Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Oh Chewi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Sleep well, wolfie c:

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    5:10 good night or Imma drop dead

  • edited August 2015

    Welp seems like no ones here but thank God after 30+ pages I finally finished catching up! Also to those who replied to my last post concerning my little sister I just wanna say Thanks for the reassurance, really it helped me a lot! She's doing okay now after her surgery this morning and she'll need about 2 weeks to recover but Thank God the worst is over! So hows it going?enter image description here

  • TellTale Porn?

    I dunno 'bout you guys, but from now and forever RhysxDrool is my OTP. And RhysxSock is my OTP too. So... TTPs, I guess.

  • well 2 bad cuz the party's been fucking dead for hours now

  • tfw its 1 AM and u go in bed but u kno u gon be awake for the next 3 hours watching sm64 speedruns

    enter image description here

    Btw, 6 more days till speech time, I'm going to start preparing it tomorrow, and it's going to be glorious. That means all of you need to be at your top level and behaviour if you want to be Rhyiona member of the month this time, SO MANY NOMINEES THIS MONTH I MIGHT JUST DIE FROM THE HYPE

  • U is cool dud. Am I Rhyiona member of the month yet.

    Green613 posted: »

    tfw its 1 AM and u go in bed but u kno u gon be awake for the next 3 hours watching sm64 speedruns Btw, 6 more days till speech time,

  • kissing ass doesnt make you rhyiona member of the month

    tho it certainly does help

    U is cool dud. Am I Rhyiona member of the month yet.

  • Man is this thread dead or what huh?..........guys?........somebody?......anybody?.....Sigh, wtf. enter image description here

  • Hi!...I'm still here .-.

    Man is this thread dead or what huh?..........guys?........somebody?......anybody?.....Sigh, wtf.

  • I'm here as well .-.

    Man is this thread dead or what huh?..........guys?........somebody?......anybody?.....Sigh, wtf.

  • I'm doing good today thanks for asking and I'm just here chilling and watching YouTube. but what about you how are you doing today if you don't mind me asking ?

    Welp seems like no ones here but thank God after 30+ pages I finally finished catching up! Also to those who replied to my last post concern

  • Hey hows it going Kimmy? Good to see I'm not the only one here!^‿^

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Hi!...I'm still here .-.

  • Ayyyy whats good?!^.^

    I'm here as well .-.

  • Just woke up, but I'm feeling pretty good.

    Ayyyy whats good?!^.^

  • I'm doing alright just trying to relax for the last few weeks of vacation,you?

    I'm doing good today thanks for asking and I'm just here chilling and watching YouTube. but what about you how are you doing today if you don't mind me asking ?

  • edited August 2015

    I'm doing okay..^-^

    What about you?

    It's so quiet... ._.

    Hey hows it going Kimmy? Good to see I'm not the only one here!^‿^

  • Ikr? I'm doing alright its pretty late here though but my sleeping schedule is all messed up so probably not gonna sleep until 4AM and wake up around noon cause I'm lazy like that.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I'm doing okay..^-^ What about you? It's so quiet... ._.

  • That's good ^-^ ...(I mean that you're doing alright .-.)

    What time is it there? It's 3:45 PM here .--.

    Ikr? I'm doing alright its pretty late here though but my sleeping schedule is all messed up so probably not gonna sleep until 4AM and wake up around noon cause I'm lazy like that.

  • I'm here but not much to do.

    Man is this thread dead or what huh?..........guys?........somebody?......anybody?.....Sigh, wtf.

  • 12:50AM over here, the thread seems to get more active around 5AM and dies around noon so I end up missing most of the events that fold out so the rest of my afternoon is just a race to catch up smh.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    That's good ^-^ ...(I mean that you're doing alright .-.) What time is it there? It's 3:45 PM here .--.

  • True Dat Killah True Dat...

    Killah posted: »

    I'm here but not much to do.

  • It gets active around 5/6 pm for me..and even more active when I'm asleep and thats usually around 12am/1----and so on..so the whole day it's so quiet :/ ;--;

    12:50AM over here, the thread seems to get more active around 5AM and dies around noon so I end up missing most of the events that fold out so the rest of my afternoon is just a race to catch up smh.

  • edited August 2015

    I have come for my daily comment of the thread is dead again at this time :D

    Man is this thread dead or what huh?..........guys?........somebody?......anybody?.....Sigh, wtf.

  • That's good to hear bro :D nothing special just chilling and watching YouTube videos.

    BRO FIST<3

    I'm doing alright just trying to relax for the last few weeks of vacation,you?

  • Good morning anyone that is here :D

  • edited August 2015

    Dead thread... :(

    EDIT: Forget I said this.

  • I feel ya, I'm here thinking I'm too lazy to get to bed earlier but not lazy enough to read through 10+ pages of posts for 3 hours straight (Facepalm)

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    It gets active around 5/6 pm for me..and even more active when I'm asleep and thats usually around 12am/1----and so on..so the whole day it's so quiet ;--;

  • Oh shit. Just realized I start school on the thread's birthday :/

    Green613 posted: »

    tfw its 1 AM and u go in bed but u kno u gon be awake for the next 3 hours watching sm64 speedruns Btw, 6 more days till speech time,

  • That's great news! Everything went fine, see? I'm so happy for you guys :)

    Well, just woke up so I've yet to determine what my mood will be today xD

    Welp seems like no ones here but thank God after 30+ pages I finally finished catching up! Also to those who replied to my last post concern

  • Hiya :) It's kinda dead here though :P

  • Hello :)

    Man is this thread dead or what huh?..........guys?........somebody?......anybody?.....Sigh, wtf.

  • Looks like it :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hiya It's kinda dead here though :P

  • Good morning, Yami!

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Good morning anyone that is here

  • Snack: Sour cream and onion chips, any brand, that's how good they are ;)

    Drink: I guess Coca Cola but I like Trocadero as well.

    Random Question to make conversation: What is your favorite snack/Soft drink?

  • Hey whats good Joey?!

    JumpyJoey posted: »


  • Top of the mornin' to ya!( ^◡^)っ

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Good morning anyone that is here

  • Woke up to a lovely cloudy day, probably gonna be cold xD But I feel great actually! You?

    Hey whats good Joey?!

  • Well, what are you up to, Dom? :)

    Looks like it :P

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