Favourite and a Least favourite playable character



    1. Mira - not my fav character but her story plot is awesome and conning everyone in kings landing is very satisfying
    2. Rodrick - the most interesting storyline but it seems the consequence of each action is worse than the problem I'm trying to solve :'(
    3. Asher - my favourite character. awesome gameplay, lots of action but it doesn't seem like my choices really matter in his play through
    4. Gared - boring character, okay story. if it weren't for Jon Snow being at the wall I would probably fall asleep
    5. Ethan - Awesome play through but too brief. He was just a kid, didn't bring enough influence he's just another name in the history books
  • I agree Mira is a little bit plain.

    lilithnight posted: »

    * Rodrik * Asher * Gared * Ethan * Mira ( I just have no idea who she is... which is ridiculous considering we play her and can make her whoever we want!)

  • Favourite: Gared

    Least Favourite: Mira

    1. Rodrik
    2. Asher
    3. Gared
    4. Ethan
    5. Mira
  • Like me :)

    AronDracula posted: »

    Favourite: Gared Least Favourite: Mira

    1. Mira/Rodrick (they're tied)
    2. Asher
    3. Gared
    4. Ethan
  • edited July 2015
    1. Rodrick - There's something about plotting to rebuild you family's glory, with all the odds in the world stacked against you, that's just inspiring.
    2. Asher - This dude is fucking awesome! He's Indiana Jones without the PhD and whip! Asher can do anything!
    3. Ethan - He's the character who is the most like me in personality.
    4. Mira - I find her storyline fascinating because it's so different from the action based stories of the others. It's more suspenseful and strangely fun.
    5. Gared - I tend to play him like an asshole because I hate the Nights Watch and the Wall and the true North.
  • 1 is the best 4 is the worst

    1. Asher - I loved him from the moment I saw him. He is fun, exciting, and brutal.
    2. Rodrik - I liked his love interest and being lord
    3. Mira - I love Mira, I really do. However, she can easily be very boring and sometimes what she is doing seems...tedious? She is interesting and I really do wish I could put her higher but she hasn't had any moments where I was just like WOW.
    4. Gared - he is higher up with a lot of people but I don't really care for him. I admire his loyalty to the house but for some reason I just don't enjoy his character.

    I am not putting Ethan on the list as he died pretty early on so I don't feel like he would compare very well. We only got to see a small piece of him. I did enjoy playing as him

    1. Ethan: still a boy, unskilled in war, politics and diplomacy; hard to take him serious
    2. Rodrik: good character, but it feels as if every choice I make just backfires
    3. Gared: the North Grove better be something, damnit
    4. Asher: Need I explain?
    5. Mira: LOVE the intrigue!! It's the "Game of Thrones" that Cersei talked about... you win or you die, and it starts with diplomatic intrigue at court. Making friends, breaking and forming alliances, etc. Plus she's a strong female character, and cunning.
  • 1-5: Worst to Best

    * Ethan: still a boy, unskilled in war, politics and diplomacy; hard to take him serious * Rodrik: good character, but it feels as if every

  • I agree Rodrik is inspiring.

    * Rodrick - There's something about plotting to rebuild you family's glory, with all the odds in the world stacked against you, that's just

    1. Rodrik
    2. Mira
    3. Asher
    4. Ethan
    5. Gared
  • edited July 2015

    So did you sacrifice Rodrik or Asher in the end ?

    * Rodrick - There's something about plotting to rebuild you family's glory, with all the odds in the world stacked against you, that's just

  • I sacrificed Rodrick. He was a great man but I felt that Asher was the right man to fight the war.

  • edited July 2015

    1.Rodrik -- I loved his part in the story best of all, coming face to face with the Whitehills and trying to keep everything at home from falling apart and staying strong despite all the setbacks and difficulties, got me attached to him most of everyone. Plus love him and Elaena together.

    2. Asher -- his Han Solo badass/sarcastic attitude is just awesome, and so is his relationship with Beskha. He is a very close tie with Rodrik for me (which made THAT ending the worst possible thing that could happen ;___;)

    3. Mira -- love being able to actually "play the game" and try to be cunning and dangerous while looking like an innocent little handmaiden. Ep 4 was a total blast regarding her scenes.

    4. Ethan -- very very hard to figure out what was right to do in his shoes, but I did enjoy the dilemmas. Too bad he died so soon :(

    5. Gared -- I felt like he had a good potential at the beginning, but as soon as he got sent to the Wall my interest in that storyline started to slowly decrease. It was like Jon Snow 2.0, and then now in the last ep when things could get more interesting his sections felt like total fillers to me. Sorry Gared :/

    1. Asher - just the right mix of grim ruthlessness and carefree attitude that really appeals to my dark sense of humour.
    2. Gared - Probably just how I play him, but he's determined and once he sets to a task he can't be stopped, but he has a lot of pain and sadness there too and is resigned and accepting that he will die for something that may not be real.
    3. Rodrik - I went from bold one choice and cautious the next, it made it difficult to get a sense of character. So it's my fault he's here
    4. Ethan - One of the more flexible character's in terms of personality I think, but we only get the first episode with him.
    5. Mira - She doesn't really have a lot of time either, also I feel I'm screwing up as her and there's that there's something obvious I'm missing.
  • I did the same, I felt Rodrik was the best man to go out in blaze of glory and that it was Asher who was ready to lead House Forrester. It hurt because Rodrik was my favourite character.

    I sacrificed Rodrick. He was a great man but I felt that Asher was the right man to fight the war.

  • Asher

  • I really like every playable character, but my favorites are Asher and Rodrik.

