Episode 4 "Escape Plan Bravo" Discussion Thread



  • Butt Stallion is a real pony made out of diamonds, not just a statue. :D

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Can someone explain me what was the thing with the pony? Why was he bleeding?! It's from original series or it's just some telltale's idea?

  • I can't believe that ClapTrap didn't appear yet :(

  • Damn, that was one hell of an episode.

    Amazing intro, as always. :P

    Yvette, why. I trusted you. ;_;

    The shootout scene was. So. Epic. 10/10

    Tbh, I don't think Sasha sold us out willingly. Either her cover was blown or she's playing one hell of a con.

    In the end I choose to not trust Jack again, let's see how that will work out, ehehe.

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah; WE'RE the sick one's.............

    "Wilhelm. Kill the savages. BWAHWHeheheheheHEHEHEHEHTEEHEEHEHEoHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO.............oh, did you see the looks on their faces? Oh, god.........."

    Why you gotta be like that, HJ? Always with the judgement? Let he who is corporeal, cast the first stone! Uh......though I guess he IS corporeal now, isn't he? Crap. I forgot how terrified I was for a second. Now it's all coming back to me.............

  • edited August 2015

    He was almost called Piss for Brains, in honour of (in my head) Axton, but Jack opted for Butt Stallion. Just 'cause. God, I love that delusional psychopath...........

    Butt Stallion is a real pony made out of diamonds, not just a statue.

  • I'm holding out hope that the thing his hand was stuck in came undone and Ellie found him and fixed him up and everything is fine.

    SzymeG posted: »

    He got lucky ... REAL lucky

  • Of course ! Scooter cant die ... he just cant

    I'm holding out hope that the thing his hand was stuck in came undone and Ellie found him and fixed him up and everything is fine.

  • Well, he tried. But his way was blocked by some stairs...........damn those stairs. His ONLY WEAKNESS! ;)

    I can't believe that ClapTrap didn't appear yet

  • Oh my God, I am such a freakin' idiot. I accidentally missed the very last arrow command to put the 'jack' in my head and apparently that was enough to eradicate four episodes worth of Handsome Jack bootlicking and ass-kissing!

    He took over and so I got the un-loyal ending!

    I thought it was so freakin' dark - I couldn't even begin to fathom how bad it must have been for those who betrayed him...

    Seriously it took this comment for me to rewind and realise my mistake.

    Just goes to show, even the slightest bit of hesitation and BAM Jack's on you straight away.

    Oh wow, I like the ending even more now (it's so much less terrifying), and my Rhys got everything he ever dreamed about!

    blue_pen posted: »

    He's downright friendly and makes you president! I mean, he's probably going to screw you over horribly, but in the meantime, still BFFs! (My Rhys isn't very bright.)

  • Uh.........you remember Henderson, from E1? Yeah, that. That's how it's gonna work out, kiddo.

    Fair warning.

    Of course, the other route will probably end up with us as his new Blake, so...............maybe death by airlock is better?

    Pipas posted: »

    Damn, that was one hell of an episode. Amazing intro, as always. :P Yvette, why. I trusted you. ;_; The shootout scene was. So. Epi

  • edited August 2015

    Dumpy did spend some time checking out a Claptrap poster in Old Haven. I want Claptrap and Gortys to be besties. Or arch rivals in a dance-off.

    I can't believe that ClapTrap didn't appear yet

  • When I saw the billboard during the search for Vasquez I thought "ARE WE FINALLY GOING TO SEE CLAPTRAP???". Nope. Denied. Hopefully in episode 5.

    I can't believe that ClapTrap didn't appear yet

  • edited August 2015

    I'm in denial. This is like when Omid died in TWDG. :( My avatar accurately describes my face the entire episode.

    SzymeG posted: »

    Of course ! Scooter cant die ... he just cant

  • So, something hilarious I discovered: You can die in the 'shoot out'.

    They get really mad at you for not taking it seriously and then Rhys snarks back (in his real voice) and when they realise they all pull actual guns on you and kill you.

    enter image description here

  • Also just started the second playthrough and if you agree to kill Cassius, he'll bring Vaughn to Vallory?! Damn son.

