People and their illogical reasons for saving *****...



  • See, that's perfectly logical reasoning. :) I can respect that 100%

    Geez, people here have overreacted to this topic...

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Three reasons I chose Asher over Rodrik 1(illogical): Couldnt do it to Beskha 2(completely logical): Asher and Gwynn are the only true

  • That's exactly what I'm doing :D and also Rodrik lives in 2 out of 3

    After episode 2 I saw a lot of polls who will die in the next episode from pc's and I disagreed with them because I knew if they kill someone it will be when they'll meet another PC and I thought it'll be in episode 6. So when I saw Rodrik I expected a choice but when it came I never thought who is stronger or will be missed more, it was a choice of who I liked. The first time I didn't hear Beshka at all.

    My point is that TTG made this choice for us to choose who will like not who looks better as Lord and the end will be the same both win or both loose

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I've played this game through the fifth episode three times now and hate making that decision every time! I adore both brothers and am sad t

  • Oh, okay so you say the story doesn't revolve around what's happening in Ironrath and the POV of it? So is this just different stories that are not connected to each other? The story does revolve around the Ironrath and whoever is the POV there, whether you like it or not.

    DillonDex posted: »

    Was I clear enough now? Well, no. Because, if they were doing all they were doing, before Rodrik was the lord, and will continue doi

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah you should see the walking dead side of this forum... I had to step back

    I defintely felt bad for Rodrik... And honestly it matters how u play ur characters. I just finished my second playthrough and I connect with Rodrik and Mira more then I did in my first one. I also had less of a problem leaving Asher behind.

    People forget that these decisions, (like Malcolm said to Asher after not saving him) define who we are. And when someone comments on ones decisions, it's also commenting on who they are. We all forget this.

    Iron from Ice

    DillonDex posted: »

    See, that's perfectly logical reasoning. I can respect that 100% Geez, people here have overreacted to this topic...

  • edited August 2015

    God help me...

    The story does revolve around Ironrath, and the Lord of House Forrester. Yes. That is true.

    However, the fact Rodrik fits that role just happens to be the case. If it was anyone else, or no-one at all, all the events of Asher, Gared and Mira's storyline would be the exact same. Hence, me telling you, you were wrong in that--Rodrik is the main character, who drives everyone's else arc forward. That was your point. But it is false, as I've shown you. About, what feels thirty or forty times now.

    Oh, okay so you say the story doesn't revolve around what's happening in Ironrath and the POV of it? So is this just different stories that

  • edited August 2015

    I saved Asher for these reasons

    • I like him better as a character
    • I didn't want to do that to Beskha. I know that Rodrik's death will affect Elaena, but I think Beskha is a much better character
    • I think it makes a better story for the exiled Forrester to end up being the one who saves the house and rules as its Lord
    • Asher finally returning to Westeros and dying minutes later is extremely anticlimactic
    • It felt like a good end for Rodrik's story, dying to save his younger brother and House Forrester. "let me save your life, and our house"
    • I want to see Asher and Gwyn interact
    • Asher has more of a fighting spirit than Rodrik, and I think he is also a better fighter
    • I don't know if the pit fighters would follow Rodrik
  • My main reason for having Rodrik stay behind was the pit fighters. Asher already has their respect, so they'll fight for him, but Rodrik would either lose them or would have to find some way to gain their respect himself.

  • But why would you want peace with them ? I just can't understand it

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Three reasons I chose Asher over Rodrik 1(illogical): Couldnt do it to Beskha 2(completely logical): Asher and Gwynn are the only true

  • IronFromIceBrother

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Yeah you should see the walking dead side of this forum... I had to step back I defintely felt bad for Rodrik... And honestly it matters

  • When have I said that he drives everyones arc forward? I have simply said that he has been at the center of the storyline that the other storylines revolve around and so can be considered to have been the main protagonist. The other playable characters have had their subplots, all of them connected to Rodrik's storyline. In Asher's case the storyline has been so pointless that it could have been skipped and Asher could have just been a character that is mentioned time to time being in Essos trying to find army and then he would have arrived as NPC with his "army". Because that is not how it is however I decided in my playthrough that for there to be something satisfying and meaningful for Asher I should keep him alive. Which is something that you think makes me idiot.

    DillonDex posted: »

    God help me... The story does revolve around Ironrath, and the Lord of House Forrester. Yes. That is true. However, the fact Rodrik fi

  • I assure you, that's not the reason why I think you're an idiot...

