Lee Needs to Be Brought Back



  • This is how greatly written Lee was as a character. We fell in love with him so greatly over just the first season and we're still emotional about his death years later.

    That is why I'm glad Lee is dead. His story was perfect enough to never leave my psyche.

  • So you must've hated Kennys resurrection in season 2!

    I did indeed Hate Kenny's resurrection. At first, I was happy to see he made it out, And then I was 100% pissed at how Stupid it was.

    Was your Lee an asshole?

    Ohhhhh, Yes. My Lee was basically a Dick to everyone Except for Clem, Lilly, And Doug. And occasionally Duck, I'm not made of stone, Duck is just a kid.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    So you must've hated Kennys resurrection in season 2! Was your Lee an asshole?

  • I couldn't get myself to hating Duck or even blaming him for other ppls deaths.

    As soon as he said he was dick Grayson, I couldn't hate him.

    So you must've hated Kennys resurrection in season 2! I did indeed Hate Kenny's resurrection. At first, I was happy to see he made i

  • Even if Clem missed the shoot, he still would have died because of the infection.

    he could easily be "immune" to the zombie virus.

    Err.. no.. there are no records in the TWD universe about anyone who has been bitten and somehow become immune to the effects.

    ..sorry man. but Lee is gone. ;(

  • Some people want Lee back, Lee confirmed dead, and those people be like

    enter image description here

  • Excuse me,WHAT?Where in the season 2 you can see him? Maybe I missed something ,but I dont remember seeing Lee in Season2

    GiantKiller posted: »

    They already brought him back. S2E5, what more do you want from them? They can't outright bring him back to life, because it would ruin the logic. Which would ruin the game, for me at least.

  • Towards the end of episode 5. How do you not remember? Not trying to be rude or anything, but that was a pretty emotional scene.

    Excuse me,WHAT?Where in the season 2 you can see him? Maybe I missed something ,but I dont remember seeing Lee in Season2

  • edited August 2015

    Shooting Lee isn't a valid reason for him not coming back. The gunshot sounded off, like Clem missed or something.

    PS: I'm being tongue in cheek here, so not serious. But does anyone remember when people were saying that? It's good people care a lot, but I do find it amusing how people scramble to find reasons for a character to live or how they make stuff up. ;)

  • Dream.

    Excuse me,WHAT?Where in the season 2 you can see him? Maybe I missed something ,but I dont remember seeing Lee in Season2

  • Did you say my Clem missed her shot?! Naw man it's Clementine! She can shoot bottles from 4 ft away!

    Rob_K posted: »

    Shooting Lee isn't a valid reason for him not coming back. The gunshot sounded off, like Clem missed or something. PS: I'm being tongue i

  • edited August 2015

    She definitely did. She needed glasses on and a bit of the ol' rum to steady her hand.

    PS: Don't kill me for the rum part.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Did you say my Clem missed her shot?! Naw man it's Clementine! She can shoot bottles from 4 ft away!

  • Does seeing Lee in episode 5 depends on choosing Jane or Kenny?If it does I guess it was impossible to see him if you choose Kenny

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Towards the end of episode 5. How do you not remember? Not trying to be rude or anything, but that was a pretty emotional scene.

  • edited August 2015

    No, it doesn't, it happens before you have to choose, right after Arvo shoots Clem. The first think that happens after that.

    Does seeing Lee in episode 5 depends on choosing Jane or Kenny?If it does I guess it was impossible to see him if you choose Kenny

  • I can just imagine how this would go.

    Clementine: But how did you survive being shot in the head at close range/losing your arm/being bit by a Walker?
    Lee: I got lucky. Real Lucky.
    Clementine: So why didn't you find me?
    Lee: I never really cared for you sweatpea. I couldn't be bothered to head to the train where I told Omid and Christa to wait for us. And I didn't really want to go looking for you.

  • no he really doesn't

  • Lmao now i wish someone makes this

    Anthorn posted: »

    I can just imagine how this would go. Clementine: But how did you survive being shot in the head at close range/losing your arm/being bit

  • He can come back as Mecha-Lee 2.0

    Half man, half cyborg, all bad ass.

  • NO! No no no no no! Yes, Lee was a great character. Now he is dead, from a gunshot wound, point blank, to the forehead. Or alternatively, he is a Zombie, handcuffed to the radiator in the Jewellry store in Savannah. He does not need to come back.

    Frankly, if they brought him back for no reason other than fan service, i would be very disappointed. His story has ended, it ended epically and unequivocally. I really don't understand the constant threads to bring Lee back. It would be terrible writing - the man is clearly dead. Let him rest in peace for christ' sake.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited August 2015

    TTG would never do something that cool and out of the box. He should look like Jax from Mortal Kombat.

    enter image description here

    100 percent Badass.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    He can come back as Mecha-Lee 2.0 Half man, half cyborg, all bad ass.

  • I personally think lee should never come back. He was a great character and it was a difficult choice to shoot or leave him.

  • Nah, it's not determinant. Like @Comintern1919 said, it happens right after Arvo shoots Clem. She goes into (what I like to think) a coma like state, and finds herself on Kenny's RV, right next to Lee.

