Is Gryff the most hated Telltale villain ever?



  • edited July 2015

    I agree, Ramsay is definitely the worst.

    Unfortunately, the fact he's in the show means he has plot armour thicker than molasses. So it's understandable for us to occupy ourselves directing hatred at the characters that we might actually have a chance of getting revenge on such as Gryff and Ludd.

    But, yes, Ramsay flays people, killed Ethan and Arthur, suggested Ryon be kidnapped, keeps trying to get Talia to go on a "hunt" with him, has been pushing the Forresters towards destruction since episode 1, is generally just an untouchable, psychopath with far too much power and clearly has no appreciation for the correct laws and processes involved in securing his region a steady supply of Ironwood.

    Phoenix127 posted: »

    Ramsay is definitely the worst Character in the game. Let's see all the things he has done if you didn't notice. He dishonorably murdered E

  • The thing about you try to make peace, is not the characters fault, it's "plot magic(we don't care what you choose, this is what is going to happen)" but c'mon...they hate each other and they're at war, it's "satisfatory" you see your enemy getting killed/becoming weaker.

    N8eule posted: »

    Yeah, but that grin on his face as Asher/Rodrik gets killed, after he sacrificed himself to save his brother is really... I dont know a suit

  • Jane was a crazy bitch too, "hey the baby is dead" "LOL, Just kidding i hide it so you can see how crazy he is."
    I mean, that's wrong in so many ways...and after i saw what she did, i wish i had shot her on my save.

    I don't think so. Everyone's just trying to survive. But there are some pretty fucked up people like the Governor who kill people for entert

  • I really really really do NOT see Gryff as this arcs main antagonist and yet I see the story leading to that, and it irks me. I want a full on proper confrontation with Ludd, but if its gonna be Gryff then I bet they will make a rushed scene with Ludd where he just dies, reminiscent of Lee & radio guy (gosh that was dumb, ah need to save clem oh she coincidentially escapes all by herself at the exact right moment)

  • edited July 2015

    I know what you mean, and I almost agree. But lets assume the Forresters did their best to make peace, and did everything possible in this game to be "good" and nice an such things. I find it hard to believe that even someone like Gryff would smile about killing the rival house which tried to make peace and was relatively nice all the time. I would at least expect a neutral mood from him. But maybe his character is similar to Ramsay which likes killing and torturing other people, then I would understand that. But I know what you mean, the plot has a route which can hardly be changed in Telltale Games.

    The thing about you try to make peace, is not the characters fault, it's "plot magic(we don't care what you choose, this is what is going to

  • edited July 2015

    I agree, Ramsay is by far the worst and the most genuinely sadistic, wicked character in all Telltale games and GOT universe, with absolutely no excuse for the refinement in torture he comes up with. He's a psychopathic monster.

    But he has "cool" lines, so there are people who will find him "cool" no matter what he does. I find the cult around this character kinda cringeworthy.

    Phoenix127 posted: »

    Ramsay is definitely the worst Character in the game. Let's see all the things he has done if you didn't notice. He dishonorably murdered E

  • Based on the comments in the forum and my own feelings at the moment, I'd say the writers win this award.

  • I hate Ramsay more than Gryff or Ludd but since he's protected by plot armor I take my anger out on those two in game.

  • edited July 2015

    When did Rodrik say that ?

    Loved that quote Rodrik said to that smug little sh*t. “You know what they did to me at the Twins?” he growls as he looms over Gryff. “Th

  • Lol no one forgot Arvo, it's just that a lot of injuries heal with some time.

    I'm still salty about Carley myself but I came to stop bothering with Arvo. I'm not even mad at Ben anymore

    Harian96 posted: »

    Is everyone forgetting Arvo? Why does everyone forgive Arvo and not want to mount his head on a spike? Eh, Gryff is probably still worse

  • No he isn't.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think Kenny has the title of most hated Telltale villain ever for me, but Gryff is pretty close.

  • Spongebob? Are you a Lannister?

    No creepypasta could ruin my childhood worse than this

    I hate Ramsay more than Gryff or Ludd but since he's protected by plot armor I take my anger out on those two in game.

  • My favourite scene was when ethan told him to calm himself,and he said ''You little f**k!''

    Yeah that smug face gryff has at the end of episode 5 makes me want him to suffer even more. Ludd at a close second, some of his lines are unintentionally funny because of his voice i think

  • I liked how he called Royland a "cunt" during that scene.

    My favourite scene was when ethan told him to calm himself,and he said ''You little f**k!''

  • I agree with you, I think that Crook is actually one of the most underrated characters of Telltale and I just can't figure out why.

    Lucky_Maybe posted: »

    I kinda think Crook is the best Telltale villain, he was a perfect foil to the protagonist. He was calm, collected, in the know with abso

  • edited July 2015

    I don't actually think Gryff is that bad, I don't understand how people are so dead set on killing him. I think he's kinda fun, and I guess I don't like stories where the main characters logically have no chance of winning and wouldn't except their the main characters so they just get reaaal lucky.

    Also I think Ramsays great too, my favourite GOT character...I just like villains more than heroes I guess.

  • If you stand up to Gryff instead of submitting it's one of the options.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    When did Rodrik say that ?

  • I think why everyone forgets Arvo is because we will never, ever get the chance to do anything to him ever. Whereas Gryff we can still harm and has had a larger role in the game.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Is everyone forgetting Arvo? Why does everyone forgive Arvo and not want to mount his head on a spike? Eh, Gryff is probably still worse

  • Lol I did not submit, definitely not my style. I just did not remember such an option... Kind of wish I had chosen it though ^^

    If you stand up to Gryff instead of submitting it's one of the options.

  • edited July 2015


  • Kenny was even a doucher than Gryff, we can all agree on that.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Aaaaaand they're here.

  • It's the "I don't fear you" option, and yeah, it's awesome!

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Lol I did not submit, definitely not my style. I just did not remember such an option... Kind of wish I had chosen it though ^^

  • Thanks man;)

    It's the "I don't fear you" option, and yeah, it's awesome!

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