What do you think is so special about the North Grove? What can it do to save House Forrester?

This question has been bugging me for awhile and I was wondering if anyone has any theories or predictions.....


  • Well, there are ironwood trees.

  • Yes but don't the foresters already have tons of ironwood? I think there's some kinda of magical thing that could help but it's hard to say I probably sound stupid anyway

  • The Forresters are losing Ironwood, which is really their main currency. Perhaps the Ice Dragon is what Gared is actually seeking? Maybe there's a Forrester that lives in the North Grove, keeping watch for the day he or she is needed even?

  • I think its an ice dragon cuz besides that theres nothing that can transport gared from the north grove to ironrath

  • I think that there is literally NOTHING there. Just ruins.

  • It's like a huge ice dragon that will destroy all whitehills.

  • There are no evidence of an ice dragon.

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    I think its an ice dragon cuz besides that theres nothing that can transport gared from the north grove to ironrath

  • Gared will fly back with the ice drAgon and then he rekt all the whitehill.

  • What does 'rekt' mean? Sorry, if it's a stupid question.

    Killah posted: »

    Gared will fly back with the ice drAgon and then he rekt all the whitehill.

  • Yeah, and when the Whitehill will chop down all the trees, the great lords and great wars will no longer need them and the Forresters, and Boltons will no longer give a damn.... Gared will return with that magic ironwood or a dragon, and Forresters will smash the Whitehills. That's what I'm hoping for.

    prink34320 posted: »

    The Forresters are losing Ironwood, which is really their main currency. Perhaps the Ice Dragon is what Gared is actually seeking? Maybe there's a Forrester that lives in the North Grove, keeping watch for the day he or she is needed even?

  • Most likely the North Grove was nothing special, Gared just got trolled by his uncle.

  • Rekt would be the quicker version of "Wrecked" or "Destroyed" without any real conflict.

    Mawula posted: »

    What does 'rekt' mean? Sorry, if it's a stupid question.

  • And Lord Forrester. Don't forget, he told Gared first.

    KronusX posted: »

    Most likely the North Grove was nothing special, Gared just got trolled by his uncle.

  • Well the 6th episode is called "Ice Dragon" so maybe a Dragon????

  • Gared riding back to Ironrath on a Dragon would be awesome.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Well the 6th episode is called "Ice Dragon" so maybe a Dragon????

  • Hate to be a downer, but if the North Grove does contain an Ice Dragon it would be mentioned in the show or books, the dragon flying over the Wall etc..

  • edited August 2015

    Well, could be a Ice Dragon, Ironwood, a secret document that fucks everyone but House Forrester over, or something even better.

    I really wanna kick Game of Thrones - Season One off with a goddamn blast.

    Gared, Cotter, and Sylvi fly back to Ironrath on a Ice Dragon! Sylvi and Gared wreck the Whitehills, as Cotter steals their potatoes.

    A man can dream.

  • yeah Lord Forrester was a troll as well lol.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    And Lord Forrester. Don't forget, he told Gared first.

  • My guess is that there is some kind of a (need to brush-up on my gardening skills...) grove where the ironwood originally grows, and the trees are ancient and strong, also the place is so secret (and must therefore be kept a secret) because it's the only way for ironwood trees to survive all the GOT wars. That way, even if the Foresters lose everything they own, they can start again by bringing ironwood seeds from the north grove and plant them anywhere they want to live when they do finally start over.
    That's my educated guess anyway....

  • A man must see this.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Well, could be a Ice Dragon, Ironwood, a secret document that fucks everyone but House Forrester over, or something even better. I really

  • Well I'm pretty sure there's at least an Ice Dragon at the North Grove because the map that Gared uses to find the Grove says:

    The North Grove...
    beneath the watchful
    eye of the Ice Dragon.

    And, as tintin mentioned, the sixth episode is called 'Ice Dragon'.

  • I don't think it is a Dragon because the eye of the ice Dragon is also a constalation

  • edited August 2015

    Unlikely to be an actual dragon, I'm sure someone in the books would have noticed a man riding a dragon into westeros over the Wall.

  • But this isn't the books?

    Plus the Wall is 300 miles long, and there's only 3 manned castles on its entirety. Add the low visibility, the fact that it is 700 feet tall, and that ice dragons have translucent wings, it's very possible a dragon could fly over and not be noticed.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Unlikely to be an actual dragon, I'm sure someone in the books would have noticed a man riding a dragon into westeros over the Wall.

  • The entire Red Wedding was set up in secret by Lord Forrester and Duncan to troll Gared. What really lies at the heart of the North Grove is a note from Gregor and Duncan that only says "lol rekt."

