In what way was he in the right, beating an unarmed, bound kid over and over? There is no way to ever condone that and I cant believe people still do it.
See thats the problem. Sympathy can get you killed as shown later when they shoot you and attempt to take the car. Kenny was in the right and im sorry he barley beat him to death... He only hit him a few times
He literally took like a 5 second moment of silence for her, and never mentioned her again. I guess he gave 5 whole seconds of his life to giving a damn, so I guess I was still technically wrong.
Not everyone is angry and violent when they're grieving, jeez. Just because Luke didn't punch Arvo's lights in doesn't mean he didn't care about Rebecca.
Because you don't talk about it or don't show emotions it doesn't mean he didn't care. Some are people are like that, especially if they need to hold a group in that situation together.
He literally took like a 5 second moment of silence for her, and never mentioned her again. I guess he gave 5 whole seconds of his life to giving a damn, so I guess I was still technically wrong.
....Really? We're talking about the same guy that got pissy when he found out Jane left. Determinately, Sarah had literally just died a few hours ago. Hell, NICK just Determinately died a few hours ago. It's not like the group was in a worse situation at that moment than after the shoot-out.
This is a problem that persisted for almost the whole of Season 2 as I mentioned in my original reply.
Because you don't talk about it or don't show emotions it doesn't mean he didn't care. Some are people are like that, especially if they need to hold a group in that situation together.
Well, you CAN tell Mike to move out the way, that's what I did, but it didn't do much. I agree, Arvo & his group came with FULL intent on robbing us, why should he be granted my sympathy? I also can say I didn't feel all that bad when Kenny kicked his ass either, and my extreme contempt for Arvo only deepened when he fuckin' shot me.
What felt forced was the group constantly siding with Arvo when he clearly got his group to come and rob you/ kill you even if you didn't st… moreeal anything. The whole story was trash and that part was way to forced. When Kenny grabs Arvo and points the gun at his head you can only disagree with Kenny. The game is forcing you once again to try and hate Kenny. You have Bonnie and Mike who have done nothing throughout that fight and still do nothing except feel more bad a caring for the people not in there group instead of the people in there group.
Well, to be fair, Arvo WAS screaming at the top of his lungs. We were in a power station, not many escape routes, Arvo starts screaming as loud as he can, Kenny silences him with a few punches to the face. How is that wrong? Arvo hated Kenny, so Kenny couldn't have said "Bro, calm your shit plz."
Arvo was screaming, which indirectly put the entire group in danger. Walkers could have trapped us, killing us all.
In what way was he in the right, beating an unarmed, bound kid over and over? There is no way to ever condone that and I cant believe people still do it.
Cover his mouth, dont punch him unconscious. His hands were tied and there were lots of people who could keep him quiet. Ask yourself why Kenny always chooses the most violent option.
Well, to be fair, Arvo WAS screaming at the top of his lungs. We were in a power station, not many escape routes, Arvo starts screaming as l… moreoud as he can, Kenny silences him with a few punches to the face. How is that wrong? Arvo hated Kenny, so Kenny couldn't have said "Bro, calm your shit plz."
Arvo was screaming, which indirectly put the entire group in danger. Walkers could have trapped us, killing us all.
He was already screaming, though. '-'
Kenny chose the easiest and most effective method, silence the fucker. Even with being gagged, Arvo could have still made ruckus and noise that COULD have attracted walkers, so I don't see how that's necessarily WRONG. Arvo decided to scream like a moron, and sometimes screaming like a moron can get you knocked out. Can't say I feel very bad about it. '-'
Cover his mouth, dont punch him unconscious. His hands were tied and there were lots of people who could keep him quiet. Ask yourself why Kenny always chooses the most violent option.
Really? Kenny had been acting like he'd been hard shit all season. He's so tough when beating up tied up, nearly crippled boys and killing a woman half his size (even though she deserved to die). I just wanted to punch him in the face the entirety of Season 2
Well, you CAN tell Mike to move out the way, that's what I did, but it didn't do much. I agree, Arvo & his group came with FULL intent o… moren robbing us, why should he be granted my sympathy? I also can say I didn't feel all that bad when Kenny kicked his ass either, and my extreme contempt for Arvo only deepened when he fuckin' shot me.
