Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • edited August 2015

    New series coming up! Instead of making it into my regular 'Chatzy Adventures', i decided to make this into its own series and it will be in chapters...

    Just to clear any confusion, this is a sequel to: Chatzy Adventures feat.CraazyCake: ''Reggie's Betrayal (and Eventual Redemption)''

    and it is us (chatters) using our minds and making up our own stories and each of us adding onto it as we go...

    So, here is chapter 1:

    The Rhysha Grove: ''Chapter 1: The AI''

    enter image description here

    Chapter 2 coming shortly...

  • Well i made a poll and the Trex didn't win, sorry boy.

    7/10 I wanted it to be T-rex

  • Rakk hive is a girl?

    10/10 IT'S HER IT'S THE HERO

  • 10/10 That is awesome, Grumpy! Rakk Hive FTW!

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I don't know if i'll color it but...

  • The Rhysha Grove: ''Chapter 2: A Caged Cake''

    enter image description here

  • Rakk Hives give birth to Rakks I believe.

    Then again, they all could be one gender, so whatever works.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Rakk hive is a girl?

  • The Rhysha Grove: ''Chapter 3: The Amulet''

    enter image description here

  • The Rhysha Grove: ''Chapter 4: Dank''

    enter image description here

  • So.. I wanted to do a "canon run" of the Borderlands Series for a while now (With the release of Tales) and I think this is the perfect place to ask.
    So that's: Borderlands, Borderlands The Pre-Sequel, Borderlands 2 and then TFTBL
    Problem is, I wanna do the main big boys co-op with people, four player rather than solo and I was wondering if any of you lovely people would like to join me. Obviously we can organized gaming session as we blaze through such as when to start and finish and what not but I just want three of you lovely guys and/or Girls to join me. Now I only PC Game so you'll need to own these games on Steam but I'm sure we can work this out.

    Please respond to me if you're interested in this :D Cause I think it'd be one awesome journey.

    We can use skype to voice chat (and if you're shy you can just join the call and/or just text talk) and we can just have an awesome playthrough. :P together!

  • That's it for the chatzy series for today... I dunno when we'll continue... Maybe tommorow, maybe in 2 days or maybe in a week... I really dont know... We'll keep this going until we get bored of it...

    I wanna thank @CraazyCake @Irunts and @DictatorAsylum for awesome acting and improvising...

    Ofcourse, the whole thing was a mess and I had to edit it to look good but here are some bloopers:

    (happened beetween chapter 1 and 2)

    enter image description here

  • Welp. August 11th seems impossible now.

    August 18th HYPE!

  • HOLY SH-

    Nice art m8 I r8 8/8

    WOO! ALL ABOARD THE PARTY TRAIN! Congrats guys! Im so glad you all made this thread, its such a nice place to hang around and say wei

  • Hey everybody, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I do bring some pretty cool news!

    So I have been very bored waiting for episode 4, and I thought I would do a little analyzing of the past episodes, to see if I could find anything cool, and I very much did. I have always felt like Sasha doesn't smile much, and I was wondering, how many times does she smile as a result of Rhys' actions or his words? So I went through all of the episodes(In a pro-Rhysha playthrough, so I'm sure the data would differ if you picked any of the options going against Rhysha) and counted how many times she smiles total, and how many times she smiles as a result of Rhys, so I could get a percentage. I only counted genuine smiles, and if she was smiling, said something and then smiled again, I counted that as one smile. And here are the results!

    • Sasha smiled a total of 76 times so far in my playthrough
    • 43 Times because of Rhys
    • 33 Times because of as a result of something else
    • 56% of the time through all 3 released episodes, Sasha was smiling at or as a result of Rhys' actions

    And since I already had all the data, I decided to get Sasha-Rhys-smile percentages for all of the episodes individually

    • Episode 1: 56%
    • Episode 2: 27% (They didn't get to hang out much in that Episode anyway, so don't be sad)
    • Episode 3: 77.4%(The reason I left the .4 there is because 77.4% is the exact percentage of people who chose to give Sasha the flower in episode 3 on PC, and I thought that was pretty cool that we came out with the exact same number, I think that might be Rhysha's lucky number!)

