Game vs Books vs Show

Which one you think is better? My list is




  • Books>show>game

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I haven't read the books so i can't comment on them so for me it's Show>Game, i do enjoy the game but i like the show slightly more.

    This is slightly offtopic but can you please change your avatar pic, trolls have posted enough of those types of images to be able to recognise what it is and we don't allow any type of image like that even if it's cropped.

  • I never watched the show and I do not intend to, unless GRRM dies and I have to watch it to know the ending of the story (I assume that even though the show and the book follow different patches, they are heading to the same end).

    So for me it is Books>Game. I mean, it is not like it could be any different. The books are the original source, we don't have to worry about a traitor having nonsensical reasons to do stuff that can't possibly benefit them in order to get back on their current lord for something a dead kid did, and we also do not have to deal with a single character whose's fate we already know influencing and dictating the way the whole story goes despite the fact that he should be somewhere else doing something else. I still like the game, but it is not something that can be compared to the books, at least in my opinion.

  • Books>show>game>my morning shit>all>season 5

  • its not what you think it is buut ok

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I haven't read the books so i can't comment on them so for me it's Show>Game, i do enjoy the game but i like the show slightly more. T

  • only read the first book so for me my ranking is:

    show > game (even though i like the game, the show is one of my favorites of all time and the actors all bring the world of ice and fire to life) > books (all i was doing as i was reading the book was just going through a more complicated version of the tv show - probably because that was my first experience with asoif *if i had read the books before the show my placement for the book series would probably be different)

  • Books>Game>Show after this season, it really aggravated me on how they handled Stannis' entire story and pretty much went off on a tangent to how it happened in the books, even Jamie's story was different when his whole plot besieging and making peace with the River Lords was really interesting to read about also I don't know what the hell they're doing with Sansa, season 5 was a big disappointment.

  • Show>Books>Game. Yes I'm a rebel xD, but seriously how I feel.

  • For a moment I thought you wanted to say episode 5.... but season 5? really? I mean it wasn't as good as some of the others, but... really? Why? Because the last episode?

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Books>show>game>my morning shit>all>season 5

  • Books>Game>Show.

  • Books>Show>Game

  • Books>Show>Game

  • edited July 2015

    Books> Game> Show(because of Stannis, Sansa, Jaime, Myrcella's archs), I still can't stand that they cut off Arianne and Quentyn Martell.

  • I felt exactly the same when I read A game of thrones for the first time. But ater that.. well, you're going to find out when you read A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons.

    sbk12345 posted: »

    only read the first book so for me my ranking is: show > game (even though i like the game, the show is one of my favorites of all tim

  • Books>Most of the Game= Show (Seasons 1-4)>>>>>>>>>>>A Nest of Vipers=Season 5 (Both fucking trash)

  • Fuck that shitty Dorne plot all it lead to was terribly bad acting by the Sand Snakes

    YForrester posted: »

    Books> Game> Show(because of Stannis, Sansa, Jaime, Myrcella's archs), I still can't stand that they cut off Arianne and Quentyn Martell.

  • edited July 2015

    Well they do things differently for reasons or expectations - either of them, or of their audience. I've no doubt that if they portrayed events as they were in the books and didn't completely change some things, it be just as good if not better for being the true narrative. The game, while it isn't meaning to cover the entirety of that narrative as the books and the show do, it is within the TV show's canon as told by the show and its actors, and relies on a series of events that take place in the book as adapted and told by the TV show. However, Telltale's not under any obligation to change the story according to the expectations of a game publisher(the video game industry version of people who run/host a TV channel, except with squirrels for brains). Because this is true, they aren't under obligation to add or change anything with the sole purpose of drawing in a certain audience, or using cheap ways to grab attention. This shows. They're under less restrictions and zero deadlines, as well. Production costs are only determined by their software and their sound equipment(I'm sure there's some universal or obvious stuff I'm glossing over when I say that). In short, there's nothing that stands between them and telling the story they want to tell, and they're not adapting it from anything but their imaginations and the canon of events they're fitting the story into(well okay, there is that).

    I'm sure the books tell the story that was meant to be told. The game, for the reasons I've given, I'd rate better than the show. We've seen one cheap reveal, but I can't draw a connection between it and any of the things I've said Telltale doesn't have to worry about. I believe it was a self-contained decision.

