The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Rape isn't a laughing matter, but guess how much people laugh and joke about it.

    kaleion posted: »

    Probably because trying to brutally murder someone by setting them on fire is no laughing matter, even if they were bad people.

  • yes they are pretty good ay?

    enter image description here

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Damn, Fallout 4 has some pretty good graphics.

  • uhuh honey

    ComingSoon posted: »



    Green613 posted: »

    who the fuck said it


    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Damn, Fallout 4 has some pretty good graphics.



  • ;-;

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • I know, I've been around, hell my co-workers do it almost daily, I don't find it funny though but all I do is stare at them with an expression that says "Really? That's supposed to be funny?", they are surprisingly dumb at understanding that it bothers me despite having explicitly said it does, it's not like I mind if they joke among themselves but I don't see why I should be included when I don't want to, due to my particular history I think it's understandable to not want to hear those kinds of jokes, but that's just how people are and that can't really be changed, I don't make a big deal out of it though and to be honest it doesn't really bother me anymore, I mean it annoys me because it's stupid to hear the same joke over and over again and expect a laugh every time but it hasn't bothered me for a while, I guess I'm over it or whatever, I mean I seem to have no trouble saying that it's a thing that happened anymore while before the most I would do were extremely vague implications.

    Rape isn't a laughing matter, but guess how much people laugh and joke about it.

  • Word of advice: Never let a fly crawl on you for too long; it's not a pretty sight. O_o

  • I was thinking about this song if you talk about colour.,

    maybe... and every thread, reply or comment will be about Kenny, it was just of what you're afraid. Take your time clear all and much more will shout Kenny. "Are you ready for the war? Show your colours!"

    In the end, it wasn't nearly as bad as we expected, but we were preparing for the worst. I was expecting this song... Pendulum - Blood

  • Did she bug you? :))

    Word of advice: Never let a fly crawl on you for too long; it's not a pretty sight. O_o

  • Captain America: Civil War footage shown at an event. Here's the description of it:

    It begins with Falcon, Cap and Widow monitoring a marketplace. “Red wing activate!” says Falcon! He’s got a drone version of his comic book falcon sidekick! The drone goes under a truck and scans it. There’s something built into the design of the truck.

    “It’s a battering ram,” says Widow. “Move now,” says Cap. Falcon leaps right off the building, falling and activating his wings just before he crashes. Widow runs through the marketplace with lots of flips and martial arts action. Crossbones is standing in the center of the marketplace, Cap starts to fight him. Crossbones is angry about what Cap did to his face, but Cap knocks him back, knocking his mask off. Crossbones says something about Bucky and it grabs Cap’s attention. We hear General Ross’ voice, “The world owes you an unpayable debt,” he says. “But some people use the world vigilante. People are afraid.”

    We see Bucky in the same room from the end of Ant-Man. A quick shot of Scarlet Witch. Vision, dressed in a tuxedo sitting by a chess board. There’s a funeral. The coffin has a Union Jack on it. Tony Stark looks at Cap, “Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth,” he says.

    “Without boundaries,” Stark says, “We’re no better than the bad guys.”

    “So far nothing has happened that can’t be undone,” says Ross off camera.

    There’s a shot of War Machine with Iron Man! Cap’s team gathers. Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye are there. Hawkeye vs. Black Widow! “We’re still friends, right?” asks Widow. “It depends on how hard you hit me!” says Hawkeye. In a parking garage, Falcon opens a van’s door. Scott Lang is inside, asleep. He jumps up and is super-excited to see Steve Rogers. “I’m shaking your hand too long,” he says, overjoyed. “I know you, too” he says to Scarlet Witch, unable to take his eyes off cap, “You’re great.”

    “I know you know a lot of super people,” says Lang. “So thinks for thanking of me! I mean, thanks for thinking of me!”

    The stuff sounds kewl so far.

  • ...actually, I brought up that particular song because there was a meme on some YouTube video referring to Kenny's ambiguous "death" in Season 1's final Episode, so they had a clip where "KENNY CONFIRMED FOR SEASON 2" was played with "Blood Sugar" as background music while a picture of Kenny's face shook all over the screen.

    I was thinking about this song if you talk about colour., maybe... and every thread, reply

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Gah, why does Civil War have to be so long off? I'm normally not the kind of person into Super Hero movies, but ever since seeing the first Avengers movie, I've been seeing several MCU movies on and off and they've been fantastic from what I've seen.

    Then again, another part of me wishes that it had not first been planned until 2017 so Telltale could make a Marvel Civil War based game. :P

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Captain America: Civil War footage shown at an event. Here's the description of it: It begins with Falcon, Cap and Widow monitoring a

  • edited August 2015

    Meaning of life is basicly love, sex, feed, pleasure, addiction, sickness, despair, giving life and death.

    Hakuna Matata

    No worries, no problems, live your life as you want and where you want, be yourself and you'll live forever.

    Mahatma Gandhi say once “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

    “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” – Socrates

    So... what's your meaning of life?

  • This make more sense... I wasn't before, but I am now, next time I'll overlook and not comment if I don't know what's about.

    ...actually, I brought up that particular song because there was a meme on some YouTube video referring to Kenny's ambiguous "death" in Seas

  • TalimancerTalimancer Banned
    edited August 2015

    my meaning of life is pussy

  • I can't wait sounds awesome :D

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Captain America: Civil War footage shown at an event. Here's the description of it: It begins with Falcon, Cap and Widow monitoring a

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Sport and fitness before this week I took a two week break as my college had a break too and got really down and depressed

    This week i got back and trained 6 days this week 3 boxing and 3 football(1 training and two matches) it really cheered me up I look forward to every session I had a football match today and we won my day's mood is always generally how well I and my team did that day so I got a huge buzz from the performance.

