Will we see...

The Night's King? Ice spiders? Ice Dragon? Any of these in the finale?


  • edited August 2015

    Of the game? We definitely won't see the Night King I don't know why you think we would.

  • Maybe the Ice Dragon, I also feel the episode will be based around The North grove as I recall that it mentioned the Ice Dragon on the map Duncan gave to Gared

  • Night's King? No.

    Ice Dragon? Not a literal Ice Dragon, no. The constellation most likely

    Ice Spiders? I hope so, probably not though.

  • We'll see a white walker. It won't be the Night's King. There wont be an Ice Dragon. There won't be Ice Spiders. Showing Ice Spiders would give away the fact that theres ice spiders in the tv show universe. Showing an Ice Dragon would give away that theres a damn Ice Dragon in the Tv Show universe! Showing the night's king just probably wouldn't be possible since they're probably still chilling in The Lands of Always Winter (In Episode 4 of Season 4 they showed him turning crasters baby into a white walker) where if we traveled to we'd freeze to death. No one who goes there ever returns.

  • Alright another question, will we see boobs?

  • Probably not.

    Alright another question, will we see boobs?

  • Game of Thrones is not about boobs.

    Alright another question, will we see boobs?

  • I know, still wants them though.

  • I doubt we'll see any on that stuff.

    The Night's King is a little too big for the scope of Gared and his merry men

    An Ice Dragon is only a rumour in the books, much less the show, and Telltale rarely forges new ground in existing canon. I agree with the suggestion that the constellation of the Ice Dragon will play into finding the North Grove.

    Ice Spider's again are just a rumour in the show and books.

  • Then go see something that has boobs in it.

    I know, still wants them though.

  • Just been wondering if "Iron from ice" means something regarding the North Grove...

  • i think It means something regarding the ironwood , Wood is considered to burn and be chopped down easily , but ironwood is very hard to burn and strong as iron unlike the other type of woods .

  • The Night's King and the Ice Dragon are too important to be in the game, and the Ice Dragon is just a legend, it hasn't been confirmed that it's a real creature yet.

  • That name and picture... heuaheuahueahuea!

    Just been wondering if "Iron from ice" means something regarding the North Grove...

  • Cotter's sister reminds me alot of that little girl of The Ice Dragon book, both have pale skin and ashen hair. so I really do not doubt that an ice dragon actually exists. especially now that winter is coming for real.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    The Night's King and the Ice Dragon are too important to be in the game, and the Ice Dragon is just a legend, it hasn't been confirmed that it's a real creature yet.

  • Yeah, I get that, but the ice part makes me wonder - after all North Grove is said to be located beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon...

    alikir34 posted: »

    i think It means something regarding the ironwood , Wood is considered to burn and be chopped down easily , but ironwood is very hard to burn and strong as iron unlike the other type of woods .

  • Not sure if the ice dragon will be an actual dragon, maybe it's a metaphor (at least in the game) or a statue or whatever.

  • edited August 2015

    Probably yes. Let's think canon.
    See, the North Grove is a secret boob-shaped fortress, full of boobs that were stashed here by Telltale in case they will write themselves into a corner and leave too much plot holes, which it did. So, Garred and the gang fly to Highpoint in invisible boob-shaped UFOs, steal Ryon and nuke the place with boob-shaped wildfire jars. When the burning starts Ramsay uses his teleport powers to get to Ironrath and say "I am future lord Bolton and this is my favorite household in the Wolfswood", his plot armor so thick at this point it shields the forest and the castle from the wildfire. Meanwhile, MirGryn happens, they outsmart Cersei, get a load of money and go to someplace warm and live together rich and happy and send money to the Forresters. Happy end.
    Because everything that would make sense being The North Grove is pretty much non-canon and they didn't even let us stab Ramsay at least for a second and all. But this will do, because boobs have special place in HBO's heart, that's why those are bloody everywhere in the show,
    (I won't be such an ass clown anymore, I swear by the Seven)

    Alright another question, will we see boobs?

  • I think we may see wights again. And this time, with a White Walker with them...

    1. Not a chance
    2. Maybe
    3. No
  • I can't believe you took the time to type that all out.

    Probably yes. Let's think canon. See, the North Grove is a secret boob-shaped fortress, full of boobs that were stashed here by Telltale i

  • This just came naturally. Didn't take much time.

    I can't believe you took the time to type that all out.

  • Lol

    This just came naturally. Didn't take much time.

    1. Nope don't even think about it.
    2. A small possibilty
    3. It didn't appear in the books and the show and it wont appear in the game either.
  • Uh.....yes?

    Alright another question, will we see boobs?

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Probably yes. Let's think canon. See, the North Grove is a secret boob-shaped fortress, full of boobs that were stashed here by Telltale i

  • I hope that we will see Morgryn dead,that's what i hope (it will never happen)

  • edited September 2015

    I hope that Abeille won't see this comment. :P

    I hope that we will see Morgryn dead,that's what i hope (it will never happen)

  • there should be at least some sort of ice dragon considering that's the name of the episode

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