The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'm not saying we shouldn't try to be safe, I'm saying that victims shouldn't be blamed for not doing X, Y, or Z.

    Were you raped? Or just sexually assaulted? There is a difference between the two despite both being horrible. Have I been sexually assau

  • I'm not saying we should blame victim for the rape, I'm saying we should encourage safety and admit that we can help prevent and limit rapes and sexual assaults by admitting it is our responsibility for our safety.

    I'm not saying we shouldn't try to be safe, I'm saying that victims shouldn't be blamed for not doing X, Y, or Z.

  • when we should be teaching people that rape is never okay and to respect peoples' bodies?".

    Is it still a legitimate argument that we should not teach people to prepare for rape and instead let's teach people to rape? People who rape KNOW it's a wrong thing and they do it anyway.

    I think that one is trying to say "Why are we putting so much attention on protecting ourselves from rape when we should be teaching people

  • I don't know, burning rapists at the stake seems like a fair solution to me.

    kaleion posted: »

    Probably because trying to brutally murder someone by setting them on fire is no laughing matter, even if they were bad people.

  • edited August 2015

    He kind of has an advantage right now considering how polarized he is along with being against so many other candidates, but once things do start to narrow down, I'm assuming that he will lose that advantage. It would pretty much be the biggest joke ever if he actually does win.

    I know quite a few people who support him solely because there are so many against him, which is a really silly reason to vote for someone imo. Hopefully, the more he makes a fool of himself, the more his supporters will see the flaw in their reasoning and decide to reconsider voting for him. What would be even better is if he's taken out of the running early on. At this point though, being the pessimist I am, the future isn't looking too bright.:/

    I guess we're sort of at a point where summers are still going to be busy, regardless of the much appreciated break from school lol. Just gotta make the most out of the time that we have I guess.. and don't work too hard of course ;)

    It makes me wish I was a kid again, when times were simple and I didn't have to worry about paying bills and my future lol. Definitely, I may not get the ideal lazy summer, but winter break is looking promising. I always find time to party during winter break.XD

    I've kind of been all over the place in regards to choosing a major (I was doing Journalism for awhile) so I'm definitely a bit behind, but as of right now I'm going into Paralegal studies. Honestly, it hasn't been easy for me to identify what the best path for myself is, but someone talked me into going this route, so I'm giving it a shot.

    My brother switched majors twice before settling on human biology, so I think not being sure about what you want to do, especially at our age, is normal. I don't know what it is about our generation, but a great number of us seem to feel a lot of pressure when it comes to figuring out what we want to do with our life right away, when in reality, nobody is going to have it all figured out in their twenties. And if anyone says they do, they're lying lol. Paralegal studies is a good career choice imo, best of luck to you with that.:]

    Belan posted: »

    Honestly, the more I read about the overall reactions from the debate, the more worried I am about Trump winning becoming a reality.:S

  • What would be even better is if he's taken out of the running early on. At this point though, being the pessimist I am, the future isn't looking too bright.:/

    I don't even really know what to expect anymore, but I guess I'm with you on that. A few months ago if you would have told me that Trump would be a legitimate, leading candidate I would have thought you were joking lol. It'll be interesting to see how long he lasts.

    It makes me wish I was a kid again, when times were simple and I didn't have to worry about paying bills and my future lol. Definitely, I may not get the ideal lazy summer, but winter break is looking promising. I always find time to party during winter break.XD

    Well that's good at least. Only like four months away, nbd lol. Winter is too cold and inconvenient to do anything too productive anyway.. at least where I am lol.

    My brother switched majors twice before settling on human biology, so I think not being sure about what you want to do, especially at our age, is normal. I don't know what it is about our generation, but a great number of us seem to feel a lot of pressure when it comes to figuring out what we want to do with our life right away, when in reality, nobody is going to have it all figured out in their twenties. And if anyone says they do, they're lying lol. Paralegal studies is a good career choice imo, best of luck to you with that.:]

    Thanks. I do honestly feel a lot of pressure, mostly so because I have already wasted money as it is (because of changing my major).. and I really, really want to avoid doing that. My sisters are also graduating on time (they're the same age as me) and they sort of seem to have things somewhat set.. while I'm still sort of trying to find my place. Kind of makes me feel like someone might think I don't have my shit together.. haha. It's just been a little difficult for me, for whatever reason. At some point I feel like you just to find something and stick with it. Hopefully I get there soon.

