Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • Oh, HI RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

  • DAMN YOU JACK!! I'm gonna reprogram your face with that of a pandoran dung fly!

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    You guyyyyys...

    This is absolutely shaping up to be my favourite Telltale series of all time (and I've obviously been a pretty big Telltale fan for a while). I don't want to say goodbye to this at all. I really can't wait to play the finale, but I also really don't want this to be over.


  • laura.... you gotta tell kevin that TFTBL EP5 should be like 10 hrs long :( i cant say goodbye.... </3

    puzzlebox posted: »

    You guyyyyys... This is absolutely shaping up to be my favourite Telltale series of all time (and I've obviously been a pretty big Tellta

  • I've done two playthroughs and both options just...
    I'm feeling huge hype for episode 5 already for both files.

  • Here we go again. One more time. One last ride... :(

  • Sam and Max. You should watch some playthroughs for it, but it's about two anthropomorphic cops, a dog and rabbit, who fight crime. I'd suggest playing through the first season on, as the game play gets stronger through each season.

    What's that? I've never even heard of it (not sarcasm, I really have never heard of it).

  • You know, Gearbox and 2k are releasing Battleborn in february 2016 and since it seems their partnership with TT about Borderlands was a success I wouldn't be surprised we get a TT game in 2017 about Battleborn.

    The point being : same kind of whacky universe as Borderlands, same kinds of goofy dialogs, a relative characteristic art style : so all the ingredients for a nice TT game about it no ? With the same kind of story-telling/situations/suspense/humor :) !

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I'm going to miss all the characters when it does end

  • I also don't want it to end, oddly enough. Really, I want this to continue, you guys make Borderlands something epic. You gotta speak up with Gearbox to make a Season 2 after Borderlands 3 is finished, these series are special. :D

    puzzlebox posted: »

    You guyyyyys... This is absolutely shaping up to be my favourite Telltale series of all time (and I've obviously been a pretty big Tellta

  • I guess we're now catching our last ride...I really don't want it to end.

  • Damn, I feel really emotional since this will be the last episode. ;_;

    No more TftB after that.

    Unless Season 2? :O

  • Let's hope we'll have a Season 2 after Borderlands 3 and all DLC get released.

    W̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶1̶0̶ ̶e̶p̶i̶s̶o̶d̶e̶s̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶P̶L̶E̶A̶S̶E̶!̶!̶!̶

    Pipas posted: »

    Damn, I feel really emotional since this will be the last episode. ;_; No more TftB after that. Unless Season 2? :O

  • In the immortal words of videogamedunkey...

    "This... is my final ride."

  • I am hoping to god that there will be a season 2. PLEASE LET THERE BE A SEASON 2! PELASE!

  • Season 2 TT! Everyone will be happy hell you got like bazillion of happy customers right now, This game needs even more seasons!

    puzzlebox posted: »

    You guyyyyys... This is absolutely shaping up to be my favourite Telltale series of all time (and I've obviously been a pretty big Tellta

  • One last time....
    To infinity and beyond!
    enter image description here

    Why isn't it out yet? ;_;

  • This game has me on constant hype so unlike the 90% that didnt side with jack i did and HOLYYYY YES SIR i am in for episode 5 baby

  • I can confidently say that this thread will be the biggest of the lot. The hype levels are unprecedented and the feels are too strong. Regardless of wait time, the sheer ratio will be flooding this. in saying that, PLEASE DON'T END IT WITH ONE SEASON GEARBOX/TELLTALE!!!!!!!

  • edited August 2015

    I don't want it to end :,<

  • Chose not to because I didn't want Rhys to just become a stooge to a homicidal maniac. And, in my view, Hyperion is beyond salvageable because it is rotten from within.

    That being said, I am very afraid of what Jack will do now that he's turned his back on Rhys. But, at least I was able to give Fiona and Sasha a heads-up about the Jack AI thing beforehand.

    Didd anyone chose not to take the throne?

  • soon.png

    please be less than four months, please be less than four months...

  • Oh no, this is our last waiting thread doodle! :'(

    (also, that running coach gag is perfection)

    Courtenay posted: »

    please be less than four months, please be less than four months...

  • A little off topic but it seems that Telltale is releasing Back to the Future on PS4 and XBO https://www.gamefly.com/#!/game/Back-to-the-Future-30th-Anniversary/5009690

  • ahem... Where's our "next time in borderlands?" Jack stole for him or what? because, after THAT ending (I refuse to rule Hyperion) I need at least a single image, a video, or somethin!

    (also, the ending was EPIC)

  • edited August 2015

    I don't wanna say goodbye...

    But, ok, once this series is over, be sure to keep the multiple protagonist mechanic for a future series, be it Borderlands or something completely different. I like the fact you can play as more than one person and have different reactions from both of them. It has worked well in Borderlands and Game of Thrones, so it could work well in another thing...

    That is my... dying.. wish... ...

    Edit: Or, do more comedy stuff. The drama is great, I LOVE the Walking Dead. But you guys are great with setting up comedic moments. It suits you well.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    You guyyyyys... This is absolutely shaping up to be my favourite Telltale series of all time (and I've obviously been a pretty big Tellta

  • That would be awesome! I hope Rhys will be a vault hunter inBL3 ♡

    Crips posted: »

    Let's hope we'll have a Season 2 after Borderlands 3 and all DLC get released. W̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶1̶0̶ ̶e̶p̶i̶s̶o̶d̶e̶s̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶P̶L̶E̶A̶S̶E̶!̶!̶!̶

  • Telltale usually dont show a teaser for their last episode at the end of the 4th episode.

    I can feel the urge too though

  • If it makes you feel any better it probably would have just been footage of Tector firing his machine gun.

  • Garrus-Motherfucking-Vakarian.

    So... who's everyone's favorite romance in the mass effect series? For me it's easily Tali.

  • jajajaja yeah, that sequence that will never is gonna happen xD

    If it makes you feel any better it probably would have just been footage of Tector firing his machine gun.

  • That moment when you realize that tftb is coming to an end

    enter image description here

  • Just you wait for Ep 5 post-credit scene.

    shioku posted: »

    jajajaja yeah, that sequence that will never is gonna happen xD

  • I just now noticed - Tector and the machine gun scene still didn't appear in Episode 4.

  • I was half expecting that to be a sort of after credits scene for this episode.

    If it makes you feel any better it probably would have just been footage of Tector firing his machine gun.

  • I think it became a gag in the Ep4 preview at the end of Ep3. I wouldn't be surprised if the only scene for the Ep5 preview we'd got is the Tector scene...and then boom, credits

    I just now noticed - Tector and the machine gun scene still didn't appear in Episode 4.

  • hugs Telltale and TFTB Fans I don't want to end T_T please let their be Season 2 for Tales From The Borderlands enter image description here

    puzzlebox posted: »

    You guyyyyys... This is absolutely shaping up to be my favourite Telltale series of all time (and I've obviously been a pretty big Tellta

  • now remember, athena was captured by brick and mord, which brings you to the start of the game "The Borderland Pre sequel" So if that is the case, then I suspect that what ever happens in EP 5 will be the start of the continuation of The Borderlands 3.

  • I wonder if they just kept that clip because it is awesome. I think it is awesome.

    I just now noticed - Tector and the machine gun scene still didn't appear in Episode 4.

  • Remember when at the start of the credits in Ep. 4 screen glitched out and HJ was laughing? So I think it would be cool if in Ep. 5 when the episode starts Marcus narration would also be glitching with Marcus voice switching to HJ voice for couple seconds. What You think about it?

  • enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Hummm... How the hell the stranger enters in Jack's office after all this madness?

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