If you could change any part of Telltale's GoT, what will it be?

Title says it all....



  • The only thing I would change is Finn's role in the story he should've stuck around longer.

  • I'd change the traitor. And maybe gave him/her some reasonable arguments why he/she was the traitor.

  • edited July 2015

    Traitor, Finn's role, No Ramsay, Whitehills, Make sure Mira isn't so f*cked.

  • Finn lasting longer. The traitor scenario. Give characters equal story. (Mira and Gared in Episode 5 were pretty pointless, just fillers.)

  • I think overall they're pretty even. Mira and Gared had smaller parts but they also had parts from episode 1 unlike Asher and Rodrik.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Finn lasting longer. The traitor scenario. Give characters equal story. (Mira and Gared in Episode 5 were pretty pointless, just fillers.)

  • I wouldn't bring back Rodrik.

  • I would change that Rodrik and Asher survived and the who ever was your traitor would of been there with you at the end and regained their loyalty but holding up the gate and sacrifice their life.

  • edited July 2015

    I'd have preferred that Telltale not tie themselves to canon. Why try to keep it canon? Even the TV show is diverging from the book. Does it add any value to the gaming experience? Not to me.

    It gives a feeling of being bound by fate. The only reason some players (including me) made a deal with Tyrion is because they hadn't realized at this point how close we were from the wedding. Had we been more aware of that, you bet I wouldn't have even bothered. As soon as I figured the wedding was about to take place, I didn't even think about siding with Tyrion, knowing he was doomed and associating with him would be dangerous. I only cared about cleaning my mistakes.

    Characters shouldn't have obvious plot armours. I agree being able to kill Ramsay Bolton would have been too much complicated anyway, well, in that case don't involve him.

    Telltale have great taste in franchises, but they should just throw us in the setting as it is a moment M from the canon and from there, we need to know we can "change history".

    I don't think I'm mistaken when I think fans just love to explore the "what ifs" and parallel versions of their favourite universes. Look at all the Marvel multiverse.

    Even if in the end it don't diverge much, it gives the illusion that we can change everything, it takes away the frustration from knowing this guy is invincible or that that is going to happen anyway.

  • The whole episode 5. Mira and Gared better have a bigger role in the finale.

  • Why?

    Flog61 posted: »

    I wouldn't bring back Rodrik.

  • The traitor for sure, I'd change that in a heartbeat to make some solid sense. With Finn, while I'm okay with him dying, I would have extended his life and Gared's scene in episode 5 so that Finn could sacrifice himself to fight off the Wights so the others actually have a chance of getting away. And just overall I'd like to make it so that this game doesn't have to follow the show's canon so tightly, the show has plenty of freedom and differences from the books, why cant's this be it's own separate thing too?

  • edited July 2015

    Everything regarding episode 5. Wouldn't have brought Ramsay back in the story, wouldn't have flayed Arthur, would have given Gared and Mira more screen time, would have made Mira's lines less dumb, would have made Gared actually make some progress on his quest, wouldn't have killed Finn, would have changed the traitor for him to be non-determinant, would have given more options to deal with the traitor (cutting hand, exile, send to the wall...) wouldn't have made two main characters determinant in the end, wouldn't have killed the Beast after hyping the character up so much...

    Yep, all of episode 5, pretty much.

  • If i could change the story i would make sure Asher and Rodrik survived. They are my two absolute favourite characters. Oh an i also wouldnt have Arthur flayed because i liked him too lol

  • Gryff's face in episode 5. Others are fine, but that face after I maimed him got healed so quickly, have to change it back.

    Also the traitor part.

  • Because I think killing off a character then bringing them back is cheesy, and the way they did it with Rodrik was nonsensical (surviving on a corpse cart from the red wedding to Ironwrath without food, water or medical attention..???)

    I would have either killed him and been done with it, or not had him die in the first place.

    AgentZ46 posted: »


  • Changed the traitor to Ortengryn, considering the files seem to suggest it was originally going to be him.

  • I'd make it so any of the members on the council could have been traitor depending on what choices you made.

  • Episode 5 nuff said

  • The presence of Ramsay, expecially in ep 5.

  • I guess. I just don't like feeling that someones story in an episode was pretty pointless. Though, I can assume that Gared will be having a large story in Episode 6.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I think overall they're pretty even. Mira and Gared had smaller parts but they also had parts from episode 1 unlike Asher and Rodrik.

  • Instead of just making the traitor whoever you didn't choose as sentinel, make it the person who you sided with the least. If you picked Royland but ended up siding with Duncan more, then have Royland be the traitor, and vice versa. Then both can be like, "Ethan, despite his young age, was smart enough to realize I was the right choice, but you haven't listened to any of my advice, and look at what's happened." and then he goes on to list the decisions you made that went against his advice.

  • Having Finn around more. His death was the only major gripe I had with episode 5.