    So yeah, I am gonna keep doing this whole thing for episode 4 and 5 anyway, and if you guys want to know what I find, I'll post the results on here! Idk I thought it was interesting and you guys might wanna see it xD

  • :)

    Mcboats posted: »

    Hey everybody, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I do bring some pretty cool news! So I have been very bored waiting for episode 4,

  • Couldn't construct a much better plot for my last fanfic, so I'm trying to come up with the way I would have wanted the jungle scene to happen, leaving out when the jelly fish attacked us. I thinking Rhys and Sasha get lost and find a pond. They can't find a way back so they go for a swim. The water is so majestic and clear it would be the perfect setting for the kisses and snuggles.

  • Sure, I'd be interested.

    stevean2 posted: »

    So.. I wanted to do a "canon run" of the Borderlands Series for a while now (With the release of Tales) and I think this is the perfect pla

  • Awesome! :D just add me up on steam:

    I'm not sure which one steam uses when people search for me

    Sure, I'd be interested.

  • I can do the first Borderlands definitely.

    stevean2 posted: »

    So.. I wanted to do a "canon run" of the Borderlands Series for a while now (With the release of Tales) and I think this is the perfect pla

  • i tried both and the only one that came up was Brosse Pinkman, is that it?

    stevean2 posted: »

    Awesome! just add me up on steam: gordonfreeman2687 or stevean2 I'm not sure which one steam uses when people search for me

  • Yessir!

    i tried both and the only one that came up was Brosse Pinkman, is that it?

  • Alright, I just sent the friend request.

    stevean2 posted: »


  • Awesome. Now we just need one more (two more for the pre-sequel and possibly borderlands 2 if carley doesn't get 2)

    Alright, I just sent the friend request.

  • I can do borderlands 1 too! And maybe the second!

    stevean2 posted: »

    So.. I wanted to do a "canon run" of the Borderlands Series for a while now (With the release of Tales) and I think this is the perfect pla

  • edited August 2015

    Okie doke! just add me up on steam :D

    I can do borderlands 1 too! And maybe the second!

  • So it looks like it will be you, me, WeMissYouCarley, and c0ntinue0testing for Borderlands 1.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Awesome. Now we just need one more (two more for the pre-sequel and possibly borderlands 2 if carley doesn't get 2)

  • Sounds perfect

    So it looks like it will be you, me, WeMissYouCarley, and c0ntinue0testing for Borderlands 1.

  • enter image description here
    Number 77 hmm.... That's a reaally lucky number

    Mcboats posted: »

    Hey everybody, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I do bring some pretty cool news! So I have been very bored waiting for episode 4,

  • That’s exactly what I hoped would happen,I think it didn’t because you know..forced love bullshit and stuff.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Couldn't construct a much better plot for my last fanfic, so I'm trying to come up with the way I would have wanted the jungle scene to happ

  • Could I please have this photo with a Rhysha mark?

    enter image description here

    And as for the map, I'm from 'straya X)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Alright what do you want?

  • yeah! that would be awesome!

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Do you want a new avatar? I can do that for you.

  • Ayy, nice speech reggie. Love you too. <3

    Once again, I'm late to the celebration... I don't really have anything to say that hasn't been said... And I dunt tHInk im 2 gud at talk

  • enter image description here

    WOO! ALL ABOARD THE PARTY TRAIN! Congrats guys! Im so glad you all made this thread, its such a nice place to hang around and say wei

  • Also, someone model swap Elaena and Rodrik in Episode 5 damnit.

    I second that.

    As an OR (Original Rhyshan) and seeing this thread grow from 4 months ago warms my heart. I recall messaging Pipas to prepare the thread for



    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I don't know if i'll color it but...

  • Don't forget to post some screenshots! :D

    stevean2 posted: »

    So.. I wanted to do a "canon run" of the Borderlands Series for a while now (With the release of Tales) and I think this is the perfect pla

  • enter image description here

    That's some good stuff. ;)

    Mcboats posted: »

    Hey everybody, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I do bring some pretty cool news! So I have been very bored waiting for episode 4,

  • Now we have scientific proof! Corroboration of their love!

    Mcboats posted: »

    Hey everybody, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I do bring some pretty cool news! So I have been very bored waiting for episode 4,

  • edited August 2015

    I would love to play BL 1

    enter image description here

    stevean2 posted: »

    So.. I wanted to do a "canon run" of the Borderlands Series for a while now (With the release of Tales) and I think this is the perfect pla

  • BTW You fixed the saves ?

    stevean2 posted: »

    Okie doke! just add me up on steam

  • Give me a picture you like then.

    yeah! that would be awesome!

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