Would you switch sides?

If we survived the war with The Whitehills, would you be a vassal house to House Bolton? It'd be the most lucrative move House Forrester can make at this point despite personal feelings. They'd be protected and maybe even wealthy. It's mentioned some of the Forresters are fighting for Stannis in ADWD but since it is the books I don't know how much I can count on it. I think Gared and whoever you saved will die but the Forresters will ultimately survive. What would you do?



  • The Forresters already are a vassal house to House Bolton. Otherwise, they'd be in open rebellion to them, and flayed alive.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2015

    No. Stannis the Mannis is the One True King. I will accept his side.

  • I think he means loyal vassal house, and not just one in name.

    DillonDex posted: »

    The Forresters already are a vassal house to House Bolton. Otherwise, they'd be in open rebellion to them, and flayed alive.

  • If the Forresters had any choice, I would pack my things, ride to White Harbor and plead loyalty to House Manderly.

    But alas, we are sworn to House Glover and we will do whatever they tell us to do.

  • Swearing loyalty to the Manderly would basically mean moving from Ironrath to go to East coast of the North without lands and losing the monopoly of most of the ironwood business in Westeros, which constitutes all the Forrester's power as a House.

    That's a very bad idea...

    Abeille posted: »

    If the Forresters had any choice, I would pack my things, ride to White Harbor and plead loyalty to House Manderly. But alas, we are sworn to House Glover and we will do whatever they tell us to do.

  • Ramsay bolton kills even his allies, there is no escape.

  • I would go join Stannis but use scouts like in the books instead of an army just so the Boltons wont really know I just switched sides.

  • edited August 2015

    Our options:

    1. .Remain loyal to the Boltons in hope of raising in power and take the Glover's place once the rebels are crushed so fight Stannis and house Glover and their sworn swords in our condition= We get our shit rekt by them
    2. Stay neutral. The Boltons won't punish us if Stannis is defeated but if he wins we'll lose a lot of favours and trust with the Glovers
    3. Join Stannis and fight the Boltons=If we win things go back the way they were before but if we lose everyone gets flayed
    4. Join Stannis, defeat the Boltons and execute the Northern Conspiracy Theory (if it happens to be true), betray Stannis and take back control of the North. Possibly declare independence again depending on how the Crown is managing with its current problems.

    But all of these are never gonna happen because in the show Stannis gets no support from any Northern house and dies...

  • edited August 2015

    The Forresters are about to lose their lands and their lives right now. I would go for the survival of the House, as in the survival of its members. The Manderlys are Stark loyalists, and if they bring Rickon back as they are planning and put the Starks back in power, the Forresters can get their lands back afterwards for their loyalty (as it happened many times in Westeros: The houses loyal to the loser, on this case the Whitehills being loyal to the Boltons, being stripped from their lands and having them given to a house loyal to the victors, on this case the Forresters being loyal to the Starks). It seems much more reasonable than staying in the middle of the conflict between Stannis and the Boltons, especially because worst case scenario, at least they are still alive.

    But, as I said, we are sworn to the Glovers and they are going with Stannis. Can't be helped.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Swearing loyalty to the Manderly would basically mean moving from Ironrath to go to East coast of the North without lands and losing the mon

  • edited August 2015

    If this were the book universe I'd be 100% in favour of siding with The Mannis but since it's the show I don't know. Hopefully Stannis is alive and can still do things. However, the best bet is to simply build up our forces and wait for The Manderlys to make a move... if the show has the Manderlys do anything. They (D&D) have written the show into a corner even worse than the one Telltale wrote themselves into. The best bet is to defeat the Whitehills and then hurry up and wait.

    Books: Stannis ftw!

    Show: Manderlys? They exist in the show, right? If so, hope and wait for them to make a move.

