What is your favourite scene in The Walking Dead Game?
Whats your favourite Walking Dead Game Scene? Not counting any endings of Seasons (No season 1 ending or season 2 ending because most people will pick those) but things like "Talking to Kenny about stopping the train" Or "Telling off Vernon" even "Talking to Clem in this episode" Things like that.
My favourite has to be Season 1 Episode 2 with the St. Johns. When Lee walks away from Andy and Andy starts to cry out "Lee..." While he is walking away and lee says "Let's go" And then Andy cries out "Leeeee..." That has to be my favourite scene just because of how impactful it is. And the St. Johns were easily my favourite Villains. Great Scene.
12:17 is where it starts
12:17 Is where my Favourite Scene starts
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I like this scene very much too, but I think my favourite one is when Ben fall of the balcony and Lee and Kenny tries to save him,
when Kenny hits Lee, push him away, lock the grid and tell that it is ok like this.
I can't take it.
This whole scene is everything. Ugh. Luke. The love I have for him and Clementine's relationship is beyond words. It's too cute.
"I am still. NOT. Bitten."
enter link description here
Favorite scene is talking to the stranger in season 1. It was really the best way to conclude a story before ending it.
(Especially when you don't steal anything)
Lots of great scenes to choose from. It's hard to name just one.
Starved For Help's whole opening sequence with the bear trap. The pure chaos of that scene really makes it, with everyone either yelling at you to open the trap or to take the leg off, all over top of David begging you to not cut off his leg, and the sounds of walkers and gunshots. And then you have one of the game's first cringe-worthy scenes when you choose to cut off his leg, having to do it 4 times in nice full detail, all while everyone continues to panic in the background. Also, just the fact that they toss you right into a situation like that and force you to make a difficult decision no more than 5 minutes into the episode. And that's all before the title screen.
The entirety of the train sequence when you're trying to convince Kenny to stop the train. One particular reason that I love this scene is the fact that it is brilliantly done no matter what choice path you choose; whether you talk him down, fight him, let him beat you up, or even the specific dialogue options you choose. All of it is really powerful regardless of what is picked.
The confrontation between Walter and Nick. The pure tension of that scene, especially when Nick tries to explain himself was damn near perfect. For a moment there, I was actually convinced that Walter was going to snap and just kill him on the spot. Every single movement Walter made there left me all tensed up.
Following that, the entire hostage situation at the end of A House Divided. A fantastically tense, high-stakes moment, and a great closer for the episode. The part that stands out to me the most is when they're lining everyone up while you're sneaking around the second floor. It's pretty much dead quiet, and then you get that really foreboding shot of Carver calmly and silently scanning the room before he gets to business. Then you have that finger breaking scene, which manages to be one of the most cringey scenes of the whole game for me.
Kenny's beatdown. I feel they did a fantastic job that making that scene feel very harrowing overall, from the beginning to the end. And in spite of Carver being more or less crazy, I thought his rant about running away from your problems was a pretty great quote that had some definite validity to it.
There's a lot of other ones, but I'd be here all day if I kept going.
Thats also a great scene another one of my favourites! Another good one with Kenny Is when Lee talks him down into stopping the train. Another is when Kenny says "you don't Just end it cuz its hard. You stick it out, and you help the folks you care about, now lets find a way out of here and get that little girl!" Or the "You've always been there for me lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not I am with you to the end, you can count on me" Kennys is my favourite walking dead character so I thought with these choices of scenes I wouldn't count him.
Another really good scene is when Ben is about to fall and Ben says "Just let me go" Gosh I was about ready to drop him because I used to not like Ben, but when he said that I just couldnt do it. It was so sad and really well done scene to make you think twice. And ya Kenny scenes are pretty good
Luke was a good character, This was also a really well done scene. Shows a great bonding relationship
Haha yup
I love that scene as well, it shows a great friendship in my opinion, especially when lee says "Stop the train man" Or when hes on the ground and says "Stop. The. Train"
You also followed up with alot of good ones, I didn't count Kenny scenes because for me he is my favourite so something new would be good haha. But another scene I remember is the Ben falling scene, where ben says "Just let me go" the part always got to me when I first was playing and I just felt this urge that I couldn't drop him even though I wanted to before, the way he says it and everything just had me.
The voice actors do a great job at making you really feel the feels
I have to agree with Only_Jags - Kenny is my absolute favourite - when I tried the alternative ends with Jane and saw him diying...-I had to play another end leaving wellington with him to calm down my conscience^^ - but even when I couldn´t save it - this was the most sadly moment for my, on one step with lee´s end.
"It´s OK Kenny, you´ll see Duck and Katjaa again..."
I'd have to say getting in a fight with Kenny on the train. I love Kenny, and usually I was on good terms with him, but there's just something I admire about best friends fist fighting with each other in a story. I've never known why.
Really a good scene at St. Johns, one of the most sick episodes, but damned good
Yes I love that scene in the St Johns too, his voice was just so painful and even though what he and his family did was so horrible I felt a mixture between sick and sad at the same time. Incredible how emotive that whole episode was.
