Why No Nudity In TTGoT?



  • edited September 2015

    Yeah, but that's the point. GoT shows the harshness of warfare. This happens even today in modern wars. Its unflinching relentlessness is what makes it so good. It's supposed to make you feel that way because that's what it's trying to point out. We might want to shy away from it, but that's what we've done then and what we do now when confronted by it. It's about time a show has the guts to provide this, to show how brutal a human can be instead of shying away from it because no one wants to see it. You may think I'm perverted or even psychopathic for liking the fact that it shows nudity and rape. It shows what the true face of warfare is. And it doesn't embellish it more than it does show how evil it is.

    The fact that everyone here is getting that reaction means that it accomplished what it set out to do. It truly shows what a human can be capable of.

    Kateis posted: »

    I don't understand all this hate for the nudity on the show. Nudity is natural and real Some people don't like nudity but if they wa

  • Repulsed by nudity? Do these people that are repulsed by nudity never look in the mirror naked or take a fucking shower? Nudity is natural. Are these same people repulsed by a fucking water fall cause those are natural too?

    Kateis posted: »

    I don't understand all this hate for the nudity on the show. Nudity is natural and real Some people don't like nudity but if they wa

  • Why was there a shit storm? it was a fucking strip club what did people expect? Also the game is rated M it even warns you that there is nudity in the game. Also it was just her breasts showing, she wasn't giving a guy a blow job or any sexual act?

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Maybe because when we saw boobs in TWAU there was a little shitstorm?

  • I'm repulsed by nudity... I hate every second I'm naked, I never look at myself, I really hate it. :/

    soysauce posted: »

    Repulsed by nudity? Do these people that are repulsed by nudity never look in the mirror naked or take a fucking shower? Nudity is natural. Are these same people repulsed by a fucking water fall cause those are natural too?

  • And I wouldn't pay to see fake water color painting tits.



    soysauce posted: »

    Fuck you. If I wanted to see tits I wouldn't pay $4.99 per episode to do it. And I wouldn't pay to see fake water color painting tits.

  • Wait, what?! O.O

    And I wouldn't pay to see fake water color painting tits. HEY DONT U DARE INSULT MAH ARTISTIC HIPSTER PORN

  • Ha. Sorry.

    And I wouldn't pay to see fake water color painting tits. HEY DONT U DARE INSULT MAH ARTISTIC HIPSTER PORN

  • k

    Kateis posted: »

    I'm repulsed by nudity... I hate every second I'm naked, I never look at myself, I really hate it.

  • edited September 2015

    I have no problem with it, as long as it makes sense in the context and it is not there just to waste a few minutes of an already short episode.For example, it would have made sense for Eleana's bare chest to appear and for her to cover it quickly when the door opens, and it wouldn't waste our time because it would be pretty much the same scene. Now, Mira walks into Sera and Tarwick just so we can see them naked: That would be a waste of time on a POV that was already neglected.

    Because of the multiple POVs, we have around 30 minutes of screen time for each of the main characters (more for some, less for others). I don't want they to add any scene that is not strictly necessary.

  • Sorry, Kateis. I respect your opinion and I apologise, for my rudeness.

    soysauce posted: »


  • Yeah that makes sense. Not that we had to see Eleana's breasts, but I wouldn't be sending hate mail to TT saying that it was the worst thing ever.

    Abeille posted: »

    I have no problem with it, as long as it makes sense in the context and it is not there just to waste a few minutes of an already short epis

  • He's a great father.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    He's a terrible father.

  • No, she wasn't. And i know all of that, i didn't understand their outrage too. Just sayin how it was.

    soysauce posted: »

    Why was there a shit storm? it was a fucking strip club what did people expect? Also the game is rated M it even warns you that there is nudity in the game. Also it was just her breasts showing, she wasn't giving a guy a blow job or any sexual act?

  • Sorry for being so vulgar, I didn't mean to offend any body.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    No, she wasn't. And i know all of that, i didn't understand their outrage too. Just sayin how it was.

  • It's alright. :)

    soysauce posted: »

    Sorry, Kateis. I respect your opinion and I apologise, for my rudeness.

  • Thanks.

    Kateis posted: »

    It's alright.

  • Because it wasn't necessary to include in the writing process. Probably.

  • On Daenery's battle map of Mereen, there's actually a decoration of a harpy who has exposed breasts.

  • Oh my god. Statue titties

    On Daenery's battle map of Mereen, there's actually a decoration of a harpy who has exposed breasts.

  • 8/8 would bang.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Oh my god. Statue titties

  • Yea, I hate this hypocrite.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    He's a terrible father.

  • edited September 2015

    And even sexual act would be totally all right in game which is for adults only and I don't think that mature content should be toned down in games, just because some people complain. There are plenty of other games for children and sensitive people. I have somewhat relaxed attitude when it comes to sex and nudity. While I think that nude scene should usually serve some purpose in drama, I actually have more issues with censorship and uptightness than I have with "unnecessary" sex scenes.

