Do not let Telltale trick you



  • edited July 2015

    You don't think she might have been trying to make things easier for Gryff, so that he was less likely to start killing people?

    She mentions at one point the fact that the dogs in the kennels still whimper whenever he walks past. She knows the violence her brother is capable of, so she knows how to deal with him.

    If you're going to speculate, then let's speculate the other way.

    Maybe Gryff didn't just hurt the dogs. Maybe he used to hurt Gwyn, too. Maybe he used to hit her when they were younger. Maybe he still does hit her occasionally. Maybe she learnt that the only way to stop him, was to submit to him. To make him think he was in control. Maybe she just wanted Rodrik to know that Gryff can be tricked into leaving you alone, if he thinks he's in charge.

    the whole point was to have the player to do as she told you to do to make it easier for Gryff. I'm sorry if you can't see that.

    I'm sorry, if that's all you see.

    MosesARose posted: »

    Point is she wants you to summit to her family same as her father. She didn't need to know the out come with Gryff, because the whole point

  • There is NO redemption possible for this sham of a house. Forget old allegiances. That is two Forrester's dead because of them! All of the old gods and new won't fix what I'll do to them.

  • Maybe.

    You don't think she might have been trying to make things easier for Gryff, so that he was less likely to start killing people? She menti

  • Any sympathy I had for the Whitehills died alongside Asher in my play through. I'm done trying to negotiate with them. It's time for war and slaughter!

  • I got so pissed of with Gwyn, she lives in this false sense of reality she has built for herself. She keeps defending her father all the time and the rest of her house. It makes it more infuriating that she wants peace and wants to help while commiting to her fathers crude diplomacy.

    What really ticked me off was when I said I imprisoned Gryff and then she was upset and said "how could you..."... I felt like slapping her... I kissed the ring, let Gryff bully me, let your house toy with us all to keep my family safe... Whitehills completely decimated our ironwood fields, they obviously dont give two shits about Forresters... Ludd insulted all the family even after and and before Ethan was killed... AND WHITEHILLS STOLE RYON AND PROMISED TO KILL HIM AS LEVERAGE AND I AM NOT ALLOWED TO SAFELY SECURE YOUR TWAT BROTHER TO MAKE A DIPLOMATIC TRADE!!!!!!

    Fuck of Gwyn, I do not want to see your stupid face in the North ever again....

    I want to kill all of them including Gwyn. I want to destroy them so horribly that Tywin Lannister will be like: "Woah, that was pretty excessive calm the fuck down. A little more mercy may have been nice. Damn."

  • I don't really think you understand how events went down. First off, as a less than a year old baby you can't really see how much trouble he would be, so he really had no other reason to kill him, except for the shame of having a bastard. He sent Ramsay's mother back to her home and promised to "provide" for his bastard, food and such, nothing all too priviledged. Ramsay grows up to be a cruel little fuck, his mother meets with Roose, tells him that his son is causing trouble and she needs help keeping him at bay, so Roose, as a sort of insult/cruel joke sends a servant who always stank even though he bathed three times a day (hence the name "Reek"). Ramsay finds out from Reek who his father is, in the meantime Roose's son (Domerick) learns that he has a brother. He meets Ramsay to form a nice little brotherly bond but gets sick and dies soon after (in the books Roose tells Theon that he thinks Ramsay poisoned his brother), and Ramsay goes up to Roose and kind of demands that he be allowed to live in the Dreadfort. He earns himself a name by being a sick, sadistic arse, murdering his own people and ALLIED houses, Roose keeps him around because he needs someone who truly follows him, and because all his other family (wife and son) are dead. I personally don't know what possible motive Roose had to keep him around, but the only logical explanation for Ramsay not being dead would have to be the kinslaying taboo, Roose even states that this was his only reason he didn't murder Ramsay. As for needing a henchman to go around while his child from Walda isn't born, in the books he states that he thinks Ramsay will kill any child he has from then on "but it's just as well" because he thinks he won't live long enough to raise another child and he believes that child lords are the death of any house, which would explain why he allowed Ramsay to be legitimized instead of just trying to get rid of him somehow.

    N8eule posted: »

    Well you cant send a little child to the wall. And if he really wanted him killed you could just hire someone to do it, they would never kno

  • edited July 2015

    The only advantage I see in having lost Asher is that I won't even be tempted to go easy because of Gwyn. With Asher alive, my romantic soul would probably have made me caress the idea of marrying them, now I have no single reason not to unleash the full hell of Forrester furor.

    I will burn Highpoint to the fucking ground, have every single man beheaded and the women and children banished forever from these lands.

    Perhaps I'll have Ludd's head stuffed for the lulz and keep it in a chest for Rodrick and Eleana's future children to play tea parties with. "Here's your bread and salt, Lord Chunky".


    The only advantage I see in having lost Asher is that I won't even be tempted to go easy because of Gwyn. With Asher alive, my romantic soul

  • Well, I mean yeah it was a good idea because it's game of thrones and you almost always get caught out on the unexpected but I love both characters very much and having to choose one over the other is to me like a parent having to choose which child do you love more?

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I think the Rodrik Asher choice was probably the ONLY thing this episode did right, honestly...

  • edited July 2015

    Gee they can look sympatetic all they want, i would still be like Lady Forrester and kill them all down to the babies in their beds.