    Tinni posted: »

    He kind of has an advantage right now considering how polarized he is along with being against so many other candidates, but once things do

  • who the fuck said it

    enter image description here

  • Drinking does make you more of a target,

    Why dont we try to live in a society where drinking or wearing less clothing makes you not more of a target. Instead of telling girls to wear more clothes or to 'protect themselves' we should teach guys to treat girls as equals (and vise versa for girls too, because, equality). I gotta say i really disagree, girls shouldnt have to live there lives in fear of being sexually assaulted or raped and if they need to protect themselves what does that say about our society? Also do you think most rape cases are when a woman is walking down a street and some guy pops out with a knife or gun forcing her to have sex with him? Because its not, most rape cases are when a woman gives consent previously and in the middle of sexual intercourse asks the person to stop, the moment you tell someone to stop having sex with you and they keep going, that is rape.

    You can't deny that women actually lie about rape and sexual harassment cases. It has happened several times and people automatically assume that they're telling the truth because they're women.

    Really? That's true, but if most woman are telling the truth im going to side with caution in a rape case. Yes some woman do but how do they represent all woman or take away from the majority of woman that actually have been raped. 1 in 3 woman are abused (sexually or physically) sometime in there life, there are WAY more woman who have been raped and fear to come out and say it then woman you havent and are saying it.

    Anyone who assumes they shouldn't be responsible for their safety is an idiot

    They shouldnt though! Woman shouldnt have to live in fear that they might get sexually assaulted or raped today, this isnt at all the way to stop rape numbers because as i already said a majority of rape cases arent a girl being grabbed and pulled into a alleyway or van.

    cool little nail color things

    btw date rape nail polish isnt released yet, just saying. c:

    I'll point out the ones I have a problem with, this should speed up the debating process: Drinking Drinking does make you more

  • edited August 2015

    The problems I have with this stem from the fact that these issues are all victim blaming. It is the victim's fault that they were raped because they drank, but drunk men rape women as well but do we see advertisements of this or rape warnings on alcohol? Does society take into consideration the doings of the rapist rather than focusing on ways to make women less vulnerable? Women must change the way they live their lives to prevent being raped (ie those fancy colour-changing nail polishes) but we should instead be teaching boys not to rape.

    Some women lie about rape but that does not mean rape cases should be taken with any less consideration and care of the victim which is, unfortunately, what sometimes happens. "What were you wearing?" is a common question in court, as well as "Were you drinking/on drugs?" and "What were you doing to receive any sexual attention?" All of these questions are represented through victim blaming and, yes, so is "Why were you traveling alone ?" and "Why didn't you keep this and this and that with you to keep you from being raped?"

    Men do not have to travel in groups through a city. They are not obligated to carry a knife or pepper spray. Why should women take special precautions or watch what they drink or wear, when men are the ones doing the raping? It seems very illogical and also very unfair.

    I'll point out the ones I have a problem with, this should speed up the debating process: Drinking Drinking does make you more

  • Yes, like bringing a condom will help a lot in reducing the trauma of rape, what do you want for people to carry guns and tasers?

    It's not legal everywhere and even then you have to meet certain requirements and they aren't exactly cheap, there's no real way to protect against against rape and being prepared by assuming there's a rapist out there to get you just makes your life fucking terrible and stressful, which is unfair.