Cover his mouth, dont punch him unconscious. His hands were tied and there were lots of people who could keep him quiet. Ask yourself why Kenny always chooses the most violent option.
Since when is the easiest method the right thing to do? Kenny could've silenced him with an even easier method by slitting his throat; that requires a lot less energy than several punches, so by your logic that would be the right thing to do.
Arvo decided to scream like a moron, and sometimes screaming like a moron can get you knocked out.
No one ever decides to just be a moron in this kind of situation. You're dismissing what's really going on in Arvo's psyche here. I think it likely that Arvo was so depressed and hopeless after his sister's and group's death, with the fact that he was being beaten and held prisoner by this new group (he was sobbing with tears running down his face at this point, remember) that he just probably didn't care anymore. Possibly just for a moment, he might've wanted to die, and he might've not cared whether his abuser, his captors who killed his group, and the murderer of his sister (as far as he knew) would die from walkers as well. He probably cried out like that on a whim, and he probably knew the group would silence him soon enough, but right at that moment I just don't think he cared anymore. Mike had just offered him a sip of the rum, and as it was the first time anyone had showed him some kindness, Arvo might've thought it was some sort of sick joke. He might've thought, "How the hell is rum supposed to bring my dead sister back," and everything would've just gotten to him. For a moment, he might've just wanted to die; he might've just not given a crap anymore if walkers got him when he yelled like that.
Can't say I feel very bad about it. '-'
Considering the kid might've been suicidal at this snapshot in time, I do feel pretty bad about it. And beating him even more, even if it's to stop him making noise, won't really help matters with him in the long run.
He was already screaming, though. '-'
Kenny chose the easiest and most effective method, silence the fucker. Even with being gagged, Arvo c… moreould have still made ruckus and noise that COULD have attracted walkers, so I don't see how that's necessarily WRONG. Arvo decided to scream like a moron, and sometimes screaming like a moron can get you knocked out. Can't say I feel very bad about it. '-'
I would think anyone with a heart would sympathise a little.
Honestly , if i was in that situation. If it was me in that situation, i would of ended Arvo when Jane pulled a gun on him. At that point you have no choice. You can't take the risk of letting him go.
Youre mad that theyre mad that Kenny was beating a cripple boy who was already tied and helpless? I would think anyone with a heart would sympathise a little.
He is a plot device I'll give you that but it doesn't mean he's a bad one. They way they used him was just nonsensical and stupid. He could have been a very good rival for Clementine but instead was just used for Kenny's overall beating toy
If they were meant for a greater purpose in the plot aren't they still plot devices? This is what I mean, all characters are plot devices, that's what a character is.
I'll give you that but it doesn't mean he's a bad one.
A very bad plot device, used as a focus of Kenny's rage. He is used as a tool to demonstrate to Clementine how "far gone" Kenny is/was.
The shit he's seen and went through you think that he is thinking about the morality of things anymore. All he wanted was to keep you safe and mabye slap Arvo around a little bit.
In what way was he in the right, beating an unarmed, bound kid over and over? There is no way to ever condone that and I cant believe people still do it.
See thats the problem. Sympathy can get you killed as shown later when they shoot you and attempt to take the car. Kenny was in the right and im sorry he barley beat him to death... He only hit him a few times
Kenny was always trying to protect Clem. It was the only thing that he cared about after he lost Katja... and yea he went insane a little bit but can you really judge a man for being "Unstable" considering the circumstances and factors that have impacted him Mentally and Physically. i agree with you the game made you hate Ken.
What felt forced was the group constantly siding with Arvo when he clearly got his group to come and rob you/ kill you even if you didn't st… moreeal anything. The whole story was trash and that part was way to forced. When Kenny grabs Arvo and points the gun at his head you can only disagree with Kenny. The game is forcing you once again to try and hate Kenny. You have Bonnie and Mike who have done nothing throughout that fight and still do nothing except feel more bad a caring for the people not in there group instead of the people in there group.
