They all loyal



  • Yeah i think so. but who say arabic the hardest language it's very easy

    Pabster23 posted: »

    I guess that's what makes english so difficult? lol

  • edited July 2015

    20ish so I wasn't completely wrong. But man it's not like learning english, french, spanish and italian who are pretty similar so not that hard. You actually went from German to Korean to Arabic which are completely different by themselves. Basically you speak at least one language for every continent...

    Your post made me think you were older cause you know, sometimes middle-age people who already work get night classes just for the fun of availing themselves. I figured it took a lot of time to learn all those, especially when they're so... different ?

    I've always just been a major nerd. Arabic pronunciation is really weird, I only learned it because I've been planning to go into the milita

  • edited July 2015

    Of course you're going to say that, it's very likely your first language that you were born with. But as you see you have some difficulty with English. From a secondary language point of view, Arabic is probably one of the most difficult for a non-native because it doesn't descend from Latin like French, English (that one doesn't descend but is inspired by), Spanish, Italian and Portuguese do.

    ixklai posted: »

    Yeah i think so. but who say arabic the hardest language it's very easy

  • I mean from English to arabic easy right? Or you have Difficulty

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Of course you're going to say that, it's very likely your first language that you were born with. But as you see you have some difficulty wi

  • No not easy at all... How is this :

    Alt text

    comparable to this ?:

    Alt text

    ixklai posted: »

    I mean from English to arabic easy right? Or you have Difficulty

  • This is not arabic. just one word and you will learn like hi mean مرحبا

    _DIO_ posted: »

    No not easy at all... How is this : comparable to this ?:

  • What this isn't arabic ? I mean I don't know jack about that language so picked it from Google Image and I was pretty convinced it was..

    ixklai posted: »

    This is not arabic. just one word and you will learn like hi mean مرحبا

  • English is known to be one of the hardest languages to learn.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Meh English isn't that hard when you think about it. French for example has a lot more grammar rules to it. Like for Japanese, I could not hope to ever understand and write kanjis, that shit is way too complicated lol...

  • That's the thing, other languages have lots of rules, but English doesn't. That's what makes it harder, because there's no pattern. Like how plurals are supposed to have an 's', but sometimes they don't. You're supposed to put 'an' in front of a vowel and 'a' in front of a constanant, but it's 'an history' instead of 'a history'. English is just bits and pieces of other languages stuck together and changed a little. So it's not consistent.

    One thing I think would make it easier to learn is because it's so widely spoken. There's more opportunity to practice and it's more useful than other languages. I'm not sure which is the hardest language to learn. I think Hungarian is supposed to be hard. Of course, if there's a whole different alphabet, that makes things even tougher!

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Meh English isn't that hard when you think about it. French for example has a lot more grammar rules to it. Like for Japanese, I could not hope to ever understand and write kanjis, that shit is way too complicated lol...

  • Hmm it does make sense... I never considered that the lack of rules could be a disadvantage instead of an advantage... Funny because from my point of view I always found it made it easier.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    That's the thing, other languages have lots of rules, but English doesn't. That's what makes it harder, because there's no pattern. Like how

  • I agree. For me, the lack of rules is an advantage and not a disadvantage. But of course, learning other languages is not always that easy.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Hmm it does make sense... I never considered that the lack of rules could be a disadvantage instead of an advantage... Funny because from my point of view I always found it made it easier.

  • I guess it always varies from person to person. :)

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Hmm it does make sense... I never considered that the lack of rules could be a disadvantage instead of an advantage... Funny because from my point of view I always found it made it easier.

  • Rich young ruler...

    Killah posted: »

    These men ain't loyal.

  • It's very easy to learn english, mostly cause it's everywhere, "we're all living in amerika"

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Really ? ^^ People always told me English was the easiest and I'm inclined to believe it. There is no feminine and masculine, only singular and plurals and there are quite less articles in sentences than most languages I've seen.

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