Major trolling moments in the game

How dare Ramsay troll us with that knife. He knows he'd never just let someone just stab him. I was picturing Talia saying "NO RODRICK HE'S TROLLING YOU!!"instead of toying Lol


  • Picturing...Talia?..

  • Another troll would definitely be when we first met Croft and he's all pissed.

  • edited July 2015

    Lol "picturing" is actually a synonym for imagining

    Killah posted: »


  • Hahahaha, I loved that scene. It's a good thing he was trolling otherwise my Asher would be down a hand.

    Another troll would definitely be when we first met Croft and he's all pissed.

  • I thought it was funny when Sera asked Mira to make an excuse for her while she talked to Tarwick then 2 seconds later she ditches to talk to Tom lol

  • Playing as Ethan you must give the bracer to your newly appointed Sentinel. Duncan, I choose you to be my Sentinel.... Royland, I choose you to be my Sentinel. Moments later at the small council. lol Someone's not gonna be happy.

  • You know, if you did do that in your game, they might still feel very bitter at being lied to and humiliated by a child lord during a very important council meeting. Bitter enough to hate the house they served loyally up to that point, or something. It made sense in my head. :v

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Playing as Ethan you must give the bracer to your newly appointed Sentinel. Duncan, I choose you to be my Sentinel.... Royland, I choose you to be my Sentinel. Moments later at the small council. lol Someone's not gonna be happy.

  • Is picturing not a common synonym for 'imagining' everywhere or something...?

    Killah posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    I know its not in game. But the best trolling ever in the show is when Ramsay pretends to save Theon then brings him back. A* trolling right there haha. You know what, I think Ramsay is the best troll ever.

  • Mine would have lost an eye lol

    Hahahaha, I loved that scene. It's a good thing he was trolling otherwise my Asher would be down a hand.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2015

    My Asher would've lost his.... err... "Ironwood Forrest."

    Mine would have lost an eye lol

  • When you are given the option to bring Finn along thinking he won't die and they kill him unceremoniously

  • Ohhhh that wouldn't have been good at all Gwen would have been very disappointed upon his return

    My Asher would've lost his.... err... "Ironwood Forrest."

  • edited July 2015

    The Bitch of Dragons not delivering. I would have had good old Croft and his sellswords any time over the Pit freak show.

    Say what you want about Stannis, but in her place he would have kept his word.

  • He might have just forgotten or something. I've done that a few times, not exactly like this but similar.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Is picturing not a common synonym for 'imagining' everywhere or something...?

  • Gryff smirking at the end (even if you maimed him)

  • Yeah, I know what you mean.

    He might have just forgotten or something. I've done that a few times, not exactly like this but similar.

  • If someone thought Finn was going to survive if you brought him along, then that person hasn't played enough Telltale games.

  • edited July 2015

    I loved that scene

    Mariana238 posted: »

    I know its not in game. But the best trolling ever in the show is when Ramsay pretends to save Theon then brings him back. A* trolling right there haha. You know what, I think Ramsay is the best troll ever.

  • If he died I figured it would be at the North Grove in a more built up way I didn't think he'd necessarily live through everything just didn't think they'd kill him like that and Gared was just like damn Finns dead...alright let's keep going

    Pipas posted: »

    If someone thought Finn was going to survive if you brought him along, then that person hasn't played enough Telltale games.

  • Ryon, I choose you to be my Sentinel.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Playing as Ethan you must give the bracer to your newly appointed Sentinel. Duncan, I choose you to be my Sentinel.... Royland, I choose you to be my Sentinel. Moments later at the small council. lol Someone's not gonna be happy.

  • edited July 2015

    i wanted to stab him just because of that. Then theres the whole my eye is perfect bluisness STAB STAB

    asanque posted: »

    Gryff smirking at the end (even if you maimed him)

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