How can House Forrester win the war?



  • edited August 2015

    Maybe the pit fighters will really survive this battle. After that there will be no enemie left to fight with. Then it would totally make sense that they will later join Stannis so they can fight again.

    Ok so everyone keeps going on about the cross bows, but at the same time forgotten that the foresters have ironwood shields! These are the

  • The problem is that Ramsay said only one house survives, otherwise he will kill both. And even if they will do as you said they will lose their home and everything they have for contravenening guest right. And I dont think Ludd will be so stupid to go in an enemie stronghold well knowing about the pit fighters.

    Short of Dany lending us Drogon or something I think the only hope is the dirtiest of dirty tricks. Invite Ludd, Gryff and Harys to Ironrath

  • The question is: do they know how to use them properly? I mean everyone han hold one but I think they never trained with them, they used both hands for weapons as far as I can tell.

    The Forrester can give them shields

  • edited August 2015

    I also think they will survive the war but not win it. The only way within the narrative (without deus ex machina kind of stuff) that I can see for them to win is if somehow Mira could make the "hundreds of sellswords" Lyman said Andros bought fight for the Forresters since she ruined Andros deal with them already, but she would need lots of gold for that, and as far as we know she doesn't have lots of gold. If she gets to sell Ironwood to the Crown and they do a time-skip so that the sellswords have enough time to arrive in Ironrath, that might be possible.

    I just don't know if one episode is enough to wrap things up in a satisfying way.

  • Mira better pull something...anything off in King's Landing. Otherwise, she should've been killed instead of Asher or Rodrik, who could've helped in battle. Elaena could convince her father to commit forces since Ramsay killed Arthur, and Daenerys could still help, but I won't hold my breath. I have a feeling Rodrik or Asher (whoever you saved) will die and Talia takes over House Forrester at the end (or maybe that's my admiration for Talia speaking). I hope not, but I know something bad will happen.

  • The Forresters can win it may not seem like it but the Whitehills are just as weak as them, why do you think they were desperate enough to amush Asher at the docks? Andros failed to get Ludd an army and have lost the backing of the Boltons not to mention House Forrester just gained an army of pit fighters (I know only a few were on the screen at once but I'm certain there's more). The way I see it the Forresters and Whitehills are on even ground now.

  • I wouldn't say Gryff 'murdered' Asher/Rodrik their officially at war now thanks to Ramsay, whether they like it or not.

    N8eule posted: »

    To answer this serious: The Forresters have to start playing dirty or at least start to make some good moves. They could ambush them when th

  • I actually don't know... House Forrester is in a very difficult position atm but they have some pit fighters with them. And remember what Beskha said. "A pit fighter is worth 10 sellswords." There's actually a chance for House Forrester to defeat House Whitehill. And they may have the aid of the Glenmores... Maybe...

  • You....I like you. You are a funny guy Omid

  • If they have a shit army then I don't understand why Lord Glenmore was afraid of them...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The Forresters can win it may not seem like it but the Whitehills are just as weak as them, why do you think they were desperate enough to a

  • Actually the pit fighters make a point of making Asher use multiple different weapons. Amaya even says " you will fight with the weapons we give you". So I don't think it's that hard to imagine that they are used to fighting with an arsenal of different weapon types, why not sword and shield as well.

    N8eule posted: »

    The question is: do they know how to use them properly? I mean everyone han hold one but I think they never trained with them, they used both hands for weapons as far as I can tell.

  • Let's just hope the North Grove is actually an ice dragon and it just flies in and butchers the Whitehills.... And Ramsey... pls...

  • What can they do now? They are going back to Ironrath, they can only hide in a forest and ambush or go home and defend.

    N8eule posted: »

    I was actually talking about this war-scenario. I mean Rodrik had at least some war experience since he fought for Rob Stark and Royland has

  • enter image description here

    That's how the Forresters will win

  • edited August 2015

    Well..Malcolm is still with Deanerys and Gared is getting close to the North Grove and didn't Mira strike a deal with Cearsi

  • That would be sweet

    That's how the Forresters will win

  • Are you the 20 superhumans that destroyed an army of multiple thousands in less than a few days along with the god warrior Ramsay Bolton? :O

    That would be sweet

  • edited August 2015


    Clemenem posted: »

    Are you the 20 superhumans that destroyed an army of multiple thousands in less than a few days along with the god warrior Ramsay Bolton? :O

  • She destoryed Ludd's army by breaking Andros and Lyman partnership and now she got a deal with cersei which might help House Forrester there Mira goes useful for once.

    Well..Malcolm is still with Deanerys and Gared is getting close to the North Grove and didn't Mira strike a deal with Cearsi

  • The backing if the Boltons as simple as that. It may be the same as Gregor exiling Asher, he didn't want to go to war.

    FrostNight posted: »

    If they have a shit army then I don't understand why Lord Glenmore was afraid of them...

  • That right there is 19 men. Game of Thrones is a lie.

    That's how the Forresters will win

  • We're gonna have to be swift, and brutal. Also not counting on any Glenmore help but it'd be much appreciated.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I actually don't know... House Forrester is in a very difficult position atm but they have some pit fighters with them. And remember what Be

  • Honestly, I think Malcolm sending a surprise birthday present of 100 Unsullied is more likely than getting the Glenmore soldiers back.

