It only dies when I say it dies.

    And I say it never dies.

    Guys? What happens when TFTB ends? Does this thread just die? (((

  • edited July 2015

    Hi! Good morning :3

    Morning over there? :D
    It's 2:53 pm rn

    Yeah! ;w;

    Morning Kim! I hope this never happens, and if it does we better make these great moments last.

  • It's 10:04 am here :P

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Hi! Good morning Morning over there? It's 2:53 pm rn Yeah! ;w;

  • Soon swapping,anybody got a save file tho? btw hb abigbadwolf!!

  • Exactly ;)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    As u can see, my work is top quality n serious

  • Morning everyone! I actually didn't sleep yet, was in a 5 hour skype call with my pals while playing Rocket League. So much fun! I'm actually not tired yet, which is unusual. :o

  • I have a feeling that we will get one more death, and I'm tempted to say it will be Mira :/

    Maybe it's cuz Mira's story has become so boring to me?...

    Anyways, they better not kill Asher next episode >:( I wanna see him pop Gryff's tiny little balls in his hand

  • edited July 2015

    Good Morning!!

    Oh and @ABigBadWolf HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOLF!!!! My bro get any awesome presents for his special day??? XD

  • Well, TWAU forum isn't completely dead, and our story thread continued long after the game had ended because not only did we keep busting out fanfics and fanarts, but we also loved talking to each other :)

    I view this thread as a social network for us, we connect about stuff. This thread will only die out if the people on it decide that talking to everyone else on here isn't worth their time anymore... So long as the Rhyiona love doesn't die, we remain friends, and we keep up the fanfics and fanart. I can see this thread lasting for a while yet :')

    Guys? What happens when TFTB ends? Does this thread just die? (((

  • I'm not the one who visits this place very often, but it seems it's Wolf birthday today?

    Happy birthday Wolf, keep being an awesome person!

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  • Nonono that's not gonna happen! And if it starts happening I will spam this thread and force you to answer. I... I can totally do that...

    Guys? What happens when TFTB ends? Does this thread just die? (((

  • edited July 2015

    i had a rough night tonight, but i came here and read your fanfics and it really helped me calm down, so thank you for that! anyway, i fell asleep at 6 am and i dreamt i went on a massive adventure (i had to sail a boat through a storm, then swim through a river, fight a giant frog who could spit fire and climb a mountain) just to get 2 toy figurines of rhys and fiona. i know my priorities.

    and hey, @abigbadwolf!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! thank you for being the awesomeness that you are!!!! <3

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  • i know my priorities.

    That is like, the coolest dream I have ever heard! :O

    rhonu posted: »

    i had a rough night tonight, but i came here and read your fanfics and it really helped me calm down, so thank you for that! anyway, i fell

  • edited July 2015

    Happy birthday Ray! You just keep on being awesome.

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    I wish I could do something but I suck at everything so you're just left with this wolf gif .-.

  • i don't remember all of it clearly, but it seems i really wanted those toys x)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    i know my priorities. That is like, the coolest dream I have ever heard! :O

  • edited July 2015

    I can't draw animals to save my life ;A;
    Anyway here's my birthday present for Wolfie :D

    Hope its decent and stuff .-.

    Happy birthday Ray! @ABigBadWolf

    Thanks for everything and stuff yeah..(I'm so bad at speeches)

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  • Happy Birthday, dear Wolf!

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  • That is the cutest Wolf I have ever seen in my entire life!!!! XD

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I can't draw animals to save my life ;A; Anyway here's my birthday present for Wolfie Hope its decent and stuff .-. Happy birthday Ray! @ABigBadWolf Thanks for everything and stuff yeah..(I'm so bad at speeches)

  • @ABigBadWolf Happy birthday Wolf (Ray if you don't mind ^-^)

    I made you a cupcake but I ate it on the way to this thread :)

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  • I don't give a giant rat strangling horse with a rope thing?