    Actually biggest problem with sex scenes in games isn't the polygon boobs, but the fact that most games make sex scenes really awkward. Let's take Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy as an example. That game has several sex scenes (it even has interactive QTE sex scene) and plenty of nudity. However those sex scenes aren't erotic in a slightest way, but instead those are so awkward that it's actually hilarious. When TTG announced Game of Thrones I was thinking that maybe we will finally see a graphic sex scene in game which isn't awkward.

    soysauce posted: »

    Why was there a shit storm? it was a fucking strip club what did people expect? Also the game is rated M it even warns you that there is nudity in the game. Also it was just her breasts showing, she wasn't giving a guy a blow job or any sexual act?

  • With a terrible laptop.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    He's a great father.

  • Yeah, games have never been very good a portraying sex, it's always so awkwardly animated, like in Ride to hell retribution ( one of the worst games ever), or heavy rain. Even Mass Effect portrayed sex very awkwardly.

    And even sexual act would be totally all right in game which is for adults only and I don't think that mature content should be toned down i

  • I guess Telltale's not a fan of sexposition.

  • I guess it's because they wanted to keep the Mature 17+ rating so it can be accessible to a wider audience.

  • I think it should be pretty obvious.......We haven't seen one prostitute or visited one brothel. Simple as that.

  • enter image description here

    soysauce posted: »

    My least favorite parts of the show are the nudity\sex stuff. I watch the show for the characters and the situations they are thrust into and then have to get out of.

  • edited September 2015

    What I meant was that the game is great because it implies the scene without overly getting into explicit stuff. The series .... Not so good handling the such scenes :/

    Actually, I love this game because there isn't some unnecessary nudity and sex scene. It is subtle and implied. And the Rodrik and Eleana scene was cute and romantic because of that.

  • That's like the producers of the show going. Lets turn all these consensual sex scenes in the book into rape scenes....oh wait....they already did.

  • I think it's just the way TT makes their games. Even if they work with people like HBO, they still have to follow the guidelines they've always done.

  • We all wanna see some Gwyn booty :P

  • enter image description here

    With the wolf of Among us, I think it was include because part of the story, its the location: the stripe club, it kinda of make sense. With game of thrones, while the show goes there it doesn't seem to make sense a fully nude characters would show up because its not part of the story, if they did they would distract the player. Just out of curiosity if nudity was part of the series what character/s did you want to show up nude?

    Ramsey Bolton?

  • My crush.

    enter image description here

    And yes I do expect him to break my heart.

    With the wolf of Among us, I think it was include because part of the story, its the location: the stripe club, it kinda of make sense. With

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description herefair enough who is again? I haven't kept up with that series, I do plan to play it myself when all the episodes are out. I admit I would love to see Asher what would like. omg....he is good looking

    Abeille posted: »

    My crush. And yes I do expect him to break my heart.

  • You can show nudity in M rated games though, Dante's Inferno, GTA IV, The Saboteur and even Telltale's The Wolf Among Us had nudity and were M rated.

    JetLee posted: »

    I guess it's because they wanted to keep the Mature 17+ rating so it can be accessible to a wider audience.

  • There are never enough tits for some guys :P

    soysauce posted: »

    Fuck you. If I wanted to see tits I wouldn't pay $4.99 per episode to do it. And I wouldn't pay to see fake water color painting tits.

  • Oh yes Asher too!

    That's Lord Rickard Morgryn. He is a recurring character on Mira's story line.

    fair enough who is again? I haven't kept up with that series, I do plan to play it myself when all the episodes are out. I admit I would love to see Asher what would like. omg....he is good looking

  • edited September 2015

    People in this thread defending the lack of nudity are wrong. The game is made for fans of the show, so it should be like the show. There were tons of opportunities to have nudity, and they avoided them all for no good reason. It would have been so easy to just make random scenes take place in a brothel. They're everywhere in this universe. Open Episode 2 with Asher in a brothel, have Tyrion conduct his deal in a brothel or something. For God's sake, Rodrik and Elaena had sex, but you don't show any of it. With another franchise, you could argue that nudity was unnecessary, but the Game of Thrones show is swimming in nudity. Fables, on the other hand, had little to no nudity, yet they still put some in the Wolf Among Us. So yeah, nudity should be in this game.

    The only reason I can think of to exclude it is a technical one. Maybe Telltale couldn't make boobs look realistic and/or appealing in this art-style. Which isn't really a good reason, but it at least makes sense to me. From a creative perspective, nudity should be in this game.


    Also, there are brothels everywhere in the GoT universe. Episode 2 opens with Asher in some random rundown building. Why not make it a brothel instead? You could probably argue that it would be better for character development. I still don't have a handle on Beskha. Is she sexual? Does she like men? Is she in love with Asher? All this could have been very easily established by setting it in a brothel. Show Asher waking up next to some naked girl, then show Beskha's reaction.

    With the wolf of Among us, I think it was include because part of the story, its the location: the stripe club, it kinda of make sense. With

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