I would think anyone with a heart would sympathise a little.
Honestly , if i was in that situation. If it was me in that situation, … morei would of ended Arvo when Jane pulled a gun on him. At that point you have no choice. You can't take the risk of letting him go.
Kenny kicked his ass either,
Really? Kenny had been acting like he'd been hard shit all season. He's so tough when beating up tied u… morep, nearly crippled boys and killing a woman half his size (even though she deserved to die). I just wanted to punch him in the face the entirety of Season 2
I like how your whole argument is based on trying to get me to sympathize with Arvo. First off, WHY should I care that this fucking asswipe is feeling bad? He CHOSE to bring his group to ROB us, what did he THINK was going to happen? Even IF he tried to diffuse the situation, it doesn't beat the fact that HE led HIS group to us, end of story. Second, I believe it WAS the right thing to do, he silenced him. Hell, I was all in favor for killing him too, but unfortunately the group was on some moral high horse. It's the apocalypse, you can't abide by moral ethics and what is the "right" thing to do. SYMPATHY gets you killed. Arvo was released and given a gun by either Mike or Bonnie, and he shot Clementine. So much for the right thing to do, huh? He gets sympathy and in return it puts a bullet into you. Shane Walsh said it perfectly "You can't be the good guy and expect to survive, not anymore."
For example, in 400 days, it's TECHNICALLY the RIGHT thing to do by sparing the thief, but it came with a grave consequence, you camp was raided and BOYD died. So, go on and keep your humanity, but I'll go on and keep my life to carry on said humanity.
Second, why am I suppose to care about matters in the long run? I'm not looking to fucking let em' join the group, now am I? No, I wanted to kill him, I don't really CARE how Arvos feeling. He made a choice, he payed for it. No sympathy from me, and it only filled me with MORE contempt once he shot me. You can argue what's morally right until the cows come home, but the thing is, it's the apocalypse, it's DO or DIE. I'm not saying give up your human kindness, all I'm saying is sympathizing with someone who tried to rob and potentially kill everyone in your group is not a very smart idea, as Episode 5 proved that. No matter how you look at it, he shoots you. You can defend his ass everytime and NOT steal his meds and he returns the favor by trying to kill you. No, I can't sympathize with someone like that, and NO I don't care if Kenny beat the piss outta him. As far as I'm concerned, it was well fucking deserved.
Kenny chose the easiest and most effective method
Since when is the easiest method the right thing to do? Kenny could've silenced hi… morem with an even easier method by slitting his throat; that requires a lot less energy than several punches, so by your logic that would be the right thing to do.
Arvo decided to scream like a moron, and sometimes screaming like a moron can get you knocked out.
No one ever decides to just be a moron in this kind of situation. You're dismissing what's really going on in Arvo's psyche here. I think it likely that Arvo was so depressed and hopeless after his sister's and group's death, with the fact that he was being beaten and held prisoner by this new group (he was sobbing with tears running down his face at this point, remember) that he just probably didn't care anymore. Possibly just for a moment, he might've wanted to die, and he might've not cared whether his abuser, his captors who killed … [view original content]
I KNOW RIGHT? Sparing people doesn't always help anybody. Like in TWAU, symphatizing with TweedleDee in the prison and sparing TweedleDum did help anything? No, they still wanted to kill you. I kill people when they try to kill ME, some people don't care for their targets' respect and huminaty, all they want is you being dead. it's Arvo's fault his group and his sister are dead, he needs no symphaty, he is the stupidest person in the whole game. He needs to die.
I like how your whole argument is based on trying to get me to sympathize with Arvo. First off, WHY should I care that this fucking asswipe … moreis feeling bad? He CHOSE to bring his group to ROB us, what did he THINK was going to happen? Even IF he tried to diffuse the situation, it doesn't beat the fact that HE led HIS group to us, end of story. Second, I believe it WAS the right thing to do, he silenced him. Hell, I was all in favor for killing him too, but unfortunately the group was on some moral high horse. It's the apocalypse, you can't abide by moral ethics and what is the "right" thing to do. SYMPATHY gets you killed. Arvo was released and given a gun by either Mike or Bonnie, and he shot Clementine. So much for the right thing to do, huh? He gets sympathy and in return it puts a bullet into you. Shane Walsh said it perfectly "You can't be the good guy and expect to survive, not anymore."
