The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited September 2015

    Ignore, meant to reply to mark's comment :p

    What's your opinion on fat shaming? I don't think saying hurtful words to fat people just to make them lose weight is the right way.

    edited September 2015

    True though

    What's your opinion on fat shaming? I don't think saying hurtful words to fat people just to make them lose weight is the right way.

  • Making someone feel ashamed about themselves is horrible. Why would you do it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Today's issue it caught my attention so I looked up the video this was response to below enter link description here Response to video enter link description here What's your opinion on fat shaming?

  • edited September 2015

    People need to understand that there is a fine line between humour and bullying. If your jokes are directed toward a group of people in a hateful manner and causes people to feel bad about themselves, it is not humour. It is not funny. It makes you look like an insensitive jerk. Even if you're pretty, skinny and unaffected by any major issues in your life, your heart is still ugly. I can't believe Matthew is dating this girl.

    enter image description here

    I think what is also bad is people who will see this like Kimmel and attack her family, get her friends to turn against her, dox her, send her death threats and say the worse things imaginable to her everyday and think they have justification to do or say anything without consequence or guilt because of this video forever

    People have to remember just because someone made a mistake once it doesn't give them permission to act like an a-hole towards them or treat them like an a-hole forever because at the end of the day it makes you no better then the person you perceive as wrong actually worse as the a-hole knows he/she is wrong and learns from it but the other person still has some imaginary justification/delusion which they apply daily to their acts forever XD

    That girl was wrong but people shouldn't become the bully they so hate because of it she should get criticism as long as it's constructive, she disabled her like and comments so she is a sensitive girl I think she has no idea what is coming

    I hope people educate her with intelligent constrictive feedback I hope she won't get attacked everyday forever over this and have death threats for the rest of her life over this people have to learn mistakes are not infinite or definite but ways to learn to improve yourself this girl was wrong but that was her opinion I really hope she learns from this and people don't go overboard and don't forgot cis white male shaming

    This is the same woman who told girls they couldn't post selfies on Instagram because they're not "getting paid" for modeling? Honestly,

  • Hey it's good for a laugh.

    To be honest the Internet in general is good for a laugh, people complain and make a huge deal out of the most pointless of things, "My god, somebody disagreed with me on the Internet, my day is ruined", and I just think that I've seen people dead on the street and my day did not get ruined, sure I lost my appetite for a bit but whatever, just another murder, happens all the time everywhere, which actually does sound like the kind of realization that could ruin your day, but anyway people are silly.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    We live in a world that's slowly being destroyed by climate change. Where ISIS militants posts pictures of their kids holding severed hea

  • XD why would they show their rivals there weapons and how they would attack them awesome video :)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    China just released a propaganda video about how they'd attack American/Japanese/Filipino held islands in the South China Sea. It's a prett

  • XD They actually were The last one always gets to me.

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    In Ireland there is over a thousand for woman and only 3 for men

    What is your opinion on Female domestic abuse?

  • enter link description here

    Just insane to me there were killers and serial killers before video games in fact a lot more and even worse so even thinking this is just crazy to me


    Does video game create killers?

  • I seen that film years ago one of the funniest films ever

    enter image description here

    I love this film

    enter link description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.....Today: Hot Shots! and a scene of the day enter link description here

  • Amen.

    What's your opinion on fat shaming? I don't think saying hurtful words to fat people just to make them lose weight is the right way.

  • À la North Korea, only they use shitty videos instead.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD why would they show their rivals there weapons and how they would attack them awesome video

  • idk there last two propaganda videos seemed pretty legit

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    À la North Korea, only they use shitty videos instead.

  • Let us look back on history. We shall find that every type of new art medium is criticised and blamed upon as being the cause of this or that problem during its infancy. Clear examples lay with radio, film, graphic novels and, of course, video games

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Just insane to me there were killers and serial killers before video games in fact a lot more and even worse so even thinking this is just crazy to me anyway Does video game create killers?

