Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • I sent you a friend request. :P

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Can someone invite me to the rhysha group? my steam

  • Ty

    Pipas posted: »

    I sent you a friend request. :P

  • Is it me or things are getting real slow here?

    enter image description here


  • Rhysha gets the official CL4P-TP Steward Bot Seal of Approval:

    enter image description here

  • Shut up, Claptrap.

    Rhysha gets the official CL4P-TP Steward Bot Seal of Approval:

  • Rhysha gets the official CL4P-TP Steward Bot Seal of Approval:

  • Rhysha gets the official CL4P-TP Steward Bot Seal of Approval:

  • enter image description here

    Rhysha gets the official CL4P-TP Steward Bot Seal of Approval:

  • Like "oh, be quiet, you" shut up?

    Or "I'd like to jam my fist into your skull" shut up?

    Pipas posted: »

    Shut up, Claptrap.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited September 2015

    Have you guys get a warning about the dot?

  • .

    Eryka posted: »

    Have you guys get a warning about the dot?

  • Could you stop that kind of talk here?

    ZapThroat posted: »


  • Why?

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Could you stop that kind of talk here?

  • It's Rhyionesque.

    ZapThroat posted: »


  • Ok,that’s fair,not happening again.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    It's Rhyionesque.

  • No Reggie likes for me m8


  • Rhysha is honestly the only ship w/ Rhys that makes any sense. Rhys and Fiona hate each other's guts in the flash-forward sections of the games, plus Telltale has been pushing it along with the amount of sections where Rhys and Sasha are alone together. You even have the option to give her a flower for fuck sake.

  • Well said Grumps.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    It's Rhyionesque.

  • Finally,someone who understands,welcome man. :)

    Lokoso posted: »

    Rhysha is honestly the only ship w/ Rhys that makes any sense. Rhys and Fiona hate each other's guts in the flash-forward sections of the ga

  • As much as I FUCKING love Rhysha, I will admit that I can see Rhys/Vaughn being possible as well.

    But for the other ships, yeah, I don't see them happening.

    Lokoso posted: »

    Rhysha is honestly the only ship w/ Rhys that makes any sense. Rhys and Fiona hate each other's guts in the flash-forward sections of the ga

  • Now all I have to do, is get that killer font in my profile picture.
    What is that font?

    As much as I FUCKING love Rhysha, I will admit that I can see Rhys/Vaughn being possible as well. But for the other ships, yeah, I don't see them happening.

  • No idea, our head graphic designer @Grumpydof is the one who Rhyshafies avatars, but he's actually working on a huge project right now and would like to focus himself on it.

    He'll get to new member's avatars when he's done, I think.

    Lokoso posted: »

    Now all I have to do, is get that killer font in my profile picture. What is that font?

  • Well goddamn. I could probably find the font myself if I tried, and..ahem.. "Rhyshafy" my own avatar.

    No idea, our head graphic designer @Grumpydof is the one who Rhyshafies avatars, but he's actually working on a huge project right now and would like to focus himself on it. He'll get to new member's avatars when he's done, I think.

  • edited September 2015

    Rhys and Fiona hate each other's guts in the flash-forward sections of the game


    Lokoso posted: »

    Rhysha is honestly the only ship w/ Rhys that makes any sense. Rhys and Fiona hate each other's guts in the flash-forward sections of the ga

  • braces self

    No_username posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona hate each other's guts in the flash-forward sections of the game inb4 rhyiona shippers come in and be like "OMG THEY BICKER LIKE A MARRIED COUPLE THEY'RE SO IN LOVE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"

  • You could always take another users avatar, clip the "rhysha" part out and recolor it, then paste it on your own

    Lokoso posted: »

    Well goddamn. I could probably find the font myself if I tried, and..ahem.. "Rhyshafy" my own avatar.

  • That sounds like a more rigorous process than just using the font, honestly. Could always just wait for Grump.

    You could always take another users avatar, clip the "rhysha" part out and recolor it, then paste it on your own

  • Probably best.

    Lokoso posted: »

    That sounds like a more rigorous process than just using the font, honestly. Could always just wait for Grump.

  • I agree with this so much. Also i dont see how people think Rhyack is even feasible, its such a silly ship lol.

    Yets its the most popular TFTBL ship on tumblr. Oh well.
    enter image description here

    Lokoso posted: »

    Rhysha is honestly the only ship w/ Rhys that makes any sense. Rhys and Fiona hate each other's guts in the flash-forward sections of the ga

  • edited September 2015

    Barely 2 weeks in school and already too much stupid drama that i somehow go wrapped up in.
    enter image description here

    I need new friends ffs.

  • Tru...

    No_username posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona hate each other's guts in the flash-forward sections of the game inb4 rhyiona shippers come in and be like "OMG THEY BICKER LIKE A MARRIED COUPLE THEY'RE SO IN LOVE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"

  • I feel yah the first time I went back to regular public school for only a semester and I already had sucky grades, unwanted drama, and getting almost arrested....

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Barely 2 weeks in school and already too much stupid drama that i somehow go wrapped up in. I need new friends ffs.

  • Ohh Pipas can you add me too? I didnt knew you guys had a steam account! <- That me

    Pipas posted: »

    I sent you a friend request. :P

  • Though I will admit seeing them argue like an old married couple was midly amusing for the first few times those idiots tried it but now my room spells of lewd and disgust SO QUIT IT.


  • enter image description here

    Lokoso posted: »

    Well goddamn. I could probably find the font myself if I tried, and..ahem.. "Rhyshafy" my own avatar.


    UmbraCode posted: »

    I agree with this so much. Also i dont see how people think Rhyack is even feasible, its such a silly ship lol. Yets its the most popular TFTBL ship on tumblr. Oh well.

  • The Kuroko is strong in this gif.

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Barely 2 weeks in school and already too much stupid drama that i somehow go wrapped up in. I need new friends ffs.

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