For example, in 400 days, it's TECHNICALLY the RI… [view original content]
Exactly. Arvo caused his own misfortune by leading his Russian friends to a group that actually fought back and won. Thinking rationally, why should I give a SHIT how ARVO is doing? He didn't seem to care how I was doing when his bandits were at his aide, now that they're not, KENNYS the asshole? Give me a fucking break. Kenny and (My) Clementine were the only ones with their heads screwed on STRAIGHT when it came to Arvo. Kenny knew Arvo didn't have any good will intentions, no matter how much you sympathize his ass, he still shoots you, REGARDLESS.
Kenny was right about Arvo, and his haters don't accept that. They always claim it was a flaw in writing, such an asinine reason, to be honest.
I KNOW RIGHT? Sparing people doesn't always help anybody. Like in TWAU, symphatizing with TweedleDee in the prison and sparing TweedleDum di… mored help anything? No, they still wanted to kill you. I kill people when they try to kill ME, some people don't care for their targets' respect and huminaty, all they want is you being dead. it's Arvo's fault his group and his sister are dead, he needs no symphaty, he is the stupidest person in the whole game. He needs to die.
I still can't believe why a bunch of dumbasses (Even Jane) defend Arvo after an ambush that was caused by his group and that nearly killed them. (My) Clementine and Kenny were smarter than the group.
Exactly. Arvo caused his own misfortune by leading his Russian friends to a group that actually fought back and won. Thinking rationally, wh… morey should I give a SHIT how ARVO is doing? He didn't seem to care how I was doing when his bandits were at his aide, now that they're not, KENNYS the asshole? Give me a fucking break. Kenny and (My) Clementine were the only ones with their heads screwed on STRAIGHT when it came to Arvo. Kenny knew Arvo didn't have any good will intentions, no matter how much you sympathize his ass, he still shoots you, REGARDLESS.
Kenny was right about Arvo, and his haters don't accept that. They always claim it was a flaw in writing, such an asinine reason, to be honest.
I completely agree. Everyone else fell for Arvos sympathy game, except for Kenny and (My) Clementine. I was all in favor for Kenny shooting him after the firefight and even told Mike to move the fuck outta the way.
I still can't believe why a bunch of dumbasses (Even Jane) defend Arvo after an ambush that was caused by his group and that nearly killed them. (My) Clementine and Kenny were smarter than the group.
I dont know how many ways I can say the same thing. He was already tied up and defenseless and Kenny was beating up on him out of anger and spite. He wasnt protecting the group, he was venting his rage on a crippled boy half his age. How do you not see that this is wrong?
I dont know how many ways I can say the same thing. He was already tied up and defenseless and Kenny was beating up on him out of anger and … morespite. He wasnt protecting the group, he was venting his rage on a crippled boy half his age. How do you not see that this is wrong?
why don't they just kill him?
That would be the smart thing to do. You know, when i was in the military, we never took chances. Taking chances gets people killed.
If everyone was like that, Clem would've been left without a Lee, Omid and Christa would've been killed, Clem too. That mentality of kill or be killed in the apocalypse is why users of it would have no allies to help save them, too
I would think anyone with a heart would sympathise a little.
Honestly , if i was in that situation. If it was me in that situation, … morei would of ended Arvo when Jane pulled a gun on him. At that point you have no choice. You can't take the risk of letting him go.
The whole group is stupid for not going through the forest. That's what Mike said. There wasn't that much walkers anyway. And the fact that Arvo is the reason for the shootout even if you don't rob the medicine.
What felt forced was the group constantly siding with Arvo when he clearly got his group to come and rob you/ kill you even if you didn't st… moreeal anything. The whole story was trash and that part was way to forced. When Kenny grabs Arvo and points the gun at his head you can only disagree with Kenny. The game is forcing you once again to try and hate Kenny. You have Bonnie and Mike who have done nothing throughout that fight and still do nothing except feel more bad a caring for the people not in there group instead of the people in there group.
