Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • People seem to be hitting the sack now.

    enter image description here

    c u later, bruh!

    Quiff posted: »

    People seem to be hitting the sack now. Guess it's my queue, too. See ya later, pals!

  • seem to be hitting the sack

    enter image description here

    Quiff posted: »

    People seem to be hitting the sack now. Guess it's my queue, too. See ya later, pals!

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams you fried chicken lover, you! :)

    Quiff posted: »

    People seem to be hitting the sack now. Guess it's my queue, too. See ya later, pals!

  • Telltale. Please look at this and discuss it. This is LITERALLY all we want.

  • john stop being so unoriginal u use that gif like 300 times a day im limiting it to 5 times now find another gif HA

    People seem to be hitting the sack now. c u later, bruh!

  • edited August 2015

    What if Sasha messing up her relationship with Rhys is canon?

    enter image description here

    If I'm honest though, I'm thinking that if either of the main characters from TFTB appear in Borderlands 3, if their relationship sub-plot is small enough in that game, it wouldn't matter what you picked in TFTB. That would mean that there would be possibly no references to their ACTUAL relationships with each other in BL3, but if it means that we can all get what we want, so be it. ;)

    Brawl posted: »

    You know I'm actually curious to see what Telltale does , I mean making Rhys having different feelings depending on your choices is somethin

  • dude. rhys arm. his cyber-arm. the RIGHT one is the cyber-arm. how could you mess THIS up? and what are those strange lines in the pic? but if we put that aside, it's a really romantic setting ^^

    Brawl posted: »

    Rhys showing Fiona the sunset. This ain't nothing special , but what's more lovely than to see our ship at the beach looking at the sunset .

  • i did it ^-^

    r u proud of me, pa?

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    john stop being so unoriginal u use that gif like 300 times a day im limiting it to 5 times now find another gif HA

  • Goodnight quiff :)

    Quiff posted: »

    People seem to be hitting the sack now. Guess it's my queue, too. See ya later, pals!


    enter image description here

    But on a serious note , that's pretty possible actually , even more so if you we're an asshole to her throughout the game :D.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    What if Sasha messing up her relationship with Rhys is canon? If I'm honest though, I'm thinking that if either of the main character

  • edited August 2015

    I have been thinking about Rhyiona a lot recenty... This is a cool theory but I honestly don't think that Rhyiona's gonna happen anymore. :P They should have started building their romance at this point instead of building Rhysha. You are right about the Rhyiona hints but I'm afraid they are not as relevant as Rhysha hints. But this is just my opinion, your theory might come true :p

    I think that relationship between Rhys and Fiona will be expanded in the final episode. I also expect that you can date/or leave Sasha depending on your previous choices.

  • Rhys and Fiona we're just mirrored , and the strange lines are my godlike photoshop skills.

    And why are you even commenting here anyway?

    Dracu98 posted: »

    dude. rhys arm. his cyber-arm. the RIGHT one is the cyber-arm. how could you mess THIS up? and what are those strange lines in the pic? but if we put that aside, it's a really romantic setting ^^

  • If you chose to scare her, Sasha ends creeped out, I mean who wouldn't? Well, I don't know about that since I bought them both new outfits.

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Well I mean maybe it's just me but I didn't like the scare option because it just seemed like a cute relationship thing to do. I just told h

  • edited August 2015

    The thing is, not everyone romances in the same way. Some people like to take their time and some people are even nervous about it!

    Maybe Sasha is just different. ;p

    All I'm trying to say, there is so many possibilites that Telltale could use. There is literally, no excuse. Because no matter how late Rhyiona starts, it can start thanks to all those references/hints Telltale has left behind.

    Also, don't forget, that according to one of the unused quotes, the time difference between the past and present is 1 year. If that is still true, and you are able to start Rhyiona by the end of the past timeline, they would have about 1 year to talk about their similarities/differences... until something bad happens anyway. ;)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I have been thinking about Rhyiona a lot recenty... This is a cool theory but I honestly don't think that Rhyiona's gonna happen anymore. :P

  • gtg,

    nighty night everyone <3

  • Good night, John. Happy Rhyiona dreams. ;)

    gtg, nighty night everyone

  • Goodnight hubby! :3

    Quiff posted: »

    People seem to be hitting the sack now. Guess it's my queue, too. See ya later, pals!

  • That feeling when you should go to sleep but your brain wants you to do weird things..

    enter image description here

  • laku noć :)

    gtg, nighty night everyone

  • in that case, sorry.

    uhm...because I wanted to...? to quote my avatar: " I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I'm Discord, the master of chaos! " why shouldn't I comment here?

