How Did You Feel After The End Of The Walking Dead Season 1&2?

edited September 2015 in The Walking Dead

I'm only asking for a simple answer, not a paragraph. If you answer that's great, if not that's okay too. I felt sad but not sad enough to tear. Just the kind of "I wish he didn't have to die" kind of sad for the first one, but the second I kinda felt mad at my self for killing Kenny but on my second play through I stayed with Kenny and felt like I made the right choice.


  • End of Season 1: Sad, amazed and wanting more

    End of Season 2: Sad that I asked for more

  • Ending for Season 2: I didn't hate the season, but when it ended I felt like they wanted to rush it. There wasn't a clear was missing something. I felt sad at the end because telltale managed to kill off the entire cast and forced us to choose between Jane and Kenny.

  • Season one was weird for me. Before episode 5 didn't want it to end but after he end of episode 4 was mutual because lee getting bit was the last thing I wanted so I was disappointed. Also was curious as to why kennys death was off screen.

    Season two. Meh, never got Into it as much as season one. Different endings got me thinking what their plans are for season 3 . But never got the buzzing feeling for each episode to come out as I did season one.

  • Season 1: Can't wait to kick it with Omid and Christa, although I'm crying still cause.. Lee

    Season 2 (first playthrough): Well this baby's probably gonna die soon. And with how much blood kenny (should've realistically) lost, we're screwed. And it's cold as hell

  • Season One - Sad, emotionally drained, but satisfied.

    Season Two - Rather ambivilalent, still pleased enough with the ending.

  • End of Season 1: I'll admit that this game got me teary eyed with Lee's last moments and how I made the decision to have Clementine put Lee out of his misery, and the cliff-hanger got me panicking at Clementine's fate in the end and the identity of the two strangers in the distance.

    End of Season 2: The complete opposite of Season 1. Frustrated with being stuck between two unlikable characters and a plot device named AJ, rolling my eyes at the forced drama that lead to the final conflict, and feeling empty and apathetic as I chose the Clementine and Jane ending (without the family).

  • S1: Just, wow. The game was quite an experience, yet I was concerned about what's going to happen to Clementine? You have the ending to thank for that. And Omid and Christa, I gave them my blessing to take care of Clem. Would they find her?

    S2: So much loss. But I soldiered through. NEVER ALONE, NEVER AGAIN. The ending of letting the family in, felt despite the bleakness of what I've been through, bring some semblance of good back into the fold, even if its a slight hope. Once again, I await the next chapter with anticipation and hope that Clem's story continues.

  • Season 1: Amazing

    Season 2: Alright, but not as good as S1

    You see, Telltale Games are like sex, when it's good it's good, and when it's bad it's still pretty good.

  • Season 1: Lee Nooooooooo.

    Season 2: DIE KENNY/JANE

  • edited September 2015

    Season 1: I remember feeling like I had gone through a really tough, but emotional journey in playing the game. I didn't consider the graphics for the season too great, and yet that fact it didn't matter to me, because it was the story made the game. I'd always been fan of zombies thanks to Resident Evil and I just settled in easy with this title and there's not much I can wrong about it. The ending really hit me hard, that a few weeks after I was still thinking about it and still feeling sad. I was really caught on what to do when Lee asked for Clem to shoot him, and then that after credit scene with the figures in the distance on the hillside before everything went dark, it was really cruel but good cliffhanger. I was worried for what would become of Clementine after that and the mystery of who those people were.

    But it was the song in the credits that was the moment I cracked and started crying. Telltale ripped my heart out and good kind, that I was desperate to know what would happen next and waiting a year or more to find out that answer just felt like an impossible amount of time. I was really over the moon when it won game of year, in fact I'd actually stayed up really late where I was so I could see if it won and I was really glad when it did because I knew it was deserved for a game that hadn't made me feel that emotionally attached in a long time.

    Season 2: Disappointed, a little angry. I felt very upset, but not in the way that I did with Lee's death or Season 1. I was sad from disappointment, enough that I did cry. It started out for what I'd considered one of my most favorite titles on the Playstation 3, and by the end, it became the opposite. To go from one extreme to the other was a pretty difficult feeling to experience. I felt cheated, frustrated; the poorly put together Kenny vs Jane twist completely and utterly ruined the game, with a decision made worse by a determinant status for both, meaning that none of it mattered, they're dead. Interesting characters never got fleshed out and then disappeared or died weakly written deaths, and the endings felt like they don't mean anything in the long run neither, other than Clementine will be alone with a baby who will likely die as well. Instead of doing something fresh or inventive, the sole survivor trope was recycled with a plot that just seemed to lose its way.

    I'd thought of something my Stepdad said to me about books. As a reader, no matter how bad things get in a story, you want something to vote for, you want enough characters alive that you care about, otherwise if it's all doom and gloom, you can stop caring and lose interest in what's happening, and that is exactly what happened to me. Predictability, less diverse endings and more characters alive to build more of a story around for the future would've been a much more satisfying conclusion for the season. As it is, the negative outweighing the bad left me this time around wanting to care for what happened next in Season 3, but unable to.

  • Season 1: Sad, but very much impressed with how the season turned out

    Season 2: Sad, but very much impressed with how the season turned out

    • Season 1: I felt sad for Lee
    • Season 2: I was waiting for Jane to die
  • Season 1: I binge played the game and started playing it around 2 in the afternoon, I beat the entire season by 5:30 about 14-15 hours later. I was exhausted, though I had already known Lee would die it still took it out of me. I was sad, but still glad to have watch a beautiful story that was simply amazing. So, sad but almost a little bit hopeful.