    Lord Forrester is still actually dead, but that's just how committed he is to the trolling. He wanted to make it as convincing as possible.

    KronusX posted: »

    yeah Lord Forrester was a troll as well lol.

  • It would be pretty cool

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Gared riding back to Ironrath on a Dragon would be awesome.

  • Yea maybe telltale is just getting us all excited about an actual ice dragon when really they will just say the constellation points to the grove lol. Idk but I would really like seeing the Whithills scream when an ice dragon comes...

    xxplvb posted: »

    I don't think it is a Dragon because the eye of the ice Dragon is also a constalation

  • The north grove is just a note lying on the ground in the middle of nowhere. What does the note say?

    "HAH, GOTCHA! -Gregor Forrester"

  • I don't understand why Gerard was told to find the North Grove, Lord Forrester only said The North Grove must never be lost. So no good will come out of it, as they basically already have it.

  • The funny thing is, The North Grove is in the North which is getting attacked by the Others, so we will see how that affects them

    AmberALCP posted: »

    I don't understand why Gerard was told to find the North Grove, Lord Forrester only said The North Grove must never be lost. So no good will come out of it, as they basically already have it.

  • Yeah it will affect them in someway as the house relies on it :)

    KronusX posted: »

    The funny thing is, The North Grove is in the North which is getting attacked by the Others, so we will see how that affects them

  • edited August 2015

    imageimage" alt="enter image description here" />

    KronusX posted: »

    yeah Lord Forrester was a troll as well lol.

  • There is no middle ground in the game of thrones: you win or you get trolled

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    " alt="enter image description here" />

  • edited August 2015

    When he will arrive north at the destination He'll see a talking hearth tree (Weirwoods who have carved faces on) ,

    • Gared : You're the north grove ?

    enter image description here

    • Tree :No But i produce it

    enter image description here

    • Gared :What is it ?

    • Tree : Get behind me and i'll show you

    • Gared : Okay

    Gared gets behind the tree

    • Gared : I only see a hole

    enter image description here

    • Tree : get closer to the hole

    *Gared gets his head closer to the hole *

    • Gared : I can't see anything it's a black ho..

    *As he 's about to finish his sentence a strange noise comes out of the hole followed by a disgusting smell *

    • Gared : Arrhhww .. What the fuck ?

    enter image description here

    • Tree :What ? You did ask for the north wind

    enter image description here

    • Gared : I asked for The north GROVE , not a wooden fart !

    enter image description here

    • Tree : Sorry buddy , But what you're looking for is actually near deepwood motte , a group of wilding came seeking for the same thing as you ,thousands of years ago
      What's their clan name again ah ... Yes ! the forresters .That's it .I Told them " the north grove must never be lost" because ironwood groves are so rare these days so they have to keep the nature there .
  • edited August 2015

    ...I know it isn't the books, but if the game takes place in the same universe as the show, or as the books, then I'm sure SOMEONE SOMEWHERE would have mentioned a massive dragon riding into battle. Unless literally every person who lays their eyes upon the dragon at the battle dies.

    But this isn't the books? Plus the Wall is 300 miles long, and there's only 3 manned castles on its entirety. Add the low visibility, the

  • I guess it can't be too major because that might screw up the canon but at the same time it can't be too minor because they have made it seem really powerful.

    Let's look at what's been said about it. Duncan says it's a protected citadel hidden from the world that is filled with great power, if Gared asks if it can help House Forrester Duncan says that Lord Forrester believed so. Cotter says that he's heard stories of a secret forest within a forest and also says that Lord Forrester knew what he was talking about. Slyvi then says that the cold can't touch it and that it's safe in the dark of winter.

    So from what everyone has said, it is hidden, it is protected and seems (going off what Duncan said) it's powerful. There is also the Forrester words, Iron from Ice. So, maybe the words mean they have a spirt like iron (Lady Forrester does say that your spirt must be like iron sooo) and they came from ice, the Forrester's could have started out in the North Grove. Again, going off what Duncan said, that the North Grove is powerful, maybe the Forrester's have some sort of power within them, that must be reawakened by finding the North Grove.

    Although, I doubt it would be something like that, it seems too major for a minor house to have some hidden power within them. It also can't be a dragon because it would have been mentioned in the show if a dragon had destroyed a house in Westeros. But I also doubt it would just be a bunch of Ironwood trees or Ironwood tree seeds that Gared would have to bring back. It has to be the perfect balance of not being major and not being minor, if Telltale want to keep us fans happy.

  • Honestly, I'd have no problem with that lmao.

    Rock114 posted: »

    The entire Red Wedding was set up in secret by Lord Forrester and Duncan to troll Gared. What really lies at the heart of the North Grove is

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