Best, most badass lines in the game? (Or just your favourite)



  • "You fuck potatoes?"

  • Funniest line with best delivery I ever heard on a TellTale game.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    "You fuck potatoes?"

  • XD that's brilliant! your comment made me laugh so hard.

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    LOL Is that like the forum version of: "Let's take this outside."

  • You all mentioned such great lines! Rodrik's little speech about the Twins is my personal favourite. When I heard that option in a playthrough I loved it so much that I replayed the scene just to have him tell Gryff that in his arrogant face.

    Also a couple of favourites from Asher: "My hair could use a trim. Take some off the top, would ya?" and, of course, the "I'll be charming" option :)

  • Rodrik "I'm going to kill that man"

  • That's the one!!!

    Rodrik "I'm going to kill that man"

    • I have a question? Is the gameplay in play station slightly different from iOS? Cuz there are some dialogues that are just not there!
  • Ahh there are so many ... When Rodrik says I'm going to kill that man and when he stands up to gryff saying "you are not the man to finish the job" .... When Asher says my hair could use a trim ! And obviously "you fuck potatoes"?

  • I ship u

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And your name is my life XD

  • The last one u said is good because it is pretty much what Arthur Dayne said to the smiling knight before he killed him

    If you choose to kick Britt off the wall, Gared says "Try not to piss your self on the way down" Also in the first episode when Gared arr

    1. "Don't piss yourself on the way down "-Gared
    2. "Let me save your life. And our house"-Rodrik
    3. "Iron From Ice,Brother." Asher/Rodrik
    4. "Fook.You."-Gared
    5. "My mother insisted"-Mira
    6. "A plucked flower is still a flower....just to dies more quickly"-Ramsay
    7. "I'd sooner bend you to fuck than to fight"- Bloodsong
    8. "No, i will spend your gold on the finest of whores"-Beskha
    9. "Thanks for noticing the beard"-Asher
    11. "Save your lovemaking for below deck"-Amaya
    12. "Dont move, or i will gut you like a fucking fish"-Slyvi
    13. "Cotter the potato fucker"-Finn
    14. "You betreyed US ALL, ROYLAND, MY FATHER INCLUCDED"-Rodrik
    16. "Take your sword, when you die you will know you werent good enough"-Gared
    17. "Sister, you're my family as much as Rodrik as much of any of them"-Asher
    18. "You asshole..."-Beskha
    19. "The wall's a dangerous place, People slip off all the time"-Gared
    20. "Iron From Ice!"-Ryon
  • My favourite Quotes:

    "We Forresters are as tough as the Ironwood"- Gregor Forrester"

    "You know what they did to me at the twins? Shred my face, put their swords through me, tried to smash my skull open but they couldn't kill me and you're not the man to finish the job"- Rodrik Forrester

    "Fight with me and it won't just be for sport, you'll fight for a higher purpose, to save innocents and murder the guilty!"- Asher Forrester

    "I may be young but I'm not so easily fooled, you're trying to rile me but it won't work"- Ethan Forrester

    "All good swords have a name, I call mine 'Two Brothers' I carved this to give me strength and this so I remember"- Ryon Forrester

    "I'd marry anyone if it helped my family"- Mira Forrester

    "I asked Ethan not to change who he was, I tried to make him promise me, I now know that was childish of me, I'm ready to change now, I'm willing to do anything to help our family, I mean it Rodrik I don't care what I'll do it"- Talia Forrester

    "It's happening all over again I can see it, my fathers House was once mighty like this one but his loyalty to the Targaryens cost us dearly, I watched countless of our kin fall, saw our lands destroyed, everything we clung to was ripped from our hands, I can't watch that same fate befall this family, our House, my children, they will take everything from us"- Elissa Forrester

    "I swore an oath to your mother, sailed halfway across the world to bring you back safe and I'll be damned if some Dragon fire or your foul decisions are gonna stop me"- Malcolm Branfield

