Weakest telltale game?



  • It doesn't REALLY show them how we feel. It shows how a few select people feel. MOST of us love this game. Most of these comments aren't even constructive, not giving any details on how to improve.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I think the thread should exist, it shows Telltale just how we feel about the game. I's annoying for me, because I loved the books and show

  • Long story short: every episode has been well received except Episode 5. (which was still well received by critics) So many TFTBL hate GoT for the reason of hating it. I wish Telltale fans alike could just... get along. sigh

  • So many TFTBL hate GoT for the reason of hating it.

    I don't think that's the reason. I do think Telltale fans do compare GOT to TFTB a lot when they're talking about them, but I don't think them being more of a fan of the other is the reason.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Long story short: every episode has been well received except Episode 5. (which was still well received by critics) So many TFTBL hate GoT for the reason of hating it. I wish Telltale fans alike could just... get along. sigh

  • Yeah I should have put some instead of us, and not everyone has the time to write a full paragraph of constructive critism. If you want, I could do one tmoz?

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It doesn't REALLY show them how we feel. It shows how a few select people feel. MOST of us love this game. Most of these comments aren't even constructive, not giving any details on how to improve.

  • No, of course. I'm sure everyone has a reason. I've just seen some who haven't even played it or watched it, and yet say that TFTBL is better. It's understandable that they're compared, being the two current games, but some fans take it too far.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    So many TFTBL hate GoT for the reason of hating it. I don't think that's the reason. I do think Telltale fans do compare GOT to TFTB a lot when they're talking about them, but I don't think them being more of a fan of the other is the reason.

  • Episode 5 had serious issues that were already extensively discussed, and it is the whole reason I think the game missed way too many opportunities. But yes, the other episodes were pretty good IMO. I loved episode 4, and I hope episode 6 will be great too. Maybe episode 5 was so short because some stuff was pushed to episode 6 (hopefully Gared and Mira's story lines, which were too neglected on episode 5), and that it will be a longer episode so that the story can be wrapped-up in a satisfactory way. If they can pull that off, people will eventually forget how bad episode 5 was and just look at the game as a whole. I kinda wish there were at least three more episodes to be released before it is over, as I am expecting the season to end with Tyrion's escape or right after it.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Long story short: every episode has been well received except Episode 5. (which was still well received by critics) So many TFTBL hate GoT for the reason of hating it. I wish Telltale fans alike could just... get along. sigh

  • edited August 2015

    It never ends does it, the constant parade of people having their heads up Tales' ass. I fell in love with GoT from day one. I found it's characters interesting, it's plot interesting, and the decisions you make within the world interesting.

    I actually found Tales to be dry, and one-note, and deffinitely predictable. I knew that Vault Key was fake from the get-go. And oh look, the whole of Episode 2 is a search for the Atlas place, then they get captured. And oh look, the whole of episode 3 is a search for another facility, and then they get captured. Hell, the only reason they're telling the whole story to begin with, IS BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN CAPTURED! Plus, all anyone can talk about on its forum is "shipping". Shows the level of it's story, and by extensions, most of its fan...

    But GoT is predicatble? Lol give me a fucking break. The Wolf Among Us was excellent, even if it's later episodes never matched it's first one. The Walking Dead Season 1, a classic everyone knows that. But Game of Thrones? Depending on how good the finale is, I can easily see it outranking The Wolf Among Us and even being close to WD Season 1. But Tales? It's simply alright. It's funny and enjoyable enough, but it neither has the compelling characters, fascinating plot that the aforementioend games do. And I can't say, I'm that excited for Episode 4 of it. Whereas for all the others, I literally couldn't wait.

    People who actually think Game of Thrones is poor, and Tales is great, are people I'm getting bored of seeing. It just seems, GoT can do no right in the eyes of most people here--but Tales, it's the opposite, it can do no wrong. Boo hoo, episode 5 of GoT was dissapointing, therefore the entire game sucks, and that predicatcble, haven't-I-done-this-ten-times-already, ship-fest Tales is the bestest thing evarrrrr. Rhysa! Rhyiona! Rhysa! Rhysa! Bro, bro, thats bro, broooo.