  • Our Dear Leader/ Supreme Leader/ Marshal/ Ever Victorious, Iron-Willed Commander/ Jesus/ King/ God/ Batman/ Holy Spirit/ Führer is ammused.

    enter image description here

    Also all of those titles up untill I said Jesus are actual titles that he holds.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    idk there last two propaganda videos seemed pretty legit enter link description here enter link description here

  • edited September 2015


    looks up Kim Jong batman

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I don't believe it, it's actually legit it's so obvious now Kim Jong Un is the protector we deserve :'D

    Our Dear Leader/ Supreme Leader/ Marshal/ Ever Victorious, Iron-Willed Commander/ Jesus/ King/ God/ Batman/ Holy Spirit/ Führer is ammused. Also all of those titles up untill I said Jesus are actual titles that he holds.

  • It's just as bad as male domestic violence. But it's severely underreported and therefore my there's nowhere near the same amount of resources availible to men.

    Markd4547 posted: » In Ireland there is over a thousand for woman and only 3 for men What is your opinion on Female domestic abuse?

  • No. It creates lawyers who use it as a convenient scapegoat, to deflect blame from their client.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Just insane to me there were killers and serial killers before video games in fact a lot more and even worse so even thinking this is just crazy to me anyway Does video game create killers?

  • He is the protector the world deserves AND the one it needs right now, so we'll hail him. Because he is an omnipresent being, an ever-watchful protector from western agressors: Our Dear Leader.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD BATMAN looks up Kim Jong batman I don't believe it, it's actually legit it's so obvious now Kim Jong Un is the protector we deserve :'D

  • edited September 2015

    At the end of last month, Team Fortress issue 5 was released on the Team Fortress 2 website. The issue before that released alllllll the waaaayyy back in October, 2014. Was it not meant to be a ROUGHLY bi-monthly release?

    "Valve time! Now applicable to comics!"

  • Fat shaming is stupid. It doesn't make them lose weight, it only makes them depressed. And what do people do when they're depressed? I guarantee you they don't eat a salad and go to the gym. The best way to get people to lose weight is to support them, not be a douche to them.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Today's issue it caught my attention so I looked up the video this was response to below enter link description here Response to video enter link description here What's your opinion on fat shaming?

  • It should be treated the same as domestic violence against women. Shame it isn't.

    Markd4547 posted: » In Ireland there is over a thousand for woman and only 3 for men What is your opinion on Female domestic abuse?

  • enter image description here

    Our Dear Leader/ Supreme Leader/ Marshal/ Ever Victorious, Iron-Willed Commander/ Jesus/ King/ God/ Batman/ Holy Spirit/ Führer is ammused. Also all of those titles up untill I said Jesus are actual titles that he holds.

  • By our Eternal President, Kim Il-Sung's watchful gaze! The Marshal has graced us with his magnificence and perfection.

  • You would be right, except for the fact that Nicole is known for reacting badly to criticism. Especially regarding her "Dear Instagram Models" video, she blocked anyone who thought differently and had the audacity to speak out about it. You can tell she had no desire for constructive criticism since she disabled comments and ratings on her video. I wouldn't normally give her a hard time for "making a mistake" (which doesn't seem all that much of a mistake in my opinion, but a dumb decision), BUT she has proven time and time again that she is not interested in hearing other people's opinions.

    People make mistakes, sure. But she should know better. Do I believe she should be hated continuously? Of course not, no one does. But she should understand that the Internet is not a very reliable place to express your opinions - that's fact, I'm sorry. You simply can not expect to say things like this, pull it off as humour, and expect there to be no repercussions and for other people to not counter you. Because that's dumb.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    People need to understand that there is a fine line between humour and bullying. If your jokes are directed toward a group of people in a ha

  • sees Hot Shots

    Hello one of my favourite films from teenhood. :3

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.....Today: Hot Shots! and a scene of the day enter link description here

  • edited September 2015

    People make mistakes, sure. But she should know better. Do I believe she should be hated continuously? Of course not, no one does

    You basically repeated what I said as your opinion then called mine dumb XD

    enter image description here

    I don't care how she reacts to criticism or anyone I'm against death threats and constantly bullying I said she should get repressions and constructive responses but not doxes, her family getting intimidated and death threats

    If you think that's dumb to be against I'm sorry its what I believe no one deserves death threats or doxes over an dumb opinion by doing so your just as bad or worse as the person you have a problem with imo if your feel that's dumb I'm afraid that's your business not mine I respect your opinion tho

    You would be right, except for the fact that Nicole is known for reacting badly to criticism. Especially regarding her "Dear Instagram Model

  • No it doesn't. While games certainly can teach people things, it all comes down to the person's mentality. The person who killed three people had sociopathic behaviors, and the blame goes directly to that person. Something similar to this happened a long time ago, and it makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.