  • What was in the files?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Changed the traitor to Ortengryn, considering the files seem to suggest it was originally going to be him.

  • Beshka and Asher romance option.... what... don't laugh at me...

  • I would change the traitor because it made absolutely no sense and Duncan/Royland's reasoning was beyond stupid.

    I would also change Ramsay's involvement. I was fine with him appearing in episode 1, but I absolutely hated how he was shoehorned into episode 4 and 5 to screw everything up when we were finally starting to be able to fight back.

    Another thing I would change is Asher's army. It was dumb spending all this time in Essos trying to gather an army and then ending up with 7 or 8 pit fighters

  • Ramsay shouldn't be the one to kill Ethan because plot armor. Bad choice, Telltale. Bad choice.

  • i second this the traitor was terrible writing.

    I would change the traitor because it made absolutely no sense and Duncan/Royland's reasoning was beyond stupid. I would also change Rams

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Change the traitor and to let both brothers live. For Telltale to take the jealous , reject sentinel route. Was a very disappointing .

  • I'm fine with Ramsay in episode 1 but after that he should have bounced for good...

    Cody_nara posted: »

    Traitor, Finn's role, No Ramsay, Whitehills, Make sure Mira isn't so f*cked.

  • edited July 2015

    To those wishing the game to cut itself from the show "canon" (can't believe I put canon and show in the same sentence but whatever...), Telltale has a contract with HBO and I doubt they would be willing to allow that. Don't forget the game is also a mean to promote their show to a certain extent.

  • Allowing Asher and Rodrick to live.

  • I'd have made it so Ethan remained a playable protagonist throughout the entire thing. >:v Seriously, his story had SO MUCH POTENTIAL. A young, naive lord who has to learn to lead a house and mature and become strong in such a small amount of time...we could have seen real development and see Ethan become even better than he was now. It's such a fucking waste, and I'll NEVER really be over it. Ugh.

  • I agree but how would it work? I'm assuming that Duncan/Royland started working with the Whitehills in EP2 and Rodrik had only just gotten back by that time.

    Instead of just making the traitor whoever you didn't choose as sentinel, make it the person who you sided with the least. If you picked Roy

  • edited July 2015

    Change the traitor, have good character development for Finn (he became our friend off one sentence lol), I'd change some protagonist, and I would fix the pacing, sex scenes(yes silly, but it doesn't feel GOT without them), and take Ramsay out of the game.(great villain yes, but f**k plot armor.)

    1. No Ramsay in the whole Game. The TV Show doesn't follow the Canon of the books so why should the Game do so? Until Ramsay dies in Books or the Show whenever he show up we know for sure we are fucked and can't do shit against him because PLOT ARMOR!
    2. The Traitor have some valid reasons to betray the House instead of this nonsese we got. (Something like i will get ´Lordship from the Boltons once this is over)
    3. Mira doesn't losing the trust of Lady Margery which would make the offer from cersei have way more impact.
    4. Gareds Storyline with Cotter and Finn and now Sylvi. If all 4 of them survived this could have been my favorite storyline. Because much Potential. While Sylvi gets along with Gared and more and more likes him (maybe a love story) and Cotter getting more and more angry about it while Finn feels out of place. Like a little group that needs to get along but start to fucking hate each other till someone dies and you are left with nothing but regret.
    5. The Ambush going wrong if you let the Traitor live so he will tell you everything about it and you save Asher and Rodrik survives also. Its not that some of them died. (i was expecting a dead one at the end) its that you know of the ambush (when and where) but still the ambush works as planned. Which is bullshit.

    That would have been my changes!

  • EP5^^ (as a whole)

  • I would say it was probably around episode 3 when the traitor really started helping the Whitehills, by then you've made some big choices as Ethan and Rodrick, such as the sentinel, how to welcome Ramsay, kissing Ludd's ring or not, losing or winning the betrothal, how to treat the Whitehall soldiers.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I agree but how would it work? I'm assuming that Duncan/Royland started working with the Whitehills in EP2 and Rodrik had only just gotten back by that time.

  • i agree with you for the game sake that ramsay in episode 1 was good and that he shouldn't have been around after (he even admits in the game that he never wants to be in this "fucking shit stain of a holdfast") but i personally have mixed feelings because even though i know he has no business being at ironrath post episode 1 he is still one of my favorite characters so i enjoy seeing him

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I'm fine with Ramsay in episode 1 but after that he should have bounced for good...

  • I never really like the idea of having established characters in this game and for the most part I still don't. Other than King's Landing characters I could care what the others bring.

  • Good point. So what would you do if Rodriks choices were about 50/50? For example if Rodrik: Kissed Ludd's ring, stood up to Gryff Whitehill etc would you just have it be whoever isn't Sentinel?

    I would say it was probably around episode 3 when the traitor really started helping the Whitehills, by then you've made some big choices as

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