    Does seeing Lee in episode 5 depends on choosing Jane or Kenny?If it does I guess it was impossible to see him if you choose Kenny

  • Oh I am sorry I forgot that. Wasn't going to say anything rude I was just shocked. Long time since I played S2

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Nah, it's not determinant. Like @Comintern1919 said, it happens right after Arvo shoots Clem. She goes into (what I like to think) a coma like state, and finds herself on Kenny's RV, right next to Lee.

  • Well, you didn't say anything rude, so don't worry :) .

    We just wonder how you can forget such an important and emotionally scene.

    Oh I am sorry I forgot that. Wasn't going to say anything rude I was just shocked. Long time since I played S2

  • Spoiler

    I guess this could happen. Consider that Lee became immune after Clem leaves him or shoots him (misses the shot). He wakes up after several hours (breaks the cuffs from radiator, finds the keys on the guard and gets free). Then he sets out to get out of Savannah (using walker guts) and to look for Clementine. MY IDEA OF SEASON 3 his story continues and he eventually finds Clem with AJ....somehow (leave this to telltale) probably in episode 5 of S3. Most logical way of Lee being S3's protagonist. Just my thoughts. Feel free to mock or troll.

  • So not only is he immune but he has super human strength? This is stupid. They won't make people immune to the bite. And one, Clem didn't miss the shot, she states quite clearly that she killed him in episode 1. And whatever way you look at it if they did do that then they'll find it very hard to convince people that Lee actually cared for Clem when he knew where she was going to meet Omid and would probably twig that they were going north pretty fast and learn about Welligton too.

  • I- i can't imagine S3 having that scene. It will ruin the ending of S1 or will ruin the series. If theres a scene like this, i-...don't even know what ill do.
    Bringing Kenny back was ok, but bringing Lee back, i don't see how that is possible.

    Anthorn posted: »

    I can just imagine how this would go. Clementine: But how did you survive being shot in the head at close range/losing your arm/being bit

  • edited August 2015

    Ok. It doesn't take super-human strength but a LEE EVERETT mind to break handcuff connection from a (probably old and rusty) RADIATOR which who knows how long has been there. Consider the wall in the attic which RUINED THE DUDE'S FACE.

    And its up to telltale whether Clem missed the shot or not. If she did, she can say that she didn't but without knowing it. In my theory, she closed her eyes fired the gun with her hands shaking and missed the shot (probably because Lee passed out and his neck leant away), could'nt make herself look at Lee's corpse and left immidiately.

    Then why didn't he find Clem? He woke up hours after Clem left. Even if he went to the train, Omid and Christa were never there. Clem found them in the countryside (epilogue scene) or maybe somewhere else. Then he had no clue where to look for Clem. To be continued in S3...maybe.

    He can get LUCKY can't he? It took Clem and Christa about 2 years to learn about Wellington so how is he supposed to know about it PRETTY FAST? Maybe it didn't exist then.

    Telltale has to make SOMEONE immune eventually (like Ellie in The Last of Us and the SURVIVORS in Dead Island). Otherwise what is the point of a TALE of survivors just moving here and there for safety and all of them dying at the very end. It becomes boring if you ask me. Someones got to survive the BITE and be used to make CURE for the virus. Or the TALE will never end.

    Anthorn posted: »

    So not only is he immune but he has super human strength? This is stupid. They won't make people immune to the bite. And one, Clem didn't mi

  • U play mkx?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    TTG would never do something that cool and out of the box. He should look like Jax from Mortal Kombat. 100 percent Badass.

  • Mortal Kombat 4 life

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    U play mkx?

  • NO THEY DON'T. Just because another game series has immune characters doesn't mean Telltale has to. What's the point of a zombie apocalypse if THEY CAN'T DIE? THIS IS A STUPID IDEA. AND WON'T HAPPEN.

  • I know people say its the best. But sadly I never got to play it.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Mortal Kombat 4 life

  • I agree with the most of you in the both 2 most important points:

    1.Lee was a great character.
    2.After the end, TTG chose for him, he can´t be reanimated.

    When there where a rational reason to bring him back, i would jump out of my chair and rejoice - but for that, he would have miss clementine in the first season.

    I just hope that they let clem become a part of a new group, wich feels like a group just at the beginning - and that we meet as much old friends as possible.

  • I've got nothing else to say...

    Anthorn posted: »

    NO THEY DON'T. Just because another game series has immune characters doesn't mean Telltale has to. What's the point of a zombie apocalypse if THEY CAN'T DIE? THIS IS A STUPID IDEA. AND WON'T HAPPEN.

  • Good. Keep the stupidity how to ruin the Walking Dead games and comics locked up.

    I've got nothing else to say...

  • Hey, let's cheapen the ending of S1!


  • never played MK, its not a new game... I been playing it since MK 1, in the arcade at Fun and Pizza.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I know people say its the best. But sadly I never got to play it.

  • No I have MK 1,2,3,9, and MKX but I never got to get Armageddon.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    never played MK, its not a new game... I been playing it since MK 1, in the arcade at Fun and Pizza.

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