  • edited August 2015

    The Manderlys are waiting for Stannis to take the advantage and will only participate if the latter can bring Rickon back. They're even trying to deceive the Boltons and the Crown in thinking they're loyal. Going to them wouldn't mean shit until they officially rebel. Putting Rickon in power is a big "if" as well. Even if that happened, it would be once the Boltons are defeated to unite the North under the Stark banner. Going to Wyman would basically mean joining Stannis but later in the conflict, only resulting that now the Glovers will be pissed at you because you didn't follow them and hid when they called upon you. Besides why would the Manderly risk their position for a minor house sworn to the Glovers on the other side of the North ?

    Again going to the Manderly doesn't make any sense. It would be a pretty stupid move tbh.

    Abeille posted: »

    The Forresters are about to lose their lands and their lives right now. I would go for the survival of the House, as in the survival of its

  • edited August 2015

    Joining Stannis later is exactly the reason why I would rather join the Manderlys, because the objective would be waiting to see if Stannis succeeds. And as I said before, "we are sworn to House Glover and we will do whatever they tell us to do", so my wish is purely hypothetical. As in, since we are sworn to House Glover, we can't do it. That's the entire point: If I could, I would, but alas, I can't.

    Your argument is based on the exact reason why I said I can't do what I wish (join the Manderlys), which is because we are sworn to House Glover. I am not saying "If only TellTale gave us a choice...", I am literally saying "If it were not for House Glover...".

    _DIO_ posted: »

    The Manderlys are waiting for Stannis to take the advantage and will only participate if the latter can bring Rickon back. They're even tryi

  • House Glover aside, the rest of my argument still stands. There is no point in abandoning our lands and power to go to someone who won't do shit for us for the sole reason to delay the inevitable. I didn't even mention the fact that winter is coming and Ironrath must be prepared to get through it. Might as well join Stannis and risk everything to defeat the Boltons quickly as well as stay at Ironrath to strike ironwood deals to get through winter or just stay neutral. Even without including House Glover, it is completely illogical.

    Abeille posted: »

    Joining Stannis later is exactly the reason why I would rather join the Manderlys, because the objective would be waiting to see if Stannis

  • Ramsay's not the one in charge, Roose is. So fuck him

    AstroZombie posted: »

    Ramsay bolton kills even his allies, there is no escape.

  • It is not delaying the inevitable, it is not jumping at the first chance to get flayed.

    On that case, waiting is the logical thing to do because of the plan to get Rickon back and Stannis's march against the Boltons. With this little people, I would rather pick "wait and see how it goes" than "fight to your last man", being it against the Boltons with Stannis or alone against the Whitehills. Lands can be taken back, forts can be rebuild, but the family can't be brought back if they are killed on the fight with the Boltons or with the Whitehills. Especially because we know how the fight against the Boltons go for Stannis on the show. Add the fact that, as far as we know, the Whitehills still have more men than the Forresters (that's stated many times, even before we find out about Andros's plan to hire sellswords, and considering Asher's pitiful "army", it is safe to assume they still have more men than the Forresters even without their sellswords), and we can either stay and die, run away or hope for a miracle. We can't strike ironwood deals if we are away, of course, but we also can't if the Whitehills or the Boltons slaughtered every last Forrester.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    House Glover aside, the rest of my argument still stands. There is no point in abandoning our lands and power to go to someone who won't do

  • The Whitehills will be taken down by the time we could possibly have the opportunity to switch sides so they're irrelevant. Ramsay stated the last house standing wins so we're not going to be at war with the Boltons after that. Of course Stannis won't help us against the Whitehill. As the OP stated it would be an hypothetical possibility for some sort of Season 2. We're not under any threat of being slaughtered by the Bolton or Whitehill here, it's just about joining the rebellion.

    Your strategy of waiting is exactly the same as Walder Frey, which cost him his reputation and respect from the other lords. I won't have my lord be called the Late Rodrik Forrester and be shit on by everyone.