    I love sport, fitness and competing makes me happy without it I get major depression it's my meaning of life because life would be impossible for me without it

  • edited August 2015


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    What film is everyone most hyped for mine is the incredibles 2 I loved the first film :)

  • I'm not sure which one I'm most interested in. Not too sure about Cars 3 though after 2.

    I'm also interested in the one that's coming out this year, The Good Dinosaur.

  • I love sport, fitness and competing makes me happy without it I get major depression it's my meaning of life because life would be impossible for me without it

    I love bodybuilding and I go to gym, so that's make me a lover of sport and fitness, but meaning of the life is more deep, however I am happy for you.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sport and fitness before this week I took a two week break as my college had a break too and got really down and depressed This week i go

  • enter image description here

    awesome and definitely :)

    I love sport, fitness and competing makes me happy without it I get major depression it's my meaning of life because life would be impossibl


    I nose the truth brotha!

    Talimancer posted: »

    my meaning of life is pussy

  • Making gwap and fucking bitches.

    Seriously though, life is about finding you're place and maybe...just maybe; leaving your mark on the world.

  • That was what it mean before I realise in the end it won't matter, except if you'll discover immortality, reshape reality and time travel, so we can live in a world of gods, then you'll really leave your mark. I hope you'll find your place, Hakuna Matata your place is where you want and definitely here.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Making gwap and fucking bitches. Seriously though, life is about finding you're place and maybe...just maybe; leaving your mark on the world.

  • Thank you.

    Speaking of hakuna matata... Haba na haba hujaza kibaba. Little by little fills the pouch. A good turn daily really adds ups. Besides, even if it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, service to the earth and mankind is its own reward.

    That was what it mean before I realise in the end it won't matter, except if you'll discover immortality, reshape reality and time travel, s

  • edited August 2015

    True enough, but from where I come it say something like this, "one step forward, two steps back" which is a book written by Vladimir Lenin and also in Japan it say "fall seven times, stand up eight" for what I wish being there... the idea is whatever you put it have the same ending where it won't count in the end of endings, if you understand me, except if you pass through the fail cycle, unlikely like nature and universe itself, which is making a fail state for or to complete you.

    Never mind is too hard to express that so take it something better from worse.

    "Never give up. You only get one life. Go for it!" - Richard E. Grant

    if you keep fail you'll have only hope and "puf" you die, maybe your son will finish what you can't, maybe not...
    That why I think you should "Live your life, do and be what you want, instead of trying to become" don't need to focus on your "making a mark" before you live your life, of course if you want and you put your goal to letting something to this world then is ok, but it shouldn't be the meaning of life.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Thank you. Speaking of hakuna matata... Haba na haba hujaza kibaba. Little by little fills the pouch. A good turn daily really adds ups

  • lol I see what you did there.

    Well, uh, let's just say it thought my hand was the toilet... and took a shit.

    enter image description here

    ualexen92 posted: »

    Did she bug you? )

  • Not so long ago in a galaxy far far away was a Jedi name Charmx.

    wrong text, here is the context

    "I'm Charmax.. and this is the beginning."

    I was thinking he is Charmx not MAX anyway...

  • edited August 2015

    I shall check your channel out when opportune.
    Also, could you provide the name of the track at the end of the video?

    Not so long ago in a galaxy far far away was a Jedi name Charmx. wrong text, here is the context "I'm Charmax.. and this is the beginning." I was thinking he is Charmx not MAX anyway...

  • Oh boy, rehashes of old movies. Thrilling.

    If you want to watch a good, underappreciated movie, watch Synecdoche, New York.

  • The end won't matter for us, but for the people after us, our children...their children...friends, family, everyone. We can leave our mark on the world and change history, that can be apart of life.

    That was what it mean before I realise in the end it won't matter, except if you'll discover immortality, reshape reality and time travel, s

  • Incredibles 2. finding Dory and Cars 3 seems like it'll be lame.

  • So recently as a Stress reliever, I've began to do shit in Photoshop. Well today, I created something beautiful. Allow me to show you,

    enter image description here

  • I love Summer, because its pretty much the only time around the year where you can just go out in whatever and be totally comfortable. It really doesn't even get all that hot where I am. I never feel like it's too hot.

    It's the complete opposite here, everyone hates Summer because it gets way too hot. Just a few days ago it was nearly 104 outside, you could probably cook an egg on the sidewalk if you wanted to lol. Nobody even goes outside, unless you have a pool. Summer sounds awesome where you are haha.

    I'm sure you're probably right, and hey, if we're not, its just the rest of our lives.. no big deal lol.

    Yeah, no pressure or anything haha...>_>

    Belan posted: »

    lol I still consider that lucky, I love cold weather, especially when it snows. Winter is probably my favorite season, whereas Summer is my

  • Thanks, but isn't my channel, my name is Luthor and his Charmax, I mean Charmx, the song is in video description or down below.

    I shall check your channel out when opportune. Also, could you provide the name of the track at the end of the video?

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day..........Today: The Hunt for Red October

    enter image description here

    and i'll add a scene of the day

    enter link description here

  • enter image description here

    XD This made me laugh but also appreciate the awesomeness I can't wait to see more of your work :)

    So recently as a Stress reliever, I've began to do shit in Photoshop. Well today, I created something beautiful. Allow me to show you,

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