Well, you CAN tell Mike to move out the way, that's what I did, but it didn't do much. I agree, Arvo & his group came with FULL intent o… moren robbing us, why should he be granted my sympathy? I also can say I didn't feel all that bad when Kenny kicked his ass either, and my extreme contempt for Arvo only deepened when he fuckin' shot me.
See thats the problem. Sympathy can get you killed as shown later when they shoot you and attempt to take the car. Kenny was in the right and im sorry he barley beat him to death... He only hit him a few times
You're expecting him to not be mad with shock and sadness. You like Ken, he's exactly the same. When someone close to him is killed, he turns his anger on everyone, he's irrational. But because it's Arvo, you nitpick that he's irrational out of trauma while Kenny is fine
I wanted to add some things, if you think its too long or you dont wanna read it, feel free not to read it...
Arvo is an asshole, a stupi… mored, dumb asshole... I felt a bit bad for him the first time we see him and i didnt steal his shit, so then he's all nice and happy and 'thank you for not stealing from me Clementine'... 1 day later: 'dis ar d pepl who robbed me'... What the fuck? Some people would say Jane stole his gun, he was forced by his friends... He says his suplies not just his gun, and by the translated dialogue russians have they seem nice to Arvo... but i kinda blame the lazy Telltale for the whole 'stealing Arvo's supplies' thing...
Then Episode 5 comes...
Kenny was right to use Arvo as a shield, cus didnt exactly look like Bonnie or Mike were doing something to help, and Clementine and Luke were in a bad position... While they're doing that his sister zombifies and tries to kill Clem and Aj, and when I shoot her he's piss… [view original content]
I never really said that Kenny is fine... Even tho i'm on his side, i was never blind to how he acts... And Arvo didn't turn his anger on everyone, he turned it only on Clem, which was stupid... Kenny (and Jane determinantly) did bad things to him... Kenny should be the first on his list, but he was angry at Clem the whole way... And if he just looked at her eyes and her skin (his sisters) and realize the fact she suddenly got up with a bullet in her chest, he would realize she was a walker... To me, Arvo is stupid...
You're expecting him to not be mad with shock and sadness. You like Ken, he's exactly the same. When someone close to him is killed, he turn… mores his anger on everyone, he's irrational. But because it's Arvo, you nitpick that he's irrational out of trauma while Kenny is fine
In what way was he in the right, beating an unarmed, bound kid over and over? There is no way to ever condone that and I cant believe people still do it.
He literally took like a 5 second moment of silence for her, and never mentioned her again. I guess he gave 5 whole seconds of his life to giving a damn, so I guess I was still technically wrong.
Because you don't talk about it or don't show emotions it doesn't mean he didn't care. Some are people are like that, especially if they need to hold a group in that situation together.
....Really? We're talking about the same guy that got pissy when he found out Jane left. Determinately, Sarah had literally just died a few hours ago. Hell, NICK just Determinately died a few hours ago. It's not like the group was in a worse situation at that moment than after the shoot-out.
This is a problem that persisted for almost the whole of Season 2 as I mentioned in my original reply.
Well, you CAN tell Mike to move out the way, that's what I did, but it didn't do much. I agree, Arvo & his group came with FULL intent on robbing us, why should he be granted my sympathy? I also can say I didn't feel all that bad when Kenny kicked his ass either, and my extreme contempt for Arvo only deepened when he fuckin' shot me.
Well, to be fair, Arvo WAS screaming at the top of his lungs. We were in a power station, not many escape routes, Arvo starts screaming as loud as he can, Kenny silences him with a few punches to the face. How is that wrong? Arvo hated Kenny, so Kenny couldn't have said "Bro, calm your shit plz."
Arvo was screaming, which indirectly put the entire group in danger. Walkers could have trapped us, killing us all.
Cover his mouth, dont punch him unconscious. His hands were tied and there were lots of people who could keep him quiet. Ask yourself why Kenny always chooses the most violent option.