    Two girls ended up trying to kill a friend over some creepypasta (which has it own games now). The source material is not at fault but the persons' actions. I mean trying to kill your own best friend is unspeakable. Even more so over something that is clearly FAKE. Luckily the victim is recovering but the event certainly left a few deep scars in her.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Just insane to me there were killers and serial killers before video games in fact a lot more and even worse so even thinking this is just crazy to me anyway Does video game create killers?

  • If you think that's dumb to be against I'm sorry

    Um... if you read what I said at ALL, you would realize I never said that.

    I'm not quite sure why you're being so aggressive with me when my comments are practically the same as others you claimed were intelligent.

    You need to, first of all, relax and realize I am simply expressing my opinion. There is no need to be upset. Second, realize that I never said death threats or bullying was the right thing to do. I seriously don't know how you got anywhere CLOSE to the idea I said that. So... stop now.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    People make mistakes, sure. But she should know better. Do I believe she should be hated continuously? Of course not, no one does Yo

  • edited September 2015

    calls my comment dumb

    I respect your opinion tho

    I said I respect your opinion at the end of mine your the one who mocked my opinion calling it dumb I never said anything bad about your opinion so saying I'm the one acting aggressive is funny and ironic XD

    We both already said our opinions on the matter there is no correct answer here just opinion based so just end it here

    Anyway this is just silly now

    enter image description here

    Thank you for your response and the points you made

    If you think that's dumb to be against I'm sorry Um... if you read what I said at ALL, you would realize I never said that. I'm n

  • your the one who mocked my opinion calling it dumb

    Again, never did that. I said that expecting people not to give their two cents after making insulting jokes was dumb, not that it was dumb to be against bullying, as I even said I was, too.

    saying I'm the one acting aggressive is funny and ironic

    If you say so, Mark.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    calls my comment dumb I respect your opinion tho I said I respect your opinion at the end of mine your the one who mocked my

  • Can you guys stop trying to start fights with Mark everytime you come here?

    your the one who mocked my opinion calling it dumb Again, never did that. I said that expecting people not to give their two cents a

  • edited September 2015

    Every time I come here? What?

    What do you even mean by "you guys"? He replied to me, and I answered. What was I supposed to do, not reply in a discussion that called for my opinion?

    papai46 posted: »

    Can you guys stop trying to start fights with Mark everytime you come here?

  • wait what

    70% of abuse is initiated by women what

    Markd4547 posted: » In Ireland there is over a thousand for woman and only 3 for men What is your opinion on Female domestic abuse?

  • Scratch that then, what i was trying to say is to not start arguments with him everytime you talk to him.

    Every time I come here? What? What do you even mean by "you guys"? He replied to me, and I answered. What was I supposed to do, not reply in a discussion that called for my opinion?

  • I wasn't, Papai. At least I wasn't trying to start an argument. I won't apologize for answering something he said to me and I think I was being pretty civil.

    papai46 posted: »

    Scratch that then, what i was trying to say is to not start arguments with him everytime you talk to him.

  • You're right, i misunderstood the situation, sorry.

    I wasn't, Papai. At least I wasn't trying to start an argument. I won't apologize for answering something he said to me and I think I was being pretty civil.

  • Bruh, post a link to it, i wanna see the world burn., I think I just inadvertently started war between the Rhysha and Rhyiona users on the Tales from the Borderlands forums. How has the day been for the rest of you guys?

  • Just disturbing to know this happened I'm speechless wtf

    No it doesn't. While games certainly can teach people things, it all comes down to the person's mentality. The person who killed three peopl

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