Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • I'm an advocate for peace! Trust me! If peace were personified I'd gladly french-fuck it!

    But, for real tho, they have every right to come here and comment as we do and comment on their thread. And these 'complaints' aren't as nowhere bad as the drama stirred up on the Rhyiona thread time from time. If anything, they're inviting you to talk about someone else's choices.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Do you guys see this cookie? It is a peace cookie. Rhyiona shall go back to their thread, with their forced complaints. It is raising an

  • It is sturring up a few members though, and to be fair I do not want to see the thread get shut down :l

    I'm an advocate for peace! Trust me! If peace were personified I'd gladly french-fuck it! But, for real tho, they have every right to c

  • edited September 2015

    Definitely seeing people stirred up, but it'd be a bit much for the thread to be closed over disgruntled shippers, so no worries!

    It's not like anything here is personal/intentionally anyway.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    It is sturring up a few members though, and to be fair I do not want to see the thread get shut down :l

  • edited September 2015

    I apologize for being rude, and making you frustrated, that wasn't my intent. And we (or at least I) try to be as friendly as possible, but let's not forget you weren't very friendly when we first spoke either :/. Going around and rubbing into our faces that your ship is canon and ours isn't, definitely isn't a very good way to be friendly with us. Anyway again I'm sorry for escalating things and arguing with you. Hopefully we can get off on the right foot next time :p

    Fuck. These Rhyionas have pissed me off too much. I couldn't even post one thing without them coming out the woodwork with their half-assed arguments. I know this is generalizing, but "friendly community" my sweet patootie. XD

  • I don't accept your apology.

    And you should learn the difference between things being done in jest and things being done with the intent to get a rise out of someone. Seriously. :/

    Green613 posted: »

    I apologize for being rude, and making you frustrated, that wasn't my intent. And we (or at least I) try to be as friendly as possible, but

  • I don't do things to rile people up, anyone who knows me knows that's 100% true. And if you don't accept my apology, fine, that's your choice. Not going to hold you against it, but I don't think you're really in the right to be acting like I owe you an apology any more than you owe me and the people of my thread.

    I don't accept your apology. And you should learn the difference between things being done in jest and things being done with the intent to get a rise out of someone. Seriously.

  • Okee. Puts on no worry glasses

    Definitely seeing people stirred up, but it'd be a bit much for the thread to be closed over disgruntled shippers, so no worries! It's not like anything here is personal/intentionally anyway.

  • edited September 2015

    Okay, well in the midst of all this I'd like to add that I don't get why the swapped quick-change dialogue is such a big deal. Nothing in it is inherently shippy (except the silent option when Rhys winks at Sasha, which obviously isn't in the audio files). It's a nice moment between friends, which despite my not shipping Rhyiona, is what I think Rhys and Fiona should be and should have more moments like this to build a friendship.

    If it was originally meant to be between Fiona and Rhys, okay, I see that as an opportunity to build a stronger friendship between them. Same for Rhys and Sasha. Even in my playthrough I wasn't feeling any sort of romantic undertones there. I think they switched it out for two reasons:

    • Given the intro scene, and the many "forced" complaints, it was switched for Sasha to continue to build a more believable relationship and create a smoother transition to the intro
    • Sasha doesn't appear in the episode as much as Fiona does, overall. Also, Fiona and Rhys interact a lot more than Sasha and Rhys in the rest of the episode. Swapping Fiona for Sasha could have been meant to give Sasha a more even balance of screentime. I think this might be the biggest reason.

    I don't at all think it was meant to be a ship tease for Rhyiona. Not that I'm hating on it or whatever, I just think there's too much being read into this that's creating a lot of unecessary emotions for everyone right now.

  • enter image description here

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Okay, well in the midst of all this I'd like to add that I don't get why the swapped quick-change dialogue is such a big deal. Nothing in it

  • Heyyy that's not nice. Green rarely apologizes, you should feel honored tbh :l

    I don't accept your apology. And you should learn the difference between things being done in jest and things being done with the intent to get a rise out of someone. Seriously.

  • edited September 2015

    I would have accepted it if he didn't add that part about me not being nice. I've only brought up the non-canon thing as a joke. Not really my fault he took it seriously.

