Lee Needs to Be Brought Back


I 100% think Lee needs to be brought back. He was one of the best characters in the series. We had the choice to shoot him or leave him at the end of season 1. Well, it would be easy to bring him back if you had left him. But, if you shot him, maybe it could be revealed that Clementine missed or something. If he were to be brought back, he could easily be "immune" to the zombie virus. I know it's overdone, but it would provide one of our favorite characters to be back in the game and allow plenty of new plot lines. Give me your thoughts!



  • Lee will stay dead. He's not coming back.

  • edited August 2015

    Lee needs to be brought back

    Oh my God, no he fucking doesn't. What the hell is this, like the 5th thread like this in the past week. Lee is dead, Clementine didn't miss nor is Lee immune to the disease, no one is immune. We know Lee was a great character, there's no doubt about that and the the father/daughter bond between him and Clem was one of the reasons why Season 1 was so great, but his death was also what made it so great, it was a perfect and emotional ending to the game that bringing him back would completely ruin Season 1's ending. Again, Lee is dead, he's not coming back.

    EDIT: My new response to whenever brings up a thread like this in the future.

    Is he dead?

  • edited August 2015
    1. I know I'm not the only person who wants Lee to come back. I just wanted to hear some other opinions and see how many people agree with me. I respect your opinion. I do agree with you that the ending was great because of his circumstance, but I don't think bringing him back in the future would ruin it. It would be a nice suprise if anything, I think. Like when Kenny randomly showed up in Season 2. I wasn't expecting that. I didn't think he actually died when he got caught with Ben and the walkers, but I didn't think I'd see him back so soon. Bringing back Lee would be refreshing, in my opinion. I can see why you would disagree, though.

    Lee needs to be brought back Oh my God, no he fucking doesn't. What the hell is this, like the 5th thread like this in the past week

  • I'm no gun expert but I think it's pretty much impossible to miss from that close

  • It was just a thought.

    I'm no gun expert but I think it's pretty much impossible to miss from that close

  • Oh, fuck he's dead ok

  • No, he's dead let him be dead! It'll ruin Season 1 if he somehow miraculously survives the virus/bullet to the brain.

  • I agree with you. If he came back in the future we would be happy. We love Lee. When i saw Lee as a dream in season 2 i was really sad. I miss him. However, he is really dead. I can't accept it. But it is the truth.

  • He is 92882857183781742 percent dead.

  • edited August 2015

    He got bit by a Walker and shot in the head. He's dead. Stop being stupid by thinking it's possible he's alive.

    Clementine was pretty sure Lee was dead after she shot him. And having Lee come back would ruin season 1 and I think they would have a tough job explaining why Lee didn't want to find Clementine afterwards. I mean. IF he was immune. What's your reasoning as to why he didn't find Clementine in the 2 years that passed? I mean. He knew where Omid and Christa were going to meet Clem.

    This is stupid. Thinking Lee could've survived is stupid. Me thinks these games are too complex if you believe he could've survived. If you think he'll ever come back.

  • Guys, Lee is dead. As sad as it is, you have to learn to let it go.

  • I'm working on it.

  • I would be alright with it if he appears to Clementine in her dreams again to give her advice/stuff like that. Hopefully next time she wont have to be shot/hurt/almost dying first... Sadly, though, Lee is dead. But his legacy lives on through Clementine because of all the things he taught her/did around her that she remembers. Also, nice username, it's cute. :)

  • edited August 2015

    I know, but that thought has been asked at least 3-4 times this week. Maybe you probably didn't know, but sadly Lee is dead. Like confirmed, dead.

    It was just a thought.

  • I guess that would be okay. If he appears in her dreams and maybe in some flashbacks, we'd at least get to see him and hear from him.

    Elphaba posted: »

    I would be alright with it if he appears to Clementine in her dreams again to give her advice/stuff like that. Hopefully next time she wont

  • Nothing is impossible with the word "lucky."

    I'm no gun expert but I think it's pretty much impossible to miss from that close

  • Yeah. Most of all, I miss how he always knew what to say to Clementine when she was upset. Plus, you're right, there could be some flashbacks. After all, three months that we never saw happen passed from A New Day to Starved For Help. Maybe they could show things from that timeframe?

    I guess that would be okay. If he appears in her dreams and maybe in some flashbacks, we'd at least get to see him and hear from him.

  • The more people post about wanting Lee back, the happier I am that he is dead.

    I know that sounds insane..

  • If Lee gets to come back then I want Shane (TV series) to come back, because him and Rick would be best bros again. Lol Lee was bit and taking his arm didn't work for him. He couldn't move when Clem either shot or left him, so there's no way he walked out of there. Lee was Jim status.

    enter image description here

  • No, I know. I've played both season 1 and 2 several times. I just wish season 1 could have ended differently.

    longlivelee posted: »

    I know, but that thought has been asked at least 3-4 times this week. Maybe you probably didn't know, but sadly Lee is dead. Like confirmed, dead.

