What fate beholds Kenny and Jane?
As we know both Kenny and Jane are determinant characters and we also know that Telltale can't keep determinant characters alive for long (Because of seperate script writing for two or more characters or script writing for a character that is determinant), we all remember the S1 E1 Carley or Doug decision we all had to make and that either Carley or Doug is killed of fairly early in E3, both are killed off at exactly the same time in exactly the same place, with only slight variation in the way they are killed. My question is how long do Jane or Kenny have? The fact that they have 3 possible statuses (Dead, Alive or Unknown) makes it seem even more likely that Telltale will kill them off or make them exit in another way even more likely. My guess is we will probably get about 1 episode out of them or if we're lucky we will get 2. Let me know your thoughts.
This is what I said in another thread.
"I always thought that maybe they could save Kenny in Season 3, how? Well save him by keeping him in Wellington. I had a whole story typed out on how they would keep Kenny in Wellington (A new family and everything) And have Clem leave. You only get to be with Kenny in 1/5 choices. Maybe a survival counter at the end of a season? And if you went with Kenny you unlocked Kenny as a Survivor? Telltale needs to show fans your choices matter. And to me that would show me that my choice mattered"
Now to continue on this I think having a determinant character survive would be a good idea. It's obvious for people to think they are dead, to have them acutally survive and just not be on screen anymore would be a good idea. To know that the character you saved is somewhat safe would be nice for fans. Just my opinion though
I don't really care about the Kenny endings, but I hope Jane does get more screen time. She's only been in like two episodes, really. (Kenny's could've arguably had more or about the same amount of screen time as Clementine at this point [9-10 episodes right?] given Clem didn't appear much in that episode she was kidnapped in in season 1, and Kenny's probably the most developed living character at this point, more developed than Clementine even I'd say.)
But yeah, having Jane be around for one or two whole episodes would be great, but I'm not really that hopeful. Then again, I've been following TftB a bit, and they seem to be doing something different with the determinate characters (in episode 3 I mean) where it looked like, with two supposedly determinate characters, they had one die and then one survive through the episode, and the other option is both survive through the episode...or something. So maybe they could do something like that or just shake up their determinate-character formula a bit somehow because refreshing that would be reaaalllllly nice.
Hehehe it'd be really funny if Jane just pops up in your story for a little bit if you had abandoned her at the car (but you didn't have her killed) because I'd love to see the annoyed responses from people. xD I don't think Telltale would do that lol but one can dreammmm~~ xD
Also if you didn't choose the alone ending and they just cut out Jane and even Kenny absolutely completely from your season 3 (I mean with no appearance from them at all) and have just a short little dialogue explanation of why they're not around anymore, I'll be extremely angry because that's just a load of bull and the laziest thing TT could ever do.
Unfortunately, probably death.
Gee I wonder....
I got five points on "getting Omided." in the first ten minutes.
Jane and Kenny died in my story, I only care at this point how I can get rid of AJ.
We need to cover up the conspiracy that was No Going Back, and AJ is that last echo of a horrible plot-device that exists.
That'd raise issues with people saying like 'MY CLEM WOULD NEVER LEAVE KENNY BEHIND EVER IF HE'S ALIVE SHE WILL BE WITH HIM' and stuff. Basically I can't see any way that they'll handle Kenny in season 3 without hordes of complaints
I honestly think Telltale can make both of them play a somewhat major role in Season 3 before they eventually kill them off. They have well over a year to plan out Season 3, that's plenty of time to think of something. And also, I'd like to see what Telltale does in Episode 6 of Game of Thrones, as I think that could give us an idea as to what Telltale might do. In that episode, you not only have either Royland or Duncan either dead or locked away, but have one of the major playable characters, Rodrik or Asher, dead as well. These two choices just might show us what Telltale is willing to do with our choices to really give us some differentiating storylines, instead of just killing them off anyway. So depending on what they end up doing with Rodrik, Asher, Royland, and Duncan might give us an idea as to what they will do with Kenny and Jane.
Can't speak for anyone else but they'll both be reanimated zombies freezing and rotting in the snow where they fucking belong other wise due to the quality of writing they'll be Nick in a fence at the absolute best
I agree. They really messed up in Season 2 that no matter what they do these threads will be chaos if they arent already haha
A painful death.
You could have tagged me you know...
RIP Kenny and Jane.
yep, getting Omided (or Omidead) is most likely if they are even in it at all
Yes, maybe a salt lick will do the trick. Then maybe we can agree on something for once
then again, by you wanting AJ dead, it kinda wipes out the "doing the right" thing act you said about trying to save Larry lol.
Personally i think if Kenny and Jane are alive at the end of S2, they will either be killed off in the first 5 mins of S3 like Omid was or get an unknown status. Either way, they wont play a big role in S3, they may not even appear regardless
Kenny will live forever because he is Kenny. #Fearthebeard
When they die, (because they will die) I hope they might die sacrificing themselves for Clem. Yes, even Jane who left her sister to die. Hear me out.
I'm positive Kenny would sacrifice himself for Clem and AJ.
I could see Jane sacrificing herself for Clem because of what happened with Jaime. The writers in season three could easily change Jane from someone who thought it was what her sister wanted to ashamed of what happened. She dies for Clementine to make up for her past mistakes.
I really do dislike Kenny but he is a great character regardless. Although his story has been done to death. They've reached their limitations to what they can do with Kenny. He does not need anymore screen time that's for sure.
Jane's story can be explored and I'm interested about what they'll do with her.
Shame I let Jane die and abandon Kenny so technically neither will be in my Season Three.. In theory. Good luck figuring out how Season Three will work Telltale because I honestly don't think they thought this far ahead.
Just saw this comment, maybe it's a forum thing....
Damn right a Saltlick will do the trick. And I never saved Larry, I just got that GIF from online, If I could have I would have used one where Lee helps me kill the bastard but that was the only one I could find......#SaltlickArmy
You're unfortunately right about Kenny/Janex they won't play a big role