So what went wrong with the 5th episode?

I've started playing the game in august and I've read that people were really mad over episode 5 back when it was released.

So what went wrong with it?

In my opinion, episode 5 was good and interesting as the other ones. The ending was sad but shit like that always happens in the GoT universe.


  • edited September 2015

    Depending on the way you played the game, the traitor reveal was full of plot holes. Canon characters had too much influence on the plot. Gared and Mira's storylines were neglected. Finn was killed in a moronic way. Gared made no progress on his quest to find the North Grove. Gryff has magic healing powers. Mira was holding the Idiot Ball while talking to Tyrion. Rodrik dived head-first in what he knew was an ambush.

    That's the TL;DR version of it. There are many threads that explain it thoroughly.

    Oh, and just to make it clear, I see that some people that defend episode 5 think that the problem with it was the final choice. Having to pick one brother to die is not one of the things that made the episode bad.

  • I'm sure you can tell by the dozens of threads saying what was wrong with it and It's already been summed up. Go look on threads such as "Worst Episode and Why" and "Telltale's Worst Decision (Episode 5)" to get a better in depth idea about people's grievances with the episode. Threads like these just cause more drama, more fighting and more bullshit

  • I don't get why people slag off Episode 5, I felt that was the best episode of the series!

  • The traitor scene and the lack of development in Mira/Gared's scenes were the main reasons, I believe. The episode was short too.

    It was a good episode overall, in my opinion. I just try to forget how Telltale handled that traitor scene. Despite that, I enjoyed it, and unlike most people here I loved the final choice, I'm really excited too see how they are going to handle a determinant protagonist, cause that's something completely new in a TT game.

  • edited September 2015

    The most obvious problem was the traitor reveal, and OMG I cannot understand the motives behind it at all, it was so half-assed and obvious in the worst way, BUT I played with Duncan as my Sentinel, so maybe him being the traitor would make more sense....wait no it wouldn't! Okay moving on past that...OH Daenerys was so out of character it made me sick, I mean she broke her promise to Asher, and remember in the show when she said "How can the people trust a queen who can't keep her promises" Moving on, Asher was supposed to bring back an ARMY, instead he brings like 6 pit fighters, THATS IT, and the final moments in this episode felt so rushed it takes the momentum away, when Asher is reunited with Rodrik, it's like they have never been apart for years, so many emotions were lacking in that moment, and of course they get screwed over and ambushed, again, very rushed, did I mention how terrible the animations look? Okay that final moment was intense, but again it was rushed, so I think I've covered all the negatives, oh Miras story arc was shit and Gared's was pretty much nonexistent

  • According to the forum?

    enter image description here

  • I'm still betting on Finn having screen time in Episode 6 as a White Walker.

    Abeille posted: »

    Depending on the way you played the game, the traitor reveal was full of plot holes. Canon characters had too much influence on the plot. Ga

  • I'm expecting him to come back as a wight since we were not given the option to burn his body. It wouldn't take so long, the other wights burned very quickly.

    I'm still betting on Finn having screen time in Episode 6 as a White Walker.

  • And this might add extra time to say goodbye to Finn that we weren't given in Episode 5. If this happens, his death will have a bit more meaning.

    Abeille posted: »

    I'm expecting him to come back as a wight since we were not given the option to burn his body. It wouldn't take so long, the other wights burned very quickly.

  • Yeah. When Finn died I was upset, but I thought his death was too quick. TT always does this with there determinate characters. Although Finn was a bit different he did have important things to say in episode four when you talk to him, and he said some stuff in E5. And I think he for sure is going to be a white, he's probably going to kill Cotter I think. That would be so cool, if that choice to keep him along or leave him at castle black actually changed the story by having him turn into a white and kill Cotter if you brought him along.

    And this might add extra time to say goodbye to Finn that we weren't given in Episode 5. If this happens, his death will have a bit more meaning.

  • I agree with ironr4th is was one of the best episodes.

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    I don't get why people slag off Episode 5, I felt that was the best episode of the series!