    But then you could chat with him on the way to the Old Haven! Bro-Knee option FTW.

  • Oh-my-god, that must have been a bit of a shock, but I'm glad you got your ending! That being said, I love your version, too - you got a twist on a twist. You help Jack, and he still betrays you. Which he's probably going to do anyway, the jerk. That does make Jack even more terrifying to know he'll turn on you that quick, too. Poor Rhys, what have you gotten yourself into? (Hopefully a herd of Butt Stallions, at the very least.)

    Oh my God, I am such a freakin' idiot. I accidentally missed the very last arrow command to put the 'jack' in my head and apparently that wa

  • Butt Stallion is real, we know that, but if she's bleeding, you'd think she'd be alive... Why is she standing there? Or do dead horses normally bleed?

    Butt Stallion is a real pony made out of diamonds, not just a statue.

  • That's the plan.

    Yhrite posted: »

    Now to listen to the episode 4 intro music on an endless loop till episode 5 drops.

  • Okay, now that I've re-watched it I realise that Jack actually says "was my girlfriend's hat", not "was my girlfriend" and he says "it suited her" in the past tense but I think both refer to the fact that it's Nisha's old hat that she stopped wearing, as opposed to her sheriff one.

    So technically he could potentially not remember either Nisha or Angel's death.

    This also gave me unexpected feels: ( @LawmanZero, maybe he did care? Well, care as much as he's capable of...)

    enter image description here

    I'm also feeling a whole lot better about Jack as a person after realising that I stuffed up and got the unfaithful ending for missing a single QTE prompt. He actually did good by me, and things don't feel so premeditated and terrifying (but God forbid you hesitate)!

    I'm pretty confused of what Jack knows and what he doesn't though. He talks about Nisha in a past tense (WAS my girlfriend, if he doesn't me

  • SCOOTER ;_;

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    Thanks! I knew that he said she got a new one after becoming the sheriff of Lynchwood, but I really thought he said that she was his girlfriend... Now I'm pretty sure that Jack is completely oblivious of Nisha's and Angel's fate.

    Yes Jack may "care" about her, but I don't really think he does. "I miss my girlfriend" feels like as in "it's entertaining to be with her and I want to bang her". It feels harsh demonizing Jack completely like that, but he has deserved it. If he really thinks that Angel is still alive (and therefore inside the bunker in that machine most likely) and he just casually says that he wants to check up on her, make your own conclusions. Jack might care about Angel, but he doesn't give a shit about what she actually wants.

    Okay, now that I've re-watched it I realise that Jack actually says "was my girlfriend's hat", not "was my girlfriend" and he says "it suite

  • (Perhaps.)

    Because I'm a nerd, I analyzed the scene when Jack first appears physically in BL2, and as it turns out, his personal ranged weapon is a purple Vision pistol with all Hyperion parts. The one in his case looks similar.

    Okay, now that I've re-watched it I realise that Jack actually says "was my girlfriend's hat", not "was my girlfriend" and he says "it suite

  • Yeah, I didn't twig because I didn't get the part where he yells at you and stuff, just the very end where he takes over your arm and then talks to Fiona on your behalf. I was, like, "dude, I'm compliant why do you need to be so goddamn forceful?! I know you're a psychopath but this is just horrifying!"

    And at the same time it kind of just feels like a taste of what's to come... But for now, I'm going to pat myself on the back and think about how wonderful things are now I rule the cosmos.


    blue_pen posted: »

    Oh-my-god, that must have been a bit of a shock, but I'm glad you got your ending! That being said, I love your version, too - you got a twi

  • Oh damn, that's cold, Cassius!

    Plus one for Telltale's choices having consequences, though.

    Do you get any further details in your conversation with him? Other than the static-filled "I'm eating drakefruit"?

    Pipas posted: »

    Also just started the second playthrough and if you agree to kill Cassius, he'll bring Vaughn to Vallory?! Damn son. But then you could chat with him on the way to the Old Haven! Bro-Knee option FTW.