    I know what it means but the alternatives are entertaining XD

    I'm here. I'm not even in that fandom, so...

  • Oh my god..Thank you?

    I'm so happy, this is sort of my first time drawing a wolf.
    Also I hope it didn't look awkward pffftt

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That is the cutest Wolf I have ever seen in my entire life!!!! XD

  • No seriously, it is a great drawing <3

    But he looks so cuuuute as well!! XD

  • It means "I don't give a rat's ass". Since the rat is holding the donkey's (ass') rope, which means that the rat owns the ass. So it's the rat's ass.

    I'm very proud of that explanation, it took me about five minutes myself to get what it meant.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I don't give a giant rat strangling horse with a rope thing? I know what it means but the alternatives are entertaining XD

  • Hey there @ABigBadWolf! As many people have already said, happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing day today. You’ve been an awesome member and contributor to this family with your wonderful Sasuke GIFs, spooky comments, and fanfics. You make everyone’s day brighter and I believe I speak for everyone here that we’re glad to have you here. :)

    Also, have a lot of cake too!

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  • It took me five seconds, but I totally missed the rope thing implying the rat owned the donkey XD

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    It means "I don't give a rat's ass". Since the rat is holding the donkey's (ass') rope, which means that the rat owns the ass. So it's the rat's ass. I'm very proud of that explanation, it took me about five minutes myself to get what it meant.

  • @ABigBadWolf, I wrote a thing :). Please don't hesitate to tell me if you hate it, it's probably completely unsuitable. I just couldn't resist, you're too much of an important member of this family. Also, I bet you'll be surprised at coming back to so many greetings, but you should already know that we care about you!

    PS: If this comes true please tell me, I'd love being psychic!

    PPS: Happy birthday! (Joey you're an idiot why didn't you say this earlier?)


    There was jazzy music playing in the restaurant. The floors were polished to the point where you could slip on them, and the hall was exquisitely furnished. Polite chatter could be heard from around the table, where a lonely figure sat.

    The figure was tapping his fingers on the table, occasionally glancing at his watch. 19:45. It was way after they’d agreed to meet at the restaurant. He was holding out hope, even when he knew it was hopeless.

    Wolf sighed. He knew she wasn’t coming.

    Still, he sat for a couple more minutes, ignoring the waiters that came by every once in a while, asking if they could perhaps offer the gentleman some wine, or maybe an appetizer. They all walked away in defeat, for Wolf refused to lift his eyes from the door, as if staring at it would make her appear there, young and glowing.

    He was aware that he was getting pitiful glances from the waiters and even some of the other diners, but he didn’t care. Just sat staring at the door.

    There was a breeze coming from the open balcony door, the curtains were flapping back and forth. Leaving his seat for a moment, Wolf went and stood outside, leaning his arms on the stone railing.

    It was a clear night, and the stars were twinkling merrily, yet no moon was showing. She could have at least given me that, Wolf thought. He sighed again.

    He should have known, really. He should have known that a pretty girl like her couldn’t fall for him. That she’d been playing with him all along. But he’d been blinded, overwhelmed just to be in her presence, and he’d allowed her to become a much bigger part of him than he should’ve.

    And now, on his birthday, he was standing all alone on the balcony of a restaurant and wishing that he could see the moon. She should have at least given him that.

    He turned around, ready to go back inside and tip the waiters for the inconvenience. And he saw her.

    She stepped through the door, her immaculate blonde hair in a flurry, her aquamarine dress a bit crumpled and her expression very rushed, she’d obviously been running. She was beautiful.

    She turned to a waiter and inquired after something, the waiter pointed her to Wolf’s now empty seat. She looked, and her face turned pale. He knew she thought he’d left, that she was too late. And still, she lingered, just as he had minutes ago, staring at the door.

    Wolf stepped inside, and walked quietly up to where she was now standing. He was right behind her, and she must have sensed it. Whirling around, she threw her arms around him with surprising force.