    Like I said, give me a fucking break lol.

  • edited August 2015

    How do we have our heads up their ass? Alot of the comments on here are people who are not enjoying the game and are expressing that.
    I've critized GoT since episode 2, I think it's suffers from a lot of problems that people have already stated, myself included. If you want, I could write a huge paragraph for you, with full critque and improvements?

    It never ends does it, the constant parade of people having their heads up Tales' ass. I fell in love with GoT from day one. I found it's ch

  • edited August 2015

    Because, no matter what happens in Game of Thrones, people line up to complain. To hate on it. Though, not everyone feels the same, despite so many people trying to desperately present that as being the case.

    Meanwhile, while Episode 3 of Tales comes out, basically the exact same template as 2, people just can't wait to sing its praises, and herald it as the greatest thing ever, despite the fact the only evidence they back it up with is pointing to character shipping, or a joke. Tales relies on the dynamic between four characters, which is fine, but Game of Thrones relies on the relationship and status of an entire House, admist an entire fantasy world as its backdrop, filled with great characters, such as Tyrion and Cersei Lannister etc.

    Tales is a nice enough sandwhich, but Game of Thrones is an awesome pizza. :)

    kaza125 posted: »

    How do we have our heads up their ass? Alot of the comments on here are people who are not enjoying the game and are expressing that. I've

  • For me nothing will beat S1 of TWD. but TWAU and GoT. are both great games!

    I don't think they are weak. maybe the fact that TT now has many projects being produced at the same time, may have reduced slightly the overall quality. but they are still great!

  • It is pretty weak compared to the others but I still like it.

    1. Walking dead and tales from the borderlands are outstanding games that surprised me
    2. game of thrones and the wolf among us are games that are okay and were as good as they could have been
    3. walking dead season 2 better than game of thrones and wolf among us but it could have been better
  • GOT isn't the weakest. That title belongs to Borderlands until MindCrap is out.

  • Yes, it is the weakest. Borderlands, Wolf, and TWD hold the told 3 spaces.

  • "It shows Telltale just how we feel about the game."

    No it doesn't. This thread shows just how YOU feel about the game. There is a difference, you know. I, for one, and I know I'm not alone in this, love the game... Remember that.

    I don't have a problem with people not liking the game, but I do have a problem when they try and pass of the notion that nobody likes it as gospel, or that everyone agrees with their view on it. Guess what? They don't...

    kaza125 posted: »

    I think the thread should exist, it shows Telltale just how we feel about the game. I's annoying for me, because I loved the books and show

  • Game of thrones in my opinion is better than the wolf among us for a few reasons

    The story is much more compelling and actually feels like a game of thrones game while the wolf among us is basically a straight forward Sherlock story with fairy tales in it

  • GoT is better than all.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2015


    JackBauer24 posted: »

    GoT is better than all.

  • even though game of thrones is not as good as walking dead. It was as good as it could have been.

  • lol My bad about the misspell, with those kinds of names I can never remember if it's a K or a C.

    Oh no I completely agree about TWD S1 not being perfect at all, but it's issues didn't pop up enough for me to start going "Really?", the worst complaint I have about S1 comes from the car battery's light weight and it not mattering whether you cut the arm off or not. It wasn't any single thing that hurt me on S2, just too many little things I couldn't overlook. My suspension of disbelief just goes out the window with how many times Clem has to solve the problem, I get that she's reliable, but I'd expect a group of adults to be able to handle themselves just as much too.

    Guess 400 Days is going to have to be your call really if you let it be a knock or not. I'd love to ignore it, but I just can't. I was wanting so much more from the 400 Days characters but oh well.

    Sarson posted: »

    1) I completely agree with your first point. Omid's death was just ridiculous. I never liked or cared about Krista (Christa?), at all, so ge

  • Some people simply love to compare and complain.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Long story short: every episode has been well received except Episode 5. (which was still well received by critics) So many TFTBL hate GoT for the reason of hating it. I wish Telltale fans alike could just... get along. sigh

  • Okay cool you don't like Thrones. Want to complain about the series there are literally hundreds of threads hating on Episode 5 go hate there. We have enough hate threads as it is.

