What would you do if Gwyn (hypothetical major decision for E6)



  • It depends. I wouldn't keep her in the dungeons after she did that, but if I could keep her in a nice room in Ironrath instead, more as a ward than as a war prisoner, I would keep her as a hostage. Since I don't see that being an option, I would simply let her go.

  • edited July 2015

    I wasn't specific about the conditions of her detention, but I never said you couldn't treat her nicely indeed, hostage does not mean you have to throw her in your darkest spider-ridden dungeon and chain her to a wall after a flogging.

    Only thing is it would be against her will anyway (or it's not even a choice, I mean, I can't see anyone passing the opportunity if she was okay to be a pretend hostage only to give you the leverage you need to win the war, there's only pros here, no room for discussion).

    So, would you do it knowing you could then offer her (as a second minor choice) a courteous treatment (cozy room, tasty meals) to make the pill less hard to swallow, but she feels betrayed in any case? (much less pissed off but still very disappointed)

    Abeille posted: »

    It depends. I wouldn't keep her in the dungeons after she did that, but if I could keep her in a nice room in Ironrath instead, more as a wa

  • Yes, on that case I would do it. I meant that I don't think this would be an option TellTale would give us. Like it happened to the traitor, I think there wouldn't be a lot of options, as many of the big decisions only give us two options (I wanted to be able to spare Royland but cut his sword hand as a punishment, for example, but the only options were to kill or to imprison him).

    But sure, if she was going to be treated nicely, I would keep her as a hostage. The way she feels about it, betrayed and disappointed, doesn't really concern me. The Forresters are not in a very good situation and I can't see this war ending without killing at least Ludd and Gryff (or having the Forresters wiped out), but if I can, I would like to avoid inflicting any unnecessary suffering on people that didn't actively tried to do them any harm (it is the same way I feel about Sera).

    I mean, I do not trust Gwyn enough to be sure she will not want revenge if I get to kill Ludd and Gryff, so my initial plan was only sparing her if she killed one of them herself (therefore gaining my trust and making me feel that any suffering I inflict her is absolutely unnecessary). But after giving it some thought, I feel that it is impossible to completely wipe-out the Whitehills and guarantee that they won't come back for revenge (because then we would have to kill the one that works for Ramsay and the one that is at the Citadel, which is not an easy thing to do), so I see no reason (so far) to mistreat Gwyn.

    I wasn't specific about the conditions of her detention, but I never said you couldn't treat her nicely indeed, hostage does not mean you ha

  • Okay, very interesting. I like your thinking, determined to win this war but avoiding any unnecessary cruelty or dishonour. That's also the way I try to play my Forresters. My Rodrik never bended the knee to anyone and was always defiant, but when he had Gryff captive he showed him mercy because he wouldn't find it honourable to beat the shit out of a man who can't defend himself.

    (btw are you a french speaker or do you just happen to like the sound/look of "abeille"?)

    Abeille posted: »

    Yes, on that case I would do it. I meant that I don't think this would be an option TellTale would give us. Like it happened to the traitor,

  • I'd let her go but if there a similar scenario I wish for an option to invite her to stay with us at Ironrath. I wouldn't put it past Ludd or Gryff to hurt her if they find out she helped Ryon escape

  • Brazilian Portuguese, grandmother speaks french (born in Italy, grew up in France) and used to call me Abeille because of my deadly allergy to bee stings (my grandma might be a bit of a sadist) xD

    My Rodrik acted like that, too, though I did hit Gryff a couple of times. When Gryff asked Rodrik to stop, I stopped. It is still considered by the game that I showed him mercy, since I didn't maim him.

    Okay, very interesting. I like your thinking, determined to win this war but avoiding any unnecessary cruelty or dishonour. That's also the

  • I mean, why would Gwyn return to Highpoint? Someone certainly would notice her and Ryon leaving. Maybe she could want to join the Forresters, that would be nice :) It would be kinda stupid she getting back to Highpoint after that act of treachery.

  • You C*nt! :D


  • Funny anecdote, honey :)

    though I did hit Gryff a couple of times

    Well, I said I didn't beat the shit out of him, but to be honest, I threw the first punches without thinking about it, out of anger, and when Rodrik pulled his cane, that's when I took the time to think and realized that was now about giving a serious beating to man who couldn't even move. Betrayed by reflexes but in the end I showed mercy.

    Abeille posted: »

    Brazilian Portuguese, grandmother speaks french (born in Italy, grew up in France) and used to call me Abeille because of my deadly allergy

  • I'd take her hostage. It's only as bad as the captor makes it and we don't have to hurt her or anything.