  • Mira, Rodrik, Asher, Gared, Ethan.

  • 1, Rodrik Forrester: He is the personification of the House word "Iron from Ice", despite all the hardship that he face since episode 2, he maintained his iron spirit and recovered from his injuries by episode 5. I always play him as a confident leader who is decisive and firm, never showing any hesitation or doubt. Toward his family or Elaena, I always have him be gentle, kind and emphatic. Out of the five protagonist, I have the most fun, because I have such a good experience with him, that's why I have him lead the Forresters in episode 6.

    1. Asher Forrester: His story arc unfolds slowly. It is only by episode 4 and 5, that he truly becomes Rodrik's equal. He may not be the superior leader to his brother, but he is clearly the superior fighter, having fought countless enemy in Essos and always outnumbered. I play him as a guy, who has been humbled by his exile and is clearly more responsible and wiser. Despite his exile, he is still devoted to his family and every thing he did since episode 2, was for the sake of his family. That's why I thought his sacrifice in episode 5, was a fitting end for him, because he won't hesitate to give his life for his family. Rodrik was in danger and there was nothing else that Asher needed to know.

    2. Gared Tuttle: He has a lot of growth to his character. When we began the story, he was a simple squire for Lord Forrester. He is dutiful and loyal to the Forresters. Unlike Asher and Rodrik, it is clear that Gared wasn't their equal. However throughout the story, you witness him grow into a badass figther that are a match to Asher and Rodrik. By the time he reached the Wall and spend the time training, he is able to completely wipe the floor with Britt, fight several wildning and survived a wright attack.

    3. Mira Forrester: She began her story as a timid and inexperienced player in King's Landing. When her family is in danger, she has to start taking a lot of risks in order to find a way to help her family. She is forced to become better at playing the game and become more manipulative. However, I play her as a player who won't hesitate to show kindness and respect to her allies.

    4. Ethan Forrester: The only reason why Ethan is here, it s because he sadly got killed off in episode 1, thus stopping any character development that would have otherwise been awesome.

    1. Rodrik
    2. Ethan
    3. Asher
    4. Gared
    5. Mira
    1. Rodrik
    2. Asher
    3. Gared
    4. Ethan
    5. Mira
  • There's no "game of thrones" aspect at all. Have you ever listened to a Littlefinger-Varys conversation? As Mira we've only had and I swear it ONE chapter where we are really able to play the game. "You afraid of little handmaiden" "im going to destroy you". Everything else is her being played or taken advantage of, or it's just a plain annoying conversation with Sera about her relationship, because it's so much more important than our family.

    Here's a video of a real Game of Thrones conversation.
    GoT LvV

    Just for fun here's another.

    * Ethan: still a boy, unskilled in war, politics and diplomacy; hard to take him serious * Rodrik: good character, but it feels as if every

    1. Mira
    2. the rest
    1. Ethan
    2. Mira
    3. Asher
    4. Rodrick
    5. Gared
  • edited July 2015

    Rodrik and Asher are my favorites.

    I also like Talia, but shes not playable.

    1. Asher
    2. Rodrik
    3. Mira
    4. Ethan
    5. Gared
    1. Gared Tuttle

    2. Rodrik Forrester

    3. Asher Forrester

    4. Ethan Forrester

    5.Mira Forrester (Come on! Make SOME action happen!)

  • Everyone likes Rodrik lol. I really think they've outdone themselves creating him.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    1. Gared
    2. Asher
    3. Ethan
    4. Rodrik
    5. Mira
  • My favorites are Gared and Asher. The writers have kinda squandered potential and time with Gared in the later episodes yet I feel like things are so action packed.

    My least favorites are Ethan and Mira. Telltale have shown they don't really care about Mira at all so why should I?

  • I thought Ethan was a competent leader, despite his shortcomings as a soldier.

  • Favorite is a toss up between Rodrik and Asher. As characters, I like them both equally, but Rodrik takes the prize for me because I simply found his story in Ironrath much more engaging and interesting, as opposed to Asher's adventures in Essos.

    And while I don't particularly like Mira as a character (her transition from a scared girl to a manipulator and Game player was much too quick to be believable for me), at least her story itself is interesting. Thus, Gared for me takes the least favorite spot. As a character, he and his backstory is about as interesting as dry paint, and his story doesn't have much to offer either. I'd rather he were anywhere but beyond the Wall. Personally, I've always found that the least interesting story arcs of GoT are those dealing with the supernatural- in my opinion, GRRM should stick to writing politics and avoid magic and mystery. Unfortunately for Gared, his quest for the North Grove is way too reminiscent of Bran's story in the show- which, in my not-so-humble opinion, sucked.

    1. Mira
    2. Ethan
    3. Rodrik
    4. Asher
    5. Gared
  • Me too, I believe that Ethan had the potential to grow into a competent lord

    Rousey4000 posted: »

    I thought Ethan was a competent leader, despite his shortcomings as a soldier.

    1. Asher Forrester
    2. Gared Tuttle
    3. Rodrik Forrester
    4. Ethan Forrester
    5. Mira Forrester
  • I will agree, Gared's story has gotten a bit stale, but for me his character is the best.

    Favorite is a toss up between Rodrik and Asher. As characters, I like them both equally, but Rodrik takes the prize for me because I simply

    1. Asher
    2. Rodrik
    3. Gared
    4. Ethan
    5. Mira
  • He certainly grows to become a better fighter. I love that development.

    Rousey4000 posted: »

    I will agree, Gared's story has gotten a bit stale, but for me his character is the best.

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