Will Clem be S3's protagonist?
S2's ending was indeed very messy, with 7 different endings, the fact that both Kenny and beloved Jane (sadly) are basically confirmed dead for s3 due to their determinant status,the fact that there are multiple locations for Clem to be left at with a variety of combinations, and the fact that time skips are out because of the (dumb) universe rule, is it realistic that Clem's story will continue?
Its going to be hard for ttg to mesh everybody's ending into one similar beginning for s3, and for that reason, I'm doubting Clem as a protagonist for s3.
Either that or ttg has a load of writing to do...
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In my opinion I think Clems story should be done. I mean with all of these different choices its way to difficult to mush them all together. I think in all the endings it left a good feeling like hey I am with Kenny! And should leave it at that. Well all know that Jane and Kenny (Kenny sadly) Are gonna die. So why not end the story ?
Season 2 ended in a way where no matter what TellTale does they are gonna get hate. Weather they kill Kenny and Jane or leave the story. I hope that maybe Kenny/Jane will survive somehow and just get split up from Clem if they continue you story (So they don't have to pay the voice actors and you have assurance that they are ok and alive) But It prop wont happen, so that only leaves me with New Protagonist for S3.
The only way I see that being possible is a multiple beginning for S3 and the Omid situation happening again early on in episode 1.
Whatever they do, TT needs to make it good. Honestly, I don't want to deal with a new character that I have no history with. I know a lot may not agree with that, but I want someone familiar. To be honest, I can't see a story without Clem, and I'll be really sad if she's not a part of it in some way because I don't think her story is finished. Lee was placed in season one to protect, nurture, and teach Clementine so she could survive. After he was gone, that was her first step and push into what he'd been trying to prepare her for. We haven't seen her really struggle or at her worst — or at least I don't think we have — she still has plenty of room for growth, and growth she needs or else Lee will have died for nothing. But yeah, I won't be happy with an unfamiliar protagonist, but I'll still play. Just crossing my fingers that Clem will be included somehow.
That's true. But when I played as her (an 11 year old girl), it felt silly af. She had limited dialogue and interactions with adult characters, and there was less action because she was a kid. When I played as her, she felt dull and emotionless.
When you say you want someone familiar, I don't understand that. We played as Lee and he wasn't familiar, yet S1 was iconic.
S2 is proof (my opinion) Lee died for nothing. All of the choices in S2 had little to no effect on the actions of Kenny (and Clementine).
The way they introduced her in S2 ruined 90 percent of any feelings I had for her. She was unrealistic (a little girl is the brain of a group of adults, really?), boring, and just uninteresting (my opinion) .
Will she? Yes, because Telltale knows that a large portion of their fans play the game only for her (which is stupid).
Should she be? No
If she is i hope we get to tie up the Mike,Bonnie and Arvo loose ends.
I think that considering Telltale has said season 3 will be bigger we could either see more episodes or, and this is a long shot, our endings to season 2 will actually matter.
I'd like to see a 6 or 7 episode season with the first 3 or 4 episodes being completely different in how they play out due to our choices in season 2, but then have it come together for the final episodes.
I would very much like Clementine to be our protag again, but with perhaps 3 or 4 others like in GOT which would allow us to switch between them all during an episode and continually alter perceptions of one another as what happens in real life.
Hope so . Or don't even bother with making it.
Agreed. It was odd that everyone expected a child to get things done. Although it wouldn't have been much of a game if Clem had sat back to be protected like in season one. So, yeah, they could've done better in that aspect. By familiar I would simply like to play as someone we've seen before and have connections with. I know we didn't know Lee at the start of the game, but that was because it was exactly that. The start. And there was no one else to use. With season three telltale has a few characters left I think would be a nice protagonist. This is just my opinion of course because the idea of starting fresh doesn't sound appealing. I feel that way because of my own attachment issues with the first and second installments of the game, nothing more. Though since TT is known for their storytelling I'm sure that if we do have a new protagonist I can warm up to them as I'd done with previous characters.
TWD game = Clementine for me, so I doubt I am going to purchase it if it does not feature her as a central point.
Clem's gotta be in it, or the world is doooooomed.
I wouldn't mind her as a protagonist again.
Maybe we could play as Clem and one or two other characters. Hopefully it would make the story long. I like Clem, but I want to play as a strong character who can use shotguns and rifles instead of pistols.
This, this is exactly why there is a chance that The Walking Dead S3 Clementine will have to be protagonist, because no matter how bad the series could turn out, or no matter how good, people will not want to play it if it does not have Clementine. Even if Clementine was still the protagonist, I'd still play it if it's good enough.
Have you always been a follower ?
Exactly. I don't hate her or anything, but I hate playing as her. I fell asleep 3 times playing S2, b/c playing as her at times was that uninteresting.
I see what you did there.
I agree with this.
I'm gonna play for the adventure, not Clem!
And I wouldn't, either point is fair to me. You roll with what makes you slide.
I would love for her to be S3 protagonist, but if not then so be it.
If she is, then I'd imagine episode 's intro would start out in 3 different locations with all different dialogue and stuff that represented how much time as passed, the struggles Clem had to endure from the consequences of your choices, tutorials, how she's adapted, blah, blah, blah. How they sync up would be up to the mercy of the writers. We'll see, unless they throw us for a loop and have Clementine pop up in the Michonne DLC, whoa plot twist! (probably not gonna happen).
I got my fingers crossed.
NO! I want to be the actual leader of a group this time around, an actual adult and I don't want it to be an up in the air thing like Lee needing to suck up to someone to get majority vote or not even vie for power at all. I want to start out this as the boss like Rick, I want to have deal with the reality of winter and doing all the bad shit you have to to survive. They can do it like tales and have two protagonists. As the adult we can lead the Washington group and as Clem we can see the citizens perspective of Washington and the ramifications of the leaders decisions.
Yes please.
S2 as a whole was very messy. They should just toss her out really, at this point the writers have killed any love or care I had for her as their stock character. So hopefully not
I've said this before, but I want a whole new batch of characters. I think Clem's story has run its course and it's time to move on
7 Endings? Don't you mean 5?
Ikr. (my opinion) Her and Season 2 was just... a disaster.
Kenny dead, with Jane in Howes with family.
Kenny dead, with Jane in Howes no family
Kenny dead and Jane dead, alone.
Jane alive and Kenny dead, alone.
Kenny alive, Jane dead, alone.
Kenny alive, in Wellington, leave Kenny
Kenny alive, leave Wellington.
7 endings.