  • edited July 2015

    I dont know why we are having that discussion. I appreatiate all the info you gave me tough and gave you every time a thumbs up. I hope that you at least let me have my opinion. And the only thing where I have a different opinion is the kingslaying theory. There are so incredibly many people who want to kill Ramsay. There are hundreds of ways killing someone, and even without knowing who killed him. He could send him on a mission and he gets ambushed on the way there. And as you know Roose isnt stupid, he is smart enough to figure something out "if" he wants to. As long as he doesnt have an other heir he "needs" Ramsay as his only heir.

    in the books he states that he thinks Ramsay will kill any child he has from then on "but it's just as well"

    He told "that" in a little different way to Theon and he knew Theon is telling everything to Ramsay. He just says that to calm Ramsay down, let him think his father isnt planning to replace him.

    Some people also say that since his son died he never laughed anymore, impling that he never really got over it. I find it hard to beleave that he just lets Ramsay get away with that.

    Lets wait and see what the future brings, then we can talk again about that.

    Galhaar posted: »

    I don't really think you understand how events went down. First off, as a less than a year old baby you can't really see how much trouble he

  • What really annoys me about Gwyn is that she wants the peace between the two Houses that are preparing for the war. No way in hell you are going to stop a war in GOT, especially since Ludd caused Ethan's death by bringing Ramsay to the Ironrath, and she says that her father is not to blame for everything at the funeral in ep.2. I will kill every Whitehill when I get the chance and give Highpoint to the Pit fighters so that 1000 years of bloodshed can continue.

  • Gwyn is not as condescending as hr father. That's a ridiculous statement. Ludd was the one who made up the deal, not Gwyn. She doesn't want a war to happen and that's why she's acting very diplomatic. She told us about our traitor by the way. You're lucky to even know about that....

    MosesARose posted: »

    Gwyn is as condescending as her father she wants you to bow to him. Look at the deal they gave you in episode 4, Ludd wanted your family to

  • Hes not worth a single bulet.... But he is worth a very slow painful death

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Fuck Arvo !

  • Ashers/Rodriks Legion .

    I play as ruthless as I can already. I guess I could run a Caesar on them and kill all the men and enslave all the women and children.

  • Hope ya don't got kids then.

  • edited July 2015


    You don't think she might have been trying to make things easier for Gryff, so that he was less likely to start killing people? She menti

  • Gwyn was powerless to do anything at Highpoint in episode 4, she doesn't have any influence. PEACE is not an option. Ludd is plotting against the Forresters(hello, Lord Andros). I hope there's a really nasty\epic\violent war at Episode 6. I wanna pull a Tywin Lannister and vanish the Whitehills from this Earth. Iron From Ice.

  • Woah Lady Elyssa. I see where Talia gets her fire from.

    Killah posted: »

    I'd kill every last the babies in their beds. Especially that useless cunt.Gwyn.

  • Wow I just realized determinately that both of the brothers the Two Brothers sword that Ryon was making can be dead now.

  • edited July 2015

    Even if we didn't know about the traitor, we still would have found him thanks to Talia, whom by the way didn't even know there was a traitor. So tell me, besides making the player suspicious of everyone around them and wanting the player to bow to her brother to make his job easier. What have she done?

    As far as the deal, sure she may have not helped her father come up with the terms of the arrangement. But regardless, she still knew what he was going to offer you, given she's obviously apart of his council and says nothing to smooth matters over. Instead when her father offers basically slavery, Rodrik becomes angry insulting his offer resulting in an angry Ludd, which in turn she tells him to give Rodrik time to think about it. Give me time to think about a proposal that will leave my people enslaved by her father, I think not. I would rather there be war and have my freedom, than to have peace and be a slave. Screw the Whitehills and their deals.

    Wigams posted: »

    Gwyn is not as condescending as hr father. That's a ridiculous statement. Ludd was the one who made up the deal, not Gwyn. She doesn't wa

  • This.

    It seems that for those of us who confronted her about her father got to see her real side.

    A similar even with Tom, if you shove him as Mira and demand to know why he's stalking you he will admit that he's doing it for himself and his well-being is at stake.

    Fudz4 posted: »

    I got so pissed of with Gwyn, she lives in this false sense of reality she has built for herself. She keeps defending her father all the tim

  • Something to point out:

    In the books it's implied/characters believe that Ramsey killed his brother.

    Rodrick: "You killed Ethan! My brother!"
    Ramsey: "Oh I've killed many brothers"

    Galhaar posted: »

    Thing is, Roose had a son when he first saw Ramsay as an infant, when he decided not to kill him. He didn't want Ramsay to live, but he didn

  • edited July 2015

    I am definitely keeping that in mind. For me, Asher is showing no mercy! I fully realize that Ryon will most likely die in this case but the Whitehills need to go.

  • I hated the whitehills and never felt sorry for them

  • Ludd kills Ryon
    Ludd: Muhahahaw

    Asher: killing a forrestor? slow clap woooow Ludd, way to break the mould, no one has killed a Forrestor before....
    Ludd: wtf I'm original stfu.
    Asher. You're as original as your ironwood.
    Pit fighters: OOOOOOOOH SNAP.
    Ludd: =(

  • It'll be interesting if there's a choice with Gwyn, especially if Asher's the one alive.

    Fudz4 posted: »

    I got so pissed of with Gwyn, she lives in this false sense of reality she has built for herself. She keeps defending her father all the tim


    shayan80 posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    Burn Highpoint and the fooking Whitehills to the fooking ground

    I'm not helping or dealing with any of those again. Fook them.

  • edited July 2015

    The only Whitehills to have wronged me are Ludd and Gryff so far. Ludd because he's bitter and Gryff because he's an insecure shit stain who thrists for power and attention. We have no idea what the other sons are like (beside the dead one), they may be like Gwynn (whose biased but more level headed and kind). They may be assholes. I won't hate them unless I'm shown otherwise.

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