Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Anyway, I'm going to bed as well cause I'm tired. Luckily Wolfenus isn't here to haunt my dreams with his death stare like he threatened to do. Good night to you all ^_^

  • laku noć, joanna <3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Anyway, I'm going to bed as well cause I'm tired. Luckily Wolfenus isn't here to haunt my dreams with his death stare like he threatened to do. Good night to you all ^_^

  • Have sweet dreams :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Anyway, I'm going to bed as well cause I'm tired. Luckily Wolfenus isn't here to haunt my dreams with his death stare like he threatened to do. Good night to you all ^_^

  • I can already smell 769 in the distance.

  • what does it smell like? :P

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can already smell 769 in the distance.

  • It was on tumblr yes. They didn't really listen that much.

    i dunno, i don't visit tumblr, so i wouldn't know about that ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Joy and candy.

    what does it smell like? :P

  • That part when Rhys was smiling at Sasha and then Fiona's face of hate showed up hahaha so funny , running in zigzag like a pussy while Fiona stay put, lookin for assquez's face, threaten Ivette with the small bags with colorful zippers haha oh this episode was so much fun and sure the end was the best even if we all know it wont really happen >.> . . .

    enter image description here

    HellFish posted: »

    Glad you liked it, what was your favourite part? Besides the ending.

  • oh i bet :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Joy and candy.

  • Oh, really? Huh...

    I didn't know anything about Life is Strange!

  • Ack - can't breathe!!
    (hugs back anyway)

    To be honest, I didn't really think anyone would even notice I hadn't been frequently commenting, but you just made my day buddy ;)
    I was worried about you when you didn't seem to be as active on any of the threads I follow, so it's really great to know you're still here and okay and being silly :P
    Same to you, man. You always make me smile and I'm really glad to have met you ❤
    I'll try to be more active now that I know my absence hasn't gone unnoticed, like I say, I'd forgotten what a great place this is and what a gorgeous bunch of nerds you all are :)

    I'm really glad you're okay scoobs! It's okay to not read EVERYTHING, I don't read it all myself, it's just too much. I hope you're doing good, you're a cool person, wish you were more active here. Also I am not letting go.

  • edited August 2015

    Guys, it might seem a bit strange, but right now I'm more positive about the future of Rhyiona then ever.



    Alright, alright, I'm gonna be serious now. For the last 4 episodes, we barely had any "shipping" moments. There was a few there, but what there was, was lots of hints and references to Rhyiona. Do you guys remember how Fiona looked at Rhys in the elevator, in Episode 3? Or that intro scene, in Episode 4 (though, it is open to interpretations). The reason we barely had any shipping moments, is because Rhys has a crush on Sasha, and not on Fiona. Fiona seems to be attracted to Rhys, but we don't exactly know whether she does have a crush on him, although the 2 scenes I wrote above, suggest that she does, indeed, have a crush on Rhys. It makes sense, in the story line way, to let Rhys have all those moments with Sasha, because it would be out of character for him to completely deny Sasha and go with Fiona instead. Telltale kept cutting content out as it just didn't fit with what they had to work with. That also would explain why it feels as if the Rhysha moments seem to be forced in. They are forced in, to show Rhys's crush on Sasha, but you can keep showing your doubts about it. I don't know, if some of you have listened to some of the audio that is on Pooger's tumblr, but what I got right here for you guys, might be something that has been possibly theorized before. I think, that depending on the choices that you made, Rhys will have a crush on Sasha, but only in the beginning-middle of the past timeline, and after that, it won't escalate, and might even die down/divert! Why would it divert? Not everyone is the same, but not all crushes last a very long time. I think that after a while Rhys, depending on your choices, would let it go, and decide to have a open mind once again about his relationships. Hence, allowing Rhys to be "interested in someone else". He just doesn't say it because he never had the chance/time/atmosphere to do it in. Once Fiona finally decides to push Rhys about his "status", in Episode 5, he will be able to say what he truly feels like (aka, you the player). In my opinion, this would be the best way to solve the situation. Everyone ends up happy.

    TL;DR: Rhyiona is not gone. Far from that actually. I'm thinking that Episode 5 might contain what ALL OF US NEED. Rhyiona and Rhysha.

    That's all! I might edit some stuff in later. I just had this on my mind after I heard all that cut/unused/spoilery dialogue...

    ALSO: It's been well known that there's been lots of dialogue recorded for Episode 5 already. Almost as if to allow for an earlier release date. If you ask me, that probably means that whatever they managed to record, and whatever managed to sneak into the game files was an actual mistake. What I'm trying to say is, it's a bit late to suddenly rewrite whatever got leaked, and they already recorded a large chunk of the dialogue for it in advance. That means that it's set in stone.

    Last thing I haven't said. If you were a complete and utter asshole to Sasha during the duration of the game, it would be also, really out of place if the moments would continue with her. It would potentially be one of the most obvious non-choicy thingy to have been done in a Telltale game so far. Don't forget about it being awkward. I think Telltale would need to get a alternative to that relationship. cough Rhyiona cough

    One, last thing I have forgotten. Again. The "spoilery" quote "I'm interested in someone else" most definitely sounds as if it's gonna happen in the past. Someone else gave me a point on how the romance would feel rushed, due to the nature of the episodes. But what if the romance expanded throughout the year or so, until the present? That way it wouldn't feel rushed. And it would still be possible to be in a relationship with Fiona. The reason for them not mentioning it before in the Current would be due to keeping it ambiguous/not wanting to reference it due to the anger that they both have towards each other.

