Duncan is a dick

Seriously he becomes way more of a dick than Royland if you don't choose him as your sentinel. Royland was a douche as well but Duncan took it to a whole new level with this line

Duncan: "But I wish you'd never crawled off that corpse cart."




  • Yes, I already knew I would execute him, but after that line I also knew I would take pleasure from it.

  • Doesn't Royland say something like that if he's the traitor?

  • Royland saying that Rodrik only survived the Red Wedding by playing dead was pretty dickish too tbh

  • edited July 2015

    He says "You've been making foolish decisions too, since the day you crawled off that corpse cart".

    Then he goes about how his father would be ashamed, how Rodrick is a cripple and survived the Red wedding by playing dead and is basically a coward while Asher would have the balls necessary to save the family.

    (From a waltkthrough I watched on youtube. In my game the traitor was Duncan)

    Cody_nara posted: »

    Doesn't Royland say something like that if he's the traitor?

  • edited July 2015

    Royland is dickish like hell as well. they are both cowardly idiots. Royland rants about how Rodrick is weak, how the house is weak and tries to justify his behaviour towards the house in that way. It did not matter, he became a pincushion after that.

  • It is. But they are way different lines basically;

    Duncan: "I wish you died"

    Royland: "You are a fucking craven"

    Nothox posted: »

    Royland saying that Rodrik only survived the Red Wedding by playing dead was pretty dickish too tbh

  • That's pretty dickish too, don't you think?

    He says "You've been making foolish decisions too, since the day you crawled off that corpse cart". Then he goes about how his father wou

  • That's less dickish than what Duncan says.

    Cody_nara posted: »

    That's pretty dickish too, don't you think?

  • edited July 2015

    Duncan really says that? Shite! Makes me wonder if he was thinking that the whole time he was my Sentinel. Well if he thinks that little of Rodrick then he's really going to hate life under Asher. ;)

  • Since I agreed with Royland on every decision I liked his speech of how violent and stupid Rodrik was being. It reminded me of the stranger scene at the end of TWDG season 1.

  • To be fair, I was extremely violent in TWD Season 1. :D

    Since I agreed with Royland on every decision I liked his speech of how violent and stupid Rodrik was being. It reminded me of the stranger scene at the end of TWDG season 1.

  • Duncan takes it to a whole superior level of dickishness

    That's less dickish than what Duncan says.

  • Yep

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Duncan takes it to a whole superior level of dickishness

  • Duncan is a dick

    Yep... These kinds of threads are exactly why The forum was created. XD But yeah, He is a giant asshole. I chose Royland in the beginning anyway because Duncan gave me a weird vibe about him. Like he was a traitor, or He was a massive prick. Plus, Royland seemed like the kind of guy who could lead an army.

  • he's not a penis.

  • *he has a penis

    he's not a penis.

  • Duncan is a wise and loyal man for me...

  • I like Duncan :( I'm not defending him but he was saying it from a greater good point of view "Hurts me to say it but I wish you never crawled of that corpse cart" he bared no ill will against Rodrik, he felt that House Forrester was doomed with Rodrik as Lord.

  • Both are equally insulting in Westeros.

    It is. But they are way different lines basically; Duncan: "I wish you died" Royland: "You are a fucking craven"

  • greater good point of view?

    How is "i wish you stayed in that corpse cart and got dumped in the river" a good point of view?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I like Duncan I'm not defending him but he was saying it from a greater good point of view "Hurts me to say it but I wish you never crawled

  • As in he felt House Forrester would be better off if Rodrik wasn't Lord and the only way that would happen is if Rodrik didn't survive the Red wedding.

    greater good point of view? How is "i wish you stayed in that corpse cart and got dumped in the river" a good point of view?

  • edited July 2015

    They both pretty much say the same things. both are dicks. Telltale ruined their characters. Neither men would do such a thing judging from how they were introduced and how they behaved up until that point.

  • edited July 2015

    Royland says that Ethan is a fool, Duncan doesn't...

    Royland starts acting like an asshole towards Rodrik as soon as he see's the piece of paper in Rodrik's hand...

    Calls him a weak coward and a cripple, tells lies that his father would be ashamed...

    Dunno how Duncan seems worse...

  • I think, in their viewpoint, it's because Duncan's much nicer compared to Royland...? I guess. Royland is the natural big, tough asshole no matter what. Whilst Duncan was introduced more as a nicer guy in the beginning. I think that's why?

    Royland says that Ethan is a fool, Duncan doesn't... Royland starts acting like an asshole towards Rodrik as soon as he see's the piece o

  • I agree, Royland seemed a bigger asshole, the "cripple" thing made me execute him. I think I could forgive Duncan though (but my traitor was Royland).

    Royland says that Ethan is a fool, Duncan doesn't... Royland starts acting like an asshole towards Rodrik as soon as he see's the piece o

  • edited July 2015

    Duncan was making decisions behind your back before you had to pick a sentinel; main reason I picked Royland. So I agree Duncan is a prick, knew it when he first undermined Ethan's authority.

  • Yeah Duncan crossed the line. Royland being a asshole is what I expected, but it felt like Duncan just exploded at me which shocked me. Also I like how he bad mouths Ethan, yet Ethan's death is completely Duncan's fault. If Duncan hadn't smuggled Gared out and went behind Ethan's back then Ludd could've had his justice and Ramsay wouldn't have showed. Fucking Duncan...

  • edited July 2015

    Royland is worse than. Duncan Royland says Ethan was a fool and you are like him. Duncan says Ethan was a child and you are like a child.

  • Put the gun DOWN bitch!

    To be fair, I was extremely violent in TWD Season 1.

  • At this point in time House Forrester didn't have a Lord. So, Duncan thought that Ironrath was better off without a lord. He doesn't make any sense.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    As in he felt House Forrester would be better off if Rodrik wasn't Lord and the only way that would happen is if Rodrik didn't survive the Red wedding.

  • We don't know that for sure.

    *he has a penis

  • edited July 2015

    guys did you notice that Royland blame Rodrik of the dead of Ethan and says Ethan was a fool :/


  • edited July 2015

    In general yes but I'm pretty sure a family member (Duncan is pretty much family, Talia says herself) telling you that they wish you were dead is more hurting emotionally than being called a coward.

    BipedalP posted: »

    Both are equally insulting in Westeros.

  • Forgive me but I wish you were dead

  • edited July 2015

    Duncan says he wish you would have died at the RW. Royland calls you a craven.

    Pretty clear which one is worse

    Royland is worse than. Duncan Royland says Ethan was a fool and you are like him. Duncan says Ethan was a child and you are like a child.

  • Maybe he's like Varys

    Platypuses posted: »

    We don't know that for sure.

  • are we also basically conceding the fact that whoever wasn't the traitor is next on the chopping block as well having no impact what so ever? Tired of picking one to save and the one you save still dies it's a shame really.

  • I disagree. Duncan has much better reasons for the betrayal. That automatically makes Royland more of a dick.

  • Pretty much, yeah. :D

    endoftimes posted: »

    Put the gun DOWN bitch!

  • edited July 2015

    Funny that Royland would criticize you for always agreeing with him and doing as whatever he said :/

    Since I agreed with Royland on every decision I liked his speech of how violent and stupid Rodrik was being. It reminded me of the stranger scene at the end of TWDG season 1.

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