But without any doubt, my favourite scene is in Season 2 Epidode 5, 'No Going Back', after Arvo shoots Clementine and she has a dream of being back with Lee. Something about this made me get heaps emotional...and they had her theme playing in the background...ugh. You almost question if it's a dream in general...then Clem wakes up, back to chaos.
Clementine's Dream
Well my favourite scene was the zombie gauntlet scene when Lee just walks through walkers killing them knowing that only thing that he has to do before he dies from bite is saving Clementine.That was such a great scene in my opinion.
First time, I saw it, I had, maybe for a half of a minute, the rediculous hope - that "all will be good" - but much too far soon i guessed that they can´t let it end on this way...;)
You´re damned right, that is a great scene.
My favorite scene of all is definitely S01 Lee and Clem in the RV after the Lilly thing. when they finally have a quiet moment to bond together and talk to each other about themselves and the things that happened. plus, the nightmare scene that comes after that is simply brilliant!
The dinner scene in Starved for help is my favourite, when you find Mark legless in the bathroom then come to the sudden realisation that Clem's about to eat human meat.
As someone already said, too many scenes. I'll think about them and write them here in a minute.
However, out of the top of my hat, I must say, even though that isn't what I choose for my "canon" Clem, the best and most badass scene was when you go for Jane's Ending, and reject the family, this happens:
Guy: Are you sure you wanna do this, little girl? I mean, what if...what if we're dangerous?
Clementine: ~pulling a gun on him~ What if I am?
While this scene makes Clem look like a big Jerkass, it is still incredible cool and awesome, especially coming from a 11 year old girl (and still sounding very scary and intimidating!).
I love when best friends fight it gets me so emotional!
Kenny being my favourite character I'm stuck between Kenny and Lee's fight on the train in S1 EP3 and Clem's talk with Kenny in S2 EP5.
Two of my favourite quotes from those two scenes:
"There's no way this world lets my son live when I helped put someone else's in the ground"
"I was in darkness and you showed up with some light but I though I had to stay a little longer when I should've went with you"
How has no one said this:
I love too many scenes to count on two hands, so I'll list a few that really stood out to me.
In many people's cases, it was Carley, but for me, it was Doug who got shot. The whole build-up to that pull of the trigger by Lilly was really chaotic and intense, with Ben pleading that it wasn't him and how stupid he was being, and Kenny trying to diffuse it while dealing with a walker. It kind of showed how easily someone could crack after having someone taken from them so soon. Clementine's reaction to Doug being killed also added to that scene. How she jumps and pulls that horrified face, while she doesn't for Carley. The scene was really well done and everyone's voice acting was up to par. It just made me want to scream and break my Xbox.
The shed scene with Nick/Pete also stuck out as amazing writing and something I really enjoyed experiencing. Be it Nick confessing his story or Pete admitting that he doesn't want to die, the scene was a mix of emotions. It made me feel annoyed that Pete was going to die inevitably, and it made me pity Nick and actually understand how he was so timid toward Clem right when we met him. It sucks that they both died, but those scenes definitely played out well, to me.
Of course, how could I comment on this thread without mentioning Lee's determination to get to Clementine. The scene in which Lee whips out his axe and barges through the herd, not caring if he gets bitten again. This, along with the confrontation with the Stranger, made me feel so intense, yet angry that I knew Lee would not make it to see Clementine become the girl she is in Season Two. The music by Jared Emerson-Johnson (who makes everything amazing with his music) only added to the immense feeling I had while slashing Lee's way through the walkers.
All in all, there are definitely more scenes I would love to cover, but I'll leave these three here as, I'm pretty sure, two of them have yet to be mentioned by anyone. I'd be here all day if I were to list more.
That was pretty scary indeed!
Kenny is definitely my favourite character as well. I would have chosen a Kenny scene, like getting kenny to stop the train, or the part where he says "You don't just end it cuz its hard" Or the "Youve always been there for me lee" But I thought just this once I wouldn't count Kenny, but I agree Kenny scenes are really well done.
When I posted this I came up with like 5 other scenes as well haha, TellTale does a great job.
As bad as Amid The Ruins was, I liked the ending scene. When the Russians sorround you and everyone starts pointing guns at eachother. It was so intense. Then when everyone started shooting at eachother and it went black made me anxious as to who lived and who didn't. Definitely my favorite scene.
I also liked Crawford, the first time it seemed, that we have all cards in the hand and don´t have to save us - a good feeling.
And the presentiment, when Ben shows us the ax - finally ending with his rescue or his dead "Just let me go" (in case it was mentioned before - sry, I have a faible for repetions
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The second death doesn't deserve to be in this video
Amid the Ruins: the walkers attacking the deck and the herd.
Lmao Amazing.
Someone did say it.
I love how there's no music in that scene. It's just you and him, it got really intense.
Its hard to just pick one favourite scene, but, one of them would have to be when Lee is pushing Clem on the swing. Its just such a thought provoking and calm scene before all the shit hits the fan.
That don't end it cuz it's hard quote really tells you the kind of person he is.
When Clementine finds Luke in the comic book shop.
one of the badass's scenes in all season 1