    For the criteria in my head, I'm giving the book the benefit of the doubt and rating it #1, the game #2, and the TV show #3.

    1. Books
    2. Game
    3. Show
  • Game > Show > Books.

  • Books > game > show imo

  • edited July 2015

    I liked the show up until then but season 5 not only butchers the original plot, but as a TV show it had lot of flaws and plothole, extreme disappointment for my part.

    Stannis plot was horrible, Dorne was atrocious, Sansa was questionnable.

    I could go into a detailed critic if you wish but it would be pretty long

    endoftimes posted: »

    For a moment I thought you wanted to say episode 5.... but season 5? really? I mean it wasn't as good as some of the others, but... really? Why? Because the last episode?

  • A Game of Thrones is very similar to Season 1, it's not abnormal that you feel that way. Wait until COK , now that's a completely different experience.

    sbk12345 posted: »

    only read the first book so for me my ranking is: show > game (even though i like the game, the show is one of my favorites of all tim

  • edited July 2015

    I'm pretty surprised you don't mention how Sansa's development from the past seasons completely went out the window... But yeah huge letdown, especially Dorne and Stannis.

    Brody100 posted: »

    Books>Game>Show after this season, it really aggravated me on how they handled Stannis' entire story and pretty much went off on a tan

  • Did you read more than one book ?

    Show>Books>Game. Yes I'm a rebel xD, but seriously how I feel.

  • edited July 2015

    How can we even compare the game to either the books or the show? Even if we disregard that these are totally different experiences, there is the fact that the books and show deal with the most important characters and houses in all the world, while the game is about a minor house that is barely relevant in the grand scheme of things.

    Telltale has this talent to make us care intensely for our protagonists and feel immersed, but sure, if you start to compare the Forresters' war with the huge world-changing events from the main plot, of course the latter is more fascinating.

    The only fair comparison to me is between the books and the show because they follow the same characters and depict the same events, and to me the books are far superior to the show. I hate some changes the show made, especially the character rape of the Mannis.

  • Yes, it was terible acting, but in the books they're so cool... Really, really cool. And so is Arianne, and Quentyn, and Euron... every single one of them- cut off the show..

    Clemenem posted: »

    Fuck that shitty Dorne plot all it lead to was terribly bad acting by the Sand Snakes

  • Yeah. Honestly couldn't get into it for whatever reason. When I have more time I might try giving it a second chance.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Did you read more than one book ?

  • Yes a critique would be nice, I haven't read the books and am curious about the S5 differences.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I liked the show up until then but season 5 not only butchers the original plot, but as a TV show it had lot of flaws and plothole, extreme

  • Which is funny because the Sand Snakes aren't even in the books that much. IMO, Dorne is about Arianne and you can't really have a good Dornish plotline without her.

    YForrester posted: »

    Yes, it was terible acting, but in the books they're so cool... Really, really cool. And so is Arianne, and Quentyn, and Euron... every single one of them- cut off the show..

  • Show>Game

    I hope I'll read the first book by the end of the summer

  • Ok, fair enough. I too found those things you mentioned bothersome.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I liked the show up until then but season 5 not only butchers the original plot, but as a TV show it had lot of flaws and plothole, extreme

  • I don't have high hopes for the show or the game anymore.

  • Books>game>show

    I like the show a lot, but I am more invested in the game becuase you can play as those characters and more or less choos what they will do.

  • ASoIaF books>Hedge Knight prequel novellas/comics>Crusader Kings II ASoIaF mod>GoT living card game>Ice Dragon prequel kids book>GoT show>GoT board game>the computer games.

    I'm not sure which order I'd put the computer games in. For all that I'm upset about the Telltale one, it isn't finished. And for all that the other one seems to have a better story, the controls are horrible and give me a headache.

  • Books > Game > Show

  • I haven't seen the show, and although I love these games, I liked the books the most. However, I can't say I cared for the plot direction George R. R. Martin took with a Dance With Dragons. I feel like I preferred his early books and stories a bit more.

  • I actually played the game before reading the books or seeing the show, which I consequently did in tandem. I love the books, they are top for me, and I did really enjoy the show, even finding some of the changes good rather than grating, but this most recent season has really put me off with the unnecessary and gratuitous changes. So it's books > game > show

  • Game <3 = show <3 = books <3

  • Books, Books, Books. :)

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