    "These are dark days I fear, to lose the Lord of the House and the eldest son through such a despicable act of treachery and betrayal, greater Houses then ours have fallen in times such as this"- Maester Ortengryn

    "I rose through the ranks disobeying orders from those unfit to give them"- Royland Degore

    "I would have us use our heads while their still attatched to our shoulders"- Duncan Tuttle

    "I lost everything, my life, my House, all I ever wanted was to fight for the Forresters"- Gared Tuttle

    "I wouldn't have to be if you all weren't assholes too! You don't give a shit about me, no one around here gives a shit about me"- Finn

    "I miss Home, I feel like everyones out to get me"- Cotter

    "I bought my freedom a long time ago but I have always hated this place, hated him, Dezhor Zo Raza because of that man... Mereen is a city of dead children"- Beskha

    "I once told you there were people who'd be willing to help you, people who want you alive, I'm here to make sure that happens. Mira I would be here anyway but I can't afford not to help you"- Tom

    "I'm fortunate to be where I am but to always have to hide, I don't want to hide from you as well"- Sera Flowers

    "You Forresters have shit on us for generations but now the Starks are no longer around to have your back, we're the power in the North now"- Ludd Whitehill

    "That's the real problem with you Forresters, you're too fucking proud always have been, it was bad enough when you were above us but now it's even worse because you don't see how far you've fallen!"- Gryff Whitehill

    "I want peace between our families, no more wars no more bloodshed"- Gwyn Whitehill

    Other Honorable mentions:

    "For all your bluster all your posturing, you care about your son, A Whitehill is still a Whitehill"- Rodrik to Ludd about his son Gryff

    "My family back Homes counting on me to put things right and I mean to do it vows aren't going to stop me"- Gared on breaking his vows

    "Do you think this is easy? I'm the third born son, father never prepared me for this I'm doing the best I can"- Ethan on punishing Erik

    "You are the Lord of this House which is why you must be strong, you're just as capable as Asher or Rodrik ever were I know it, I only wish you did too- Talia on Ethan being Lord

    "Right, 'Gared the merciful' sparing the lives of everyone who does him wrong"- Britt on Gared's lack of need for vengance

    "I've known you since you took your first breath, if that's not family I don't know what is"- Duncan's response to Rodrik's claim that he isn't family

    "Four fucking years, that's how long I've watched your back I thought I was your family"- Beskha on Asher saving Malcolm because he's family

    "Your body may be damaged but your spirit must be like Iron"- Elissa Forrester

  • Dayum, you're a huge fan of GoT XD

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    My favourite Quotes: "We Forresters are as tough as the Ironwood"- Gregor Forrester" "You know what they did to me at the twins? Shred

  • What gave you that idea? :p

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dayum, you're a huge fan of GoT XD

  • Idk, I've seen you in the GoT discussion a lot and say how much you like the game.

    And also, it looks like, you have a lot favorite quotes rofl XD

    Well, it's always good to know that not everyone is negative about the game ^_^

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What gave you that idea?

  • I love this game! I've never been this connected to characters and story as I have with this. I've been connected to other characters and stories but not on this level.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Idk, I've seen you in the GoT discussion a lot and say how much you like the game. And also, it looks like, you have a lot favorite quotes rofl XD Well, it's always good to know that not everyone is negative about the game ^_^

  • Yeah, I love this game, too. It's a very unpopular opinion but I think the game's story is better than the show's. But tbh, the game has some bad things. IMO, not every game is perfect, unfortunately, not even GoT. I still like the game a lot though. :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I love this game! I've never been this connected to characters and story as I have with this. I've been connected to other characters and stories but not on this level.

  • I tend to always like Telltales characters over the canon story.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, I love this game, too. It's a very unpopular opinion but I think the game's story is better than the show's. But tbh, the game has some bad things. IMO, not every game is perfect, unfortunately, not even GoT. I still like the game a lot though.