    But then, again, it's Telltale. I'm just hoping that at least this time, I'm not wrong. ;)

  • Bruh wait 'till you get to gymnasiet. They will want every opinion and thought you have about anything

    How I survive is that I bullshit the hella out if it. Though it didn't work that well on civics... ;_;

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    That's just unfair ;-; At least history is logical. I can't handle religion and samhällskunskap, they somehow always manage to sneak in a "What do you think about this?" question in the tests.

  • Rhys showing Fiona the sunset.

    enter image description here

    This ain't nothing special , but what's more lovely than to see our ship at the beach looking at the sunset :D.

  • sneezes as a way to show my love

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    takes a tissue to wipe your beak Thank you hubby


    enter image description here

  • Heeey, I saw a reference to a very nice line for us in there. Well played. :P

  • YOU HEARD ME!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Haha, I couldn't help it. It's stuck in my head now. :S
    More nervous/happy/anxious about this than ever really. xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Heeey, I saw a reference to a very nice line for us in there. Well played. :P

  • edited August 2015

    Okay.. I want to point out one other thing too. The line of dialogue that happens in the game is not forced.


    I don't care if i could "take it as a friendship." Or that "your perspective changes things". The intro does not change. As well as many other options. Hell if Sasha asks you if she looks good (Which should've have been Fiona) Not ONE option allows you to say no. Is there a point in the game where you can say you're not interested and she actually catches the hint?

    what does it smell like? :P

  • By the way, that line wasn't cut. It's a spoiler line. So yeah. ;)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Haha, I couldn't help it. It's stuck in my head now. :S More nervous/happy/anxious about this than ever really. xD

  • This is so cute. ;-;

    Brawl posted: »

    Rhys showing Fiona the sunset. This ain't nothing special , but what's more lovely than to see our ship at the beach looking at the sunset .

  • kisses passionately to show my love >:3

    Quiff posted: »

    sneezes as a way to show my love

  • Is the edit better? ;p

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    By the way, that line wasn't cut. It's a spoiler line. So yeah.

  • but why??

    YOU HEARD ME!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Is there a point in the game where you can say you're not interested and she actually catches the hint?

    of course there is, it's a telltale game, where choices always matter....


    enter image description here

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Okay.. I want to point out one other thing too. The line of dialogue that happens in the game is not forced. THE OUTCOME IS! I don't c

  • I think that you have forgotten that we may have have received one of the biggest references to Rhyiona yet!

    wait, what's the reference you'are talking about again? :D

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    If I stick with my theory once again, I think that you have forgotten that we may have have received one of the biggest references to Rhyiona yet! (pls Telltale dont make me wrong)

  • For sure, good job. :P

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Is the edit better? ;p

  • I chose to scare Sasha and tell her that "it might not work", I mean the outfit and that scene at Scooter's.

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Okay.. I want to point out one other thing too. The line of dialogue that happens in the game is not forced. THE OUTCOME IS! I don't c

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you so much Chewbs!

  • @BigBadPaul Does your post contain a lot of spoilers or not? I'm really, really tempted to click it and see what's inside, but the more reasonable part of me insist that I should stay fairly spoiler-free when I managed to dodge all the Ep 5 audio... So, would I regret clicking on it or not? :P

  • It's fine, it's just a theory for episode 5

    HellFish posted: »

    @BigBadPaul Does your post contain a lot of spoilers or not? I'm really, really tempted to click it and see what's inside, but the more reas

  • You know I'm actually curious to see what Telltale does , I mean making Rhys having different feelings depending on your choices is something pretty big from a company who completely ignores your choices , and that's why I doubt they're gonna let us make a choice or something , this is Telltale after all.

    I don't know what to say , I still think that only one ship of the two will be cannon even if your playstyle was different , this is Telltale we're talking about after all.

  • Aw, thank you for giving us some hope Paul. Damn, you might even beat me when it comes to speech making! Ah well, that's why you're my First...Man? :D

    I won't lie, I've given up on seeing anything Rhyiona related outside of unused audio files. Though, with your theory, I'm starting to regain the hope that I lost. <3

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    Trust me, you won't regret it! And no, no Episode 5 spoilers. No audio, links or nothing. I just put that up since there is a tiny quote in there that might be considered spoilery...

    HellFish posted: »

    @BigBadPaul Does your post contain a lot of spoilers or not? I'm really, really tempted to click it and see what's inside, but the more reas

  • People seem to be hitting the sack now. Guess it's my queue, too.

    See ya later, pals!

  • or is it?...

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    It's fine, it's just a theory for episode 5

  • Well I mean maybe it's just me but I didn't like the scare option because it just seemed like a cute relationship thing to do. I just told her to move. I'm wondering. Is the Fiona dialogue really unused. Like what happens if you buy Fiona something but not Sasha?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I chose to scare Sasha and tell her that "it might not work", I mean the outfit and that scene at Scooter's.

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