  • Damn, Cassius, that's cold. Using lil' Vaughn, too. I mean, I get that we could have possibly tried to sic Athena on him, but still cold! I had wondered what the alternate version was, wow.

    Pipas posted: »

    Also just started the second playthrough and if you agree to kill Cassius, he'll bring Vaughn to Vallory?! Damn son. But then you could chat with him on the way to the Old Haven! Bro-Knee option FTW.

  • Oh totally, that's what I said in my other post - she's just a second thought until he needs her for something (which is just so, so sad). And you are by no means demonising him - it's completely deserved!

    Thanks! I knew that he said she got a new one after becoming the sheriff of Lynchwood, but I really thought he said that she was his girlfri

  • I LOVED IT. I don't know if it's my favourite episode yet, I have to think about it but it can easily be my favourite. Vaughn is relatively safe, Fiona and Sasha kick ass in those gorgeous suits, we get to see "Vasquez" again, I LOVED Yvette (I really wanted her to betray us <3), Helios totally met my expectations, and I rejected Hyperion. It wasn't a good idea. I cried a lot, like a lot a lot (I haven't cried over a game this hard in a long time) with Scooter, and the thing is-- I never really noticed how much I cared about him until that moment. And wow, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

    Also Rhys has severe indigestion like son, have an herbal tea or something, will ya

  • Wow, you're totally right. I hope that whoever decided to include it sees your post and realises that it didn't go unnoticed. TT have included some great little references like that!

    LawmanZero posted: »

    (Perhaps.) Because I'm a nerd, I analyzed the scene when Jack first appears physically in BL2, and as it turns out, his personal ranged weapon is a purple Vision pistol with all Hyperion parts. The one in his case looks similar.

  • my last hope now is that mystery guy with fiona and rhys gets revealed to be scooter.

  • At least episode four finally solved the riddle of who The Stranger is:

    enter image description here


    yes, it's a joke

  • enter image description here

    At least episode four finally solved the riddle of who The Stranger is: YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE MESSED WITH HIS MUSEUM, MAN. yes, it's a joke

  • ...he would potentially be able to access to the Conference Call.

    ...a lot of the guard helmets/engineers only have only one eye.

    ...this could actually work.

    At least episode four finally solved the riddle of who The Stranger is: YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE MESSED WITH HIS MUSEUM, MAN. yes, it's a joke

  • There was a dead claptrap in Jack' s trap door area if that counts.

    I can't believe that ClapTrap didn't appear yet

  • I know I'm spamming this thread, but what about the amazing confirmation we got that present-day Fiona is a Vault Hunter?!

    I only just realised it was determinant, but I got it in my first playthrough and assumed everyone did.

    For those that didn't it's around 2:48:

    click here to go directly to 2:48

  • edited August 2015

    Your analysis right here... wow! Especially your last line:

    ...but it makes her even more compelling if she loathes what Felix did to her and Fiona, but in her desperation to leave Pandora once and for all, she betrays Fiona as well.

    Consider my mind blown. I can't wait for episode 5. Well.. I can wait. If this goes well, TFTBL might surpass TWD in enjoyment for me.

    blue_pen posted: »

    What made me think that Sasha had betrayed Fiona was that when they made eye-contact, Sasha immediately looked off to the side, almost asham


    Pipas posted: »

    Also just started the second playthrough and if you agree to kill Cassius, he'll bring Vaughn to Vallory?! Damn son. But then you could chat with him on the way to the Old Haven! Bro-Knee option FTW.

  • I was actually gonna point that out. It's like:

    "We didn't even see Claptrap!"

    "He was in the trapdoor... dead..."

    There was a dead claptrap in Jack' s trap door area if that counts.

  • That guy kinda looks like Sterling Archer.

    So, something hilarious I discovered: You can die in the 'shoot out'. They get really mad at you for not taking it seriously and then Rhys snarks back (in his real voice) and when they realise they all pull actual guns on you and kill you.

  • enter image description here

    I'm not messing around, man. That's... admittedly a plausible theory.

    blue_pen posted: »

    ...he would potentially be able to access to the Conference Call. ...a lot of the guard helmets/engineers only have only one eye. ...this could actually work.

  • edited August 2015


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