The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • There is no lying rape victim though...? There was nothing about that in the post. If you are trying to make a point about lying rape victims in general, then I don't understand the relevance in playing devil's advocate to something that doesn't even have to do with the case in the post.

    I don't know why you are trying to make this point in a case where the woman was proven to be raped and the man was arrested for the crime

  • swag

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • The case in the post was responsible for the initial conversation. However, the comments post the initial post are indeed saying several comments said by people when they attempt to victim blame. If you honestly say each and everyone of those comments were said during the actual case then I'm going to call bullshit. The entire conversation is about making fun of a rapist who was set on fire by using excuses said by people attempting to victim blame rape victims to blame him for being set on fire.

    Therefore, I was attempting to say how the arguments made annoyed me by the mere fact that several of these are bullshit and are actual used to express the fact that the rape victim is somewhat responsible for their own safety. There have been several lying rape victims, not in this case, but there have been several cases. Therefore I pointed out the arguments. This post isn't about that specific case as it is pointing out that certain case's outcome as a way to make fun of a rapist using victim blaming excuses.

    There is no lying rape victim though...? There was nothing about that in the post. If you are trying to make a point about lying rape victim

  • man i am really annoyed right just lost a job AT FRICKIN MCDONALDS you can laugh if you want but now im unemployed again and hating it i just wanna work and get payed and be happy jobs are hard to find they got rid of me (i had a 2 week probationary period) and said that i wasnt learning quick enough well thats minda hard when you putme on the same bloody thing every day and i also have aspergers syndrome and that doesnt help either i got the cleaning mostly they waited till i finished it and then called me into the office i thought it was probably about that e learning module i hadnt done yet but no he asked how i thought i was doing and i said that i was enjoying what i do (i wasnt but i was trying to keep the job) and he said the probationary week was over and i was unsuccessful because i wasnt learning quick enough i had to hand my badge and hat in and the rest of the uniform i could keep not that its much use to me now and now everything that can go wrong will go wrong because they usually do after i finished my zero hours jobs i just really hate life right now (sorry for the long rant im just angry and annoyed right now)

  • Were you suppose to learn how to do everything or something?

    man i am really annoyed right just lost a job AT FRICKIN MCDONALDS you can laugh if you want but now im unemployed again and hating it i jus

  • So you're basically saying that victims should take responsibility in not getting themselves raped. Nice.

    The case in the post was responsible for the initial conversation. However, the comments post the initial post are indeed saying several com

  • LOL. I can see you either didn't read my argument or you didn't give a shit. I'll attempt to explain it one last time.

    EVERYONE is responsible for their own safety. If someone does do a heinous act towards them, should they be prepared for the worst? Sure, but are they completely at fault for it? No. People can't expect to be completely safe when walking home at midnight despite your race, gender, sexuality, wealth, status. You need to be prepared since there are creepy and violent people out there.

    Do you understand my argument?

    So you're basically saying that victims should take responsibility in not getting themselves raped. Nice.

  • id personally call it a waterline

    Here I was, playing BioShock, and I thought to myself the following: Is it a Skyline? If not, what would one classify it as? I Personally

  • Actually those aren't legitimate arguments against rape, they are stupid and I can understand why people would make fun of them, still is tasteless though, also they didn't make fun of a single way to protect yourself against rape.

    That's one of the reasons...The other is making fun of it and even making jokes out of legitimate arguments against rape claims and actual ways to protect themselves from rape. It's just stupid and annoying.

  • Then the one comment about "should've had a fire extinguisher and fire retardant clothing on" was just nothing? That one was about protecting themselves from fire and if we connect it to the main over arching comparison there, it would be about protecting themselves from rape.

    kaleion posted: »

    Actually those aren't legitimate arguments against rape, they are stupid and I can understand why people would make fun of them, still is tasteless though, also they didn't make fun of a single way to protect yourself against rape.