  • The neglect of Gared. Mira being set up from the Start on her plot. The Traitor will always be who you didn't pick as Sentinel( I tested it by selecting Duncan but siding with Royland all the way but Royland was the traitor), Daenerys technically didn't break her promise, she said she'll consider it and then said "do as Croft commands exactly and I'll see that you're rewarded refuse to follow and you will get nothing." But Gryff having healing powers and the final choice really set the episode on a not so great path but it's the Penultimate curse( the one before the final isn't that good) and Episode 6 will make up for it.

  • Well. If you Delete every Mira and Gared scene in Episode 5, you wont miss anything story wise. You could make a 20-30min. Long cutscene with those scenes: 1. Ashers Pitfighter scene. 2. Traitor scene. 3. ending. And with this, you wont miss anything important.

  • the Penultimate curse

    There really is no such thing. I mean episode 4 of TFTB was as well received as the other episodes in its series.

  • It's not one of the best, but it was still pretty good.

    soysauce posted: »

    I agree with ironr4th is was one of the best episodes.

  • edited September 2015

    You summarized the biggest problems very well. I liked it the episode, at least at first, to the extent I defended it on this forum, but a number of things people have pointed out are really starting to bother me.

    Specifically, out of the ones you brought up that feature all of my major concerns (and some that don't bug me)

    "Depending on the way you played the game, the traitor reveal was full of plot holes." - This didn't happen to me, but why couldn't they have made the traitor based off your first few decisions? A 2/3 check concerning the Sentinel, plans with Ryon, and whether or not you side with Gryff, where the traitor is chosen based on who you sided with more. This would have fixed a lot of things and has been done in many other choice-dependent games before, to the extent that it's a little mind boggling they didn't do this. OR, they could have given more hints, however subtle, leading up to the reveal. That other option is particularly well suited to GAME OF THRONES. Sigh...

    "Canon characters had too much influence on the plot." - Eh, yes, they should have opted for a more TWD style cameos, but having access to voice actors like Peter Dinklage and not using them would have been even more of a crime. The whole plot armor business has never bothered me. It's the equivalent of meta-gaming, letting outside information ruin the role playing experience.

    "Gared and Mira's storylines were neglected." "Gared made no progress on his quest to find the North Grove." - Again, these are common complaints (essentially the same though) but don't bother me. It's necessary in multiple perspective narratives and the show (as well as the books) get away with it all the time.

    "Finn was killed in a moronic way." - Yep. This ticks me off to no end. If they keep pulling this with determinant characters than they need to stop making them determinant or they, and decisions associated with them, are worthless. I'm not saying they should be immortal either, but they should have some significance on the story or there's no point. Everything to do with Finn doesn't really matter anymore. He has such a small impact on the story or the journey if you keep him.

    "Gryff has magic healing powers." - I understand this was a bug, but an inexcusable one in any case. There is no way this isn't just embarrassing for Telltale. Or at least it should be. This is especially the fault of QA.

    "Mira was holding the Idiot Ball while talking to Tyrion." - Yeah, no kidding. She could, and should have been able to subtlety warn Tyrion but I guess that idiot ball was too heavy. With idiocy.

    "Rodrik dived head-first in what he knew was an ambush." - That he did, which made the whole thing perplexing. How good would it have been if sparing the traitor meant you could keep both brothers?

    Abeille posted: »

    Depending on the way you played the game, the traitor reveal was full of plot holes. Canon characters had too much influence on the plot. Ga

  • Telltale should be full of brand new writers considering the huge wave of George R.R. Martin's on the forum!

  • To me the most ridiculous thing in the episode was that asher and rodrick fight the same way in the end. Asher suposed be such a great , angry warrior and yet he fight the same way criple rodrick does ? I know he was shot in the leg but still he should be like berserker and at least kill gryff.

  • There are plenty of threads that have gone into detail about it :D I think we would just be repeating what has already been said. But in short.

    • Traitor determiant by one choice Ethan makes.
    • Ramsay plot armour
    • Gared scenes was filler, his plot didn't really advance.
    • Some lazy animation with Rodrik and Asher fighting the same, the whole Gryff eye thing.

    There is plenty of other stuff. I think it's a pretty bad episode, but the others are good!