    When have I said that he drives everyones arc forward? I have simply said that he has been at the center of the storyline that the other sto

  • You are a toxic piece of shit.

    DillonDex posted: »

    I assure you, that's not the reason why I think you're an idiot...

  • At least he's right and not calling you stuff like that

    You are a toxic piece of shit.

  • He has been calling me idiot, and he is right about some things in his opening post, but I still argue that he is not right about this: Leaving Asher alive because his storyline would be pretty pointless if he dies - he says that's illogical (or stupid as the thread originally said) an I disagree.

    At least he's right and not calling you stuff like that

  • edited August 2015

    I've been reading this arguement since it started. He hasn't called you an idiot once.

    And regarding the second part, I don't really have a dog in that fight. But all along, I've wanted Rodrik to bring the Whitehills to ruin, with Asher at his side. Obviously and unfortunately, I learnt that's not going to happen--and I had to pick just one of them. So I chose Rodrik.

    I want him to destroy the Whitehills more than I want Asher to. So that's my reasoning.

    He has been calling me idiot, and he is right about some things in his opening post, but I still argue that he is not right about this: Leav

  • I have no problem with anyone leaving Rodrik alive, this guy just seems hateful and obnoxious towards those who have "wrong reasons" in his mind for their choice in this one.

    And come on, "I assure you, that's not the reason why I think you're an idiot..." - That pretty much is calling me idiot. Plus the statement in the opening post.

    I've been reading this arguement since it started. He hasn't called you an idiot once. And regarding the second part, I don't really have

  • Haha, I get what you mean, but I think he's just frustated, like I am to an extent, at all the people like on the Steam forums it seems, or Youtube Comments, who saved Asher, and did so for the "stupid" reasons he mentioned. And then go on to criticise people who chose Rodrik instead. Ironically, all these comments have forced him to do the same :-S

    Lol why have I now turned into his lawyer... But I suppose I can play devil's advocate, for the sake of it.

    So, to be fair, that comment you just quoted was only said after you accused him of calling you an idiot multiple times. When he hadn't once. Though, yes... he shouldn't have said that. So there's that. Ultimately, he was right about some things, you were right about some things, we should all probably just get on with our lives now :P

    I have no problem with anyone leaving Rodrik alive, this guy just seems hateful and obnoxious towards those who have "wrong reasons" in his

  • edited August 2015

    It's about not dying at the end of the day...

    I just don't want war

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    But why would you want peace with them ? I just can't understand it

  • "But I'd imagine the late Lord Forrester would sacrifice himself to save anyone from his house." --Maester Otengryn

  • Not surprising you're supporting this bullshit. I bet you was a leading "fighter" of the Jane and Kenny war that took this forum by storm, huh, Kiddo? what happend to you "being done with me" btw?

    Green613 posted: »

    You literally just called OP a judgmental prick and told him to shut the fuck up, this forum section is toxic?

  • Because that's what he is? Sorry is it illegal to tell the truth now?

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    Says the person calling people judgemental pricks...

  • Nope, otherwise I'd be having this conversation with you from a jail cell right now.


    stevean2 posted: »

    Because that's what he is? Sorry is it illegal to tell the truth now?

  • Maybe he considers you an idiot because you said that Asher deserves to live because Rodrik was at Ironrath

    I have no problem with anyone leaving Rodrik alive, this guy just seems hateful and obnoxious towards those who have "wrong reasons" in his

  • Is it illogical that I had no reason to save Asher? It was more of a gut feeling for me, I had no reason. Is that illogical? :P

    I don't think any reason is truly illogical, everyone has their reasons and (mostly) everyone will stand by those reasons. Illogical in your eyes or not, everyone's reasons for saving Asher over Rodrik are completely logical in their eyes.

  • Dat bolded LOL tho.
    No. But really. The only judgemental prick here is OP ... and you guys responding of course, cause someone DARED have a different view on someone. OP made a huuuuge ranting post about people who dared make a different choice in an interactive video game than him, dubbing them "stupid" for a list of reasons on why they personally made that choice, which is. Completely unnercersary. I call him out on it and I get accused of: Picking asher, My choices being questioned and called Toxic.

    But no. I guess that shit never happend cause it'd paint you guys in a REAL bad light.