    Then the one comment about "should've had a fire extinguisher and fire retardant clothing on" was just nothing? That one was about protectin

  • They don't because sex education is fucking terrible, I mean not all of them anyway, the best course of action would be actually to start educating people of what is wrong and right rather than avoid the conversation but people get stupidly outraged with sexual education in shcools.

    when we should be teaching people that rape is never okay and to respect peoples' bodies?". Is it still a legitimate argument that w

  • I've dabbled in vigilantism too but it's not the right answer, if you are already mentally broken because of the rape killing the person will leave you in shambles, it's not exactly healthy for the person.

    I don't know, burning rapists at the stake seems like a fair solution to me.

  • Would you say it's worth buying a new console for?

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    It's good, fun to play in long sessions. It's not one of the best games in the universe (that title goes to GTA V, IMO) like people have been saying, but I would recommend it.

  • edited August 2015

    We Aussies are lucky to not have to put up with her too much. She's only on our coins. Our notes have actual AUSTRALIANS on them, as well as people who actually contributed to society.

    enter image description here

    David Unaipon (Top) - Became a writer and inventor after leaving school at only 13 years, which wouldn't have been easy for an Aborigine in a late-1800's Australia.

    Edith Cowan-Politician, social campaigner and the first woman to be elected in parliament (in office from 1921 to 1924) who succeeded in pushing legislation in allowing women to be involved in legal proceedings.

    These are the types of people we should put on our money. I find it shocking that the queen is on our money, let alone being the Head of State when she's not even Australian.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Currency shouldn't have old farts who gained their power through the right family, it should have people the world wouldn't have been the same without, whether it's a man or a woman. They should take that smug queen off :P

  • And our coins.

    She only appears on our five dollar note.

  • Oh, yes. That too.

    And our coins.

  • You when you were drunk skrub....

    Green613 posted: »

    who the fuck said it

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day......Previously Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Today: The Bucket List

    enter image description here

  • $wag mon€¥

  • @Green613 KYS

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @Green613 now you know

  • Awww, this movie is beautiful.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day......Previously Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Today: The Bucket List


    WTF, I mean, qué mierda!

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2015


    ComingSoon posted: »

    $wag mon€¥

  • What? No, rapists know what they're doing is wrong.

    kaleion posted: »

    They don't because sex education is fucking terrible, I mean not all of them anyway, the best course of action would be actually to start ed

  • Pepperspray and other weapons like that are safe to have on you. Jumping straight to guns is a little perplexing.

    kaleion posted: »

    Yes, like bringing a condom will help a lot in reducing the trauma of rape, what do you want for people to carry guns and tasers? It's no

  • enter image description here

    Watch those spooky shekles you got there.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    $wag mon€¥

  • rape warnings on alcohol?

    No because it's already taught that alcohol can make you less...perceptive and all that other stuff.

    Women must change the way they live their lives to prevent being raped (ie those fancy colour-changing nail polishes) but we should instead be teaching boys not to rape.

    You say this as if we don't teach men that rape is wrong. Let's look at this from another stance: Should people have to change their way of life to prevent being robbed or murdered or should we instead be teaching people it's wrong to steal and murder? You see the problem here? The problem is that we already teach these things, we tell people it's wrong, and the people who aren't fucked up in the head don't do it. Rapists, thieves, and murderers all know what they're doing is wrong...Maybe not all thieves but you get the point, hopefully. Also, may I ask how wrong it is to merely put all rape victims as women or all rapists as men...Because that's wrong. Women rape men, women rape women...To merely tell all men they shouldn't rape as if they are all potential rapists is extremely wrong and can actually hurt that person's wellbeing. Teach that rape is wrong to everyone, will it change anything? No, because rapists will still do it because they know it's wrong and want to.

    Some women lie about rape but that does not mean rape cases should be taken with any less consideration and care of the victim which is, unfortunately, what sometimes happens.

    No, it means we shouldn't assume the accused rapist is guilty. If you read up on my other arguments about this you would realize my point of saying this was the abundant number of cases where the accused is guilty even without evidence.

    "What were you wearing?" is a common question in court


    "Were you drinking/on drugs?"

    Of course that's a common court question, people ask that in order to establish if the person was in a stable state of mind to actually accept sex.

    "What were you doing to receive any sexual attention?"