  • well he never specified that but from what i could tell he wanted everything learned quickly but i had to do the jobs i was told to do which were the same ones which i knew how to do and learned them okay it just seems strange that i told him that i has aspergers and explained what it is and he fires me 2 days later.

    Were you suppose to learn how to do everything or something?

  • 1.) Did you disclose that you have Aspergers?

    2.) Do you live in America?

    The Americans with Disabilities act prevents employers from discriminating against employees based on a disability or chronic disorder. Might be worth looking into.

    man i am really annoyed right just lost a job AT FRICKIN MCDONALDS you can laugh if you want but now im unemployed again and hating it i jus

  • That's stupid, if anything it's his fault you didn't learn what he wanted. You got my sympathy, friend, it really does suck how these places fail to train their employees then fault them for that.

    well he never specified that but from what i could tell he wanted everything learned quickly but i had to do the jobs i was told to do which

  • Yes, but how does it have any relevance to the original post at all? Like why even say it?

    LOL. I can see you either didn't read my argument or you didn't give a shit. I'll attempt to explain it one last time. EVERYONE is respon

  • For fucks sake:

    The entire conversation is about making fun of a rapist who was set on fire by using excuses said by people attempting to victim blame rape victims to blame him for being set on fire.

    My entire argument is in relevance to the ones that attempt to make it a joke at women and men aren't responsible for their own safety against rape. I honestly think you're just ignoring what I'm saying.

    Yes, but how does it have any relevance to the original post at all? Like why even say it?

  • Honestly, the more I read about the overall reactions from the debate, the more worried I am about Trump winning becoming a reality.:S

    He kind of has an advantage right now considering how polarized he is along with being against so many other candidates, but once things do start to narrow down, I'm assuming that he will lose that advantage. It would pretty much be the biggest joke ever if he actually does win.

    Sometimes, I also look forward to going to work to give me something to do. Especially nowadays, all I seem to be doing is work and nothing else lol. I haven't wasted my summer, but I haven't really gotten to chill out and enjoy it tbh. Oh well, there's always next summer.:P

    I guess we're sort of at a point where summers are still going to be busy, regardless of the much appreciated break from school lol. Just gotta make the most out of the time that we have I guess.. and don't work too hard of course ;)

    Thanks! That means a lot.:] It will definitely be difficult, but I think I can do it if I have enough money by then lol. What are you majoring in, if you don't mind my asking?

    I've kind of been all over the place in regards to choosing a major (I was doing Journalism for awhile) so I'm definitely a bit behind, but as of right now I'm going into Paralegal studies. Honestly, it hasn't been easy for me to identify what the best path for myself is, but someone talked me into going this route, so I'm giving it a shot.

    Tinni posted: »

    Sorry for the late reply, I just kind of wanted to go pass out somewhere after work last night lol. No worries, I do that all the ti

  • Ambos de mis padres son mexicanos, entonces.....

    papai46 posted: »

    What kind of fake mexican are you¿

  • Oh god, something actually happened to you?

    Setting someone on fire no matter what they have done is horrible and a crime itself. But the arguments that put women at fault for being ra

  • bae.

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • Hey there! Anybody here own the Handsome Collection on PS4 and feel like playing some co-op? I was thinking of starting a new playthrough of the Pre-Sequel with Jack's doppelganger (AKA Timothy).

  • Bro Bro.

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • I'm not, I'm trying to understand. The original post was talking about victim blaming, which yeah, does include putting victims needlessly at blame when the true blame should be placed on the aggressor. I'm not sure how this woman, or any woman or man, can possibly be put at fault or have their own responsibility for their well being put into question when a random stranger approaches them at knife point and rapes them.

    For fucks sake: The entire conversation is about making fun of a rapist who was set on fire by using excuses said by people attempting

  • Ai chihuahua, perdón.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Ambos de mis padres son mexicanos, entonces.....