  • Let her go? No. The Whitehills have to be completely wiped out or else I'm afraid the feud will never end. Leaving even one Whitehill alive while killing the rest of them is like inviting them to take revenge later on.

  • Regardless if we get the same ending that really doesn't matter here. We're discussing how crazy it is that you're so inclined to just kill anyone and anything in your path just to get revenge, even those who have done no wrong. I'm just pointing that out to you and attempting to make you see how crazy your line of thinking is. The eye for an eye approach is a nice thought but ultimately it comes back to bite you.

    So I can only hope these kind of options won't be open for people like you who can't see any error in their thought.

    What the fuck are you even saying? Being bloodthirsty or not we will all get the same ending so chill.

  • edited July 2015

    It's not as if she's in danger of being executed. Even if Ludd didn't love her, a daughter is still a tremendously valuable asset for a House to make matrimonial alliances.

    In my mind she would have returned defiant like "I have done the right thing, father!" and Ludd would have got full rage mode, but he would have found a way to punish her "You did this for this fucking Asher, did you? You never got over this ridiculous affair of yours! Well I'm putting his head on a pike in the fucking hall so you can see him everyday". Or locked her in a room until the war was over.

    I mean, they're still family. In Ludd's shoes would you kill her?

    I mean, why would Gwyn return to Highpoint? Someone certainly would notice her and Ryon leaving. Maybe she could want to join the Forresters, that would be nice It would be kinda stupid she getting back to Highpoint after that act of treachery.

  • I would keep her hostage, Whitehills would have have try to kill the Forresters either way. It would be awesome to have Asher/Gwyn scene or Rodrik and Gwyn bickering scene since I was an asshole towards her every chance I got. Seriously, other than looking after Ryon, she was not serving any purpose, only creating drama with her and Asher's family for their affair and if her plan for peace would have worked, Forresters would be dead or Whitehill slaves for crafting ironwood. Even if she convinced her father to offer peace, the war started anyway so the choices didn't matter at all. I am done with Whitehills and I hope they all fall apart in the end.

  • I wouldn't, but Ludd lost his only chance to bargain with the Forresters. HE definitely would punish her.

    It's not as if she's in danger of being executed. Even if Ludd didn't love her, a daughter is still a tremendously valuable asset for a Hous

  • Why even bothering to analyze me psychologically, it's just a game, of course I would have some empathy for Gwyn if it was a real life case.

    Regardless if we get the same ending that really doesn't matter here. We're discussing how crazy it is that you're so inclined to just kill

  • WEAKLING ! Flay the BITCH!

    Why even bothering to analyze me psychologically, it's just a game, of course I would have some empathy for Gwyn if it was a real life case.

  • wutttt

    endoftimes posted: »

    WEAKLING ! Flay the BITCH!

  • edited October 2015

    I'd let her go if that was her choice but I'd ask her to stay. Sure Ludd apparently is cool with her shacking up with Asher and hanging out with Rodrik at butt o'clock and essentially doing what our traitor did but I'd be worried about Gryff pulling something. I'd at least try to protect her in return for bringing us Ryon and caring for him all this time (my headcanon is she's tried to shield him from Ludd's mind games and abuse as much as she could). So I'd let her go back but would hope she'd be smart enough to not test her luck since Highpoint is going to be razed to the ground. I really don't want to take her out with the rest of them even though I have no idea how she's going to be okay with us having to take out her house to save ours.

  • edited October 2015

    I'd never trust a whitehill with my blood

    Take her captive

    If Elena hates Rodrik for it, she can get flayed for all I care. They killed most my family at this point.

    And for Asher, I don't think I'd allow him to marry Gwynn... Can't trust her. A whitehill is still a whitehill

  • I'd use Asher's grin to make her stay consensually.

  • IF you saved Asher, why on earth would kill or take Gwyn hostage? They love each other and she would probably choose the Forresters over the Whitehills after hearing about Rodrik's death. Gwyn is an ally not an enemy.

  • A Whitehill is still a Whitehill.

    Ludd and Gryff are her blood no matter how friendly she seems, and she would protect them. Killing them while sparing Gwyn would only serve to prolong the blood feud.

    Many people, including me, are ready to wipe out the Whitehill bloodline so that the Forresters are safe to exist and sell their own Ironwood.

    Wigams posted: »

    IF you saved Asher, why on earth would kill or take Gwyn hostage? They love each other and she would probably choose the Forresters over the Whitehills after hearing about Rodrik's death. Gwyn is an ally not an enemy.

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