    Again, proof?

    so is "Why were you traveling alone ?" and "Why didn't you keep this and this and that with you to keep you from being raped?"

    The first one isn't victim blaming, it's apart of the idea to get stories straight. The second however isn't a court question, others might ask that but I'll need proof that judges actually ask that.

    Men do not have to travel in groups through a city.

    Men should. Rape isn't the only crime that happens in a city at night.

    when men are the ones doing the raping?

    Except they aren't.

    It seems very illogical and also very unfair.

    Like assuming all men are rapists or that only men are rapists?

    The problems I have with this stem from the fact that these issues are all victim blaming. It is the victim's fault that they were raped bec

  • edited August 2015

    Like assuming all men are rapists or that only men are rapists?

    I realize that not just men rape. I was simply defining gender roles in our society. You don't see men afraid to walk alone from a friend's house or get on a train because they might be raped or in another way sexually assaulted. You're putting words in my mouth.

    rape warnings on alcohol? No because it's already taught that alcohol can make you less...perceptive and all that other stuff.

  • girls shouldnt have to live there lives in fear of being sexually assaulted or raped and if they need to protect themselves what does that say about our society?

    No one should have to live in fear for anything. Yet there are bad people who will do horrible things and we should be prepared for that.

    Also do you think most rape cases are when a woman is walking down a street and some guy pops out with a knife or gun forcing her to have sex with him? Because its not

    Never said it was, that was ATR's argument. I said, or if I didn't I should've, that subtle rapes (drugging, the way you mentioned) are a lot more common than the violent sudden kind.

    im going to side with caution in a rape case.

    Me too, that's why I said we shouldn't automatically assume they're telling the truth.

    1 in 3 woman are abused (sexually or physically) sometime in there life

    Proof? I hear this a lot but I see very little links providing evidence.

    They shouldnt though!

    So I can leave my door unlocked and if someone comes by and steals all of my stuff then I'm not responsible for my stuff being stolen? People are responsible for securing their own safety. It shocks me that you actually don't assume we are responsible for making ourselves safe, as if the rapist should ask "May I rape you?" and then if you say no they'll leave or that other people should make sure you're safe all night. If I walk home at night with no one else and someone tries to murder or mug me, I was responsible for my own safety.

    btw date rape nail polish isnt released yet, just saying

    I didn't know that, well, when it is released it will be extremely helpful.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Drinking does make you more of a target, Why dont we try to live in a society where drinking or wearing less clothing makes you not

  • I was simply defining gender roles in our society.

    That only men are rapists?

    You're putting words in my mouth.

    I'm not though, I'm merely pointing out what you said.

    Like assuming all men are rapists or that only men are rapists? I realize that not just men rape. I was simply defining gender roles

  • No, that men rape. Not that all men rape or all rapists are men, just that men rape.

    Guess I should have made that more clear. Excuse me for being a bit tired.

    I was simply defining gender roles in our society. That only men are rapists? You're putting words in my mouth. I'm not though, I'm merely pointing out what you said.

  • Not that all men rape or all rapists are men, just that men rape.

    And again, so can women.

    Guess I should have made that more clear. Excuse me for being a bit tired.

    I understand, when I argue when i'm tired, I usually end up forgetting a point or making little sense with some of the stuff I say.

    No, that men rape. Not that all men rape or all rapists are men, just that men rape. Guess I should have made that more clear. Excuse me for being a bit tired.

  • I did, what are you going to do about it? Hm?

    Green613 posted: »

    who the fuck said it

  • lol ofc it was u


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I did, what are you going to do about it? Hm?

  • Not all of them, part of the problem is that what is rape and what isn't is not really taught problem, hence how stupid campaigns like Yale's "No means yes and yes means anal" can get popular, don't just dismiss something because you think it must be that way, if better education was put in place while rape would not be eradicated the rates would decrease significantly, maybe not the majority but even if it was 10-40% it would be worth it, ignorance is the source of a lot of problems.

    What? No, rapists know what they're doing is wrong.

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