  • It wasn't that bad IMO but it has some flaws and these are:

    • Gryff's eye was glitched and it's alright if you destroy it or not.
    • The worst major choice of all times: Stabbing Ramsay or not.
    • The whole traitor thing.
  • They can't possibly show all of the Pitfighters on screen, he probably had about twenty or thirty in total to be honest. There's an additional bit of dialogue with Royland where if you choose to kick Gryff out of Ironrath he says he can rally 40 soldiers, does it look like there's 40 Forrester Soldiers in Ironrath? I don't think so. It's hard for them to fit so much on screen, simply for animation purposes- but they'll be a lot more pitfighters than you might think.

    1. Gryff's eye healing was compeletely bullshit
    2. The traitor begin revealed was too lazy
    3. Gared and Mira's role in EP 5 wasn't that much surprising
    4. a short length
    5. Arthur gets tortured no matter what, even if you bring the whole Glenmore guard (including Arthur)
    6. The "Beast" died quickly at the battle
    7. "Oh hi,brother i have brought you an army of 6/8/10 of pitfighters, fuck yeah we're unstoppable!"
    8. Finn died like "anything can be killed!" "AHHHHHH...GARED...DO...SOMETHING!"
    9. Tyrion finds out that cersei sent you no matter what? Oh yea, your choices matter. In EP 6 something must matter or else I will not call this game your choices matter
  • This, please check out those threads to have all your questions answered perfectly.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I'm sure you can tell by the dozens of threads saying what was wrong with it and It's already been summed up. Go look on threads such as "Wo

  • edited September 2015

    dany keep her promise of rewarding you if you obey all of her orders or you disobeyed her with a good reasone (telling her beska was a slave)

  • I could believe that more if there wasn't that scene where Asher goes to see the pit fighters and there's how many on screen there? To me, that just says again that they were rushing it since there was only the handful of fighters when they just showed they can have the models on screen.

    Brody100 posted: »

    They can't possibly show all of the Pitfighters on screen, he probably had about twenty or thirty in total to be honest. There's an addition

  • edited September 2015

    rodrick is the better fighter acording to the lore he is house foresters best. and they arent fighting the same way, rodrick is using his fathers big heavy sword and takes longer to swing and asher quickly stab the whitehills with a knife. they just kills the same enemies

    Koinzell posted: »

    To me the most ridiculous thing in the episode was that asher and rodrick fight the same way in the end. Asher suposed be such a great , ang

  • Dany said:I will see that you are rewarded she didnt say in which way so her giving u gold is still a reward

  • Actually the fight happens the same way with very slight variations, it's almost a carbon copy! I've played them both

    rodrick is the better fighter acording to the lore he is house foresters best. and they arent fighting the same way, rodrick is using his fa

  • I'd just like to point out that in TWD season 1, TWAU, and now in GoT, they have done versions of the stranger scene so that the choices would actually matter for the player. The difference was that the stranger and the crooked man both were the obvious bad guys the entire game. Even for the stranger scene in The Walking Dead, a good amount of people (me included) never took from his car and still were positive enough influences on Clem so that his points were as invalid as Royland/Duncan's points were.

    We complain about our choices not having some sort of effect on the plot, but when we get scenes like these that put our choices on an examination table, we can't even enjoy those moments either.

  • To be fair on that point about the Stranger, he's a fucking psychopath, you're not supposed to take his words seriously.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I'd just like to point out that in TWD season 1, TWAU, and now in GoT, they have done versions of the stranger scene so that the choices wou

  • I never perceived him as full on psychopath.. I did take him pretty seriously. Especially in my asshole playthrough lmao

    tintin1029 posted: »

    To be fair on that point about the Stranger, he's a fucking psychopath, you're not supposed to take his words seriously.

  • It was an okay episode.

  • edited September 2015

    A man that talks to his dead wife's head in a bowling bag is a pretty crazy man to me.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I never perceived him as full on psychopath.. I did take him pretty seriously. Especially in my asshole playthrough lmao

  • You know I kinda forgot about that part... Which is a big part of who he is...

    I take back the idea that he wasn't a lunatic lol.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    A man that talks to his dead wife's head in a bowling bag is a pretty crazy man to me.

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