Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • You should do that more often ^-^

    I occasionally jump in and say hi and join the fun.

  • I guess.

    As long as it's dead.

  • I want to. :)

    But I recently found a job, so that occupies most of my time these days,

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    You should do that more often ^-^

  • I know it's not real. I was joking xD

    The biggest known spiders are a bit bigger than your palms.

    Well, that's something that I didn't know. Now I'm kinda scared xD

    Who knows they might be somewhere in australia though, what isn't. Wouldn't be surprised.

    Okay, if giant spiders would exist, I would be scared as fuck ;-; And I would love not to visit Australia any time soon xD

    That's not real, It's just a stereotype of Australia thay everything will kill you. The biggest known spiders are a bit bigger than your palms. Who knows they might be somewhere in australia though, what isn't. Wouldn't be surprised.

  • Hey, cool that you found a job :)

    Stop by whenever your can, then.

    I want to. But I recently found a job, so that occupies most of my time these days,

  • Sorry, man, I ate 'em all. Maybe next time!

    Whipped cream ^-^

  • Well, it's not that early for me.

    Well that's nothing new, I've always wanted a cat.

    Well, everyone wants a cat. Except me. I actually prefer dogs x3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Still pretty early xD Well that's nothing new, I've always wanted a cat.

  • I like both cats and dogs, actually xD

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, it's not that early for me. Well that's nothing new, I've always wanted a cat. Well, everyone wants a cat. Except me. I actually prefer dogs x3

  • Just send me the damn PM already! XP

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It did not come from this thread. :P

  • Good morning, heh :)

    So I uh, nearly broke my finger like, 15 minutes ago:

    I'm an idiot sometimes

    Basically I was on the landing and I swung my arm in a hooking motion, my fingers smacked straight into the wooden shelves on the landing, and now I feel stupid :P

    It may not look like much but even now it hurts, like a throbbing sensation. I CAN bend it but it really hurts when I do, my Dad is sure that I've damaged a ligament inside my finger, so he's gonna tape it to my ring finger so it can heal quicker...

    This really sucks though cuz I'm right handed. I have work in an hour and if I can't do the job I could be sent home :( Plus I can't grip anything!

  • I have been worrying about so many little stupid things (and yes, I'm still worrying) that made me hesitate to share my own stuff here, and I know I am just freaking myself out.

    And the last time I posted my own stuff was like......a few months ago......yeah.

    Now, have some Rhys and Fiona :)

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • I live in Australia and I can confirm that we have spiders that bite through your skin and eat your kidneys, there's also babies with sharp teeth.

    Oh, and Tony Abbott.

    That's not real, It's just a stereotype of Australia thay everything will kill you. The biggest known spiders are a bit bigger than your palms. Who knows they might be somewhere in australia though, what isn't. Wouldn't be surprised.

  • Gimme the pills! I don't care what they are or what they do just gimme!!! >:D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I was going to offer you guys some antiRhyspun-meds but then I changed my mind. Rhys puns are irrhysistible!!!

  • Ouch, that looks really painful. Hope it gets better soon, put some ice on it :P

    Oh, and now is a good time to learn to write with your left hand... sorry, sorry.

    I once slammed my left thumb into a wall. It hurt for weeks afterwards.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Good morning, heh So I uh, nearly broke my finger like, 15 minutes ago: Basically I was on the landing and I swung my arm in a ho

  • Wow, they're amazing, especially Fiona!

  • It's healing up very slowly now, which is good cuz I have work in 45 minutes :P

    Lol, I have tried many times to do that, no luck yet! Which is a little odd cuz my Dad is left handed :/

    OUCH! I have managed to do that a couple of times :( I initially thought I'd dislocated or broken it cuz it wouldn't move at all!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ouch, that looks really painful. Hope it gets better soon, put some ice on it :P Oh, and now is a good time to learn to write with your left hand... sorry, sorry. I once slammed my left thumb into a wall. It hurt for weeks afterwards.

  • I had 56 once :P

    kristi78968 posted: »

    FINALLY HOME! Let's see how many notifications I have... Shit.

  • Whoa!!! How did you manage this?! :O

    Yes Finally!! On behalf of the thread I would like to wish you a Happy Birthday @Kristi78968!! And to help me with that I got huge help by these bright and incredible students in India, Hope You Enjoy!! ≧◡≦ enter link description here

  • Cockroaches can survive drowning... Proven on Mythbusters :(


  • No secret for me:

    I was keeping up with the announcements on TFTB and GOT. But it took me months to start playing them :P

    Since we can't talk about off topic things, I guess we can still talk about Telltale. So let's talk about how you first knew about TFTBL....

  • Wow, man, your mornings really suck these days... hope you'll feel better very soon!

    And I belive nohuhhuh and others summed it up pretty well under your last morning post, but still... you're definitely not pathetic. I mean it. I know what it's like to have poor social life, I know what it's like to be sensitive, I know what it's like to be in pain. Just... you're not alone here with problems like these, you know? I wish I could give you some good advice, but I don't really have any...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Good morning, heh So I uh, nearly broke my finger like, 15 minutes ago: Basically I was on the landing and I swung my arm in a ho

  • Oh God!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

    That feel when your leg itches and you run your hand through it and notice that it's a $PIDER

  • The Goliath Bird Eater can be the size of 2 adult hands!

    That's not real, It's just a stereotype of Australia thay everything will kill you. The biggest known spiders are a bit bigger than your palms. Who knows they might be somewhere in australia though, what isn't. Wouldn't be surprised.

  • They're both lovely!!! <3

    I adore that anime style! XD

  • This was my own fault cuz I need to pay better attention to my surroundings :P

    Thnx for the support dude, it means a lot to know that I'm welcome here regardless of my insecurities :)

    HellFish posted: »

    Wow, man, your mornings really suck these days... hope you'll feel better very soon! And I belive nohuhhuh and others summed it up pretty

  • That's cool, I wish you good luck with work :P

    Your dad sounds like an awesome guy :D

    I thought it was broken or something but my doctor aunt said otherwise so I had to grin and bear it x)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It's healing up very slowly now, which is good cuz I have work in 45 minutes :P Lol, I have tried many times to do that, no luck yet! Whi

  • They're so cute! Great job Tessie! :)

  • Burn down the house and the neighbourhood, just to be safe.


  • Does John is coming back today?

  • I don't have it either. After the update the bell disappeared.

    How come you all have a notifications thing and I don't?

  • yeah, now I will have to look for other sources, too. And no more Ayase? Awww.

    Green613 posted: »

    what the fuck good thing i didnt use it anyway LMAO i have other sources

  • Yup.

    Also it's "Is John coming back today?".

    Eryka posted: »

    Does John is coming back today?

  • Sorry, I'm sleepy. It was 6:33 AM when I wrote this. I'm still sleepy.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yup. Also it's "Is John coming back today?".

  • I like John, he cool.

    Eryka posted: »

    Does John is coming back today?

  • It's 1pm here. Man, the timezones..

    Eryka posted: »

    Sorry, I'm sleepy. It was 6:33 AM when I wrote this. I'm still sleepy.

  • He's the lewd god, of course everyone likes him x3

    I like John, he cool.

  • *likes him in a lewd way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    He's the lewd god, of course everyone likes him x3

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