    “Wolfie, I thought you left!”

    “And I thought you weren’t coming, Moon-chan,” he replied softly.
    “Not coming?! How could I miss your birthday, Wolfie?!” Tears were glistening in her eyes, she was really upset.

    “It’s okay now, everything worked out now, didn’t it? Come on, let’s sit down.”

    They took their seats, now smiling. This birthday couldn’t have turned out any better.


    On second thought this looks terrible but I'm posting it anyway. And then hiding in a corner.

  • Oh. I just saw that you wrote "I know what it means". I feel stupid. hides in her corner

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    It took me five seconds, but I totally missed the rope thing implying the rat owned the donkey XD

  • I so ship WolfxMoon!! XD... HEY!! I just got the reference! XD

    I'm sure he will adore this, you did a great job my friend. My heart was fluttering near the end of it, no one likes being stood up, especially not on their birthday :')

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf, I wrote a thing . Please don't hesitate to tell me if you hate it, it's probably completely unsuitable. I just couldn't resist

  • @ABigBadWolf

    Happy birthday, hope you have an amazing day!

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    Quickly made this in a meme creator :)

    @ABigBadWolf I hope you appreciate this also!

  • You did an amazing job as always! He'll be happy to see this!

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I can't draw animals to save my life ;A; Anyway here's my birthday present for Wolfie Hope its decent and stuff .-. Happy birthday Ray! @ABigBadWolf Thanks for everything and stuff yeah..(I'm so bad at speeches)

  • He denies it but it's been proved for a long time...

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    (credit goes to Julie for this, it was made ages ago)

    Ah thank you. It wasn't meant to go like this but sometimes my hands just write what they want while my brain protests feebly in the background.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I so ship WolfxMoon!! XD... HEY!! I just got the reference! XD I'm sure he will adore this, you did a great job my friend. My heart was fluttering near the end of it, no one likes being stood up, especially not on their birthday :')

  • Awwwwwwwww :3

    Hey sometimes letting your mind write what it wants can lead to a better outcome :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    He denies it but it's been proved for a long time... (credit goes to Julie for this, it was made ages ago) Ah thank you. It wasn't

  • Indeed. They make a cute couple :)

    Yeah. Only with me it sometimes leads to writer's block :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Awwwwwwwww Hey sometimes letting your mind write what it wants can lead to a better outcome :P

  • Very nice art, also happy bday to @ABigBadWolf

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    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I can't draw animals to save my life ;A; Anyway here's my birthday present for Wolfie Hope its decent and stuff .-. Happy birthday Ray! @ABigBadWolf Thanks for everything and stuff yeah..(I'm so bad at speeches)

  • awww this is adorable <3

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I can't draw animals to save my life ;A; Anyway here's my birthday present for Wolfie Hope its decent and stuff .-. Happy birthday Ray! @ABigBadWolf Thanks for everything and stuff yeah..(I'm so bad at speeches)


    TIME FOR MY SPEECH FOR MY BRO: The first time I met wolf was when I finally decided it was time to make a account on the TTG website after finishing 3 of the episode of TFTB. After I made my account I found this thread that shipped Rhyiona as well I decided to lurk the thread for awhile see how things went here (NOT CREEPY AT ALL) After I finally decided to reveal my self at first I felt nervous but then so many people were nice and happy that I joined :D and then that's when I saw WOLF reply to my comment I decided to play it cool ^-^ ( no you didn't ) okay maybe I freak out on wolf -_- and said weird things but he was so nice and had respect for others and so AWESOME that he didn't care what I said which made me happy and after that conversation me and wolf became the best of friends/BROS :D

    BRO FIST <3



  • Happy Birthday Wolf!

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    Keep on shipping

  • Don't be, if you hadn't pointed out the rope thing, I'd of assumed the rat and donkey were acting out the spaghetti scene from Lady and the Tramp XP

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh. I just saw that you wrote "I know what it means". I feel stupid. hides in her corner

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