Can the Traitor be......

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Can the traitor be your sentinel if:

  1. Duncan is your sentinel but you don't kiss the ring, and stand up to Gryff
  2. Royland is your sentinel but you kiss the ring and don't stand up to Gryff

I figure it would be stupid if the person you didn't pick as sentinel had no other reason to be the traitor besides Ethan not picking him as sentinel.


  • No that's exactly it, even if you follow each of the traitor's recommandations he still betrays you because the little boo-boo didn't get his Sentinel Role ^^

  • So you're telling me when they explain why they did it they say it was because your brother, a young boy, didn't pick them?

    _DIO_ posted: »

    No that's exactly it, even if you follow each of the traitor's recommandations he still betrays you because the little boo-boo didn't get his Sentinel Role ^^

  • exactly.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    So you're telling me when they explain why they did it they say it was because your brother, a young boy, didn't pick them?

  • Yes.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    So you're telling me when they explain why they did it they say it was because your brother, a young boy, didn't pick them?

  • edited July 2015


    "Hur, a 14-16 year old didn't give me a bracelet. git rekt rodrik, whitehills ftw."

    Brodester08 posted: »

    So you're telling me when they explain why they did it they say it was because your brother, a young boy, didn't pick them?

  • Traitor in a nutshell:

    Alt text

    Yup. "Hur, a 14-16 year old didn't give me a bracelet. git rekt rodrik, whitehills ftw."

  • And that's why so many people (me included) feel like that was a really bad way to handle the whole traitor thing.

    It ruined the episode for me (though the rest of it wasn't amazing either).

    Brodester08 posted: »

    So you're telling me when they explain why they did it they say it was because your brother, a young boy, didn't pick them?

  • The traitor was extremely bad writing (as was the rest of the episode). I was hoping the traitor would be more complicated than just who wasn't given a shiny bracelet

  • It was extremely terrible writing. I picked Duncan as Sentinel cause he was Gared's uncle and that seemed cool to me, but then I sided with Royland on literally EVERYTHING. It made absolutely no sense and honestly, I loved Royland, and I hate Duncan, but I'm stuck with him over my bro Royland because a teenage boy didn't give him a friggin bracelet.
    Honestly I really liked this episode, except for this one thing.

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