    Brawl posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona we're just mirrored , and the strange lines are my godlike photoshop skills. And why are you even commenting here anyway?

  • edited August 2015

    since it seems to be a thing that people announce when they are going to sleep: good night everyone!

    ![enter image description here](https://media4.giphy.com/media/5OnxFucwl5RkI/200_s.gif)

    but if anyone wants to join...

    enter image description here

    (yes, I had to do this. couldn't have used these gifs in this combination ever again, didn't want to waste the opportunity)

  • edited August 2015

    10/10 would read again. No regrets.

    I enjoyed your yesterday's theorizing concerning this subject (even though I was just silently observing and liking the posts) and I definitely enjoyed this one as well. I agree that this might be the case and from a story standpoint it makes quite a lot of sense, although I am not completely sure about how could your choices influence the 'level' of Rhys' crush on Sasha - despite personally liking Fiona more, I was still nice to Sasha, but that would bury my chances for Rhyiona? Or have I just misinterpreted what you wrote? :)

  • Thanks for the heads up :)

    Green613 posted: »

    It's fine, it's just a theory for episode 5

  • Guys, help me find a ship for chewbacca,

  • Goodnight! :)

    gtg, nighty night everyone

  • enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    That feeling when you should go to sleep but your brain wants you to do weird things..

  • edited August 2015

    wakes up from da ded

    enter image description here

    wtf dude? just when i go to sleep?! >.<

    Edit: fuck it, i can't last any longer, goes back to sleep

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Guys, help me find a ship for chewbacca,

  • edited August 2015

    I don't really see Rhyshans commenting on Rhyiona stuff , I've seen Pipas and Armis commenting here about some Rhyiona stuff , but not too often.

    It's just weird to see a Rhysha shipper saying that this is romantic o.o that's all.

    I mean I've even seen you post a Rhyiona drawing here once , so yeah , it just feels weird.

    But I like you , even added you in my Star Wars comics , so I don't really have a problem with you , as I said it's just weird to see Rhyshans complimenting us.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    in that case, sorry. uhm...because I wanted to...? to quote my avatar: " I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I'm Discord, the master of chaos! " why shouldn't I comment here?

  • Night John :)

    gtg, nighty night everyone

  • edited August 2015

    That's a fair point. I'm guessing that if you balance both relationships equally, it would be your choice to tell to Fiona who you are interested into. If you were mean to Sasha, and you say that Fiona is right about your feelings to her sister, then Sasha would reject your feelings and you would probably end up with no one to ship with. (not Fiona either, because you would be a lying scumbag) If you were mean to Sasha (or just not interested in her), but you were nice to Fiona, when she asks what your feelings to her sister are, you could tell her that's she is wrong because Rhys is not interested in her sister, but herself instead. ;)

    That might be pushing the boundaries of what you are able to choose, but damn, Telltale should finally push the boundaries to the limits.

    HellFish posted: »

    10/10 would read again. No regrets. I enjoyed your yesterday's theorizing concerning this subject (even though I was just silently observ

  • this is a last minute decision sorry

    wakes up from da ded wtf dude? just when i go to sleep?! >.< Edit: fuck it, i can't last any longer, goes back to sleep


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  • Uh, well your shipped with Brawl.

    Nohuhhu is shipped with Quiff.

    And I doubt Green would want a new marriage.

    But John says he's single and ready to mingle :^)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Guys, help me find a ship for chewbacca,

  • I NEED a ship for Chewbs ASAP

    He likes to make me the thread whore, I need revenge.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Uh, well your shipped with Brawl. Nohuhhu is shipped with Quiff. And I doubt Green would want a new marriage. But John says he's single and ready to mingle :^)

  • waitwaitwaitwaitwait, star wars comics? I love star wars! but I don't have a clue what you are talking about o.O and I ship everything, as long as it's well done. like, the famous/infamous flower-scene. even when you ship rhyiona, you can't tell me that wasn't romantic. I want more of such moments. most romance-stuff on TV is boring cliche-bullsh*t, but I have to admit that I'm really into lovestorys. so...multiship for the win.

    Brawl posted: »

    I don't really see Rhyshans commenting on Rhyiona stuff , I've seen Pipas and Armis commenting here about some Rhyiona stuff , but not too o

  • the millenium falcon, duh?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Guys, help me find a ship for chewbacca,

  • Chewbs x Marijaa , that ok?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Guys, help me find a ship for chewbacca,

  • Other than John x Chewi I haven't got any other clues.

    Uh... Dracu x Chewi? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I NEED a ship for Chewbs ASAP He likes to make me the thread whore, I need revenge.

  • Can I come ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    since it seems to be a thing that people announce when they are going to sleep: good night everyone! but if anyone wants to join...

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