  • Me too. x3

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I tend to always like Telltales characters over the canon story.

  • I'm in love <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Me too. x3

  • that's awesome - in my playthrough i stood up to him as well but i went with i alone rule this house but i like this option better

    DillonDex posted: »

    Episode 3, if you stand up to Gryff. You have to choose the "I don't fear you" option. Skip to 1:51:10

  • "You are the Lord of this House which is why you must be strong, you're just as capable as Asher or Rodrik ever were I know it, I only wish you did too- Talia on Ethan being Lord

    I also believe that Ethan had the potential to be his brothers' equal...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    My favourite Quotes: "We Forresters are as tough as the Ironwood"- Gregor Forrester" "You know what they did to me at the twins? Shred

  • Sadly Ethan's Lordship did not last :(

    "You are the Lord of this House which is why you must be strong, you're just as capable as Asher or Rodrik ever were I know it, I only wish

  • And I will forever lament that....

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Sadly Ethan's Lordship did not last

  • Lmao xD

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I'm in love

  • enter image description here

    R.I.P. ;-;

    "You are the Lord of this House which is why you must be strong, you're just as capable as Asher or Rodrik ever were I know it, I only wish

  • edited August 2015

    :O I pour my heart out to you and you just laugh in my face? I thought we had a real conncection ;(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lmao xD

  • But I'm a guy ;-;

    Besides, I like laughing a lot :3

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    :O I pour my heart out to you and you just laugh in my face? I thought we had a real conncection ;(

  • And now you're a homophobe! :O my fragile heart can't take this.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    But I'm a guy ;-; Besides, I like laughing a lot

  • I'm sorry for hurting your fragile heart ;-;

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    And now you're a homophobe! :O my fragile heart can't take this.

  • Ehh, I didn't like it much anyway, I forgive you :p

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm sorry for hurting your fragile heart ;-;

  • Ehh, I didn't like it much anyway

    Rofl! Oh my god. You, sir, are amazing. XD

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Ehh, I didn't like it much anyway, I forgive you

  • awww this budding bromance is simply adorable haha

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ehh, I didn't like it much anyway Rofl! Oh my god. You, sir, are amazing. XD

  • Lmao xD

    sbk12345 posted: »

    awww this budding bromance is simply adorable haha

  • " Prepare the horses, we're going to war! "

  • Can I ship you two together? xD

    Seriously, thank the old gods and the new for convos such as this. I'm sick of seeing only criticism on threads. And btw, I too feel way more attached to the Forresters than the characters in the show right now ^^

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lmao xD

  • Rofl, do as you like :p

    And yeah, I think I'm more attached to the Forresters because I am playing as them. I actually don't care a lot about the Starks. Is it right that I didn't cry when Jon Snow died?

    Can I ship you two together? xD Seriously, thank the old gods and the new for convos such as this. I'm sick of seeing only criticism on threads. And btw, I too feel way more attached to the Forresters than the characters in the show right now ^^

  • Ship away! ^_^

    Can I ship you two together? xD Seriously, thank the old gods and the new for convos such as this. I'm sick of seeing only criticism on threads. And btw, I too feel way more attached to the Forresters than the characters in the show right now ^^

  • Yeah, I think actually being responsible for what happens unavoidably makes you very involved with the story. I also disagree with some people I've seen saying that the Forresters are some Stark clones - they really aren't, and if you might think that when you first meet them, as soon as you get to know them better they prove to be their own thing.

    Um, I didn't either...but that's probably because I knew it was coming (and because I don't think he's actually gone for good, would make zero sense rn) :/ Robb's death however...there's one I will mourn until the end of days T.T

  • Yeah, besides, now that Melisandre (sorry if I didn't get her name right) is at the Wall, she can revive Jon Snow anyway.

    And why in hell do people think that the Forresters are Stark clones? I'll never get that :/

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