Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Maybe Asher can recruit some of them to fight the Whitehills with the other six dudes he's got! ;)

    Holy shit! Are they flat? I didn't notice that XD

  • What a fucking twist.

  • So anybody else really love Frank now? Yeah he's a grouchy drug dealer, but he's a grouchy drug dealer with a heart of gold :')

  • Im preatty sure that either Jeffersson or Sean (Nathens father) have been forcing him to do it (hence why hes so fucked up)

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    One of. Nathan and (apparently) his father are still involved.

  • I love this Max so much.

  • edited July 2015

    I think Jeffersson was 'tutoring' Nathan. Theres an unsigned note in the dark room telling him to not mention call him on his phone or mention him (wich seems to not be his dad since him calling his own father would not raise any suspicion) and to stop rageging since he has to keep his cool (this also seems not to be from his dad since people say he has the same anger issues so he doesn't hide them).

  • I call out Telltale on their flaws on their games, whether it's TWD, TFTBL, TWAU, or GOT, but in those games, I find that the good far outweighs the bad, and in my opinion, the same cannot be said for Life is Strange.

    Clemenem posted: »

    When I look at this and A Nest of Vipers side by side I really can't imagine why Telltale fans hate on it so much and are the first to call it out on it's flaws while ignoring Telltale's

  • Yeah, but his wild temper and knife pulling still makes me dislike him.

    So anybody else really love Frank now? Yeah he's a grouchy drug dealer, but he's a grouchy drug dealer with a heart of gold :')

  • You didn't even like Episode 4? :(

    I call out Telltale on their flaws on their games, whether it's TWD, TFTBL, TWAU, or GOT, but in those games, I find that the good far outweighs the bad, and in my opinion, the same cannot be said for Life is Strange.

  • On the contrary, I loved Episode 4 (well the last couple minutes anyway).

    You didn't even like Episode 4?

  • Yeah but at least he's a dog lover.

    Yeah, but his wild temper and knife pulling still makes me dislike him.

  • Not sure why peolpe dont like this episode so much? For me it was by far the best one, the amount of shit going on and the story really coming together..

  • What changed? The episode seemed just as good if not better than the other ones.

    Reviews seem to be super mixed Some sites are giving it 9's while others are giving it 6's. I guess some people don't like change. I on the other hand adore how bleak Episode 4 gets.

  • Guys i have a theory: Jeffersson has a power to negate Max's power (as in not let her use it)

    Think about it. Max has been unable to use her power 2 times. The time she tried to save Kate and the time Jeffersson caught her and killed chloe. He could've been trying to stop Max from saving Kate with her power so he didn't have to kill her and make her disappearance known like it was with rachel. Yes i know he let her go but he did talk to her and might have figured she remembered too much to be kept alive so he made sure to make her more depressed (making her cry) so she would kill herself (Or he might have not planned it but just got lucky). Then he used his power to stop Max when he was about to save her.

  • I love it too . Don't worry haters gonna hate (even when theres nothing TO hate)

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Not sure why peolpe dont like this episode so much? For me it was by far the best one, the amount of shit going on and the story really coming together..

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah, that's true. He saved a bunch of dogs too. I guess he's not all that bad.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Yeah but at least he's a dog lover.

  • The episode takes a MUCH darker turn than past episodes and some people might not like that.

    What changed? The episode seemed just as good if not better than the other ones.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah its great to know he can be a friend now, but his conversation could have gone HORRIBLY. You know he can actually die this ep right? He can also be crippled for life as 'mercy' . Yeah apparently Chloe having a gun was a horrible idea (what a shock).

    So anybody else really love Frank now? Yeah he's a grouchy drug dealer, but he's a grouchy drug dealer with a heart of gold :')

  • edited July 2015

    He injected her with a sedative. That's why she couldn't use her power. She couldn't focus.

    With the Kate incident I think it was more likely that she had been using her ability too often and overtaxed herself.

  • But I thought that's what makes it good... The emotional effect was high in this episode.

    The episode takes a MUCH darker turn than past episodes and some people might not like that.

  • Yeah i know its a theory. But it COULD be possible.

  • Yes, depending on the conversation Chloe can shoot him in the leg and cripple him.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    He can be crippled?

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited July 2015

    Life Is Strange: Episode 5

    Chloe appears out of nowehere

    Max: Chloe! You're alive! How!

    Chloe: I got lucky.

    Chloe: Real Lucky.

  • Holy....Fuck. I'm actually shaking and I feel sick.

  • I fucking let Alpha Warren beat the little shit.

  • Is a psycho murderer apart of that too?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    lmao. It sucks though, I really liked Jefferson he reminded me of a teacher I once had. Like, alot.

  • What were your choices? Also i know right (and people said this couldn't get dark)

    Holy....Fuck. I'm actually shaking and I feel sick.

    • I refused Chloe's Request
    • I let Warren beat up Nathan
    • Chloe wounded Frank
    • Victoria believed my warning
    Lord_EAA posted: »

    What were your choices? Also i know right (and people said this couldn't get dark)

  • You can ask Chloe to throw the gun but if you "fail" during the conversation with Frank he will attack you with his knife and trying to stop him she will hit his leg with it.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Yes, depending on the conversation Chloe can shoot him in the leg and cripple him.

  • As people have already pointed out, Max will most likely use that photo Warren took to travel back in time and stop Chloe's death. When Warren forced us to take a picture and Max was in it, I knew exactly what it was going to be used for...Surprised others didn't.

  • D:

    I fucking let Alpha Warren beat the little shit.

  • Kinda feel sad you couldn't fix things with frank but at least hes not dead.

    Also did Warren regret beating Nathan? Since he keeps saying that he is glad you stopped him if you didn't let him do it

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I just stared at them for several minutes. They're flipping amazing.

    Holy shit! Are they flat? I didn't notice that XD

  • I did too :) I also predicted that Jeffersson was evil (i got a Harrisson Wells vibe from him especially since almost everyone looked up to him)

  • I thought it was either wounded or dead so I kept with wounded.

    I don't regret letting Warren to that, he needed it and Nathan needed his ass kicked. I was cheering for Warren the entire time.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Kinda feel sad you couldn't fix things with frank but at least hes not dead. Also did Warren regret beating Nathan? Since he keeps saying that he is glad you stopped him if you didn't let him do it

  • I thought Jefferson was weird and a bit too...Around. I thought he had something to do with it.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I did too I also predicted that Jeffersson was evil (i got a Harrisson Wells vibe from him especially since almost everyone looked up to him)

  • No i know but did WARREN regret it?

    I thought it was either wounded or dead so I kept with wounded. I don't regret letting Warren to that, he needed it and Nathan needed his ass kicked. I was cheering for Warren the entire time.

  • What an episode!!! I haven;t felt this emotional since Episode 3.

  • Kinda, I don't really care though, he needed it.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    No i know but did WARREN regret it?

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