    Abeille posted: »

    It is not delaying the inevitable, it is not jumping at the first chance to get flayed. On that case, waiting is the logical thing to do

  • Roose never stopped the bastard

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Ramsay's not the one in charge, Roose is. So fuck him

  • Well, he's still trapped behind Moat Cailin. There's not much he can do at the moment.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    Roose never stopped the bastard

  • edited August 2015

    "If we survive the war with the Whitehills", not "If we win". We don't know if they will be taken down or if they will be right there with the Boltons against Stannis. ASOIAF works a lot with breaking expectations, so just because what Ramsay says implies that the events will be ordered as "first we win, then Stannis shows up", that won't be necessarily the case, and, since I can't see a possibility of winning within one episode without a deus ex machina sort of thing happening, I doubt that will be the case. I suggested a few times in this forum that this might be the story of how House Forrester became Clan Forrester, because I can see the house surviving, but not winning. And joining Stannis would put the Forresters under the threat of being slaughtered by the Boltons.

    Yes, it is a hypothetical situation about joining the rebellion, and if I could, I wouldn't join either side (but I can't do that, I have to join Stannis because of House Glover).

    I don't care as much for the lord's reputation as for the house's (or clan's) survival. I really wouldn't mind if my lord was called Late Rodrik/Asher Forrester as long as their lineage continued.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    The Whitehills will be taken down by the time we could possibly have the opportunity to switch sides so they're irrelevant. Ramsay stated th

  • Are you serious ?! At the end of day only one of Forrester and Whitehill will be standing tall, that much is guaranteed else the whole season would be a waste and TT knows that. So either we win or we fall. "If we survive" clearly implies winning against the Whitehill. And yes sadly it will probably end by Deus Ex Machina anyway. Your thing about ASOIAF breaking expectations doesn't mean anything... The novels and the show still have a canon storyline that the game has to follow besides our own. By the time a new season would come out, Stannis would obviously already be North to fight the Boltons so yeah, the timeline is limited to that right now. And again TT leading all the season up to Ramsay letting us go in an all-out conflict against the Whitehill would go to waste if we follow your reasoning. Ramsay: "oolololol jk m8 stil destryin ye, get rikt Foresterr lmao" is not gonna happen.

    Abeille posted: »

    "If we survive the war with the Whitehills", not "If we win". We don't know if they will be taken down or if they will be right there with t

  • I am absolutely serious. I am not so confident that the season will end so wrapped-up like that, or that "else the whole season would be a waste and TT knows that". You are assuming TT thinks that's the case, and I would rather consider more options. Surviving doesn't require a victory against the Whitehills, especially since the Forresters are referred to in the books as a clan, not as a house. For all we know, we can lose and be driven out of Ironrath by the Whitehills, running away with the few members of the house that survived the battle. Yes, the show and the books have a timeline, but the Whitehills are not inserted on it, and our feud with them is not inserted on it either. I wouldn't be so sure that this war is ending with a definitive victory/loss within only one episode. It is very possible that the Glovers will call us to aid Stannis before our situation with the Whitehills is solved. A definitive Forrester victory and a call to arms from House Glover to aid Stannis do not have to happen on this order.

    And wait, are you saying that if we win against the Whitehills, then Ramsay is not coming after us? Despite the fact that we join the very person that is marching against him? Nope, pretty sure that joining Stannis would draw Ramsay's wrath right back to us, even if somehow all the Whitehills die. We would have committed treason against House Bolton, after all.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Are you serious ?! At the end of day only one of Forrester and Whitehill will be standing tall, that much is guaranteed else the whole seaso

  • edited August 2015

    In my game House Foresster is loyal to Stannis and once Stannis will fall we will join Daenerys.

  • Is everyone still eager to join up with Stannis despite the fact he was completely rekt in 5x10? ¬_¬

    I'd happily declare loyalty to the Targaryens, or the Starks if they're coming back, but not the Boltons. I don't think they'd ever trust the Forresters at this stage, anyway.

  • I don't see us joining with Stannis. We see how that ends for his army, it'd make the whole game anti-climatic.

