New playable character?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

For Season 2. Who would you guys prefer to see?

  • Malcolm
  • Eleana
  • Taila
  • Gwyn
  • Ryon
  • Elissa
  • Beskha
  • Other?

Edit: I forgot Silvi

I would have to go with Talia. It would be interesting if she had more shades of Arya.

Also I hope that the 3 remaining playable characters make it to Season 2. But that's unlikely for Asher/Rodrick..



  • Beshka or a wildling.

  • edited July 2015

    Malcolm for DLC. For Season 2: Mira, Beska, Talia, Silvy (I'm her biggest fan) and Gared (I belive he survives the Season) Asher/Rodrick as NPC pls :3

  • Would like to play the Sentinel if he survives. Mine is Royland.

  • edited July 2015

    I can't see Telltale having 4 female protagonists and 1 male unfortunately

    Malcolm for DLC. For Season 2: Mira, Beska, Talia, Silvy (I'm her biggest fan) and Gared (I belive he survives the Season) Asher/Rodrick as NPC pls

  • Me neither but I really would like to play as these characters :3

    Flog61 posted: »

    I can't see Telltale having 4 female protagonists and 1 male unfortunately

  • I would have said Arthur before the last episode (...) but I think any of these could be fun exploring, especially Talia with the development she's getting. Who would be most fun playing though? Beskha, hands down.

  • edited July 2015

    Lots of characters are in the same place, so it wouldn't make sense at all to be able to play Beskha AND Talia/Asher/Rodrik.

    Personally, I'd like to see:

    • Asher/Rodrik
    • Gared
    • Mira
    • Malcolm (?)
    • and finally someone new to the cast.
  • I can see Talia and Malcolm as playable characters in S2. Playing with Beskha would be pretty sweet too. The rest can be either Gared and Mira or someone new.

  • edited July 2015

    Playable characters I want in season 2: Gared,

  • Same!

    Me neither but I really would like to play as these characters

  • Beskha for sure. Wouldn't mind playing as Malcolm either. If Ryon's still around he might be fun.

  • edited July 2015

    For Season 2 I'd like:

    • Gared
    • Mira
    • Talia (Rodrik/Asher as npc)
    • Malcolm
    • Torrhen Whitehill would be interesting
  • I'd like to see your sentinel as a playable character, I chose Duncan for numerous logical reasons, mostly due to Ser Royland not liking Ethan anyway and that Royland is much too aggressive.

  • How do you guys feel about a Whitehill playable character?

    Gwyn, or perhaps another unseen brother.

  • With the hate the Whitehills have, having one as playable character would make some people suicide every time a QTE appears xD

    For Season 2 I'd like: * Gared * Mira * Talia (Rodrik/Asher as npc) * Malcolm * Torrhen Whitehill would be interesting

  • Ramsey! And all we do is torcher people and hunt little girls in the woods.

  • I think the safest bet would be people that are definite survivors not those we chose to let live, it would be too difficult for TellTale to make various storylines for those that let Rodrik/Asher survive. If not we may see a whole new cast which I would in fact not mind.

  • edited July 2015

    I would like to see a Faceless Man in the story,probably not a playable character but still a major one.One could be encountered by Malcolm who I feel will be a playable character due to his situation.

  • I honestly don't want season 2 to focus on the Forresters again. I'd much prefer they wrap up the Forrester story in season 1 and give us a new location and family for season 2.

  • Definitely Beskha.

    Alt text

  • I would just cross off Gared and add Beskha. :)

    Torrhen Whitehill would be really intesting, even more if we get some Whitehills killed next episode.

    For Season 2 I'd like: * Gared * Mira * Talia (Rodrik/Asher as npc) * Malcolm * Torrhen Whitehill would be interesting

  • They would totally do it for that very reason lol

    Flog61 posted: »

    I can't see Telltale having 4 female protagonists and 1 male unfortunately

  • Beskha, Talia, Malcolm and Ryon

  • Beskha and some new characters would be awesome.