    Season 2: A true emotional roller coast from start to finish. Episode 5 just broke me tbh. I am a very optimistic person and it takes a lot to make me truly sad. But Season 2 ending triggered a 3 month long depression that was absolute hell. I haven't touched either games since then and sold them both off, I'll be reluctant to ever play a Walking Dead game again. So, broken. It left me feeling broken.

  • Both were around equally emotional for me. One was watching Lee get put out of his misery and the other was staying at Wellington, saying goodbye to Kenny most likely forever who we had been through so much with throughout season 1 and 2.

  • edited September 2015

    Season 1 - Amazing! A true masterpiece of a game that will stick with me the rest of my life. Tears were definitely flowing and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Bravo!

    Season 2 - Might have been more predictable but Luke versus Kenny would have been so much better in my eyes. Tears were still flowing but it would've been more emotional if the fight was between two characters I loved to a fault.

  • Regarding only the endings of each game, and not the rest of them:

    Season One: Emotionally drained, and very dead-feeling. I seriously went out and laid down on the porch after I had no more tears left (both times I played it). I was also worried about what would happen to Clementine and who the people on the hill were.

    Season Two: Intense, kind of on edge, cried a lot, but I also felt at peace after I got my ending. I feel like for my Clementine, I couldn't have ended the season on a better note.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited September 2015

    Season two was very amusing to me. Eventually i kept thinking to myself , what else can go wrong. I never got attached to any of the side characters except Sarah, and they tossed her away like garbage. She was one of the interesting characters i found, and they just threw her away because i don't know why. Personally i love stories about the underdog, because imo we are all underdogs to some degree. I wanted to see her grow up and learn to take care of herself, have a chance at existence i guess. It just wasn't meant to be. They decided to go the Force the player with Jane. I love that. Have you ever been around someone you can't stand?

    Everyone has, it felt like that trashy girlfriend of your brother, that you been trying to get him to dump. She just got a tattoo of Darth Vader on her Elbow. Whenever you come home to visit your parents this girl is always there at your parents house, its like she moved in under the cover of darkness.

    Then there were characters like Reggie, who totally imo had the exact opposite of their intention. I laughed my ass off when they killed him. I didn't care about Reggie, why would i, i didn't even know him. If that was someone from the group, like Carlos that would make sense, but some random guy you just met five minutes ago? I love the writing. I don't take it seriously anymore, once i let that go, i could have fun again with the story.

    I was thinking to myself how the TWD zombie epidemic started, my theory is that some basement dweller who loved RE so much, designed the virus and released it, because he/she/they thought it would be "fun" to live in a ZA.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Season 1: I remember feeling like I had gone through a really tough, but emotional journey in playing the game. I didn't consider the graphi

  • S1: Loved it!

    S2: Loved it!

  • S1: Sad, but didn't cry.

    S2: Sad, but didn't cry. Plus, the rest of the Season was meh at best.

  • Season 1:Sad, very sad actually, and went into depression for about 4 days. It didn't help the school holidays were over neither.

    Season 2: Season 2 was it really. That was the icing on the cake, I couldn't cope. It didn't help that I completed both seasons on one big marathon really...

  • both of seasons very sad but a amazing story

  • clemmy196 is love clemmy196 is life

    clemmy196 posted: »

    both of seasons very sad but a amazing story

  • 1: Cried
    2: Felt a bit sad

  • 1 Season 1: Noooooo , that sucks.

    1. Season 2 : Are you serious? LOL.
  • Season 1: heartbroken and sad, there was sobbing, but I knew Clementine would remember what I taught her.

    Season 2: disgusted and dirty, since I ended up with the Jane ending in the heat of the moment. hoping the family we take in won't be a bad sign.

  • edited September 2015

    Season 1 = NO! Lee! And now the lil is all alone... what will happen to her now? :(

    Season 2 = Thank Christ I won't have to deal with Kenny's drama-whoring anymore.

  • Season 1: Cried

    Season 2: eh

  • Season 1: Oh My God, this game was great but OMG dat ending..

    Season 2: Walking away with Kenny...Kewl but the last 3 episodes just felt like a giant fan fic to me...

  • edited September 2015

    Season 1: What a gratifying, well written, series this turned out to be, can't wait for more.

    Season 2: What a waste of my time, easily one of the worst and most disappointing sequels I've ever seen.

  • Season 1: Cried a lot, created a river in my room ;-;

    Season 2: Going to Wellington with AJ and leaving Kenny, cried even more ;-;

  • edited September 2015

    Season 1: Oh, Lee died. :C That's sad.

    Season 2: Yey, Clem got rid of all of those jerks! Where was the option to leave AJ tho?

  • season 1 cried a lot season 2 going to base with jane and aJ and the family i cant wait for season 3 both endings are amazing for me

  • Season 1 : Cried with tears.

    Season 2 : Cried with tears of happiness.

  • Season 1: Got my heart ripped out.
    Season 2: Justified and satisfied. I feel I made the right choices for me.

  • Season 1: Dang near cried. Definitely teary eye Season.

    Season 2: Okay I'm not ashamed to admit that I did cry a lot in this season.

  • edited September 2015

    At the beginning of episode 5 :-)

    Season 1: Oh, Lee died. :C That's sad. Season 2: Yey, Clem got rid of all of those jerks! Where was the option to leave AJ tho?

  • edited September 2015

    Season 1:-

    i.) LEE's death


    Season 2 :-

    i.) Stay at Wellington with AJ

    S2 (a)

    ii.) Stay with Jane, AJ and family at Howe's

    S2 (b)

    iii.) ALONE

    S2 (c)

  • S1:Sad and hopeful

    S2:Mad and hopeful

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