He was already screaming, though. '-'
Kenny chose the easiest and most effective method, silence the fucker. Even with being gagged, Arvo could have still made ruckus and noise that COULD have attracted walkers, so I don't see how that's necessarily WRONG. Arvo decided to scream like a moron, and sometimes screaming like a moron can get you knocked out. Can't say I feel very bad about it. '-'
Really? Kenny had been acting like he'd been hard shit all season. He's so tough when beating up tied up, nearly crippled boys and killing a woman half his size (even though she deserved to die). I just wanted to punch him in the face the entirety of Season 2
Arvo would have bit him up or spit his hand. He was right to beat him up.
Since when is the easiest method the right thing to do? Kenny could've silenced him with an even easier method by slitting his throat; that requires a lot less energy than several punches, so by your logic that would be the right thing to do.
No one ever decides to just be a moron in this kind of situation. You're dismissing what's really going on in Arvo's psyche here. I think it likely that Arvo was so depressed and hopeless after his sister's and group's death, with the fact that he was being beaten and held prisoner by this new group (he was sobbing with tears running down his face at this point, remember) that he just probably didn't care anymore. Possibly just for a moment, he might've wanted to die, and he might've not cared whether his abuser, his captors who killed his group, and the murderer of his sister (as far as he knew) would die from walkers as well. He probably cried out like that on a whim, and he probably knew the group would silence him soon enough, but right at that moment I just don't think he cared anymore. Mike had just offered him a sip of the rum, and as it was the first time anyone had showed him some kindness, Arvo might've thought it was some sort of sick joke. He might've thought, "How the hell is rum supposed to bring my dead sister back," and everything would've just gotten to him. For a moment, he might've just wanted to die; he might've just not given a crap anymore if walkers got him when he yelled like that.
Considering the kid might've been suicidal at this snapshot in time, I do feel pretty bad about it. And beating him even more, even if it's to stop him making noise, won't really help matters with him in the long run.
Honestly , if i was in that situation. If it was me in that situation, i would of ended Arvo when Jane pulled a gun on him. At that point you have no choice. You can't take the risk of letting him go.
A very bad plot device, used as a focus of Kenny's rage. He is used as a tool to demonstrate to Clementine how "far gone" Kenny is/was.
Some develop the story.
Some develop characters IE KENNY.
That pretty much sums up every other character in Season 2
The shit he's seen and went through you think that he is thinking about the morality of things anymore. All he wanted was to keep you safe and mabye slap Arvo around a little bit.
Why so much sympathy to the guy who got people that were loyal to you killed
Kenny was always trying to protect Clem. It was the only thing that he cared about after he lost Katja... and yea he went insane a little bit but can you really judge a man for being "Unstable" considering the circumstances and factors that have impacted him Mentally and Physically. i agree with you the game made you hate Ken.
You'll never understand, nor will any of the Kenny sympathizers who think what he did was right.
why don't they just kill him?
Oh boy, well all I have to say is cool opinion. Not gonna debate because there really isn't a point. I have my opinion and you have yours
How was it wrong though?
I like how your whole argument is based on trying to get me to sympathize with Arvo. First off, WHY should I care that this fucking asswipe is feeling bad? He CHOSE to bring his group to ROB us, what did he THINK was going to happen? Even IF he tried to diffuse the situation, it doesn't beat the fact that HE led HIS group to us, end of story. Second, I believe it WAS the right thing to do, he silenced him. Hell, I was all in favor for killing him too, but unfortunately the group was on some moral high horse. It's the apocalypse, you can't abide by moral ethics and what is the "right" thing to do. SYMPATHY gets you killed. Arvo was released and given a gun by either Mike or Bonnie, and he shot Clementine. So much for the right thing to do, huh? He gets sympathy and in return it puts a bullet into you. Shane Walsh said it perfectly "You can't be the good guy and expect to survive, not anymore."
For example, in 400 days, it's TECHNICALLY the RIGHT thing to do by sparing the thief, but it came with a grave consequence, you camp was raided and BOYD died. So, go on and keep your humanity, but I'll go on and keep my life to carry on said humanity.
