So, in all seriousness...

-AsherGrin--AsherGrin- Banned
edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Do you think Rodrik / Asher will survive Episode 6?

And I know, our cynical hearts, love to point to the fact that every determinant character thus far, have died... and done so in rather anti-climatic fashion. But this is different. It's not like, both Asher and Rodrik can either be alive or dead. One of them is definitely alive. So, Telltale have that to work with. It's not Finn, who may or may not be with Gared, or Nick from TWD, who may or may not survive A House Divided, it's either Asher or Rodrik who, no matter what, are alive. And Lord of House Forrester.


  • I think they will survive, but will not be playable on Season 2. If they appear at all, they will be npcs and not have a lot of lines.

  • edited September 2015

    It'll be a huge mistake, if they don't survive. Firstly, the game isn't the show or the books. They don't have a massive cast of characters, of which we're all incredibly invested and connected to. Instead, they have a small cast -- with a small amount of characters we're incredibly invested into. Killing them all off, especially when it's unnecessary and purely for shock and emotional value, is cheap. And makes the story weaker, not stronger, because our reasons for caring about the story -- characters like Rodrik, Asher, Gared, Talia, whoever, will be gone.

    Thing is, I'd be fine with the survivor dying, as long as the reason isn't because: "idk its game of thrones so he az to die innit"
    The Starks didn't die because they were good people, or for shock value... they died because of crucial mistakes, and the same goes for a variety of Lannisters too. But the Forresters have made no such mistakes--so why must they be shoe-horned into sharing their fate? It seems the only reason the Forresters must be punished in this game is:

    "Well they're good people... the Whitehills aren't... therefore the Whitehills must beat them because... GOT."

    I really hope, whatever happens, the finale doesn't follow that ideology (which it seems to have done so far). I mean, why can't the Forresters win? They have pit fighters, either an experienced sellsword like Asher at the helm, or a veteran war commander like Rodrik. They have Beskha. And they're far more motivated to win and get vengence, than the Whitehills ever could be. So, that's my stance. Whatever happens, I just want it to be for genuine reasons, like plotlines play out in the book. And not for shock value, or to live up to some misconception of how Game of Thrones has to be... for some reason.

  • Have some bacon ser ,you deserve it.

    DillonDex posted: »

    It'll be a huge mistake, if they don't survive. Firstly, the game isn't the show or the books. They don't have a massive cast of characters,

  • edited September 2015

    While i dont know if the bro we chose will survive, i too think it would be a mistake to off them - mainly because they're the only forresters i really care about at this point.

  • Well. If they did then they will probably die in the beginning of S2, but I'm 150% sure the surviving brother will die at Ep 6 because...determinated characters.

  • First we must remember that Telltale made a long journey since the controvesial TWD season 2 and that they are better by each passing year. Yes I think Rodrik/Asher will survive the episode 6 becuase we know that House Forrester is in the book 5 Dance with the Dragons and that means we will survive episode 6.

  • edited September 2015

    They'll definitely survive (unless there's an 'everyone dies ending' and consequently we won't play as house forrester in season 2.

  • Yeah but House Forrester survives until Stannis leaves Castle Black and onto Winterfell and joins his army.But in the show te entire campaign stannis ahd in the North has been cut to Burn Shireen and kill him off.I hope telltale follows the books on this and leaves the Forresters alive

  • Well, ONE determinant character from another Telltale Game has survived the story. His name is Lawrence from the Wolf Among Us.

    So, there is still hope guys! :)

  • Not every determinant character:
    Bonnie and Justin (Not counting Jane/Kenny): TWD
    Dum, Lawrence and Crooked Man: TWAU
    And, as far as we know: Finn

  • What the hell is the point of making a main playable character determinant if they aren't going to do anything important with them?

  • I have a bad feeling they're both gone, considering how poorly Telltale has handled determinant characters in their past games and GoT episodes. We'll see, I guess.

  • It could be that they don't live or die. TTG could always throw a curveball and have the survivor go into a coma after sustaining a severe injury. They wouldn't be dead but they wouldn't really be 'alive' either.