    If anything, we could be sent by Stannis to help free the Glovers from the Ironborn, and then as the season progresses and we get news of Stannis' failure, we get mixed up in the Ironborn rebellion that's supposedly gonna be incorporated in season 6 of the show.

  • Euron Greyjoy. That's going to be interesting.

    I don't see us joining with Stannis. We see how that ends for his army, it'd make the whole game anti-climatic. If anything, we could be

  • Yeah, but I think we'd be more with Victarion or Asha (Yara in the show I think).

    Euron Greyjoy. That's going to be interesting.

  • You have my sword.

    No. Stannis the Mannis is the One True King. I will accept his side.

  • Saul is a total philosopher

  • I'm saying Ramsay would not have reason to come after us after we defeat the Whitehills UNLESS we rebel.

    Abeille posted: »

    I am absolutely serious. I am not so confident that the season will end so wrapped-up like that, or that "else the whole season would be a w

  • Let's be honest here, D&D will probably merge Victarion and Euron together...

    Yeah, but I think we'd be more with Victarion or Asha (Yara in the show I think).

  • Oh god... pls no

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Let's be honest here, D&D will probably merge Victarion and Euron together...

  • Then you will die by his side too. lol

    No. Stannis the Mannis is the One True King. I will accept his side.

  • we will join Daenerys

    You're gonna be waiting forever.

    In my game House Foresster is loyal to Stannis and once Stannis will fall we will join Daenerys.

  • I'd be fine becoming a Vassal to the Boltons. I'm looking at this purely from a survival point of view mind you. Assuming this war did somehow go in our favor, the Forresters will be at their absolute weakest and we really wouldn't have a leg to stand on if we wanted to go anywhere else or try and rebel. We'd have one of best bargaining chips for keeping our House just the way it is too since we're the ones with the Ironwood solely and the only ones with able craftsmen. Allying with the Boltons would be the best option as we'd have a chance to actually regain everything we've lost.

  • I would. And after that I would bake delicious Bolton pies.

  • Why do you think? She has dragons, white walkers are weak aginst fire. I think it is clear that she will come before War for Dawn starts.

    Clemenem posted: »

    we will join Daenerys You're gonna be waiting forever.

  • edited August 2015

    Hell yes, I d follow Stannis to the deepest parts of the seventh hell.

    ranger563 posted: »

    Is everyone still eager to join up with Stannis despite the fact he was completely rekt in 5x10? ¬_¬ I'd happily declare loyalty to the T

  • Nah I would try to rally the other houses to rebel and over throw them. Roose even said in the show if the houses were to unite against them they wouldn't have enough men to hold power. But if that fails then I guess really the only option morally would be to fight for Dany cause at this point everyone who had honor is either dead or has no power to influence anything whatsoever so Dany is kind of the last hope in the series for I guess you could say the good guys to win.

  • Daenerys has been in Essos for years now and in the show has no sign if coming back. She'll probably just forget if they don't die fighting for her.

    Why do you think? She has dragons, white walkers are weak aginst fire. I think it is clear that she will come before War for Dawn starts.

  • The way I see it the Whitehills tried to enslave/takeover the Forrester house so I would be happy to just serve the Boltons as we are the superior house at crafting ironwood and let Ramsay deal with the Whitehills. Honestly that is where it was heading after episode four, like the Whitehills admitted that they didn't give enough ironwood to the Boltons so they would come down on them and I was ready to say "hey Ramsay I got yo' back with these ironwood because we are better with it than the Whitehills" and Ramsay would be like okay i'll let you have a shot since the other house can't deliver. Instead Ramsay just comes down on the Forrester house ONLY and kills the leader of the Forrester allies (Arthur). I didn't even get the option to make ironwood for Ramsay, he just further handicapped the Forrester family and was like "Peace mofos" like What the hell?? The whole situation is disappointing but I want the Whitehills dead more than I want Ramsay dead in this telltale universe.

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