    Hopefully this thread is closed at some point real soon

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    Nope, otherwise I'd be having this conversation with you from a jail cell right now. LOL

  • Your reason is that you like him more

    Kateis posted: »

    Is it illogical that I had no reason to save Asher? It was more of a gut feeling for me, I had no reason. Is that illogical? :P I don't t

  • I mean, there's so many pros and cons to both. I ended up going with Asher staying behind because it felt somewhat poetic for me; he did his duty, delivered the soldiers and gave his life for his family.

    Also, Rodrik putting up with Gryff was unbearable for me. I wasn't going to have him die at his hands.

  • Lol what are you dreaming about? Nearly everyone here, is criticising the OP? So if anyone out of us, "DARED have a different view" it's me and Green613. Not you.

    You may have been ruder than the rest, but you shared their message and intent.

    Hopefully your account is closed at some point real soon.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Dat bolded LOL tho. No. But really. The only judgemental prick here is OP ... and you guys responding of course, cause someone DARED have

  • Really? Because it really didn't feel that way. I'm not sure who I favour more. I love Rodrik and I love Asher.

    My reason is that I had no reason, I just knew what had to be done and it felt right for Rodrik to stay behind but is that a real reason? Not really, not in my eyes.

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    Your reason is that you like him more

  • Well then he can, fuck him. Ironrath is the place where the most important things happen and Rodrik has been center of that for four episodes, is it so idiotic that I see that he has already had an eventful storyline in important place and think this is a good place for that storyline to end and Asher to take over? Not that it was my decision anyway that one of the borthers storylines must end.

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    Maybe he considers you an idiot because you said that Asher deserves to live because Rodrik was at Ironrath

  • Oh I see, but I don't there will be peace. If they are winning there's no reason for it, it's the same for you winning + Ramsey said there should be a winner or he'll come and kill everyone :D

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    It's about not dying at the end of the day... I just don't want war

  • edited August 2015

    Lmao, who the fuck do you think you are? I wasn't supporting shit, you just happened to look like a salty fool in your first comment and I called you out on being a hypocrite for calling this forum section toxic. Stop acting so smart, you literally look like a complete fool.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Not surprising you're supporting this bullshit. I bet you was a leading "fighter" of the Jane and Kenny war that took this forum by storm, huh, Kiddo? what happend to you "being done with me" btw?

  • Exactly. You (the supporters) will willingly leap at anyone who doesnt agree with you and hate on them... Godamn you're like Kenny lovers.

    and I doubt my account will be closed just because you got upset that someone shared a different opinion than you. ;)

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    Lol what are you dreaming about? Nearly everyone here, is criticising the OP? So if anyone out of us, "DARED have a different view" it's me

  • LOL

    You're delusional. Calling us the haters? Calling us leaping at anyone who doesn't agree?

    I think you need to check how this back-and-forth started. Clearly you've forgotten. :)

    stevean2 posted: »

    Exactly. You (the supporters) will willingly leap at anyone who doesnt agree with you and hate on them... Godamn you're like Kenny lovers.

  • Clearly you've forgotten.

    His selective memory forgets lots of things. Well, anything that isn't conducive to his terrible argument.

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    LOL You're delusional. Calling us the haters? Calling us leaping at anyone who doesn't agree? I think you need to check how this back-and-forth started. Clearly you've forgotten.

  • I like you. <3

    Green613 posted: »

    Clearly you've forgotten. His selective memory forgets lots of things. Well, anything that isn't conducive to his terrible argument.

  • I like you too fam, your name is pretty dank as well :3

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    I like you.

  • edited August 2015

    I saved Asher for a different reason: Rodrick is an incompetent tactician. He had 1 job to do while waiting for Asher, which was to secure the area and prepare for an ambush. He failed that task, therefore he should pay for it.

  • I didnt call you guys here did I? no. I was respond to OP and you came to me. I didnt leap on you. I was responding to you. so that view is like.. pointless isnt it?

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    LOL You're delusional. Calling us the haters? Calling us leaping at anyone who doesn't agree? I think you need to check how this back-and-forth started. Clearly you've forgotten.

  • Maybe it's the Forresters and Whitehills vs the boltons after a truce...

    Well, after Lord Ludd gets a bolt in the heart

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    Oh I see, but I don't there will be peace. If they are winning there's no reason for it, it's the same for you winning + Ramsey said there should be a winner or he'll come and kill everyone

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