if you could kill Gryff or Ramsay Snow who would you choose?

I would kill Gryff because he killed Rodrik (or Asher ) !



  • Gryff because even though Ramsay is 100x worse than him, show Ramsay has been a huge part of the story since season 3 and deserves a better death than at the hands of Asher or Rodrik (Theon, for example)

  • Ramsay cant die sorry bro. hes in the show

  • edited August 2015

    You mean if we remove all universal plot armor ? I'd go full Ramsay, make toilet paper out of his skin...

    I mean Gryff is a prick but he does what he does because we're his ennemies, plus he's a small fry. Ramsay on the other hand is pure evil scum that infects the planet and needs to be removed.

    I have to admit the plot armor makes it even more tempting. Like the forbidden fruit you know...

  • Theon

    Fuck Theon! He deserves everything he gets haha. Would be interesting to see a clash of the Forresters vs Ramsay with everything on the line

    Gryff because even though Ramsay is 100x worse than him, show Ramsay has been a huge part of the story since season 3 and deserves a better death than at the hands of Asher or Rodrik (Theon, for example)

  • Theon was an idiot who did deserve to get Winterfell stripped from him, but enough is enough.

    Ramsay tortured him, flayed him, cut his wee wee off, and forced him to watch someone he considered a sister get raped right in front of him (though it's much worse in the books imo). Theon deserves the chance to get revenge.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Theon Fuck Theon! He deserves everything he gets haha. Would be interesting to see a clash of the Forresters vs Ramsay with everything on the line

  • edited August 2015

    I wouldn't say Theon deserves everything he got. Kill a child murderer and traitor alright, even the torture (while barbaric and digusting in my opinion) could even be considered fine.

    But break every parcel of the man both psychologically and physically and leave it to its suffering ? No. Just no...

    Clemenem posted: »

    Theon Fuck Theon! He deserves everything he gets haha. Would be interesting to see a clash of the Forresters vs Ramsay with everything on the line

  • Ramsey killed Ethan and Arthur. Gryff killed no one, he just lead the ambush at his fathers order.

  • That is an excellent point almighty!

  • But Gryff enjoyed the death of the Forrester brothers (Asher/Rodrik). Leading the ambush was a pleasure to him.

    Regarding the question, Ramsay deserves to be flayed alive after everything he has done in the books/show and in the game. A quick death is far too merciful for him.

    almighty posted: »

    Ramsey killed Ethan and Arthur. Gryff killed no one, he just lead the ambush at his fathers order.

  • If Ramsay didn't have his plot armor and there was no consequence whatsoever, I would kill him. Gryff is just a brat in comparison, Ramsay is the real psycho.

    However, considering he is the son of the Warden of the North, who is allied with the Crown at the moment, Mira would be in hot water for that. Not that I think Roose would retaliate, though, since he really dislikes Ramsay and seems to want him dead (in the books at least), but Cersei would be even more convinced that the Forresters are a house of traitors.

  • Gryff. I wouldn't kill Ramsay, I'd make him my pet.

  • edited August 2015

    Ramsay, just to stick it to his plot armor

  • That Plot Armor doe.

    And I'd kill Ramsay too.

    magic713 posted: »

    Ramsay, just to stick it to his plot armor

  • I would kill Ramsay, he is much worse than Gryff

  • I'd kill Ramsay. Or make Gryff kill him.

  • I'd rather kill Joffrey again.

  • I would wait until the end of the season and jump Ramsey's A**

  • This is such an easy question I can do it closing my eyes.

    Everyone is going to choose Ramsay, of course. Gryff is a little pussy ass daddy's boy bitch.

  • enter image description here

    magic713 posted: »

    Ramsay, just to stick it to his plot armor

  • After what he's done to Sansa, Ethan, & Arthur. Ramsay 100%.

  • Gryff. Game Of Thrones without Ramsay just wouldn't be the same.

  • What for? What's the point of making Gryff kill him?

    Mawula posted: »

    I'd kill Ramsay. Or make Gryff kill him.

  • i agree. gryff is just straight up annoying and a bully. ramsay is the true definition of a game of thrones villain and that makes him one of my favorite characters on the show (not so much the game because even though i love his character he has no reason to return to ironrath a second time when he should be in winterfell / moat cailin at the time of episode 5) and game of thrones without this smart, ruthless psychopath would not be the same

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Gryff. Game Of Thrones without Ramsay just wouldn't be the same.

  • I would choose Ramsay,but it is impossible to kill him in this game,because of the fact,that he is canon

  • Gryff is a coward, and he's certainly afraid of Ramsy. I'd put them in the fighter's pit if given the choice.

    Krapinka posted: »

    What for? What's the point of making Gryff kill him?

  • If it was possible, RAMSAY RAMSAY RAMSAY! Oh god, I hate this character so much. Not because he is badly written or poorly acted, quite the opposite in fact, but just because his mere presence makes me panic. He is worse then Joffrey, a sad truth but a truth none the less! Fuck him, seriously, I will fucking break out a expensive wine bottle and a have block party if and when he goes down! Just dawned on me... why doesn't someone edit the scene where you beat down Gryff, but replace Gryff with Ramsay's model? Oh how cathartic that would be for me.

  • enter image description here

    I would choose Ramsay,but it is impossible to kill him in this game,because of the fact,that he is canon

  • Kill Ramsay, and f*ck his plot armour, if he dies a non-canon death with me in the game, then fine, I would rather get myself a bunch of Game Overs just to kill him over and over. >:)

  • In this order.

    Euron Greyjoy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gryff>Ramsay

  • Gryff Gryff Gryff Gryff Gryff Gryff. Gryff for sure.
    Ramsay may be a twisted bastard (no pun intended), but Gryff is just a Joffrey-like, annoying prick.
    I actually really like Ramsay as a character (especially on the show), and I think Iwan Rheon's acting is absolutely fantastic.

  • i agree completely with you!

    SerMarve posted: »

    Gryff Gryff Gryff Gryff Gryff Gryff. Gryff for sure. Ramsay may be a twisted bastard (no pun intended), but Gryff is just a Joffrey-like,

  • Gryff. I really like Ramsey Snow as a villain. Gryff just makes me ask "what is Draco Malfoy doing in Game of Thrones?"

  • Ramsay, just for the sake of the entire North. Hell, the deed might even be so impressive that whoever kills Ramsay immediately gets crowned as the new King in the North!

  • he's a bolton now by royal decree lol but other than that i love the gryff = draco malfoy reference

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Gryff. I really like Ramsey Snow as a villain. Gryff just makes me ask "what is Draco Malfoy doing in Game of Thrones?"

  • Gryff, due to a couple factors. The bigger one being the political game, killing Gryff would be small potatoes and the Boltons aren't going to care, hell Ramsay gave us the go ahead. And killing Ramsay would bring down all of house Bolton on us, so if the Forrester's weren't getting decimated before, they sure as hell would be then.

    And secondly I'm biased, while Ramsay has been a pain in the neck to deal with, Gryff has been the little bastard screwing things up for us in his father's stead, and after showing him mercy and not beating him to a pulp, he has the balls to kill another Forrester? Gryff would undoubtedly be my target out of the two.

  • Weird thread. You won't have the chance to kill Ramsay. He is a major character in the TV show. And will be alive in Season 6.

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