  • The comparison of "should've had a fire extinguisher and fire retardant clothing on" for the rape victim would probably be something like "should've worn a baggy sweater and not a tank top".

    Then the one comment about "should've had a fire extinguisher and fire retardant clothing on" was just nothing? That one was about protectin

  • Yes.

    papai46 posted: »

    Oh god, something actually happened to you?

  • People should be prepared for encounters, of course it's not their fault they're raped but it doesn't mean they can't always protect themselves from it. The type of rape encounter you expressed is a different encounter than more subtle encounters. Subtle encounters like date rape drugs can be avoided by using caution and methods to protect yourself, more violent encounters like the one you described can also be avoided by traveling with large groups or driving. Of course it isn't entirely the victims fault for being raped but it is an undeniable fact that you can protect yourself from it and you should be responsible for your own wellbeing.

    I'm not, I'm trying to understand. The original post was talking about victim blaming, which yeah, does include putting victims needlessly a

  • No, that one is the first one, the one at the very bottom is about preparedness against rape.

    The comparison of "should've had a fire extinguisher and fire retardant clothing on" for the rape victim would probably be something like "should've worn a baggy sweater and not a tank top".

  • yes i did disclose my condition on the application i live in the u.k

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    1.) Did you disclose that you have Aspergers? 2.) Do you live in America? The Americans with Disabilities act prevents employers from discriminating against employees based on a disability or chronic disorder. Might be worth looking into.

  • thanks mate i atleast still got my I.T diploma course so theres still a chance for a new job

    That's stupid, if anything it's his fault you didn't learn what he wanted. You got my sympathy, friend, it really does suck how these places fail to train their employees then fault them for that.

  • That should get you a good job, don't worry about losing that job either, you do not want to work at McDonalds.

    thanks mate i atleast still got my I.T diploma course so theres still a chance for a new job

  • Word up

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • I think that one is trying to say "Why are we putting so much attention on protecting ourselves from rape when we should be teaching people that rape is never okay and to respect peoples' bodies?". It's not saying that we should completely drop any means of protection, it's pointing out how the VICTIMS are expected to prevent it and that rape is just something we should prepare for because the rapists just can't control themselves.

    No, that one is the first one, the one at the very bottom is about preparedness against rape.

  • Have you ever been in this type of situation before?

    People should be prepared for encounters, of course it's not their fault they're raped but it doesn't mean they can't always protect themsel

  • You are attempting to use my personal experiences to disvalue my claims that people can defend themselves from such attacks.

    Have you ever been in this type of situation before?

  • You'll find another, hopefully.

    man i am really annoyed right just lost a job AT FRICKIN MCDONALDS you can laugh if you want but now im unemployed again and hating it i jus

  • WTF, I mean, qué mierda!

    papai46 posted: »

    Ai chihuahua, perdón.

  • Because I have been (to a lesser degree), and it's easy to sit there and type on your keyboard that they should have done this or should have done that and act like you know everything but it's entirely different when you are the actual person being assaulted.

    You are attempting to use my personal experiences to disvalue my claims that people can defend themselves from such attacks.

  • Were you raped? Or just sexually assaulted? There is a difference between the two despite both being horrible.

    Have I been sexually assaulted before? Yes, although I have a feeling you won't believe me. It's not my point to prove to you if I have or haven't so I'll leave it there and whatever you decide, so be it. Also, don't jump to conclusions about people just because they disagree with you on a subject, tends to lead to very unfortunate confrontations...Like them telling you that they experienced something like you had before.

    However, you are attempting to deny that we can secure or increase our safety? That's rubbish. People have dozens of protective measures they can take in order to be safer, in the heat of the moment, there is little you can do. Yet there are ways to not be in that situation (During the more subtle instances) and ways to get away (in the more violent instances). It is stupid to say we can not protect ourselves or limit the possibility of being in these dangerous situations.

    Because I have been (to a lesser degree), and it's easy to sit there and type on your keyboard that they should have done this or should hav

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