What would Gared think of House Forrester when he finds out that they killed his Uncle?

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I always wondered if Gared was going to find out about how Duncan got executed by Rodrik and to know he is also a Traitor.
I don't think Gared would be angry at Rodrik, but I think he would rather not speak with him anymore. But to also know that his last Family member is gone forever is just heartbreaking ;_;

And I think Rodrik executing Duncan could stop Gared from searching for the North grove, but I doubt that will happen since Gared has no way to find out about his Uncle's death.


  • It'll be interesting to see how he would react, Duncan was the only family he had left.

  • edited August 2015


    enter image description here

    If you let Rodrik survive and Asher stay behind.

    "WHY did you do this Rodrik!? Uncle Duncan was my only Family left!" In an Angry tone

    enter image description here

    "He was a bloody Traitor, Gared! He revealed our plans to House Whitehill!"

    enter image description here

    "A Traitor..?"

    enter image description here

    "We had to do what was right, Gared."

    enter image description here


    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It'll be interesting to see how he would react, Duncan was the only family he had left.

  • He will never find out if he dies. Or should I say, when he dies.

  • I'm hoping Gared lives.

    He will never find out if he dies. Or should I say, when he dies.

  • I'm hoping we as the player get to choose, like either have Gared be furious or be understanding. I won't have this problem anyway because I spared him

  • It doesn't matter, if he ever returns to Ironrath I'll kill him too for desertion.

  • Would that technically be suicide?

    It doesn't matter, if he ever returns to Ironrath I'll kill him too for desertion.

  • Probably.

    Would that technically be suicide?

  • Wow - now that you point it out, that's a really interesting dynamic that could come out of player choice. I don't know if Telltale will go that far, but it would be neat to get some dialogue or a special scene with that interaction.

  • Will he ever? Probably. Will he in this season? Probably not

  • I thought about that at first while writing out my post, but I figured it would be kinda redundant to have Gared's plot in the game if he doesn't somehow at least make it very close to Ironrath if nothing else. Lots of people thought the same of Asher in Episode 5, but he was able to make it back. Granted, he had a ship, but my point is I have a feeling Telltale will surprise us with Gared like they did with Asher last episode.

  • I bet he'll react like Luke did when he heard about Nick dying in ep4.

  • I think he would be upset and angry, but would understand

  • edited August 2015

    He is honorable and holds the honor of the Forresters very high. I think he will be surprised but after that furious at his uncle who helped the guys who killed his sister and niece just because he wasn't rewarded a shiny badge. He not only betrayed the Forresters who Gared owed a lot too, but his own family too. He was sent to the wall for avenging his family , by his uncle and the moment he is gone said uncle helps the enemy. Gared would probably kill Duncan himself if he is alive at that point.

  • edited August 2015

    I don't think Gared has it in him to kill his own uncle, his last surviving family member, even if he did betray the very house he owed his allegiance to. But I don't think he would hold it against Rodrik.

  • I think Gared would be more surprised to find out his uncle was even a traitor in the first place than if he was killed for it.

  • Nice job, I even read with their voices. :P

    "No..UNCLE DUNCAN!" If you let Rodrik survive and Asher stay behind. "WHY did you do this Rodrik!? Uncle Duncan was my only Family

  • But Gared has a wall full of men that want his head... Is it really possible?

    I thought about that at first while writing out my post, but I figured it would be kinda redundant to have Gared's plot in the game if he do

  • Haha, I tried my best but I think It's pretty good to me.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Nice job, I even read with their voices. :P

  • I think you forgot that this is Game of Thrones.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I'm hoping Gared lives.

  • I think that's impossible, unless Gared meets someone from Ironrath that eventually tells him what happened to Duncan or Royland and depending on who is the Traitor and who got executed.

    But Gared has a wall full of men that want his head... Is it really possible?

  • If you let Asher survive and Rodrik stay behind


    enter image description here

    "Why did Rodrik do this?! Uncle Duncan was my only family left!" In an Angry tone

    enter image description here

    "I think it was because Duncan betrayed our House.."

    enter image description here

    "He betrayed us? but he sent me to the Wall!"

    enter image description here

    "Look, your Uncle was a good man but I lost Rodrik too. So consider this even."

    enter image description here

    "Yeah, I s'ppose."

    enter image description here

  • The last photo, lmao xD

    If you let Asher survive and Rodrik stay behind "No..UNCLE DUNCAN!" "Why did Rodrik do this?! Uncle Duncan was my only family left

  • lmao

    The last photo, lmao xD

  • A man can dream.

    I think you forgot that this is Game of Thrones.

  • If he is informed of the fact that his uncle was working for the Whitehills, whose men killed Gared's father and little sister, I think he will understand.

  • Yes, a man can certainly Dream..

    Mind fades away into a fan fiction of where Rodrik and Asher survive and kill all the Whitehills and takes the Iron Throne

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    A man can dream.

  • It wouldn't matter if the Forresters saw him they'd kill him immediately. He'd be distraught and probably have resentment for them. He'd still continue the hunt for the North Grove for his uncle

  • I like Gared's last line. It had me bawling.

    If you let Asher survive and Rodrik stay behind "No..UNCLE DUNCAN!" "Why did Rodrik do this?! Uncle Duncan was my only family left

  • Or ever thought that he would never return?! No doubt. He'd either die or stay in the North.

  • I felt like telltale were lazy with how they made luke react about Nick. I actually found it even more hilarious that he was screaming to Sarah when she fell and then a few seconds later he forgets about it.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I bet he'll react like Luke did when he heard about Nick dying in ep4.

  • Seeing as it varies who The Traitor is. Gared will probably still look for The North Grove, Dead uncle or not.

  • Yes, I think so too. I didn't promise Lord Forrester for nothing qq.

    Reconn posted: »

    Seeing as it varies who The Traitor is. Gared will probably still look for The North Grove, Dead uncle or not.

  • The North Grove will turn out to be able to resurrect all dead Forresters.

    Yes, I think so too. I didn't promise Lord Forrester for nothing qq.

  • I don't think that would make sense.
    I mean, we're talking about game of thrones here.

    "If you kill off a character and then bring him back that basically destroys the point that they are actually dead." - George R.R Martin

    Reconn posted: »

    The North Grove will turn out to be able to resurrect all dead Forresters.

  • I was joking.

    I don't think that would make sense. I mean, we're talking about game of thrones here. "If you kill off a character and then bring him back that basically destroys the point that they are actually dead." - George R.R Martin

  • This is why I picked Duncan as my sentinel so I didn't have to deal with this, he is the logical choice. Royland I feel just makes poor reckless decisions that Jeopradize the lives of the people in the house. Sure he wants to be active and fight back to show strength but at what cost? Duncan can be cowardly at times but at least he doesn't try to Jeopradize the lives of the people in the house by showing strength they don't have.

  • Yeah, well. This is Game of Thrones so you're gonna have to act strong and evil and shit so George R.R Martin won't kill off your character.

    I think Royland knows he is in a universe with a fat man that enjoys killing people.

    Phoenix127 posted: »

    This is why I picked Duncan as my sentinel so I didn't have to deal with this, he is the logical choice. Royland I feel just makes poor reck

  • He'd understand because he's loyal to house Forrester I mean risking his life beyond the wall with wildlings and the white walkers that's definitely loyalty.

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