Second, why am I suppose to care about matters in the long run? I'm not looking to fucking let em' join the group, now am I? No, I wanted to kill him, I don't really CARE how Arvos feeling. He made a choice, he payed for it. No sympathy from me, and it only filled me with MORE contempt once he shot me. You can argue what's morally right until the cows come home, but the thing is, it's the apocalypse, it's DO or DIE. I'm not saying give up your human kindness, all I'm saying is sympathizing with someone who tried to rob and potentially kill everyone in your group is not a very smart idea, as Episode 5 proved that. No matter how you look at it, he shoots you. You can defend his ass everytime and NOT steal his meds and he returns the favor by trying to kill you. No, I can't sympathize with someone like that, and NO I don't care if Kenny beat the piss outta him. As far as I'm concerned, it was well fucking deserved.
That would be the smart thing to do. You know, when i was in the military, we never took chances. Taking chances gets people killed.
a lot of them yeah.
I feel bad for Sarita's voice actor. What a crappy part.
I KNOW RIGHT? Sparing people doesn't always help anybody. Like in TWAU, symphatizing with TweedleDee in the prison and sparing TweedleDum did help anything? No, they still wanted to kill you. I kill people when they try to kill ME, some people don't care for their targets' respect and huminaty, all they want is you being dead. it's Arvo's fault his group and his sister are dead, he needs no symphaty, he is the stupidest person in the whole game. He needs to die.
Exactly. Arvo caused his own misfortune by leading his Russian friends to a group that actually fought back and won. Thinking rationally, why should I give a SHIT how ARVO is doing? He didn't seem to care how I was doing when his bandits were at his aide, now that they're not, KENNYS the asshole? Give me a fucking break. Kenny and (My) Clementine were the only ones with their heads screwed on STRAIGHT when it came to Arvo. Kenny knew Arvo didn't have any good will intentions, no matter how much you sympathize his ass, he still shoots you, REGARDLESS.
Kenny was right about Arvo, and his haters don't accept that. They always claim it was a flaw in writing, such an asinine reason, to be honest.
I still can't believe why a bunch of dumbasses (Even Jane) defend Arvo after an ambush that was caused by his group and that nearly killed them. (My) Clementine and Kenny were smarter than the group.
I completely agree. Everyone else fell for Arvos sympathy game, except for Kenny and (My) Clementine. I was all in favor for Kenny shooting him after the firefight and even told Mike to move the fuck outta the way.
I dont know how many ways I can say the same thing. He was already tied up and defenseless and Kenny was beating up on him out of anger and spite. He wasnt protecting the group, he was venting his rage on a crippled boy half his age. How do you not see that this is wrong?
I would see it as wrong if the boy was innocent but he was not so...
Oh dear, the hardships and trauma you must have faced
you have my condolences, truly.
If everyone was like that, Clem would've been left without a Lee, Omid and Christa would've been killed, Clem too. That mentality of kill or be killed in the apocalypse is why users of it would have no allies to help save them, too
Why are people not getting this? Jane taking his gun is as good as murdering him
Jane took his gun. If someone takes a person's only weapon, it's basically murder. If they take a cripple legged guy's weapon? Overkill murder
Jane took his weapon
I guess we're lucky there were so many sympathetic people in S1 and 2 then, or Lee and Clem would be long killed
You're expecting him to not be mad with shock and sadness. You like Ken, he's exactly the same. When someone close to him is killed, he turns his anger on everyone, he's irrational. But because it's Arvo, you nitpick that he's irrational out of trauma while Kenny is fine
I never really said that Kenny is fine... Even tho i'm on his side, i was never blind to how he acts... And Arvo didn't turn his anger on everyone, he turned it only on Clem, which was stupid... Kenny (and Jane determinantly) did bad things to him... Kenny should be the first on his list, but he was angry at Clem the whole way... And if he just looked at her eyes and her skin (his sisters) and realize the fact she suddenly got up with a bullet in her chest, he would realize she was a walker... To me, Arvo is stupid...
btw. isnt this discussion a bit old
Doesn't matter, Clementine DIDN'T and he knew that.