  • Ludd planned to kill Rodrik and his men at the Gryff-Ryon trade, they planned to kill them even before Ramsay ordered them to kill each other.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I wouldn't say Gryff 'murdered' Asher/Rodrik their officially at war now thanks to Ramsay, whether they like it or not.

  • Yes thats exactly what then can and should do. Letting the Whitehills attack Ironrath, kill many of them with an ambush and provoke them to start a siege. They could use 20 good men and kill some Whitehills at night. What else should they do? Telltale wont make them run away.

    FrostNight posted: »

    What can they do now? They are going back to Ironrath, they can only hide in a forest and ambush or go home and defend.

  • edited August 2015

    I never saw many shields at Essos and Iam not sure if a shield actually is a "weapon", you dont really use a shield to kill soldiers. And Amaya didnt gave Asher a shield. These pit fighters dont look like the type to hide behind shields and it is wishful thinking to think they are masters of every kind of weapon/shield.

    Actually the pit fighters make a point of making Asher use multiple different weapons. Amaya even says " you will fight with the weapons we

  • Well you got me there, I don't know maybe they changed their plans later.

    N8eule posted: »

    Ludd planned to kill Rodrik and his men at the Gryff-Ryon trade, they planned to kill them even before Ramsay ordered them to kill each other.

  • If Gregor exiled Asher because of the Boltons then it makes no sense, House Forrester was backed by the Starks and Glovers...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The backing if the Boltons as simple as that. It may be the same as Gregor exiling Asher, he didn't want to go to war.

  • I just counted them and they are 20 men, not 19.

    That right there is 19 men. Game of Thrones is a lie.

  • re; Forrester duality. No. They are one and the same. Forrester men are being used as scouts for Stannis. Asha describes house Forrester as like a clan. She's not from the north so a very minor house with very few men might seem like a clan to her, especially as most of the other northerners there are from clans.

    In that same quote she confirms that they are sworn to House Glover of Deepwood Motte. Just as house Forrester are. If there are really two related groups in the same neighbourhood then surely they'd be fighting for us.

    Ok so everyone keeps going on about the cross bows, but at the same time forgotten that the foresters have ironwood shields! These are the

  • I only see 19

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I just counted them and they are 20 men, not 19.

  • edited August 2015

    You could be right with that. But they gave clues how many men the Whitehills and the Forresters have, but they could have forgotten about that or simply change it, but if they stick to their "original" plan it will probably like that:

    To clarify this Whitehill situation: At the end of episode 1 Duncan said the Whitehills have 5 times as many men as the Forresters have. In episode 3 Royland said the Forrester could gather 30-40 men. So the Whitehills have 150-200 men. But people died and the Forresters hired pit fighters later. So my guess is that the Forresters have about 20-25 soldiers left for their own, and maybe 10-30 pit fighters (assuming there are more than the 5 we saw "on-screen"). Rodrik and Asher killed 5 Whitehills at the end of episode 5, and Arthur killed one at Ironrath [determinant]. "If" the Forresters soldiers/pit fighters killed a few of the Whitehills at the trap they have lost about 10 people. My assumption for episode 6 is:

    Forresters: 30-55 men (+ 20 or more Glenmore soldiers if they decide to help house Forrester)
    Whitehills: 140-190 men

    (A quote from me in an other discussion)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The Forresters can win it may not seem like it but the Whitehills are just as weak as them, why do you think they were desperate enough to a

  • No, Gregor exiled Asher to avoid war with the Whitehills he wasn't afraid of them.

    FrostNight posted: »

    If Gregor exiled Asher because of the Boltons then it makes no sense, House Forrester was backed by the Starks and Glovers...

  • Yeah I know but Rodrick and Eleana is going to marriege so I guess Glenmores will fight as our ally

    FrostNight posted: »

    And Ramsay is the one who killed Arthur not the Whitehills.

  • So basically we are fucked, right?

    N8eule posted: »

    You could be right with that. But they gave clues how many men the Whitehills and the Forresters have, but they could have forgotten about t

  • Probably. Unless Telltale decides to make their forces even for some reason. I had the feeling that they forgot about a few things, like the Forrester great sword, Finns knife and a scene where Duncan tells Rodrik about the North Grove. They could have forgotten that they already said/chose how many Whitehill/Forrester soldiers exist.

    FrostNight posted: »

    So basically we are fucked, right?

  • I actually think that you Will get the army of Wich you saved. I mean if you save Rodrik you Will get the help of the Glemores and if you saved Asher you Will get the help of the pitfighters

  • edited August 2015

    I think the great sword was the one Rodrik was using at the ambush.When he was holding the gate he didn't have it, but when you leave him there it magically appears in his back...

    N8eule posted: »

    Probably. Unless Telltale decides to make their forces even for some reason. I had the feeling that they forgot about a few things, like the

  • edited August 2015

    It had a different look than Gregors sword, we cant really say if it was the same sword. But a short scene how Rodrik picked up his fathers sword at Ironrath would have been awesome. I still think they have forgotten about that.

    FrostNight posted: »

    I think the great sword was the one Rodrik was using at the ambush.When he was holding the gate he didn't have it, but when you leave him there it magically appears in his back...

  • That's actually a really good prediction, though I think the pitfighters won't really have anywhere to abandon to.

    DeadlyTimo posted: »

    I actually think that you Will get the army of Wich you saved. I mean if you save Rodrik you Will get the help of the Glemores and if you saved Asher you Will get the help of the pitfighters

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