  • I want Season 2 to be about a different house. The TV series that most of the people here watch only covers a mere fraction of the conflicts in just Westeros alone. The books have a ton more characters. This whole Forrestor - Whitehill thing? Its but a mere EXPECTED circumstance of the war, their story is but one of many many many inter-regional conflicts going on.

    Personally, it would be nice to go further west to the region ruled by the Tyrells. You play as one of the coastal houses who have just heard that the Shield Islands have been successfully invaded by the Ironborn who are brutally slaughtering and maiming the people in ways the Boltons would have nightmares of. The Tyrells despite being the Wardens are too busy with their political game in Kings Landing to see to the protection of the lands personally, its up to you to defend your coast.

    1. Talia
    2. Malcolm
    3. Beskha
    4. Gared
    5. uh....Ryon?
  • edited July 2015

    Other: I'd like to play as a Dothraki(Who knows perfect english) enslaved as one of Dany's pit-fighters that plots a rebellion or an escape, depending on choice, to break free and become rich. He tries to become rich by being either a bounty hunter, a sellsword or as a hired assassin for whom ever.

    Sounds like fun to me, though it doesn't really connect to The Forresters unless he's hired by em after he's free.

  • I would like to see Beskha and Talia as new playable characters.

  • I honestly want a new family and conflict, they'd just fuck up the Forresters and shit all over them again. I want a season of winning for once. In TTG all that ever happens is sad, give me something happy for fucks sake. It's repetitive and annoying.

  • Talia, Malcolm, Torrhen Whitehill and possibly a Glenmore.

    1. Rodrik/Asher
    2. Gared
    3. Mira
    4. Talia
    5. Beshka
  • Of all the NPC's, it makes the most sense for us to at some point take the role of Talia. She's had plenty of "Talia will remember that moments and learned much through her experiences, having firsthand witnessed the cruelty of the Whitehills and the decisions that Rodrik and Ethan had to make in order to survive.

    I don't see her going through the Arya route. Arya becomes obsessed with revenge and I see her eventually losing the ability to function in a normal society with no left to assassinate. Talia seems much more level-headed at this point, and still has family to fight for while as far as Arya knows, her entire family is murdered.

    "A long time ago, she remembered her father saying that when the cold wind blows the lone wolf dies but the pack survives. He had it all backwards. Arya, the lone wolf, still lived, but the wolves of the pack had been taken and slain and skinned"

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  • Ryon, Talia, malcom, svyli and Rodrick's son? maybe?

  • I must say I strongly disagree with the people who would wish a totally different playable family for s2, personally that would be a major downer for me. I get that Westeros is big and it would be interesting to explore different settings, but if I had to abandon the Forresters completely after building such strong emotional ties to them I would feel kind of cheated. I can see the PC expanding to include someone from the Glenmores and/or Whitehills, though. And as far as new settings go, playing as Beskha could potentially solve this problem, as I can't really see her settling down at Ironrath (or anywhere for that matter) after the resolution of the conflict in ep.6, even with Asher alive (and in my case even more so since he's dead :( ).

  • edited July 2015

    I don't actually think that Forresters are going to be shown in season 2, most likely TTG gonna put another minor house instead of them.
    As for me, I'd love to play as Red Priest, like Thoros or that guy from GoT rpg. That would be awesome.

  • Malcom for the last episode and maybe DLC. Talia,Gared ,Beskha or Duncan ( sentinel ) for the next season

  • edited July 2015

    ehh, It's gonna be:

    1. Night King (First Gared, then he's gonna be killed by Night king, and he will become playable character)
    2. coldhands
    3. Lady Stoneheart
    4. Coal boy
    5. Malcolm
  • I would like to play Norren he escaped the Red Wedding and joined the brotherhood without banners

  • I said I wanted her to have some shades of Arya, not become Arya completely. That would be terrible.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Of all the NPC's, it makes the most sense for us to at some point take the role of Talia. She's had plenty of "Talia will remember that mome

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