  • I'm really hoping the fate of the current lord comes down to a choice I mentioned in another thread. Basically, the final scene/fate for Asher/Rodrik depends on what you do as an army (the Whitehills) descends on Ironrath. The decision emerges as; do you flee with the remainder of your family as your Sentinel and army cover your escape or do you send your family away and defend Ironrath in your final battle?

  • You can't use the books as evidence. The show and book universes have started to diverge immensely, especially in the cases of minor characters.

    First we must remember that Telltale made a long journey since the controvesial TWD season 2 and that they are better by each passing year.

  • I'm not sure House Forrester is in book 5. It calls them a clan.

    First we must remember that Telltale made a long journey since the controvesial TWD season 2 and that they are better by each passing year.

  • I hope that Asher (or Rodrick for the rest of you) will make it out of Episode 6 alive. I don't honestly believe he will, nor do I believe House Forrester will be in a good place once the final credits roll. I just hope Asher lives long enough to bring down the Whitehills before he dies.

  • And in the official comic book adaptation of TWAU he was also saved, thus his survival is canon.

    Well, ONE determinant character from another Telltale Game has survived the story. His name is Lawrence from the Wolf Among Us. So, there is still hope guys!

  • Why couldnt you use it? It is the same universe.

    You can't use the books as evidence. The show and book universes have started to diverge immensely, especially in the cases of minor characters.

  • He literally just said it's not the same universe. Because it's not.

    Why couldnt you use it? It is the same universe.

  • edited September 2015

    If it's the same universe how can events happen differently in the show than they do in the books?

    In the show Robb marries Talisa Maegyr, in the books he marries Jeyne Westerling

    In the show Jaime and Bronn go to Dorne to bring back Myrcella, in the books Balon Swann goes to Dorne and Jaime goes to the Riverlands and Bronn sits around at Castle Stokeworth.

    The show clearly has a canon that is completely different from the books now.

    Even if the Forresters are alive and in Westeros in book 5, that doesn't mean anything in the show's canon. In the show they could be dead, or undead wights, or merchant princes in Essos or pirates who plunder in the Stepstones. And the game is tied to the show's canon, not the books.

    Why couldnt you use it? It is the same universe.

  • edited September 2015

    I hope they will, or...

    The series don't adapt by the choices you make. The story is not tailored by how you play.

  • -AsherGrin--AsherGrin- Banned
    edited September 2015


  • Good point.

    -AsherGrin- posted: »


  • Dum, Crooked Man, Justin from 400 days. They all survive

    Well, ONE determinant character from another Telltale Game has survived the story. His name is Lawrence from the Wolf Among Us. So, there is still hope guys!

  • By the seven, they have said so many times that they are following the show. They are not following the books.

    greensenpai posted: »

    Yeah but House Forrester survives until Stannis leaves Castle Black and onto Winterfell and joins his army.But in the show te entire campaig

  • Oh cmon we know Rodrik can't die

    He's protected by the Lord of Light, how else could he have survived the Red Wedding? Just let him die in episode 5, he'll show up at highpoint in a corpse cart

  • Exactly

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Oh cmon we know Rodrik can't die He's protected by the Lord of Light, how else could he have survived the Red Wedding? Just let him die in episode 5, he'll show up at highpoint in a corpse cart

  • A fine point indeed.

    Good point.

  • Maybe they'll do what Mass Effect did and have the same sorta scenes but with a different person in the same place, either Rodrik or Asher depending who you left to die. And they just say slightly different things and have small variations in their scenes. That's usually how it end up being like.

  • It will be something (yet again) for people to complain about if the other main character dies, because of his determent status. People will be clamoring abut how "choices don't matter" and "we should have all saw this coming". Telltale could throw a curveball and just have the character not die at all, but then it would probably become a nightmare for the whole staff making the game to continue a huge part of the story that only half the players would see.

    Quite a pickle Telltale have put themselves in. We (the community) can easily come up with suggestions for them, but we just don't know how much work is required for them to pull off this whole thing. That being said, it's possible Rodrik/Asher could live through ep. 6, but I wouldn't expect em making it far into S2. The least we should expect is that they die gloriously and well-written.

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