    Edit: 100th comment. Yay.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Heyyy that's not nice. Green rarely apologizes, you should feel honored tbh :l

  • me too, Rhys' game is goals tbh.

    I wish we had more chances to be this smooth n' flirty.

  • Their faces look a little weird, but it's nice nonetheless.

    enter image description here

    Author: Couldn't really find it. :(

  • Dang it man, now I need to go out and get some cookies :\

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Do you guys see this cookie? It is a peace cookie. Rhyiona shall go back to their thread, with their forced complaints. It is raising an

  • Aw this is nice, wish I had the skill to draw, but sadly I can only draw little stick figures lol. :(

    Their faces look a little weird, but it's nice nonetheless. Author: Couldn't really find it.

  • edited September 2015

    Long live Rhysha

  • Alriiight guys. I stayed up till almost midnight. I pushed myself to get Chapter 2 out. So heeere it is! :D

    Recovery-Chapter 2 | Light In the Darkness

    (Pray for me, I have school tomorrow ._.) Night fellow Rhyshans

  • This has been great so far, gonna start reading right away. Good luck in school. :D

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Alriiight guys. I stayed up till almost midnight. I pushed myself to get Chapter 2 out. So heeere it is! Recovery-Chapter 2 | Light In the Darkness (Pray for me, I have school tomorrow ._.) Night fellow Rhyshans

  • edited September 2015

    No offense to you, good sir, but I don't think joking about a subject well known to be very sensetive within that community is a good excuse. Green did try to apologize and I think it's rational to accept both sides weren't being the friendliest rather than rejecting the apology and claiming that they were in the wrong for reacting badly to a joke.
    However, I have no idea what the specifics of this interaction are, so... bleh.

    Again, no offense, those are just my two cents. Now, I bid you adieu.
    Makes farting noises with my mouth and retreats into the shadows

    I would have accepted it if he didn't add that part about me not being nice. I've only brought up the non-canon thing as a joke. Not really my fault he took it seriously. Edit: 100th comment. Yay.

  • However, I have no idea what the specifics of this interaction are

    Going on a spiel about something you admittedly know jack about... Yeah, sure.

    The dude gave no indication than he took it as anything other than a joke. For him to bring that crap up now is just ridiculous, especially when you consider the fact that no one in that thread reacted negatively to the banter that he himself took part of.

    So, yeah... Less jumping into conclusions and more informing ourselves, darling.

    No offense to you, good sir, but I don't think joking about a subject well known to be very sensetive within that community is a good excuse

  • That's your problem, Green. You are playing Telltale Games and still expect choices which actually matter. Let it go, man. Just let it go.

    You will have to accept that Telltale games are always a story that is predestined to end in a certain way. Some elements of your journey may change, but the end will ultimately always be the same.

    First exception was TWD S2...and in return, the next season will take aeons to come out.

    Green613 posted: »

    Can't they just give me a choice .-. That's all I'm sad about V-V

  • To be fair, as an author, I do the same. Readers keep begging me to write my story in certain ways to ensure happy endings or certain ships and I am all like "Nope, I am doing this the way I wanted this to go. Don't like it? Do your own story."

    So, if I was the guy in charge of the story, I, too, wouldn't let myself be influenced by the fanbase, no matter how much they cry and beg for it. Especially if they feel they are entitled to it.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    They swapped it cuz they dont like us very much I guess ;-;

  • edited September 2015

    Maybe it IS, indeed, needed? Maybe Telltale knows the story of BL3 and in it, those two are already a pair, so there is no other way?

    Though even if not, you are acting as if this was the first fandom giving you canon ships you didn't want. Watch any other show, play any other game and read any other book. In every one of them your are forced to swallow the bitter pill and accept teh canon pairing the author provided you with, even if you liked another ship more. It's been like this forever. You will have to be lucky and like the canon pairing, or you l don't and lose out.