  • To be honest I have no idea how her name is spelt either, so you may well be right. Perhaps someone with a better memory will set us straight on that one :)

    Did you play TWD S2 when it came out? I mean one episode every couple of months? I didn't, I'm a late comer to the party. I played S1 & S2 almost back to back. I'm just wondering if that's why I have a different perspective on it. I know with GoT every little bit of an episode is analysed and picked apart while we're waiting for the next one.Do you if that's the difference?

    With 400 days I kind of view it as a separate entity. I mean it's the DLC for S1 anyway. So if we were to count it against any season it should be that one.

    lol My bad about the misspell, with those kinds of names I can never remember if it's a K or a C. Oh no I completely agree about TWD S1

  • [removed]

    * Walking dead and tales from the borderlands are outstanding games that surprised me * game of thrones and the wolf among us are games tha

  • Could not agree more.

    Cope49 posted: »

    GOT isn't the weakest. That title belongs to Borderlands until MindCrap is out.

  • edited August 2015

    It ha its ups and downs like any game but the only way you can really enjoy it is to have read to have books and watched the show, its like a little side story

  • edited August 2015

    "Nest of vipers", in my opinion, is one of the weakest episodes telltale has ever made, but in general Game of Thrones is one of their best games so far, only beaten by TWD season 1.

  • You do realise I actually changed my comment right?

    "It shows Telltale just how we feel about the game." No it doesn't. This thread shows just how YOU feel about the game. There is a d

  • Im on my tablet now, but when I get on my computer I'll have to write you a big paragraph :)

    Because, no matter what happens in Game of Thrones, people line up to complain. To hate on it. Though, not everyone feels the same, despite

  • You clearly have not played Jurassic Park

  • I don't think that's true.

    It ha its ups and downs like any game but the only way you can really enjoy it is to have read to have books and watched the show, its like a little side story

  • Got is the second weakest TT game for me the with TWD s2 holding the first place albeit they're close. Got is just lazy writting with the team not even bothering to hide the lack of choice and the plot holes. The scene with traitor being a cherry on top.

  • I love how people are painted this thread as "hate", when at least 80% of these comments are actually criticizing it :D

  • I love how you constantly antagonise other members but throw a smiley face at the end so it's okay :D

    kaza125 posted: »

    I love how people are painted this thread as "hate", when at least 80% of these comments are actually criticizing it

  • In what way do I antagonise other members? And I just a smiley just to show that I don't mean I say is dickish, cause it's hard to tell what attiude the person has when typing,

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I love how you constantly antagonise other members but throw a smiley face at the end so it's okay

  • game of thrones is a game that has flaws but the stuff that is good is some of the best things telltale has ever done. The powerful choices, choices coming back to haunt you. This is stuff telltale should be doing.

  • Sorry if I seem to be coming across as rude it's just that some of your comments annoy me. Whenever a select few people disagree with you your replys just seem so condecending and the smiley face adds to what seems to be arrogance. For example: in your North grove theory discussion a large number of people disagreed with you (including me) so you called them dicks.

    kaza125 posted: »

    In what way do I antagonise other members? And I just a smiley just to show that I don't mean I say is dickish, cause it's hard to tell what attiude the person has when typing,

  • Why is it that people always complain about complainers in this forum? If this thread is not needed it will disappear. End of problem.

    Okay cool you don't like Thrones. Want to complain about the series there are literally hundreds of threads hating on Episode 5 go hate there. We have enough hate threads as it is.

  • Don't worry man, and yeah I think I was just a little bit frustrated in that thread, cause everyone was kinda proving me wrong and I put some work into that. So I'll apologize about that. But honestly when I do smiley faces it's just because it's hard to tell if a person is being sarcastic, angry, happy or anything on the internet.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Sorry if I seem to be coming across as rude it's just that some of your comments annoy me. Whenever a select few people disagree with you yo

  • TWD S2 was worse IMO.

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