  • It's just my opinion, so chill. I just wish season 1 could have ended differently.

    Anthorn posted: »

    He got bit by a Walker and shot in the head. He's dead. Stop being stupid by thinking it's possible he's alive. Clementine was pretty sur

  • Maybe!

    Elphaba posted: »

    Yeah. Most of all, I miss how he always knew what to say to Clementine when she was upset. Plus, you're right, there could be some flashback

  • immune? loses the meaning of twd

  • edited August 2015

    Why would you make a thread like this when there was already a previous thread like this already? That makes no sense.

    You put "Maybe Clementine missed or something" when it's been said 1000000000000000000000 times Lee Everett is DEAD. D.E.A.D. DEAD and gone. As in NEVER coming back. Ever.

    No, I know. I've played both season 1 and 2 several times. I just wish season 1 could have ended differently.

  • Hey, let's try to keep the conversation civil guys. Thanks.

    Anthorn posted: »

    He got bit by a Walker and shot in the head. He's dead. Stop being stupid by thinking it's possible he's alive. Clementine was pretty sur

  • edited August 2015

    Okay, First of all, That can't happen. It just can't, And if it does, it'll be a Big "Fuck you" to all the Players who Killed Lee, Such as I, and 60% of the other Players. Second of all, Don't we have enough of these threads? Lee does not need to Come back, The writing is Shitty enough without bringing a Forever dead character Back into the game. if you want Lee to come back, Then fine, But post it in a Different thread Involving Lee's resurrection?

    EDIT: "Our" Favorite character? Not everyone's Favorite character is Lee. My Favorite is Jane, And according to how My Lee acted to everyone but Clem and Lilly (Clem and Luke for Jane), Jane is exactly like my Lee.

    Look, I'm sorry for coming off as Rude or Mean, I mean No offense to you, It just annoys me When people think there's a possibility that Lee is dead. But I suppose it shouldn't. After all, Weren't we All in denial after Lee died? We all went back to try and save him, We just couldn't. I'm sorry dude.

  • I miss Jim.

    If Lee gets to come back then I want Shane (TV series) to come back, because him and Rick would be best bros again. Lol Lee was bit and taki

  • edited August 2015

    I wouldn't object to them rebooting the series to bring Lee back. Kind of like the Andrew Garfield Spiderman movies, when something is obviously not working, might as well kill it sooner rather than later and start fresh. Or make an alternate universe, like the Walking Dead Comic <> Amc Walking Dead deal.

  • Me too. :(

    I miss Jim.

  • It's fine. It's your opinion and I respect that. I just wish season 1 could have ended differently.

    Okay, First of all, That can't happen. It just can't, And if it does, it'll be a Big "Fuck you" to all the Players who Killed Lee, Such as I

  • I do too.

    It's fine. It's your opinion and I respect that. I just wish season 1 could have ended differently.

  • Why do you continue to comment on these threads, even though you don't like them?

  • Because they have a valid thought they wanted to share.

    Not liking a thread doesn't mean someone won't comment on them.

    Why do you continue to comment on these threads, even though you don't like them?

  • Lee is dead and he will never come back. But I will even debunk why:

    I 100% think Lee needs to be brought back. He was one of the best characters in the series. We had the choice to shoot him or leave him at the end of season 1. Well, it would be easy to bring him back if you had left him.

    Except even if you amputated him the fever set in, and if you did he was losing blood.

    But, if you shot him, maybe it could be revealed that Clementine missed or something.

    Clementine can be taught to shoot, and that's super close range. And why wouldn't she just finish him if she missed?

    If he were to be brought back, he could easily be "immune" to the zombie virus. I know it's overdone, but it would provide one of our favorite characters to be back in the game and allow plenty of new plot lines. Give me your thoughts!

    No, no. There's been no one ever immune in the comics or show. Everyone who gets bitten and does not amputate rapidly will eventually succumb to it, guaranteed they don't die before that.

  • edited August 2015

    They already brought him back. S2E5, what more do you want from them? They can't outright bring him back to life, because it would ruin the logic. Which would ruin the game, for me at least.

  • No thank you. All of my feelings will die if Lee were brought back, and I'd be crying for a whole other reason. Let him live on in memory or replay season one like I do when you begin to miss him. I wouldn't be opposed to having dreams or flashbacks of Lee, but him walking back into the game, healthy and alive, would kind of kill it.

  • edited August 2015

    Kinda spoiler-y title


  • So you must've hated Kennys resurrection in season 2! Was your Lee an asshole?

    Okay, First of all, That can't happen. It just can't, And if it does, it'll be a Big "Fuck you" to all the Players who Killed Lee, Such as I

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