    I am in you guys' position most of the time. I find "bestgirl" in anime/manga/game/ect and have to realize halfway that "bestgirl" either dies, isn't interested, or gets dumped in favor of "canon girl". And you know what? It's actually even worse if there was actually an implied choice. 'cause then MC will actually get the option to be with "bestgirl" but blatantly chooses "canon girl" instead anyway. So many times my heart broke because of this, man. It's like calling out your fans on purpose only to kick them in the balls, then uppercut them heavily in their stomach while they fall over, knocking out every bit of air out of their lungs, followed by kicking out their teeth with a nice roundhouse kick, letting them cough and choke in the puddle of mud they landed in. Then it starts raining and the author turn around and leaves you behind with a snarky smirk. Fatality.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Thats not what I meant. its not like Rhys and Sasha NEED to be together for the story to progress. It doesnt. So why do they make the game about choices that way?

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited September 2015

    ignore this

  • Little something to calm everyone down

    enter image description here


  • Agreed.

    Also you can choose Pandoran outfit for Fiona, so the dialogue wouldn't make sense if she had that. I'm aware that you don't have to buy anything for Sasha, but it's heavily implied that you should (whereas for Fiona he says she might fit in).

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Okay, well in the midst of all this I'd like to add that I don't get why the swapped quick-change dialogue is such a big deal. Nothing in it

  • We need to talk.

    enter image description here

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    About the project : @GrumpyDof – himself: I'm on it, yay ! @Pipas – Wheatley: You're on it, yay ! @CraazyCake – herself: You're on

  • I didn't see that.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    ignore this

  • for some reason got a double post. just look on my post below

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I didn't see that.

  • edited September 2015

    I saw what you posted earlier. You're just a pervert. you should be ashamed of yourself !

    Leluch123 posted: »

    for some reason got a double post. just look on my post below

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited September 2015

    So I'm a pervert for posting you on the site? I didn't know you from that side Grumpy.

    edit: yeah you wrote was previously xD and you HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING!!!

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I saw what you posted earlier. You're just a pervert. you should be ashamed of yourself !

  • Leluch-san. That pic you posted deliciously lewd. You are even more perverted than I am.

    enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    So I'm a pervert for posting you on the site? I didn't know you from that side Grumpy. edit: yeah you wrote was previously xD and you HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING!!!

  • I dunno wot to thank yee for first o_o

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    This has been great so far, gonna start reading right away. Good luck in school.

  • You're delusional.

    Leluch-san. That pic you posted deliciously lewd. You are even more perverted than I am.

  • Am I? Or are you just in denial? :D

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You're delusional.


    ZapThroat posted: »

    No,it’s knowledge past our ability of handling it,only EP5 will make us prepare for such wisdom. In other words:3spoil5me M8 XD

  • edited September 2015

    Woah, no need to get all aggressive (not the word I was looking for, but close enough) on me.
    All I was saying was acting superior in a confrontation, regardless of where you stand or whether you are in the right or wrong, is only going to piss people off. I don't need to know the specifics to know that being rude to someone, even if they were rude to you, is not the sensible thing to do.

    I'm not jumping to conclusions either. I have no illusions that your irritation at Green and that Rhyionans is unfounded. But even if they started it, fanned the flames and ended it all on their own, acting the superior isn't appropriate.

    Also in future, if people grossly misinterpret your well intended jokes or poke in the ribs and start going wild, just apologise for the miscommunication and reassure them that you didn't mean anything rude or offensive by it. Even if you feel justified or vindicated and they still pester you, be the bigger person and keep your cool, be polite and accept that people get like that and it's all our responsibilities to keep the peace around here.

    And yes, it's not your fault someone/people took your joke seriously. It's no one's fault. It's easy to misinterpret the intention of a comment and become offended.
    I understand if you don't agree with me, but at least refrain from arguing with people or continuing to spite anyone. The sensible thing to do is to just accept people get angry and try to keep the peace, even if you yourself feel attacked or offended.

    I'm sorry to sound like I'm lecturing you. It's just that keeping things cool between forum members here is pretty important.

    EDIT: Oh, is this about the thing above in this thread? Because if it is, then I do know the specifics and did all the informing required! If not then, I guess this edit was useless :(
    I was initially under the impression this was about something other than that, which is why I claimed that I didn't know the specifics.

    However, I have no idea what the specifics of this interaction are Going on a spiel about something you admittedly know jack about..

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Alriiight guys. I stayed up till almost midnight. I pushed myself to get Chapter 2 out. So heeere it is! Recovery-Chapter 2 | Light In the Darkness (Pray for me, I have school tomorrow ._.) Night fellow Rhyshans

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